"Queen mermaid!"

"As long as 50000 points, plus a Youneng crystal can be upgraded!"

"More than 80% of aquatic creatures and 100% of mermaids!"

Among the three upgrade attributes, sumo saw the eye-catching third at a glance.

Not to mention the six new abilities derived from this upgrade method, the bug level ability of liking alone is very rebellious!

It's a pity

"If 50000 points is OK, but you need a serendipity crystal, it's too expensive!"

If the survival point is gone, you can earn money, and the upgrade method can also increase gradually, but if the secretory crystal is gone, you want to wait until the next one, and you don't know when.

"Try to return to your ancestors first. If you can't, you have to think of other ways. You can't throw all your survival on this."

Yesterday's harvest was only 900 points, and 2800 points were spent again, which was equivalent to negative growth.

Rao Shi now has a survival point of 20000. After seeing that the survival point has disappeared again at 2800 points, Su Mo still felt a little distressed.

Fortunately, the change of tortoise shells on the ground quickly attracted Su Mo's attention.

The mermaid blessing, which originally accounted for only about 10%, suddenly expanded like an inflated ball after being assisted by the green light of the system.

The area is only so large. What if you want to become stronger?

It was robbery!

In Su Mo's sight, the green light of the system seemed to be the backing of the mermaid. Before the lion reacted, he was severely stabbed by the powerful Mermaid.

Then, when the lion reacts, the mermaid has occupied 30% of the territory, and the repression of the lion is completely broken.

As the saying goes, one mountain cannot be two tigers.

After the lion's black and cyan color reacted, the two immediately "wrestled" together, one moment you ride on my head, and one moment I press on your crotch.

After about five minutes, when the mermaid finally got half the territory, the system sent out the final help.

This help directly made the mermaid charge a wave, from the first 10% of the territory, and finally expanded to about 65%, mainly turning away from tourists.

And between the two, there is also a zone accounting for about 5% of Mozambique.

In this zone, the two kinds of blessings are magically blended together. It seems that they are fighting each other, and it seems that they are integrated with each other.

"Good guy, from this point of view, the blessing intensity of the mermaid is higher than that of the lion's wind!"

The magical power of "blessing" is new.

However, Su Mo is most concerned about the atavism results that cost up to 2800 points this time.

Concentration, with half a second of scanning, a light blue panel with a new Mermaid blessing attribute appeared.

Extraordinary attribute: Ocean affinity (LV1) - growth potential (two and a half stars)

Extraordinary source: the blessing from the sacrifice of the real mermaid family, and in the blessing process, it triggered the sign of the second atavism. The high priest of the mermaid family personally presided over the atavism ceremony.

Extraordinary ability ①: avoid water (when the shelter is completely wrapped by the sea, no water will enter the shelter by default, and will not cause any water corrosion to the shelter shell - it can be upgraded to enhance the water resistance)

Extraordinary ability ②: breathing (after receiving the highest blessing of the Mermaids for alien creatures, oxygen will circulate by itself in the shelter - it can be upgraded to increase the circulation rate)

Extraordinary ability ③: friendly (the refuge and its players naturally get a certain favor from marine creatures)

Evaluation: according to legend, this is the best blessing of the mermaids to alien creatures. I sincerely wish them a peaceful life in the sea


"As expected, my ability to avoid water has been further improved, and the special effect of breathing has also been added."

"Is this friendship made of Rune paper?"

Taking out the rune paper in the storage space, Su Mo looked at it curiously. Now the rune paper has been charged by 70% since it was last used.

At this speed, it only needs to wait for more than ten days to use it again.

Moreover, the previously evolved flood on the rune paper has also become a spray on the reef, which looks mysterious.

Try to put the rune paper close to the core. Unfortunately, this time, the rune paper and Mermaid blessing seem to be dead, and there is no "chemical reaction" between them like the last time.

"It seems that the special effects can only be triggered when the energy savings are full."

Looking at the same frequency between the rune paper and the mermaid blessing, I'm looking at the core that has become a little larger now.

With Su Mo's mind moving, the two items disappeared into the underground shelter at the same time.

In the end of the world, upgrading is simple and simple fun.

Reopening the iron door on the first floor, looking at the scattered refugees migrating to Tieshi mountain outside, sumo stretched out beautifully.

People are just strange.

When I am alone, when I see the same kind of people, I especially want to move there and live together.

But when people really come, they will be on guard for fear that the other party will take away their "interests" and want to put a layer of thorns on their bodies to protect themselves.

Especially when the other party is strong, this strange psychology will be more serious.

This is the case with the refugees from Zhuhuo village who moved here.

When Su Mo went there before, he could see the refugees' respect on their faces every time.

But now, when they abandon their original "Hometown" and really want to move to sumo, they can see a trace of fear of superiors in their eyes.

They are afraid to misappropriate their interests with the current status of sumo.

Afraid that Su Mo would take them as a shield and command them to die in the wasteland of the end of the world.

It was easy and simple to resist the management of the candlelight shelter. It was a big deal that everyone mutinied and left together to create a new shelter.

But when I came to Su Mo, I couldn't help myself. I was basically trapped in this life!

"People are very cautious before making every choice, including these poor people. It seems that everyone has not the courage to invest all their wealth."

"However, maintaining such a suitable distance is good for them and good for me!"

"As long as I wait for Dad to come, I can cooperate with dad and really try to accept these people!"

Su Mo himself knew very well how to make the refugees so respected and loved.

It can bring a sense of security, but it doesn't really participate in it. Maintaining this degree can also maintain the current situation by commanding Chen Shen.

As for the real return of the people, it is too troublesome and tiring for sumo alone

There is no need!

Touched the Oreo dog's head lying beside him and sat in front of the gate. Su Mo seemed to incarnate into a "patron saint".

Sitting here can give all refugees who migrate here a full sense of security.

However, as long as you are busy in the days of waste soil, you will have no end.

With the end of the horizon, Moore came back in a Land Rover, and the task of returning all grain to the warehouse officially began.

Bags of fragrant wheat were unloaded from the car and taken by the refugees with storage space. They were put in the warehouse according to the plan.

The glittering and translucent white cabbage, the red and sturdy gourd divination, together with bags of soybeans that have not been dried, are spread out in front of the shelter.

With the breeze blowing, this little fragrance comes up with a scratch!

As the boss of the base, Su Mo naturally did not intervene in these trivial matters, but occasionally directed the placement of two sentences, lazily shaking the reclining chair.

In the eyes of refugees, the "taste" of the strong is more prominent in the appearance of sumo.

But what they don't know is that sumo at this time is actually immersed in the game panel, and is quickly checking the material price of today's sudden change.

At four o'clock in the afternoon, people are the most sleepy and anxious time of the day.

The price of materials in the market has also fallen to a critical value. In the upward direction, the market can't eat so much share, and will only fall into its hands.

The next step is the bottomless abyss, until no one cares.

So a delicate balance was formed. The people who sold were not in a hurry, and the people who bought stopped. Everyone was waiting for the next market change.

With just a small push, the market may go up or down.

For example, at this time, if sumo starts to receive goods quickly, it will become a "good news" in the trading market.

Most people who are still selling at a low price will immediately cancel their orders and want to see the next trend of sumo.

If we continue to purchase, then everyone will raise the price, and the dealer will rush up like a shark smelling blood, and buy the materials of these ordinary refugees wantonly.

Then, as long as Su Mo still needs these materials, it will become the fish of the knife and foot, which can be handled by these makers.

Of course, if the dealers make a wrong judgment, sumo doesn't need to continue to collect.

Su Shen will not accept it. This material will become waste in his hands. When the first small dealer begins to sell under pressure, it will quickly bring down the entire trading market like an avalanche.

This behavior of using information to control the market is the strongest means held by capital tycoons in the financial trading market on earth.

Now, what Su Mo wants to do is to take a walk. From another angle, he forces these unscrupulous dealers to quickly break their positions!

Greeting the refugees, put some confiscated wheat beside them first, open the market panel at will, and sort the iron price from high to low.

At present, the highest price in the market is that 1 unit of wheat can replace 1.5 units of iron.

The lowest rate is 1.2. If the rate can break 1, some small makers will inevitably extremely panic and anxious and start selling in large quantities, which will bring bad luck to large makers.

So on the acquisition page, as long as you see a price of less than 1, several big makers will quickly eat in, ensuring that the market will not fall quickly because of the death of sporadic retail investors.

This is the last stubbornness of the big dealer, and it is also the best time for Su Mo to attack.

"The price control is very stable, and there is no supervision. The leeks on the waste soil seem to be cut very well."

"It seems that the last time the seed market did not make enough of you. How long has it been since it began to jump!"

"Let me teach you the waste soil code!"

I glanced coldly at several "familiar" names in the forefront of the trading market, as well as arrogant acquisition words.

With a sneer, Su Mo made a decisive move and directly photographed the top ten iron bars.

Wow, nearly a hundred small units of iron quickly appeared in front of the underground shelter, and then disappeared, as well as 150 units of wheat.

The top ten lists are eaten, which is naturally big news for people who are anxious to pay attention to market prices.

Even on the world channel, some people began to talk about it.

"Wocao, someone bought iron at a high price. It won't be the dealer again. Why don't these shabby dealers die!"

"That is, can you eat or drink with so many iron bars?"

"Originally, the price of changing a unit of iron for a unit of grain was determined by everyone. As a result, these makers would rather make trouble, grass!"

"I'm still waiting for the price to come down. Buy shipbuilding. Don't go up!"

"The price is so low, don't buy it? What are you waiting for? If you want to pick up the leak, go to hell to pick it up!"

"A large number of iron blocks have been collected. The proportion of 3 units. If you want to sell them, go and hang them!"

"What's the matter with three units in the sleeping tank???"

"Su Mo bought the top ten iron bars in the market, and Su Mo bought them in large quantities!"

"Lying trough, Su Shen is going to purchase materials???"

When the first news broke out, Su Mo, sitting in front of the underground shelter, seemed to have fanned an invisible price storm in the market.

Hundreds of thousands of iron blocks with a ratio of 1.2 were cancelled in an instant, and even those with a ratio of 1.5 were rapidly disappearing.

In less than a minute, the interface of the iron block was empty, and the interfaces of other basic materials began to be empty.

It's like sumo is buying aggressively, cleaning up all the material markets.

However, the good times didn't last long, and it was a minute or two of brewing, when the market began to see material prices again.

Ordinary refugees who were still waiting for the diving purchase were stunned to find

It turns out that only 3 units of wheat can replace 1 unit of iron!

The copper block has soared from the original 1.8 to 5 units!

Retail investors who were still struggling to sell were also shocked to find that a few minutes ago, they could only sell iron bars with a proportion of 1 unit. Now when they hang 2.5, 2.8, they will be quickly eaten by the dealer.

Why is it new year again?

Looking at a large number of food supplies on the ground, the iron block that I thought I was going to hit disappeared quickly before I looked at myself.

In this vast wasteland, all the refugees who dug up materials by sweat were shocked.

However, after opening the world channel and watching it for a while, everyone lowered their slightly stooped bodies as they did during the disaster.

Under the witness of this sky, any ordinary refugee who sold materials at a high price knelt down piously!

In their mouths, sumo's name was recited again.

Su Shen, at this moment, that's a real God!

It's the real God of wealth!