Chapter 459 villagers see villagers, two tears!

Die and be reborn.

The most dangerous place is the safest place.

These are two thoughts that sumo came up with in an instant when he landed on the dead land.

Stepping on the magic carpet, he came to the ground successfully without any danger.

Carefully through the flames that erupted from time to time, standing on a boulder, sumo began to look far away and look at the possible anomalies.

At this time, the Geiger counter on the protective clothing was almost bursting, and the sound came as if it were bursting.

It is calculated according to the intensity of radiation.

Either the bombardment time here is not too long, and the radiation has not completely dispersed.


The equivalent is enough, and the frequency is enough!

Between the two, after a look, although sumo did not make a definite decision, his guess was infinitely close to the second.

Here, indeed, as Lu Kuan judged, it has been hit by terrorist nuclear bombs.

So far, he has not recovered.

"Poseidon is indeed a brave man. If I want to hide, I will never have his soul."

A lot of information.

Coupled with the scene in front of us, after thinking about some key points, we have a complete guess about sumo, the hiding place of the sea god.

As a child, Su Ma played games to prevent Su Mo from stealing.

Put the game machine in his schoolbag, so he couldn't find it for a holiday until he went to school.

If Poseidon wants to complete a perfect "escape".

Then he must

Hide in the place that the game knows, but won't go.

Walking down the stone, I didn't find the hiding place of Poseidon at the first time.

Sumo first took out the jar to collect the soil, and then quickly walked to the beach to collect the sea water.

After completing the sample collection, he wiped the exhaled moisture on his protective clothing and jumped into the scarlet sea water.

Different from the sea water on the waste soil, the viscosity of the sea water here is amazing, and the resistance is also terrible.

But under the great power of sumo, there was no trouble.

Soon, as you swim deeper and deeper.

When sumo approached the center of the whole ocean, a "familiar" building appeared in front of him.

According to the information brought back by the identity of the previous God emissary, this is where the sea god once lived.

It is the place of the Council of all sea gods.

But after a long time, no one has entered here. Against the scarlet sea water, it looks very strange.

Swim again for a while, step out and step on the stone steps. Su Mo stabilized his body and strode inward.

Miraculously, the sea water outside is flooded.

But inside the building, it is like going up to the land, blocking the sea.

Even the Geiger counter stops ringing here, which means that the radiation has completely disappeared.

Take out the flashlight and look at the surrounding decorations with the light.

Su Mo slowly took off his helmet of protective clothing and greedily breathed a little dull air.

The next second, Su Mo did not see any action.

In the hall, a faint blue light began to light up, like a shadow, and automatically attached to Su Mo's body.

From sumo's shadow, to feet, to body, and finally to head.

Blue light, like a precise scanner, slowly examined Su Mo's whole body.

"Why, now let's see if I'm sent by the game."


Looking at the blue light like a child, he was still beating up and down for detection. Su Mo, who had guessed the whole story, was not angry.

And as sumo's voice fell.

Even if there is a long voice with a little joy in the hall.

"Hahaha, I didn't expect to come to a fellow countryman! Don't be angry, man, am I not careful?"

"What's the old saying? Be careful. I've been hiding for so long that I can't be found by this old dog!"

The first time I saw a living "shareholder" of the waste land.

After hearing the man's skilled Chinese words, Su Mo was not surprised, but showed a smile.

As early as he judged that the Poseidon kingdom was indeed bombed by a nuclear bomb, he was already 90% sure.

Can launch a nuclear bomb here.

There are only two possibilities.

First: the pen of the game.

Through a certain ability, the game directly transmitted the nuclear bomb here and launched a bombardment.

But this situation was immediately passed by sumo.

The evidence is that nine tenths of the whole wasteland has been blasted into ruins. If the game has this ability, there is no reason not to stop it.

Then, after excluding this possibility, there is only one left.

Poseidon blew it up by himself!

"Hey, man, come in from here. I haven't seen anyone alive for a long time!"

After the man's slightly thick voice echoed, a huge gap suddenly opened in the hall, revealing the downward passage.

Without hesitation, Su Mo stepped into it and walked down.

After a while, as the stairs came to the end, a corner entered the slightly empty room.

Su Mo saw each other.

The other party also saw Su mo.

But the difference is that Su Mo is an entity, while the other party who makes the sound is a dark blue

Virtual shadow!

"Hey, I'm Jiang Chu, a Xia Guoren of Taihang universe on the 029, when we first met!"

"Hello, I'm Su Mo, from China. As for the universe, I don't know which one it is."

Although the virtual shadow cannot blend with the entity.

But before and after one step, their palms were still "tightly" held together.

Then, hearing Su Mo's words, Jiang Chu was happy:

"Good guy, you've become a God. You don't know where you came from. You're not the latest human being, are you?"

Su Mo: "well, to be exact, I have been here for three months!"


I didn't know the damage I had brought in these "three months". After seeing Jiang Chu suddenly stunned, Su Mo reacted.

"Don't get me wrong, I'm also a God, but I'm lucky to get something left by an old brother, and I'm forced to inherit it."

For a moment, after thinking that Jiang Chu misunderstood him, Su Mo did not hesitate and directly switched to the second form.

The next second, a breath belonging only to gods emanated from sumo.

Moreover, with his active release, two kinds of authority breath also floated from his left and right arms, emitting a monstrous light!

But this time, Jiang Chu was shocked again.

Not only did he not recover from his stupor, but his face was a little more exaggerated.

For a long time, it was not until Su Mo reached out and walked around in front of his eyes that Jiang Chu recovered from his amazement:

"Sleeping trough, isn't it, brother, you now have more than 1% permission?"

Su Mo touched his head: "yes, I have food and light now, which adds up to 1.46%!"


Suddenly took a breath, and Su Mo saw a familiar look in Jiang Chu's eyes.

He has seen this look on the waste soil countless times.

It was the ordinary survivor who showed undisguised dismay when he saw his progress!

Others are living in wooden houses, and Su Mo lives in a luxury underground base.

Others drove a raft, and Sumo drove a steel destroyer.

Every time, Su Mo's progress exceeds others' imagination and can bring different shocks.

But he never thought that he could be so shocked when facing the equivalent gods!

Unsure, Su Mo tried to ask, "brother Jiang, what consequences will my permission of more than 1% lead to, or a lot?"

Jiang Chu nodded hurriedly, "shit, more than that, I just thought there was a local snake, but I didn't expect you to be a dragon crossing the river!"

"Come on, please sit down, you are a rare guest!"

Waving at the void, with Jiang Chu's gesture falling, a creak sounded, and a chair slowly moved over, just stopped under Su Mo's ass.

And a chair appeared synchronously under Jiang Chu's virtual shadow.

After doing this, Jiang Chu still didn't stop. As he clapped his hands, the wall gradually cracked.

From this hole, countless mechanical arms stretch out and quickly combine to take and place objects.

Finally, when both of them sat down.

In front of Su Mo's eyes, there were fresh fruits with drops of water, some snacks only available on earth, and one that was still emitting heat

Roast Chicken!

Looking at Jiang Chu's burning eyes, Su Mo silently picked up the roast chicken and took a bite after the system identification confirmed that it was OK.

Incidentally, he picked up another bottle of coke and poured down half of it.

Hospitable Poseidon!

The God of food who was forcibly entertained!

Let the game break the head will not think of, in this small room.

The two "key criminals" he wanted could sit together in such harmony.

"Su Mo, since you can come to me, it must also be for my Poseidon authority?"

Seeing Jiang Chu speak again and point out the key, Su Mo put down the roast chicken and nodded slowly.

Su Mo didn't intend to hide this matter from beginning to end.

After he nodded, Jiang Chu raised his eyebrows with a touch of interest on his face.

"Tut Tut, you are more daring than me."

"Worthy of being selected!"


Seeing Su Mo's doubts, Jiang Chu didn't answer, but shook his head and said to the void.

"Old friend, don't you plan to come out and meet?"

This is like talking to the void.

But miraculously, as Jiang Chu's voice fell, a sudden vortex rose in the void.

And in this vortex, a piece of Rune paper slowly floated out!

It's the secret of stealing nature!

In the case that Su Mo is not the first identity form and has no storage space permission, this Rune can also break through the restrictions and come here directly.

However, the talisman came quickly and disappeared simply.

In just a few seconds, a green light suddenly burst on the rune paper, shot behind Jiang Chu's eyebrows, and then slowly disappeared into the void again.

"Shit, sumo, you are really a cruel man!"

"Compared with us, you are really qualified to compete with the game!"

After receiving the green light, Jiang Chu's face was more surprised, but the words he just mentioned were taken by him without leaving a trace.

Obviously, this green light conveys a lot of information.

Su Mo didn't tangle about this, but understood it with his heart:

"The old man in the talisman paper is also our own?"

Jiang Chu was stunned and immediately laughed:

"Ha, old man! Yes, he is also one of us, but he told me a lot of interesting things, which limited my play."

"Sumo, why don't you listen to me and tell you a story first!"

"He told me that you really want to know what the game is!"