Chapter 95 - Falling Into The Demoness's Trap

She poured them both some wine and came back to sit next to him. "Please just cut to the chase,I don't have all the time to loose." President Chen was impatient.

He Jiao smiled and handed a glass of wine to him and held hers. "I know that for the past few weeks you've been trying your best to get Yin Mian to regain her memory but all your attempts have failed. I want to help you because I consider you a friend and your children mean the world to me,they need a mother." He Jiao quipped.

Chen Qiangu starred at her intently hoping that what she had to say could be of some use to him. "President Chen you haven't touched your drink, please take a sip. It will surely relax your nerves." He Jiao persuaded.

"No thanks, I've had enough to drink at the party I hosted." He declined, he didn't trust He Jiao one bit. She understood and laughed. "Please take a sip,it would mean alot to me. If you honour my request, I'll honour my word and help your wife." He Jiao threatened with a started. President Chen knew what she was getting at,she hadn't taken a sip from her own glass. "Since you're the one hosting me, I want you to take the first sip." He offered. She smiled and agreed. She drank some wine from her glass and looked at Chen Qiangu undaunted.

Chen Qiangu took a sip and realized it was Yin Mian's favorite wine. He drank a bit more. "So tell me." He started. "President Chen, I know your efforts have been disappointed and the frustration has made you impatient, so I'll keep my end of the bargain." He Jiao said and got up leaving the room.

Chen Qiangu noticed that his vision was starting to blur,he thought it was the effect of the alcohol he had taken earlier but it was much more than that. He felt weak,no,tired and really sleepy as his vision kept blurring the more, he tried to get up but he couldn't and he fell on the bed.