[record]: you spent 18 hours, 52 minutes and 44 seconds in the core of Liangfang Town, and the final expenditure time was 11.3 days

[record]: you need 13.9 days of extra expenditure this time as the necessary energy support for heritage activities

[record]: you spent 25.2 days this time, totaling 604 hours

[record]: it is detected that the time currency you currently have is enough to pay (104 days). Do you want to pay?

Like the last time I retreated from the ruins of time, I returned to that magical space after choosing to actively quit.

In this space, Moore and Oreo, who were still jumping off, were in a coma, lying on the ground motionless.

And this time, there was no reward and celebration like the clearance of time relics around, but the emotionless voice of the game panel kept ringing, asking whether to pay money.

"Well, I didn't expect it to take nearly 20 days this time. If there was no money, I'm afraid it would come out and the sea would have come."

Without time money, every time you enter the ruins is a gamble.

As before, when discussing with brother Fengzi, I thought of using the time flow rate of the ruins to avoid disasters, but now it seems that I'm afraid it's utopian.

"I choose to pay"

He took out a thirty day coin and Sumo shot it slightly into the void.

In the sight, the time currency became a streamer at the moment it just flew out, and was sucked into it by an invisible crack.

With the throughput of three to five seconds, when the crack was opening, four one-day coins had been spit out.

[record]: it is detected that the player "sumo" has paid 30 days' currency *1

[record]: your current balance of 0.8 days has been automatically bound to the game panel, which can be used directly next time you enter

[record]: have a good game. Are you back?

Like the whole money change in the supermarket and the change in the account, Su Mo thought slightly and chose to return after finding that there was an extra 0.8 days in the lower right of the game panel.


A bright column of light fell from the sky again, covering the entire void space.

In the light column, when sumo opened his eyes again, he was stunned to find that he had returned to the underground shelter.

"It's amazing. Is this the power of krypton gold payment?"

Moore and Oreo didn't wake up in their previous coma, and lay upright on the ground.

But all the things brought out with the big net bag were piled on the ground at this time.

From the huge 4*4 vertical launch module, to more than 30 robots, to all kinds of bits and pieces, the space of the garage is almost full.

Compared with this harvest, the previous few times can only be regarded as drizzle.

"Not bad, not bad. I'll save it and put it back again. This time, it's convenient!"

While the two children were still unconscious, he opened the stone gate and Su Mo went down.

When I left before, it happened to be more than seven o'clock and less than eight o'clock in the waste time. Counting the time when the ruins were formed, it was no more than eight o'clock at most.

But at this time, on the clock hanging on the third floor, the pointer pointed to 9:40 end to end. Roughly speaking, it was exactly two hours.

"It seems that the minimum reduction time should be two hours. No matter how much I spend, I have to pay so much time."

Nodding, silently remembering the time difference between the shuttle of the ruins core, sumo began to return to the first floor to carry things.

Except that the missile device is too large to be carried out for the time being, all other things are brought to the third floor for storage.

when you go out to buy , don 't show your silver.

Although it is impossible for people like candlelight shelter to have evil intentions when they see it, this kind of good consciousness must be kept all the time to form a habit.

After forming habits, you can avoid many unnecessary troubles.

After moving to teno'clock and putting everything away in categories, Moore and Oreo finally woke up.

Unfortunately, the strength of shuttling through time and space seems to be a little big. My legs and feet are numb, and I can only lie on the ground.

Pull out the winch, slowly raise the gate, and the fine air of the waste soil begins to circulate slowly at ten o'clock in the morning.

"Hey, it's nice to come back, but it's more cordial here!"

After digging a hole in the ground for more than ten hours, Su Mo only felt that the whole person was relaxed when he saw such blue sky and white clouds.

Compared with the dreary air in Liangfang Town, the freshness of waste soil is like a fairyland if frequent disasters are ignored.

Out of the door, it's surprising that there are no guards near the underground shelter today.

But when the field of vision opened and looked at the other end of the shipyard, the smile still hanging on Su Mo's face instantly disappeared, and his relaxed body began to tighten up.

"Sure enough, after feeding these people, they always want to do something!"

"Knowing that this territory is mine, and so much courage, who gave you courage!"

Put the alloy gate back to the half pulled state, and after greeting Moore to watch the door, Su Mo turned around and quickly returned to the third floor, opening the big ass TV that hadn't been started for a long time.

With the increasing strength and reputation, Su Mo uses this "old" object that can only be viewed within a kilometer less and less.

But up to now, what even sumo didn't expect was that it was not the expected alien, but

human beings!

Prick, prick

Hiss, hiss, hiss

After the familiar sound of disordered snowflakes sounded, as the remote control connected to it was operated by SUMO for a while, gradually, the picture appeared.

Quickly pull to the farthest distance that the camera can reach. In the picture, the lively scene below the shipyard can be clearly seen at last.

At this time, not only hundreds of refugees in hope village were standing here with all kinds of weapons.

Across from the hope village, there were also onehundredandtwohundred people standing.

Even next to these people, sumo also saw the product of modern tools, a medium-sized modified truck with a large NO2 print.

At the back of the truck, dozens of small skateboards were dragged. It seemed that this thing enabled them to quickly reach the underground shelter and get a share.

"Oh, isn't this an old acquaintance? He dares to run to me!"

"I said, there are not many people who dare to jump like this because the waste soil is so big."

Slowly pull the camera, and when he saw the familiar face in front of the other party's crowd, Su Mo's eyes flashed murderous.

This person is no one else, it is the Zeus refuge that steadily occupied the first place in the first live broadcast, the live broadcast mustache!

After being squeezed into the second place by SUMO in the first live broadcast, Zeus failed to make the list in the second live broadcast, which looked like everyone was gone.

But at this time, looking at the physique of these people, Su Mo couldn't help praising the cohesion and courage of the villagers in hope village.

The recruitment conditions of Zeus' refuge can't be lower than 175 for men and 168 for women, which leads to their people being stronger in terms of physique and combat effectiveness.

In contrast, although the villagers of hope village have eaten several meals, they still have vegetable faces. And because of the excessive number of women, once a conflict breaks out, they are definitely on the inferior side.

"Fortunately, I gave Qi Qin a gun before I left, otherwise I'm afraid I can't wait until I come back. This has already become a Shura field!"

The reason why the two sides can confront each other is that their strength is not equal.

The reason is that in the front row of the candlelight refuge, Qi Qin had a gun in his hand and Wu FeiGuang had a gun in his hand.

Plus Zhong Qingshu, who is still in the dark, the candlelight refuge has three fire points.

The other side's Zeus refuge is much poorer, and only two people have two pistols, which leads to such a delicate scene.

"It seems that the excavator I drove out of the airdrop box for the first time, they drove out the truck from inside, and their luck was a little better than me."

"But bullying my head is boring?"

The big ass TV couldn't receive the sound. After finding that the other party's bird's voice couldn't be separated, Su Mo didn't take off his armor. Su Mo quickly came to the safety warehouse and lit ammunition.

Although the friction with human beings will come sooner or later, sumo did not expect that this day would come so early.

"Since the group soaring route taken by Yanguo is not feasible, now I don't need everyone to respect me."

"What I need is"

"Afraid of me!"

Once the ruins entered, Su Mo's mentality has already changed completely.

Pull up the bolt of the gun, open the safety, throw a rifle to Moore, and then run out along the half opened iron door. Led by Su Mo, he went in a circuitous direction

"Huaxia people, this treasure was clearly discovered by us together, and now you actually want to possess it brazenly."

"Bullshit, this is clearly our Su God's thing, an object in the territory of our hope village, and it has become your treasure?"

"Get out of here, or when Su Shen comes back, he will surely kill you beast."

Standing in front of the confrontation, as soon as the big beard of Zeus' refuge said a word, he was mercilessly rejected by Chen Shen.

There are three firepower points in hope village and two Zeus shelters.

According to Zhong Qingshu's decision, at the beginning, he would not hesitate to point out these two fire points and completely annihilate the enemy.

But what makes it difficult for everyone is

Chinese compatriots!

Among the ranks of Zeus' refuge, a group of about thirteen Chinese were coerced by them.

Compared with the fat and strong people next to them, the Chinese people are not only bony, but also have several golden hairs against their backs with knives behind them.

"In this way, if you don't want to step back and let us explore within five minutes, we will send you a Chinese."

"But this man is a corpse!"

Hearing Chen Shen's scolding, bearded was not angry, and called the members of the rear to pull a Chinese up.

"Beast, you do this. When Su Shen comes, you will never let go!"

Seeing the Chinese compatriots being kicked in the corners of their legs by this man, they knelt directly on the ground. Not to mention the management of the hope village, that is, the villagers, all have eyes that want to crack, and they want to directly come forward and stand in a group.

For a group of people who have traveled for only a month, they did suffer a lot in the transformation from candlelight village to hope village.

But with the protection of prison guards and Su Mo, these people did not feel the danger of the people's hearts except that they had been hungry for a while.

What's more, even the old dog like Maeda Jianren, who took refuge in an alien race, did not deduct a bit from his fellow race in terms of safety and food.

But now, after seeing the shameless faces of these people, everyone is angry!

"Su Shen? Rely on a su Mo? Is there another Dongfeng missile?"

"Don't be naive. Sumo is an ordinary person with better luck."

"What you Chinese people like to do most is to deify someone inexplicably? Hahahaha!"

Beard laughed recklessly, but he didn't wait until he continued to laugh


A bullet unscrupulously passed through the golden throat of the Chinese people who kicked them down next to it, bringing a touch of sad and beautiful blood.

"Who is it!"

Seeing the people around him fall down and the gun sound that rang out from nowhere, bearded gave a meal, shouted and quickly fled to the crowd.

But answer him

It was the sound of gunfire that exploded next to the Chinese team one after another!

There is no need for any nonsense or any reason.

At the moment these people stepped into the territory, sumo had been put on the death list in his heart.