Reciting the names of two resources, Su Mo realized the reason why Magu chose the shelter in this position.

The saltpeter mine, which covers a huge area and has exaggerated output, is at least a three-level start according to the star judgment, and the probability should not be Ma Gu's handwriting.

However, sumo is sure that this secondary sulfur mine is definitely created by Magu, both in terms of location and mining quantity!

As a soldier, Ma Gu is not old. In terms of information exchange in that era, most of the technology and cognition he can contact come from things he is familiar with on weekdays or from the mouth of other people.

A general vein was gradually outlined in sumo's heart.

The reason why Magu chose to build his base at this location should be that he saw such exaggerated saltpeter ore, and then thought that as long as he found sulfur, he could prepare gunpowder.

Therefore, after getting the machine tool and sulfur mine, Magu used to make a large amount of ammunition through the machine tool and sell it in exchange for other resources.

Unfortunately, Magu is not selling arms, but a part of a bullet production line.

He didn't drive to the copper mine, so when making bullets, he needed to pay a large amount of surtax to the players who had the copper mine.

This led to his failure to accumulate enough money.

"In this way, my luck is good! If I can drive to the copper mine in the resource card and repair the hot weapon machine tool, I can directly produce bullets, sell them continuously and become an arms dealer!"

The level of the treasure chest item copy coupon is wood level. Su Mo doesn't know whether it can copy a higher-level card.

But at this time, looking at a resource card that has been derived, Su Mo had thoughts flowing in his eyes and began to think about the pros and cons quickly in his mind.

The productivity improvement brought by resource cards is very intuitive.

At this stage, as long as we can get a variety of resources near the shelter, we can directly shout "Wuhu take off".

Staring at the duplicate coupon, Su Mo looked at the random words on the card when he hesitated to use it.

A pat on the head, Su Mo suddenly realized!

"How can I forget this! I still have hundreds of treasure chests. These treasure chests may open to other cards!"

With random resource generation cards first, it's hard not to think that fixed resources may be used to generate cards later.

If a fixed copper and iron ore resource card can be directly opened from the treasure box, even if the output is not much, it can also give a rocket to the early development speed.

"Today... No! Tomorrow morning, we will start to study and upgrade the shelter. When the space is expanded, we will directly open all the treasure boxes at one time!"

Su Mo's eyes flashed when he walked to the chest wall.

If there is a steady flow of resource cards, the barren depression under your feet will never be the poverty of Magu at that time.

Copper ore, iron ore, even rare earth ore, as well as more resources, driven by the resource card, will turn the depression into the richest place on this piece of waste land and become a fairy region that everyone admires.

The new resource function is the same as opening the door to the new world.

With motivation, Su Mo only felt full of energy even in the underground shelter.

After putting a few cards in the storage space carefully, he came to the material room. Su Mo used both of them and began to prepare dinner.

"Kobold... Lion, we have to solve it as soon as possible, otherwise there are so many resources around me. It's inevitable that these monsters will come to rob, but it doesn't matter if they rob. If there is ore, wait for them to mine some, and I'll clean them up. Rounding it up is equivalent to mining by myself."

"Well, since yeast powder has been produced, let's send some noodles today and eat steamed buns later."

Picking up the medium gluten flour just opened and a small packet of yeast powder, sumo came to the stove and began to prepare dough.

Steamed bun is an old craft of northwest people.

In the past, I suffered from the lack of materials, so I couldn't enjoy the happiness of eating steamed buns and drinking soup. Now I have yeast powder to make noodles, so I can catch it easily.

Take out a little yeast and some sugar, mix them with warm water, pour them into the flour, and knead them until they are "three lights" - basin light, hand light, face light.

At this time, you can put your face aside and wake up.

At the same time, take out some rice, light the firewood under the stove, burn the blower, and boil rice porridge.

With the addition of Youneng water, the process of waking up has also been accelerated a lot.

In just half an hour, Su Mo skillfully took out the dough and kneaded it into the shape of a steamed bun when he found that the inside of the dough had turned into a honeycomb.

Put it into the steamer aside and cover it. Within half an hour, steamed bread and rice porridge are fresh out of the oven.

"Hiss... The steamed bread steamed with you Neng water is too fragrant, which can be smelled through the pot cover!"

Swallowing saliva one by one, I estimated that the time was about the same. I lifted the lid of the pot and looked at the round white steamed buns on it. A kind of happy madness came!

Of course, when Su Mo turned his head and looked aside, Sanxiao couldn't help shouting and couldn't wait to "share" the steamed bread inside.

Back in the material room, Su Mo took out kelp silk and turnip again.

First put the porridge into the three small basins, and then break the steamed bread into small pieces and throw it into them.

Looking at the sweet taste of sparks and Orio, who was greedy and lying barking, Su Mo couldn't help but feel the acid water that had begun to be secreted crazily in his mouth and his index finger moved.

Break off the steamed bread, add shredded kelp, and pinch it tightly!

With this bite, Su Mo bit off a third of it. The solid feeling of the steamed bread and the soft waxy feeling of the hair, mixed with the salty and spicy taste of kelp silk, exploded in his mouth in almost a second.

The pungent taste almost made Su Mo sweat on his head at the first time.

Take another bite, while the taste in your mouth hasn't gone down, blow the sweet and delicious rice porridge next to you, and gulp half a bowl.

At this moment, sumo only feels Even if geothermal resources are developed, they are not as happy as they are now!

The dopamine secretion brought by delicious food has completely exceeded the original limit at this time, which makes people dizzy.

Three mouths a steamed bun, four mouths a bowl of rice porridge.

This meal, Su Mo ate in the dark until there was a protest in his stomach and he couldn't eat any more.

"Good guy, it's the first time to know that ordinary ordinary meals on earth turned out to be so sweet. In the past, it was too busy and lost too much happiness!"

Touching his round stomach, Su Mo sat directly on the ground, leaning his back against the stone stool behind him, looking at the ceiling for a while.

After the crazy secretion of dopamine, it will always bring bursts of emptiness as it slowly disappears.

At this time, naturally, human beings will enter the legendary "sage mode".

Only then will most people jump out of their heavy bodies and think from the perspective of God.

"If this development trend continues, my previous assumptions seem to be overturned!"

With a move of vanity, Su Mo's hand-painted map slowly flew out of the air and fell to the ground in the storage space, calling up the resource map on the game panel.

Taking out a pen, sumo began to carefully modify the data and more accurate topographic relief, and incidentally marked the existing resource reserves on the map.

In addition to sulfur ore resources and newly developed geothermal resources, a whole basin, at least in the current scope, also has a thick oil resource that looks like land under the base.

I don't know whether this resource is developed or naturally generated. I tried it, but Su Mo couldn't see the attribute.

But it also indirectly shows that it is completely feasible to move the layer of oil well!

"Originally, I thought it was just an ordinary survival game. Now, it seems that it has the feeling of a strategy city building game."

"The world of great strife!"

In the upper right corner of the map, Su Mo forced his wrist and wrote these four words!

If you want to develop rapidly, you have to have resources, from the most basic copper mine, iron ore, coal mine, wood, oil to more advanced geothermal and various rare minerals.

If these things are fixed on the map, it's OK that there is only one place. If we develop them together, there is no overall conflict.

But now, the problem in front of us has suddenly changed!

Resources are not only on the map, but also can be generated near the refuge territory through resource cards.

This has led to the fact that those who have no resources are getting poorer and richer. Over time, rounds of competition will naturally break out.

Different races rob, and the same kind also rob. Whoever has resources has become the target of public criticism.

"If I want to transform this barren" depression ", which everyone despises, into a fertile" sumo basin "and a" treasure basin ", it will not only require a lot of resource cards, but also the most important..."
