Chapter 97 - False Accusations

Chen Qiangu woke up with a headache and found out he was nude,his eyes scanned the room and then the n.a.k.e.d figure of He Jiao snuggled under a blanket hit him like a tornado. He almost couldn't believe it, he cleaned his eyes to be sure it was reality.

He immediately woke He Jiao up,she yawned softly. "What is going on?" He asked confused. "What does it look like? We were intimate last night." He Jiao snapped. "How? Why?" President Chen asked. He Jiao knew it was time to put her acting skills to the test.

She started shedding crocodile tears as she formed a c.o.c.k and bull story. "I'm sorry President Chen, I tried to stop you but I just couldn't. You were too strong. I went to get the drug and returned with it but by the time I returned,you had only a towel on. I sensed you were drunk because you mentioned that you came here from a party. You advanced towards me and made your intentions known to me. I refused because I knew you were drunk, President Chen you forced yourself on me." He Jiao continued wailing uncontrollably, you would almost believe she was telling the truth.

"What you're saying can't be true,I would never force myself on you no matter what state I'm in. I only had a few glasses of alcohol and I was perfectly fine when I came here. I even drove here on my own. I don't remember a thing of what you've just said and the last thing I remember is you walking out the door and that's it. After that, I felt dizzy and blanked out so what you're saying isn't true,it can't be." President Chen defended.

He Jiao wouldn't relent,she kept crying and accusing him of not believing her and raping her. "President Chen I can't believe you did this to me. I am in shock and disbelief that I once adored and admired you, you were my role model but not only did you force yourself on me last night, you're currently accusing me of telling lies." He Jiao enumerated. Chen Qiangu starred at her speechless and confused as hell.