"The fuel consumption of 19 liters per hundred kilometers is not a big problem. If I don't have a motor well, I may worry, but now, the higher the fuel consumption is the embodiment of power!"

Close the fuel tank cap, Su Mo's heart suddenly filled with pride.

"The diesel engine well is a good thing. When you have the opportunity and get enough cores, you must find a way to sacrifice the well, otherwise it will be too injured to be destroyed or occupied by the enemy in the deep sea shelter!"

Looking at a large area of shrubs that had been burning in the distance and the sky burning flames, sumo was meditating.

The previous plan was to open a channel between the two places, and if the main refuge was in danger, he could leave along the channel.

In this way, even if the main refuge falls and the Youneng well is gone, we can still rely on the oil well to stabilize and wait for the opportunity to make a comeback.

In this way, you can avoid putting all the eggs in one basket and smashing them all.

But now it seems that the right way is to concentrate all our efforts to develop a shelter base.

If you share your energy and survival, you may be too scattered to make everyone strong enough in the subsequent catastrophe. That's a joke.

"There are so many treasure boxes, and the things that come out will be enough for me to exchange what I need in the secret place!"

Greet Oreo, who is still licking on the car glass at this time, get on the car. Sumo fires again and drives in another direction completely different from the underground shelter.

With such obvious rut marks, if you go directly back to the base, you will definitely be found by the dog headed man following the traces.

Therefore, the best direction at present is


"If I go to the war years, I must be a good player in scheming!"

At the thought of the lion man, looking at the lion God quietly in the boot space, Su Mo immediately couldn't hold his expression and laughed.

Even Su Mo had thought that the dog headed man who had suffered heavy losses from the bombing was mad, followed the ruts all the way, and then met the expression of the lion camp on the way.

Reckless man, will choose direct hard.

Smart people will choose to use their strength.

Only those who can truly see through the hearts and interests of the people in the end will unite and fight against everything that can be fought, just like sumo now.

"All the aliens came to this world full of natural disasters on their own initiative, and they must have some needs. Unfortunately, now they don't know the language, and they don't know what they need or what their purpose is!"

"I can only take one step and see one step!"

Unable to figure out the situation of others, Su Mo can only infer from the situation around him.

The number of magical creatures is so large that they will not be put into billions at a time like humans.

Therefore, the only way for these creatures to develop, grow and achieve their goal of coming to this world is--

Continue to win the ethnic war!

This is the fundamental difference between the interests of Terrans and fantasy races. If human beings want to develop on the wasteland, they must try to hunt these creatures and get the treasure chest.

But the same rule is also common to aliens. Terrans are also races. After 300 Terrans are slaughtered by fantasy creatures, they can still summon rift teleportation.

This leads to the fact that when we meet, humans want to kill creatures, take the treasure chest, and creatures want to kill humans to open the cracks and strengthen the clan.

The interests of both sides are the other side. Under the continuous natural disasters and continuous death, it is naturally impossible to cooperate honestly all the time.

To the back, there must be a war!

"After this wave, I have to lie dormant for a period of time. Before I get to know each other's cards, I make things too often and too dangerous!"

It is not su Mo's character to hide in a solid shelter and face all kinds of dangers passively.

Take the initiative to attack, take the shelter as your backup, as your solid backing when danger comes, and don't hesitate when it's time to go to the extreme.

Only in this way can we maximize our survival, catch up with those large number of shelters with personal strength, and always establish advantages.

On the way to the lion tribe, sumo's thoughts have drifted into the distance.

On the plain, with the windshield and high chassis, the Land Rover's speed is getting faster and faster unconsciously.

With an average speed of 50 or 60 yards, the lion's camp appeared on the horizon in less than an hour.

Stop the car, unfasten the seat belt, take out the telescope in the trunk space, and Su Mo directly sticks out his head and looks at the lion village from a distance.

The main safe house, which was blasted and burned by picric acid, was now in ruins.

In addition to the foundation is still alive, the surrounding area has been burned naked, and it doesn't look like a house anyway.

A dark mass of lions surrounded the semi abandoned safe house that had been burned, and I don't know what ceremony was being held.

"The living power of the lion is preserved. If you want to run at speed, there must be no way for the dog headed man... Just this village, it's estimated that you can't hold it."

Return to the seat, fasten the seat belt, sumo swaggered to start the car and drove straight to the lion village.

After reaching 300 meters, seeing that the lion did not respond, sumo also sounded the horn twice with great interest.



The long horn interrupted the rhythm of praying for the lion in front of the safe house, and hundreds of pairs of eyes turned around and stared at Su Mo in the car.

"Hello, Hello!"

Waved, so close that sumo could see the consternation and anger on the lion's face.

"Oreo, you tell them that since we dare to slaughter humans wantonly, we will clean them up one day. Now it's just an appetizer“

"By the way, tell him that you are the pioneer General of the Kobold, and I also cooperate with the Kobold!"

Orio, who was sitting in the co pilot's seat, heard sumo's words, and the dog's face showed a bad smile of successful treachery.

Sticking out the dog's head and facing the lion outside the window, Oreo shouted loudly, with disdain and ridicule in his tone.

The warlock dog head man at that time ridiculed the "coquettish" strength of Oreo as a low race, which played 12%!

This time, after hearing Orio's dialect, even if he didn't come to him, sumo could feel the murderous spirit that almost overflowed in the lion village.

"Good guy, don't poke the needle attracted by hatred. Don't worry. Let's let the bullet fly for a few seconds first“

Looking at the lion soldier who had rushed out of the village, Su Mo was in no hurry. His feet were on the accelerator and his hands were on the window, quietly blowing the power of the evening.

Through the window, Su Mo could see the female lion in the center. She seemed to be crazy, and rushed out with high wind power.

The scene of hundreds of lions charging is extremely spectacular. Unfortunately, there is no camera, otherwise Su Mo wants to record this classic moment.

Until the first lion charged to a distance of 100 meters, sumo's right foot was suddenly stepped down, and a burst of exhaust roared out on the wilderness.

The next second, a black smoke rose and the wheels began to rotate rapidly.

The strong grip brought by at tires made the vehicle speed rise at a glance. Looking at the side of the lion charge, Su Mo clenched the steering wheel with both hands and rushed straight.

When all the lions saw Su Mo moving, they had no choice but to run behind the car.

The speed of the land tiger has been kept at the point that the lion can catch up, but it can't catch up. Until the lion behind him left traces of the wheel, leaned on the tread to cover up three or five hundred meters, stretched out his hand, Su Mo said goodbye with one hand, and suddenly stepped on the accelerator.

40... 60... 80!

The speed of the Land Rover is faster and faster, and more and more lions can only reluctantly stop their pursuit, looking at the distant vehicles, their eyes are angry.

The lioness who was squeezed behind, because the team stopped, also came to the first place at this time.

Looking at the vehicle that was about to disappear in sight at this time, I don't know why. In her heart, even in the face of Kobold people, she didn't feel powerless. At this time, she was helpless in the face of Su mo.

After a while, the female lion waved her hand, and the lion began to return to the village.

On the earth, there are only pieces of lion feet left, and it is difficult to see a trace of wheel prints any more.