Chapter 533 heating, leaving, rolling forward journey!

"It's really cold tonight. I feel that the temperature has returned to the previous snowstorm!"

"No, I remember it was minus 20 degrees in the Blizzard? But at that time, we stayed indoors every day, and the body temperature was almost the same as now."

"Hey, hey, wait a minute, I'll go back and exchange some hot water, wash my face and soak my feet, so it's delicious!"

"Lying in the trough, Xu Jingming, if you are really an old Yinbi, I'll say what your boy is doing mysteriously these nights. It turned out that he was going to get water tickets!"

"Go, go, go. I didn't tell you before. At that time, if you didn't go by yourself, your eyes would be greedy, wouldn't you?"

"Shit, I can't. I have to go back to trade some water tickets and get some hot water back. My feet are numb with cold!"

On the vast land, with the help of the moonlight, a line of seven people hurried to the village.

As the weather turns cold, the off work time of the depression has also been adjusted synchronously.

First of all, the earliest off work time was directly mentioned from 9:30 to 8:00, which was a full reduction of one and a half hours.

The latest off work time was also updated from 10 o'clock to 9 o'clock, an hour ahead of schedule!

It seems that the adjustment is not big, but as long as you finish today's task, you can get off work and go back to the village to do your own business at eight o'clock.

Under such stimulation, when the bell representing eight o'clock in the center of hope village began to ring.

More than 90% of the people happily picked up their farm tools and began to turn on torches from everywhere.

On the way, although they were shivering because of the cold weather.

But it still can't stop them from thinking about the "happiness" they want to do when they return to the room.

"You said that life is getting more and more prosperous. I heard people from the logistics side say that the first batch of cotton shoes produced by ourselves will be sold in two days, which is a big deal."

Looking at the flames of the depression at the end of his sight, Xu shrewd, who was previously called Lao Yinbi, slowed down his pace with a little emotion.

"Cotton padded shoes? That thing is too expensive. I haven't opened any good things these days, so I can't afford it!"

"But I heard that the heating is about to turn on?"

After AI Jianfeng joined the village and set up a machinery group, the construction of the boiler was obvious to all.

Seeing the laying of pipelines from scratch and the rise of boiler rooms.

Since three days ago, when everyone woke up from the cold in the quilt every day, they would involuntarily begin to imagine how happy it would be after heating.

When it's hot, people can't help thinking that even if I die of cold, I don't want to continue to stay in this ghost weather.

When it's cold, this strange feeling is even worse!

Moreover, this cold is not simply dry and cold. With the increase of air humidity, the cold will be closer and closer to the wet cold that can freeze into human bone marrow in the south!

At that time, even if the skin is thick and hard, it is difficult to survive!

"No, I heard that two tons of stoves cost at least half a ton of coal a day. We seized two tons before. How long can we burn them?"

"Yes, this boiler is obviously for the next 40 degrees of extreme cold. If it is used now, it will not be finished at that time?"

"Don't fantasize about it. If we can find a way to knock down the dwarf camp, we can also think about heating it right away. As for now, hot water is also very comfortable!"

"Fortunately, we are in the depression, and the wind can't blow. Now the temperature is higher than that on the plain. How cool!"

In the dark, the more you walk towards the village, the more you can feel the warmth of transpiration.

But after giving up the idea of heating, everyone naturally attributed it to the intimacy brought by "going home" and the warmth derived from the expectation of hot water.

As usual, a stall has been set up in the room at the front door of the village, with the words "materials department" written on it.

Looking at the long queue that had been lined up, the villagers who came back from outside in all directions almost ran away, afraid of falling behind others.

After waiting in line for about ten minutes, Xu Jingming and seven people lined up to the front.

"Manager Su, this is our task list and completion details today. This is our farm tools. Please check and accept!"

Sitting at the table are Shen Ke and Su Yuan.

At present, due to the low productivity, the construction task of depressions has not been really decentralized for the time being, and it is temporarily under the overall management of the village.

Every morning, after all the villagers spontaneously form a team, they will come to the material department to receive the task with the corresponding number and difficulty, and at the same time, they will receive the agricultural tools provided by the task and go out to work.

The rewards of tasks vary according to the difficulty.

For example, in the morning, seven people took the task of pioneering, responsible for repairing a wasteland with an area of about three acres to meet the basic sowing needs, and the reward was that seven people shared 30 labor points equally, which could be exchanged for daily necessities and pay meals.

For the patrol task Xu Jingming received in the evening before, the reward was one hot water coupon per hour, each of which could be exchanged for one liter of domestic hot water.

At each work point, after finishing the work received in the morning, everyone will return here to hand in the task report and farm tools.

If the material department confirms that there is no problem afterwards, the reward will be automatically added to each villager's account and become a fixed property.

The whole process is a bit like the task in RPG game, which is greatly convenient for every villager.

Therefore, as the head and deputy managers of the material department, with the reform of this period of time, their prestige has risen all the way.

After reading the report submitted by Xu Jingming, Su yuanlue raised an eyebrow: "have all the three acres of land been cleaned up?"

"It's over, it's over! The quality and quantity are guaranteed. Not only the stones we picked out, but also the weeds we repaired. You can rest assured of the task our team did!"

Pat his chest. Xu Jingming is obviously confident in his performance.

"Well, this is the reward given to your team, but it's the same as before. If you are found to be cheating after the event, you should not only deduct the reward twice, but also deduct 30% of your team's task reward for the next seven days, no problem?!"

Xu Jingming took the note representing the reward and said, "no problem, no problem!"

In the end of the world, the establishment of rules is never easy, especially when there are more and more people, it is very likely to produce "moths".

Su Mo gave instructions on this early in the morning.

Meritorious deeds will be rewarded, and mistakes will be punished, even the management can not be an exception!

Reflected in reality, such harsh and abnormal regulations did not cause anyone's dissatisfaction, but led to a wave of "gratitude" boom.

Obviously, people tortured by capitalists in civilized society have long been tired of all kinds of empty promises.

Their "fishing" is not that they are unwilling to work hard, but that their efforts cannot be rewarded. They can only use this way to carry out silent resistance.

Leaving the material department at the gate of the village, looking at the long dragon behind, there were no farm tools and tasks. Seeing the reward note in Xu Jingming's hand, several people's minds instantly became active.

They walked briskly, with a smile on their faces, skillfully walked to the place where they used to "share the stolen goods", and began to laugh.

"Hurry, hurry, hurry, Jingming hurried to pay money. It's late to wait, and I have to queue up again to wash!"

"Ah, yes, yes, yes, I'm going back to wash clothes. Hurry up!"

The note in Xu Jingming's hand is just a common reward for everyone. According to the time and task of each person, there will be a distribution in the team.

But surprisingly, Xu Jingming's speed slowed down today.

In the sight of everyone, he was like a petrochemical buff, standing under the torch and staring into a sculpture.

"Jingming, Jingming, don't scare me. What's the matter?"

"Sleeping trough, can't it be that the reward is low? It's impossible. I watched it specially this morning, and our reward hasn't changed!"

"If it's low, just say it. It's a big deal for everyone to bear together. Don't scare people!"

The repeated urging of the crowd failed to make Xu Jingming move.

On the contrary, hearing other people's voices, his hands trembled, and even a touch of tears came out of the corners of his eyes!

This time, the middle-aged man standing next to him couldn't help it. He almost grabbed the note from his hand and looked up anxiously.

But just like Xu Jingming, he was stunned at this look.

On the small note, it seems to carry magic. Just a look can make people lose their "soul".

Seeing that both of them were stunned, the remaining five people couldn't help being curious. The young man in the front row took the note, and the five people gathered together to read it.

"On April 10, Jingming group, seven people, completed the task of pioneer 32"

"Reward: 30 labor points (seven points per capita)"

"Reward: hot water share 7L (seven points per capita)"

"Reward: the use time of the radiator is 45min (per person, time can be accumulated)"

"Dear villagers, warm tips: the heating system in hope village has been started at 8 p.m. on April 10, and the first test time is from 8 p.m. to 6 p.m. the next day."

"The official opening time is 10 p.m. on April 12, and the daily opening time is expected to be six hours!"

"Again, radiators and heating pipes are our common property. Do not make malicious damage, malicious damage and other acts. In the future, the village will launch more public welfare. Thank you for your efforts for the village!"

"From sumo!"

The neat signature is located on a small piece of paper, and the light black handwriting is slightly exuded and deformed under the halo of Xu Jingming's tears.

From the first 30 labor points to the last four words of Su Mo's respect, everyone's voice became smaller and smaller, and replaced by

PATA, PATA, tears dripping.

Natural disasters are merciless and human beings are affectionate!

Cold on all sides, warm heart!

It's like a child being bullied and crying to his parents at home.

Most of the people present are older than sumo, and some people can even be older than two rounds!

But in such a broken defense moment, they still couldn't resist the surging in their hearts, and heartily released the long hidden pressure in their hearts with tears.

A force 10 storm with 800 mm of precipitation can turn the dry land into a vast ocean in a day!

A blizzard with a daily snowfall of 500 mm and a terrible natural disaster with a cumulative snowfall of more than two meters in seven days are unheard of on earth.

The extremely cold weather of minus 40 degrees, let alone personal experience, for 99.9% of people, this concept does not exist in their minds at all.

The three disasters that are about to follow are false if you say you are not afraid or panic.

Every night, in the plank house, there are a few suppressed whispered cries that can be heard all the time. Many people even cry and sleep when they are tired, and cry when they wake up.

Most of the current prosperity can only be maintained by some strong people.

But now.

Before, those strong people also lived in Bengbu. After suddenly finding that the sky would fall and someone would support them, they finally opened their hearts and began to relieve the depression of the past few days heartily!

In the cold winter, there are still people on our heads supporting with their own bodies!

In the cold future, there are still people ahead of us who are constantly forging ahead!

"Come on, let's go wash and go back to have a good sleep!"

Xu Jingming's voice fell, and the six people suddenly nodded.

In other parts of the village, like the seven of them, countless people rushed to the inside of the plank house after excitement!

Different from the cold before, now when you open the door of the plank house, you can feel the dry and hot feeling like summer inside.

The pipeline made of high-quality ore on tieshishan has strong heating energy, and the previous special heat collection house type has also played a big role.

With both measures, the load of the boiler is now only on the low gear, and the room temperature is directly pulled to nearly 25 degrees!

As for the upper part of the radiator, the temperature is even higher, which is more than 40 degrees, which is extremely hot!

For a moment, the southerners who just entered the door were still in a daze, while the northerners moved quickly.

Warm quilt of warm quilt, hot milk of hot milk, and even absurdists took out their own small pot and directly added water to the radiator to add "Midnight snack".

A small piece of iron carries the dreams of thousands of people.

The warm heat warms the hearts of thousands of people.

This scene was clearly seen by Su Mo standing high behind the depression.

However, the few people standing next to him did not have much excitement on their faces, but were full of worry.

"Director, on such a happy day, why don't you wait until tomorrow?"

"Yes, director, it's so cold that it's hard to avoid accidents when traveling at night. Let's wait until we have dinner tomorrow morning?"

In front of the visiting team are su Mo, who is standing with his back and looking down, and Hao Qiang, who is carrying a half man high marching bag.

At the rear of the team are Chen Shen, Li Hu, Pei Shao, Qi Qin, Lu Kuan and other "idle" people.

After making a good plan and determining that there is no problem with heating, there are actually not many things to worry about in the depression.

After thinking about it, sumo immediately decided to start at starry night and arrive in Liberty City tomorrow morning!

"Just keep your mind on it. Last time I was able to get seven in and seven out by myself, this time I won't have any problems."

"On the contrary, it's at home. After I leave, I must do what I tell you as soon as possible. If I delay one day, I'll have trouble!"

Glancing at several people who arranged the task, looking at everyone nodding solemnly, sumo shrugged his shoulders and glanced over his head.

The next moment, in the eyes of everyone, Su Mo's temperament suddenly changed. While his body was tall, gray light spots suddenly exuded.

Hao Qiang, who has been looking at the bottom, has not fallen behind. Almost at the same time, he started the imprint change.

It was only five seconds before and after. When the gray light scattered, a magical scene happened.

Where sumo stood, people had disappeared and replaced by the swift way lizard, which was somewhat similar to the coolie lizard, but had terrible thigh muscles.

Where Hao Qiang stood, the figure also disappeared, and there were only mechanical transformation people with metallic luster on their thighs and a sense of cyberspace all over their bodies.

"We're leaving, LV Kuan and Chen Shen. Remember to help me hide it from Su CHAN!"


After explaining everything, glancing at the moonlight above his head, Su Mo nodded and walked away.

The ultimate speed of swift road lizard is slow, which is better than strong endurance.

The ultimate speed of transforming people is fast, but the endurance is not as good as it is.

If you balance the two, you can just rest all the way and arrive at liberty city at 8 o'clock tomorrow morning.

After the speed rose, in the eyes of the crowd, the figure of one lizard began to get farther and farther away, then turned into a small dot, and slowly disappeared at the end of the horizon.

"Let's go. Before the snowstorm, the director didn't stop, and we didn't have a reason to stop!"

"The dwarves stole our things, and it's time for them to pay back!"