Chapter 481 ultra low temperature! Heavy snowfall! storm!

In the shocked eyes of everyone.

Su Moyang waved with a smile, and his figure faintly disappeared in the virtual reality space.

Because of the robot's body, other people must stay here if they want to carry out research tasks.

And the time left for them

But not much!

Once in the research process, the material conversion engine needs to be disassembled to study the internal structure.

Then the power supply of the whole ship depends on the emergency battery brought out from the expedition base.

At that time, considering the terrorist consumption of virtual reality, and maintaining the reserve power of necessary equipment such as brain box.

The research can only last for eight hours at most, and it will be forced to shut down.

"I didn't expect to race against time after such a long time."

"We can only hope that the next three disasters will not be too abnormal, otherwise"

"The road ahead is hard to cross!"

After staying in the virtual reality world for a long time, there will be a very obvious sense of fragmentation when you suddenly return to the real world.

Sit on the stool and look at the machine that is still running.

For a moment.

Su Mo even wanted to replace everyone's research progress with survival and forcibly promote the whole plan.

But considering the complex situation that we will face.

He still stood up, pressed all his thoughts, staggered a few steps, and stepped steadily out of the temporary research room.

"Good director"


As soon as they walked up the first floor, several villagers bumped into each other.

Then when they found it was su Mo, they immediately stood upright and raised their hands to salute.

"Come on, sun Zhaoli, don't be so formal in our boat."

Looking at the respectful appearance of a line of nine people, Su Mo patted the leader on the shoulder, and kept walking, continuing to walk towards the deck.


The man who was patted by him in the back was excited, and his mouth repeatedly said: the director actually remembered my name.

"Hey, have you noticed that the director seems a little sad?"

"Yes, I also feel a little strange."

"The next three disasters will be announced soon. The situation is certainly not optimistic. We'd better make preparations early."

"What preparation?"

"What else can it be? Of course, it's hard. Can you run away?"

Watching Su Mo's back disappear at the corner of the stairs, several people chirped.

At the point when the three disasters are about to be announced, ordinary villagers also feel a heavy invisible pressure.

And this is still considering that they are sheltered by sumo.

Far away in the deep sea.

At this point in the impending voting disaster.

Countless refugees have stopped moving forward and began to repair in situ.

They were both excited and frightened.

80% of the disaster reduction does not mean that you are at ease.

Once meteorites fall from the sky or volcanoes erupt, even if they are in the deep sea, the reduction of disaster amplitude will not help.

"Maybe the game shut down the world chat channel because my influence has become higher and higher in the human community."

"If I can still speak, this vote will be meaningless"

"As long as I cheer up, the voting results will naturally change because of my ideas."

At present, the place where the hope is located is not far from the new world.

Return to the main deck.

Su Mo could see the outline of the land faintly in the distance.

Walking down this contour, you can come to the nearest landing point from the selected location in about ten hours.

Go up from here.

According to the strength of everyone's feet, as well as the title of pioneer you can get when you first log on to the new world.

In a day and a half, you can walk through and come to the transferred territory.

"Brother, are we going ashore soon?"

Leaning against the bow, Su Mo's mind was full of thoughts, but behind him came Su Chan's playful voice.

Turning his head, Su Mo's face was spoiled.

"Yes, it's about to go ashore."

Su Chan was surprised: "Wow, it's not possible to build houses, farm fields and build our own city!"

"By the way, we can also open a ranch. When the time comes, I will graze and keep them all fat!"

"If my parents come here and see you are so good now, I will be very happy!"

Between words.

Su Chan is full of hope for the future.

Su Mo was stunned by her words, and the messy thoughts in her brain immediately dissipated for a few minutes.

Once upon a time, Su Mo planned his own territory and the future on the waste soil like this.

He wanted a strong wall that could resist any creature that would sneak in at night.

Technology that wants to develop rapidly can constantly bring people hope to move forward in the end of the world.

If you want to have hundreds of acres of good farmland, the wheat waves roll in autumn, and the taste of harvest is everywhere.

If you want a pasture, animals can walk leisurely in it. Everyone can drink milk and eggs.

If you want to uproot the building, everyone doesn't have to suffer from the cold and heat.

If you want a full warehouse of weapons, you don't have to look at anyone's face.

But I don't know when.

In Su Chan's words, Su Mo suddenly came back to his senses.

My original intention and goal have changed!

Sitting at his desk every day and lying down every night, his mind was full of how to wrestle with aliens and how to fight games.

How to intrigue, how to strive for greater interests for the territory.

Attack, invasion, defense, anti invasion.

Even in learning knowledge, sumo involuntarily prefers technology that can quickly invest in combat effectiveness.

Even just standing in the bow of the ship, all I think about is how to improve the combat effectiveness of the base faster and how to fight with these aliens.

Is that right?

Looking at Su Chan's face, Su Mo asked himself.

Then, his heart automatically jumped out of the answer.

"Well, when we go to the territory, brother will build you a ranch and build houses for everyone. We need good fields and strong walls."

"At that time, we want everyone to sleep safely and wake up happily!"

Nodded solemnly.

Su Mo's eyes rarely wore a touch of seriousness!

And his seriousness also made Su Chan's face show a faint smile.

"Then we have a deal!"

"It's a deal!"

Six o'clock in the afternoon.

Sitting in the conference room, Su Mo opened the game panel on time and entered the flashing disaster voting panel.

Different from the previous panic, now he has completely adjusted his mentality.

And next.

More than a dozen management members, as well as sudebon, have different attitudes.

Some faces are full of uncontrollable anxiety and panic.

Others looked calm, but in fact they were shaking like Parkinson's.

Even Chen Shen, at this time, also repeatedly swallowed saliva, and the whole person's nervous arms burst with veins.

Arrive in the new world immediately.

The first disaster completely decided the development route choice and tension of the people in hope village.

Except for sudebon, who controls the robot body, and Su Mo, who sits firmly in the middle, no one can treat it with an ordinary mind at this moment.

Gradually, as time passed, everyone went inside to check.

A cry of surprise sounded on time as expected.

Zhang long: "my God, why do I feel that the disaster seems to have reached a higher level? This is too frightening. The three disasters, no matter which comes first, are a severe test for us."

Liu Neng: "there are still 23 days before the next disaster. If we go to the territory, the remaining time can't exceed 20 days at most. How can we survive the disaster in such a little time?"

Qi Qin: "in the weather of minus 40 degrees, is this game crazy? Or does he think we are an alien with rough skin and thick flesh, and we can run on the ground in ice and snow?"

Chen Shen: "it's not simple. Look at the other two disasters. How do I feel that this disaster seems to be aimed at us, and the choices are all aimed at the limitations of our human development."

Follow the preview before the game.

There are three kinds of disasters in the new disaster mode, large, medium and small. Mankind needs to use the referendum to decide the order of the three disasters.

The disaster interval is decreasing.

If you choose a small disaster, then the second disaster will come on the seventh day after everyone votes.

If you choose a medium-sized disaster, the rest period is 14 days.

The worst major disaster has the longest rest time, totaling 28 days.

A rest cycle, a total of seventy-nine days!

According to the principle of choice, in the current human situation, the first option must be to start with a small disaster and prolong the development time as much as possible.

By the way, enough corresponding materials will be accumulated to deal with the large and medium-sized disasters in the future.

This is the most scientific and reasonable way to minimize casualties.

Unfortunately, the devil is a foot tall and the road is a foot tall.

The game of setting this rule obviously takes this into account and gives a honey trap with "poison".

It perfectly separates the new world from the human beings in the deep sea.

[disaster voting starts on 00.13.35]

[please read the following voting rules carefully. In case of violation of the rules, there will be no opportunity to appeal]

[first, this voting is absolutely fair and equitable in principle, and the participants are only all human beings. All aliens and other creatures are not allowed to manipulate and participate in any way. Once other creatures are involved in the following means: restricting human voting, forcing human voting, inducing human voting and other violations, they will be directly wiped out, and participating humans will also lose subsequent voting opportunities, permanently disable the game panel, and game related functions]

[Second, every adult human will get a fixed vote in this vote, and every minor human will get a fixed half vote. After voting, you can't go back on your words or make changes, and confirmation will be deemed as the end]

[Third, the airdrop rules will be changed, and the specific changes will be announced after the disaster starts]

[Fourth, the anti disaster rules will be changed, and the specific changes will be announced after the disaster starts]


[the right to interpret all rules belongs to the game, and all subsequent changes will be notified]

[Code: 001, this three voting disasters:]

[minor disaster: Storm (unlocked)]

[disaster description]: rain is the soul of all things. In the storm, creatures can better touch the way forward.

[disaster scope: global]

[magnitude of disaster: New World: 800 mm precipitation per day, force 10 wind; deep sea: 6000 mm precipitation per day, force 12 wind]

[disaster time: 72 hours]

[medium disaster: heavy snowfall (unlocked)]

[disaster description]: auspicious snow indicates a good year. This snow brings not only the extinction of creatures, but also the hope of spring

[disaster scope: global]

[magnitude of disaster: New World: 500mm snowfall on the first day, decreasing in order, temperature: -15 degrees; deep sea: 1000mm snowfall on a single day, temperature: -25 degrees]

[disaster time: 168 hours]

[catastrophe: ultra low temperature (unlocking)]

[description of disaster]: in extreme cold, only after experiencing the test of survival can we better understand the value of life.

[disaster scope: global]

[magnitude of disaster: New World: temperature -40 ℃; deep sea; temperature -65 ℃]

[disaster time: 120 hours]