Chapter 536 goodbye to mankind! News of super large gathering place!

The last time he walked to the wall, which was nearly 20 meters high, for fear of exposing himself, Su Mo simply looked at it for a few times, and then immediately moved away from his eyes.

Now, led by Turner, plus the firewood exchange is not what it used to be.

For the first time, Su Mo finally had the time and opportunity to raise his head and measure the general details on the high wall.

Like the wall outside Freedom City, the material of the high wall also adopts this dark red brick, which constantly glows under the sun.

In terms of defense, the whole high wall does not use the external watchtower, but the embedded observation window.

Every 30 meters or so, there will be a gap opened, and from time to time, people from the guard team stick out their heads to observe the situation in the outside street.

In terms of the overall defense strength, the high wall can only be regarded as general, in the stage of preventing gentlemen rather than villains.

But if you add the eyeball in the center of the wall, which is somewhat similar to Blackstone camp, the whole wall instantly loses the sense of grandeur.

On the contrary, there is an unspeakable sense of strangeness, which makes people shudder.

Seeing a trace of complexity revealed in Hao Qiang's eyes, Turner would be wrong and explained, "Hao Qiang friend, you don't have to worry. It's big and small that mercenaries lift their identity by others without permission."

"I think your mark is blue, and it seems that you don't know the rules here. You should be the group of people who went out when our city was just beginning to come and hasn't been completely built?"

Speaking of this, Hao Qiang can only nod.

Turner patted his chest: "now you don't have to worry. After the construction of the free city, the Lord introduced the mercenary policy to maintain the concentration of the territory. You can use the excuse of not coming back for a long time to prevaricate. Besides, you come back to pay the fine to create income for the territory. Plus Hal and I protect you, there will be no problem!"

While talking, I turned a corner and a gate appeared under the high wall.

Different from the gate guarded before, the gate under the high wall only had ordinary door stones, and no one was seen.

But when the three got started, two uniformed staff came up.

A man and a woman are all standard fox people. They are slender and good-looking, revealing a charming atmosphere.

After observing the gender of the three, the leading man stepped back, the woman stepped out and bowed deeply: "welcome to the inner city. We are the on-site guide responsible for arranging for the three. Please let me check the information first, so that we can arrange the best service and guidance for you."

Like other entertainment service institutions in the city of liberty, fox women are releasing their innate breath whether speaking or bowing.

But it's a pity that in the face of two dwarves and a reformer whose lower body has become iron, her temptation failed very much.

As Turner pressed his hand on his mark, sumo immediately copied his operation.


A simple message shot out through the mark. After sensing the receiving end, it rubbed and flew into the receiver on the back of the fox woman's hand.

Then the fox woman skillfully lowered her head, called out the received message, slightly changed her complexion, and bowed again: "Lord Hal, Lord Turner, you are a VIP in our free city. You can enjoy the purple mark treatment in the inner city, please follow me!"

In the city of liberty, there is a sense of superiority brought by the level of imprint everywhere.

Although the color of their marks is still blue at present, internally, they were adjusted to purple by the guards, which is not a small compensation.

"Well, lead the way. We really need some good mercenaries."

"And help the one next to me deal with the problem of identity!"


Walk about a hundred meters along the city gate, and the view is spacious again.

There are an endless stream of buildings that can be seen by the roadside, carrying items that cannot be traded outside the city.

For example, everyone's daily fixed ration, a kind of lump plant that can be made into paste, is piled into hills like roadside garbage.

Carts are constantly in charge of loading and then pulling them to fixed places outside the city for sale.

There are also many rare ores for making weapons and protective equipment here.

As soon as he looked, sumo saw several high-grade ores with faint blue light, which were randomly placed on the floor of the shop and randomly selected by the guards.

Rare medicinal materials, high-level plants, strange technological modeling items

Walking inward all the way, it was like Grandma Liu entering the Grand View Garden. Su Mo felt more and more about the inside story of the demon soul family.

Inside and outside the high wall, like two worlds, there is a clear dividing line between poverty and wealth.

Outside, there is a rotten Empire, which seems to be destroyed by anyone.

Inside, there are deep-rooted underwater icebergs, which make it difficult to see where the real end is.

With eyeballs hanging high on the city wall, things in the inner city are not afraid of theft.

On the way, I turned several corners and came to a strange building with only wall wrapping but no gate to enter. The fox woman's footsteps suddenly stopped and made an invitation gesture:

"Lord Hal, I don't know whether you want to deal with this person's identity first or go first."

"Go and see other mercenaries first, and deal with their identities at that time!"


Nodding again, the fox woman stretched out her hand and waved slowly towards the wall. The originally closed building wall was brushed and cracked, revealing the passage leading to the lower part.

Noting that Su Mo's eyes fell on the inside of the passage, the fox woman explained: "the original open-air mercenary paradise, considering that people of the bright Empire often come to invade and are inconvenient to manage, we have moved it here, and set up several new projects, in which there are not only our lost demon clans, but also other wild alien clans for purchase."

"And on the basis of the rules set by the Lord, we have made more changes to ensure the rights and interests of buyers."

"In the past, the owner could only manage the life and death of mercenaries, which seemed to be very strict, but according to our investigation, few people were used and many accidents occurred."

"So we changed it to that as long as you buy it, the owner can check the mercenary's movement route within three days at will. At the same time, you can also get the mercenary's recent contact creatures through the mark."

"On the mercenary side, on the premise that the mercenary can't hurt the owner, we have set up countermeasures through other rules. For example, after the owner issued that the mercenary can't talk to strangers at will, once the mercenary violates it, we will immediately disable its mark use permission."

"In other respects, we did the same."

On the way down the deep stairs, the fox woman kept talking about the new and improved rules.

From the owner's jurisdiction over the mercenary, to the mercenary's loyalty option to the owner, to the design of various details.

From the inside out, the whole system has undergone earth shaking changes.

In the past, this initial mercenary elimination system established by the Lord of the demon soul clan was a helpless move to force everyone to move and go out to make money.

So now, it has finally embarked on another wrong path, becoming more and more out of control, revealing the real purpose of exploitation below.

After becoming a mercenary, he basically lost all his rights, and even the right to commit suicide was forcibly deprived.

In addition to helping the master work hard to pray that one day the master can redeem himself, mercenaries will have no other way to choose.

After hearing all the rules, sumo grasped the key point: "can other aliens also buy, but how to ensure that they are also governed by the rules?"

The fox lady shook her head in surprise: "Hey, does Lord Hal want to take other aliens out to work? This is no good. They have no mark and can't be restrained, which will hurt the rights and interests of the owner!"

"We can only guarantee that these alien identity information has not been collected and sold, that is, Lord Hal can get the first-hand information, make it into a template and sell it."

"As for their lives, after purchasing the information, the owner can continue to hang it here for secondary sales. At the same time, we can also be responsible for sending it out of the city and letting the owner decide whether to stay or not!"

"In short, they can't live in the city!"

After listening to the introduction of the fox woman, Su Mo couldn't deny nodding.

As expected, with regard to the most important mark, the demon soul clan did not open up to others.

However, it's no different from what fox woman said. No one will put a time bomb beside him.

For the demon soul clan, with better mercenaries and templates that can be replaced, they don't need alien slaves to work at all.

The biggest function of these slaves who can be bought and sold is to squeeze all the information and form a template for sale.

"Here we are. Next, please don't get in close contact with mercenaries and slaves who don't form a relationship casually, so as to prevent unnecessary risks."

"Of course, in the process of buying, we also hope that guests do not conflict with others, so as not to damage everyone's shopping experience!"

At the end of the corridor, after another fox man finished the interaction and entered the door for verification, the door that blocked his sight suddenly opened, revealing the scene inside.

Even if he had come here to buy mercenaries, Turner still sighed, "Oh, it's really big!"

"Yes, this is not only where we trade mercenaries on weekdays, but also where we transfer civilians after the battle."

"The whole space area can accommodate about 100000 people!"

It is somewhat similar to ground buildings. The lights in the underground block are bright as day.

Moreover, on both sides of the extremely long road, there are also various mercenary exchanges to attract passing guests

At first glance, the flow of people here is not small, even slightly stronger than the block where the firewood exchange is located

However, after careful observation, sumo keenly found the mystery inside.

Like other people outside who buy and sell commodities and genetic stocks every day, more than 90% of these surging people also have such thoughts.

They buy different kinds of mercenaries every day and sell them a few days later in order to earn a price difference.

It is also a commodity. One trades things and the other trades people. With the price list released by the exchange every day, the ground and underground are extremely harmonious in this regard.

"Lord Hal, Lord Turner, I can only accompany you here. If you feel satisfied with our service, please"

"All right, you go. Here's 50 contribution points, you two points!"

Before the fox woman finished speaking, the familiar Turner took the initiative to interrupt the conversation between the two people and gave a generous tip.

Then, looking at the two people happily returning along the original road to lead the next wave of incoming guests, Su Mo smiled and took his eyes back.

"These mercenaries we bought last time are really rubbish. They are so easy to be infiltrated by others. This time, we have money. Why don't we go directly to the back and buy some?"

You get what you pay for. In this free city, this rule also applies in most cases.

Pointed to the exchange where the two bought mercenaries last time, and pointed to the exchange behind which there were few people, but the decoration was obviously higher, Turner said gnashing his teeth.

"Don't worry, first turn around and have a look. Good doesn't mean loyalty. Besides, what we need now is not a thug, but a worker. We can't use that good!"

"In this way, let's move separately, keep in mind the people who meet the requirements, and then we will gather together and choose slowly."

Turner nodded, "that's OK. Anyway, it's OK this afternoon. I'll go to the back first?"


After agreeing on the agreed time, the three separated.

Turner went straight to the big store behind, while Hao Qiang joined the fun and went to the most crowded exchange.

Looking at the turbulent flow of people drowning their figures, he shook his head, and Su Mo turned and walked into the shop near the main door, where the star moon exchange was hanging.

"Ouch, this is a rare guest, Lord Hal, please come in!"

As soon as I entered the door, the servant in charge of soliciting guests greeted me warmly at the first time.

Except for a few refugees outside the city, well-informed people are no strangers to the shopkeeper of the firewood exchange, which has recently become famous in liberty city.

Even other demon people who bought Hal, a dwarf craftsman, also broke the template into the cold palace with tears after the wind changed.

"Come and see the mercenaries and lead the way!"

"OK ~"

Unlike goods, they can be placed on shelves.

Before the mercenary had no owner, because of their uncertainty, they would basically be imprisoned in the dungeon and covered with chains restricting their activities.

Led by the servants, they came all the way to the apse and passed through a downward passage. Then they came to the dungeon under the ground.

The room of about three square meters is the living space of everyone who is imprisoned here.

Watching Su Mo come down, after seeing the short body of the dwarf, most people just raised their heads and hung down feebly again.

Obviously, in the heart of mercenaries, the identity of dwarves naturally represents poverty!

Regardless of the performance of these people, Su Mo went back to the next level again without any communication after keeping all the mercenary information in mind.

Most of the mercenaries in the Xingyue exchange are good at hard work, and there are not many smart people in their minds.

This kind of people, if they can be brought to the depression, is a good cheap labor force, which can quickly strengthen the speed of the formation of the disaster relief base.

But in this free city, where social intercourse must be full, there is the least costly "fool".

Shaking his head, he walked into the opposite exchange again. Following the order, Su Mo began to shop quickly.

Along the way, unlike others, Su Mo just looked and didn't ask. After briefly recording these recorded information in his mind, he left immediately.

On the way, he would stop to have a look and ask only when he met an exchange selling other aliens.

But unfortunately, I have been browsing seven or eight exchanges, and the information I can get from other aliens is still very few.

"Hey, Hao Qiang, have you finished shopping behind you?"

According to the length of the block, the exchange in this street alone is not below 50. Even if you look at it casually, it will take at least half a day.

As soon as he came out of the ninth house, Su Mo was surprised to see Hao Qiang waiting at the door.

"No, I only visited three, the shopkeeper, and I found something important!"


Looking at Hao Qiang's stunned expression, Su Mo frowned and walked casually to a place with few people.

A moment later, they came to a street with few people. They casually found an exchange and walked in.

Then, after sending away the servants and choosing to go down and stroll by yourself.

In the passage, Hao Qiang came up:

"Director, it's a big problem. When I was shopping at the back exchange just now, I saw our own people. Yes, it's human!"

"I don't know if it's insane. When I saw me go in, I shouted at me that he had the news of human gathering places. As long as I bought him, I'll tell me all!"

Hearing the words, Summerton stopped. "The news of the human gathering place?"

"Yes, he said he knew the location of a super large human gathering place with about 30000 people!"

"And the trouble is, according to his vague description, this location is just within a thousand kilometers southeast of our depression!"