Little five sincerely said to his mother, "do you know that this is the great sage of Qi Tian who protected Tang monk from scriptures in those days. Now he is my monkey brother. He is in trouble now. I think about it. Maybe only my mother can help him."

The little five Niang put down the chemical reagent in her hand, looked back at brother monkey, and then laughed loudly: "the great saint of Qi Tian is so powerful, you still need to ask us mortals to do something?"

The monkey's face immediately turned red. It was estimated that he was old. The monkey's temper had converged a lot. He took a breath, rubbed his face with his hands, put on a very happy expression and came up to little five Niang.

"Big sister, little five said you have a way. Please give me some magic weapons."

"Who's the eldest sister? You look like my son, but you're about the same age as my son. What do you mean?" Little five Niang said.

Xiao Wu chuckled and squatted down with his stomach in his arms.

The chemical reagent in the room changed. Little five Niang hurried to add potion. The liquid in the bottle suddenly turned into something contained in solid cheese.

With the cry of Xiao Wu's mother, Xiao Wu and brother monkey jumped out a long way.

"It finally succeeded. This is a major invention in the history of modern human genes. I have to try its stability." Little five Niang's expression suddenly became stable. She held the report paper in her hand and kept nodding. Her uncontrollable joy was out of control.

Xiao Wu immediately went to make tea, brought a large pot of tea, handed Xiao Wu a cup and gave my mother a cup. His eyes took a look at the report, and his eyes suddenly lit up. Isn't this what brother monkey needs? At the same time, my mother still wants to verify it, so let brother monkey take back Huaguo Mountain and bring it to my mother to taste the flat peach from heaven.

He stuck it to my mother's ear and asked, "what's the purpose of your potion?"

"Well, this is to change the biological gene so that he can give full play to the greatest power of life."

"I don't quite understand. If you use a peach tree as a metaphor, how far can it grow?" Little five asked.

Mother carefully explained the function of this thing to Xiao Wu and compared it with the growth results of peach trees. For example, a peach tree normally takes three years to bear fruit. With this potion, the peach tree can bear fruit in only three days.

A peach tree of tens of thousands of years can bear fruit in just two months with an added amount of medicine, and the number of fruits is very terrible. It can be said that it is not a problem for a peach tree to bear thousands of fruits.

But this potion has a disadvantage, that is, the peach tree grows too fast, which is likely to cause the peach tree to die early. Because the energy consumption is too concentrated, it keeps planting new peach trees.

The news was great news for brother monkey. He stretched out two monkey hands, bowed deeply to little five Niang, and begged on his face.

"Big sister, please give me your potion."

Little five turned back and gave brother monkey a wink, which meant to make him stop talking for the time being. He thought of a way to come to this thing himself. He turned back and thought of a way for him.

He picked up my mother's reagent, opened his mouth and said with a smile, "otherwise I'll take it to help you experiment?"

"Well, it's not impossible, but you have to record the whole process of plant growth."

Hearing that little five Niang promised to come down, he grabbed the big glass bottle directly from my mother, put a big bottle of Potion on his body, and pulled brother monkey out of the room.

Before returning to his room, Xiao Wu arranged for the mute and the fairy to take care of the supermarket. Even if his room was on fire, he couldn't go in to save it.

The fairy's eyes were long and she muttered, "I don't know what you've been doing all day. God talks."

Little five threw a peach to fairy and went into the room.

Brother monkey looked at Xiao Wu with eager eyes, and finally couldn't hide the monkey's anxious mood in his heart. His hands scratched on his face and made an anxious sound.

"Don't worry, turn on my mobile phone first, and then take me to Huaguo Mountain. I'll help you plant trees."

"Well, let you see my ability." Brother monkey took out the golden cudgel directly from his ear and gently smashed it on the cell phone of the cabin, making a grain on his cell phone.

Little five's eyes were blue. He stared and asked brother monkey, "what does this mean? What do you use to smash me?"

Brother monkey didn't speak. He picked up the mobile phone directly and filled it with immortal Qi. The white fog wrapped the mobile phone. Gradually, a little light appeared on the screen of the mobile phone. But the screensaver became a portrait of brother monkey.

Little five was in a cold sweat: "brother monkey, are you too narcissistic?" But just after his words, he felt his body light, as if he had put down his body, followed brother monkey directly through the passage of a black hole, and landed on the Huaguo Mountain as before.

After arriving at Huaguo Mountain, Xiao Wu saw devastation, dead trees and weeds everywhere. The poor monkeys could only sit on stones and eat leaves. There were several spider bodies on the ground and two thin monkeys with only skeletons left.

After seeing brother monkey coming back, the monkeys gathered around as if they were crazy. They held up their hands and prayed to brother monkey. A little tears appeared from the corners of brother monkey's eyes, comforted and said, "children, please bear it first. I'll help you invite back the great God. We won't be hungry again from now on."

With the help of many monkeys, they found a big tree on Huaguo Mountain. There was a fresh peach branch under the tree. After taking off the peach branch, they buried it in the newly selected place.

Xiao Wu slowly poured the potion in his hand. The peach branch didn't change, but the soil seemed to have changed.

Suddenly he thought of a question. When he came to Huaguo Mountain, he couldn't bring his mobile phone and take any video. He looked at brother monkey: "I can't video. How can I explain it to my mother when I go back?"

"It's easy to do. As long as peaches can grow, I'll find a way for you. Anyway, I'm also the saint of heaven."

Little five nodded. He followed brother monkey into the water curtain hole and opened the last jar of wine. Both goods were drunk. Unexpectedly, he slept for two days.

When they woke up, they found that there seemed to be a lot of leaves in the water curtain cave. These fresh leaves had not been seen by brother monkey for a long time.

"Is this the power of potion?" Brother monkey was surprised.

Little five walked out of the water curtain cave with brother monkey. Suddenly, he felt a huge dark shadow drilling into the sky, and there were bursts of fruit fragrance from the air.

An old monkey ran to Xiao Wu with an excited look on his face and fell on his knees.

"Your Majesty, the monkeys on our mountain are saved. Go out with the great God. What a big peach tree and a peach are enough for us to eat for a year."