Chen Qiangu hugged her and she cried some more. He patted her back as she poured out her heart to him. "Auntie Jiao has been the only one that's been there for me,you were always busy with a meeting or out late. Auntie Jiao was the one who went with me to school when it was bring your parent to school day, I understand you were really busy. Where was mum then? When I had nightmares and couldn't sleep, Auntie Jiao was the one who sang for me till I could fall asleep."

"When you went on a business trip and I had a little fever, Auntie Jiao was the one who was with me throughout, she encouraged me not to be scared when I took the injection saying big girls don't cry,where was mum all those times when I needed her? Forget about me for a minute but what about Mengyao, he was still so little then when she was said to be dead. For the past one year that he's needed a mother because this is his childhood, where was she?"

"Everyday the driver takes us to school, Mengyao sees kids being carried so lovingly and played with by their mums while being taken to school, where the hell was she then? On mother's day,Mengyao refused to leave his room and the next day when he left his room, I sneaked into it and guess what? He had pasted posters he had designed on the wall of his room which said that he was ready to be poor, he didn't want any car or a huge room, or numerous toys."

"He said he only wanted his mother,so he could leave a normal life just like other kids. Daddy when I saw the posters, I was heartbroken, I shed tears. Where was mum then? After twelve months, she waltzes back to our lives and expects to be welcomed with open arms like nothing happened? No! If anyone deserves you, it's definitely not her,it's Auntie Jiao." Yiren screamed

Chen Qiangu held his anger in and tried to explain to Yiren that Yin Mian had gone through a near death experience and lost her memory in the process and that Yin Mian needed their love and care now more than ever but Yiren refused to see reason with him,it was just like she had been bewitched.