Chapter 87 - Confusion On The Loose

Who was lying and who was telling the truth, Yin Mian wanted to know so badly. She was beginning to understand now that Chen Qiangu had said the truth, she did lose her memory and that was why she couldn't even remember a single thing from her past.

But could Lu Xianjian be lying? She wondered, the man who had taken care of her so well and with love since she woke up from that hospital bed,could he have been deceiving her? The more she thought about it, the more it didn't make sense. She was still wondering who or what to believe when Chen Qiangu barged in.

When she saw him,she sat on the bed. He went and sat close to her. "I'm sorry for troubling you like this and though you might not remember now but you mean the world to me. My life was lonely and cold till you arrived and filled it with so much happiness and although we've experienced bad times in our lives,your presence always braced me up for the worst and gave me strength to face any challenge head on but when I thought you left me forever just a year ago, I broke down and my life became so miserable. I know that you're confused and upset and it's all because of Lu Xianjian's tricks but I promise I'll be here for you. The children and I need you in our lives and no matter how long it takes, I'm willing to support you till you regain your memory and I have my old Yin Mian back." Chen Qiangu said passionately holding her hands and starring into her eyes.

Every word he said hit her like a bomb, the man in front of her had to be saying the truth, no one could ever lie so smoothly and fluently.

He got up to leave but he stopped and she didn't understand why. "Wait! I want to know what happened to me, everything about my past and you're the only one I can trust. Just tell me what to do and I'll do it. I just have to know, I don't have the luxury of precaution." She voiced.