Chapter 552 qualitative change and upgrading! Advanced hot stone mine!

Sending people to investigate the origin territory should have been planned after the end of winter.

But at the end of hearing Marshal Wang's speech, an inexplicable sense of crisis came to Su Mo's heart.

Like Lu Kuan, AI Jianfeng, Su Deben and others.

If the burning country was once not all destroyed, but some people, like them, survived by some means, and now they escaped while the ruins were opened and began to be demons.

Waiting until the end of winter will undoubtedly give these people time to react and develop.

It's ok if they are good people, but if they are ambitious, ambitious people who try to subvert order again.

If you know it a moment in advance, you can make corresponding preparations in advance, so that you won't be in a hurry at that time.

"Then you promised so simply that you wouldn't leave my territory. Turn around and give me a run?"

Standing up and patting the snow on his buttocks, Su Mo's words were full of ridicule.

Based on the analysis of these things described by Marshal Wang, Su Mo failed to pick out too many faults at the logical level.

Basically, even if these words are made up to tell stories, at least 90% of the rest can be described without problem.

Su Mo was not too worried about whether the other party would run away.

But on the other hand, for example, once he arrived at the origin camp, will marshal Wang leave the action without authorization, or make brain jerking moves to expose his own information.

People's hearts are unpredictable, so we must be on guard.

"No, no, Director Su, don't worry. My wife and children have been dead in my heart since the day I escaped to find the demon soul clan."

"As a husband and father, the only thing I can do is to revenge them."

"And you are the only possibility for me to revenge!"

As a lord who has led thousands of people, marshal Wang's understanding ability is obviously not as one-sided as ordinary people.

As he finished word by word, Su Mo's eyes flashed, and he didn't mention this topic anymore. Instead, he said without end:

"Marshal Wang, do you know why only my territory is different from others?"

"Because. Are you strong enough?"

As marshal Wang tentatively gave an answer.

This time, Su Mo didn't refute, but gently nodded and waved in the distance.

It seems that consciousness connects the earth, and it seems that the earth drives consciousness.



Like a great bell, the invisible sound began to ring, and then in an instant it rang through the earth!

With just a shake, the snow on the mountain can no longer persist on the surface of the stone and begin to slide down.

Standing on the top of the mountain, sumo took root at the foot.

Looking from the back, his back is like a bright sun, imposing and inexplicable.


A violent shaking came again. This time, marshal Wang couldn't stand still and sat down on the ground.

For a modern man, if it is a missile that does all this, it is a prepared explosive.

Then he won't be curious at all.

But for now

He rushed back to the camp with Su Mo, ate together, and even took a walk behind.

According to the conditions, sumo simply has no time to prepare for such a "performance", and there is no need to prepare.

The rest

"Is it true that Su Shen has the power of gods and ghosts as others say?"

The imaginary picture was displayed in front of him, and marshal Wang's brain was in a mess.

Even at the foot of the mountain, Chen Shen climbed all the way up, and when his excited voice sounded, he couldn't react.

"Director, is this another...?"

Halfway through, seeing Marshal Wang's embarrassed appearance, Chen Shen paused and didn't say the second half of the sentence.

"Take him down first. Specifically, I think the Lord of the origin territory should be willing to cooperate!"

Hearing the word Lord, Chen Shen's face changed, and then subconsciously narrowed his eyes.

There is no struggle.

Seeing Chen Shen dragging Marshal Wang, who was still in a daze, back along the original road, Su Mo gently nodded and took his eyes back.

Deterrence sometimes doesn't need carrots and sticks.

For a lord like Marshal Wang, the more effective means is to let him see the so-called "real strength".

Once he is made aware of these ambitions, these aspirations can be realized.

Then in the next performance, he will cooperate obediently until he knows the truth.

As for whether we can know

Seeing that the light blue hot stone panel upgrade has reached the last 10%, Su Mo smiled with emotion.

The grade of hot stone mine was not high when it was opened before, only two grades.

However, its investment is the highest ever, and it takes ten points to complete the upgrade.

Considering Lu Kuan and AI Jianfeng's analysis of their attributes, and the mysterious hint of upgrading the alchemy furnace.

Su Mo did not hesitate to upgrade this time.

With the upgrade of more than ten seconds coming to an end, the trembling on the earth stopped for a moment.

Cut out the game panel and find the resource options. Su Mo looked at it with fixed eyes.

[vein resources (ore) - - grade ③]

[resource status]: complete, without any mining

[introduction to veins]: an ore that can absorb energy. After absorbing a large amount of energy until it is saturated, the energy in it will be slowly released in a very long time

[mining value]:? (peak:?)

[mining difficulty]: high

[special ability]:?

[remaining reserves]: 30 tons


It is completely different from the imagined transformation. Compared with the hot stone mine in the previous secondary, the interface today is abrupt with three more question marks.

What made Su Mo a little puzzled was that the reserves of the vein had been reduced almost by half.

"Shit, it's 20 tons less for one upgrade. Is this really a loss for upgrading?"

We can't see the special capacity and mining value of the vein, although according to the introduction, the attributes of the hot stone ore haven't changed much.

But at this moment, I thought it might be after the reverse upgrade.

Turn off the unreliable game panel, and with tension and urgency, Su Mo directly took steps and rushed to the foot of the mountain.

Although today's body is no longer a demigod body, it has become the original human body.

But at this moment, under tension, Su Mo directly broke out his full strength.

In just a few seconds, he came from behind and directly passed Chen Shen and marshal Wang, who had not completely walked down the mountain.

Looking at Su Mo's shape and color rushing by, they were stunned. They didn't dare to speak.

It was not until a minute or two later that Su Mo disappeared at the end of his sight that marshal Wang swallowed hard and muttered:

"Well, village head, has our director always been like this?"

Chen Shen was stunned: "ah?"

"Director. He seems to have some abilities that we can't explain with science."

Curiosity killed the cat.

But in the end, in the face of all kinds of miracles in Su Mo, curiosity and thirst for knowledge defeated Marshal Wang's heartfelt defense.

However, Chen Shen's answer made him choke on the unfinished words in his throat.

"No, you know now?"

Showing a look at aliens, Chen Shen looked up and down, and finally shook his head in confusion.

"No, shouldn't it have been known a long time ago?"

"Ah? Yes, but what I said is."

"What you want to say is whether you can cultivate immortality and physically fight the atomic bomb?"

Guessed Marshal Wang's idea, looked at the other party's dull nod and quickly shook his head, Chen Shen immediately couldn't help but burst out laughing happily.

"What are you laughing at?"

"I laugh, alas, you, you want to know what I laugh at?"

Looking at Marshal Wang shaking his body unconvinced, Chen Shen showed a trace of memory in his eyes, although his hands were not loose.

Once upon a time, when he first saw Su Mo in the Kobold camp, he had been so "naive" with Marshal Wang.

But at that time, he wondered whether sumo would come from an ancient general.

Now Marshal Wang wants to know whether Su Mo is a worldly expert who once had mysterious power on earth.

In a sense, the two people are half weight, and their ideas are the same.

They all have a vision of mysterious power and a beautiful expectation of strength.

"Don't think about it. You'll never know what the means and abilities are!"

"You only need to know one thing. As long as you follow our army honestly, you won't lose your chance to win the throne in the future!"

"On the contrary, if you become our enemy, maybe you can really know what means your strengths have at that time?"

There was no positive answer and no direct denial.

After reading the meaning of Chen Shen's words, marshal Wang stopped struggling and bowed his head obediently.

"Let's go, cooperate well, and we will be our own people in the future."

"I think your ability seems to be good. When the time comes to complete the task of the director, I'll help you talk about it and see if you can be my deputy and manage the village together!"

The seed named "ambition" is like a dandelion. When it sees the right place, it will take root and spread.

As Chen Shen skillfully drew a big cake, marshal Wang nodded silently.

Then, as if they had never talked before, they resumed their previous posture and walked happily towards the village.

But the difference is that this time, Chen Shen's hand is no longer pulled tightly, marshal Wang's struggle is no longer strong, but with a little


Su Mo, who was running, did not know what happened behind him.

All the way to the parking garage built behind the village, after picking up the Land Rover, he directly stepped on the accelerator and sped out in the direction of the hot stone mine.

One day later, there will be trouble and trouble.

Especially after learning that there may be a group of people recovering in the territory of origin, sumo felt more urgency in his heart.

"Now after upgrading the hot stone mine, there are still 4.2 claim sites"

"If there is a problem with the upgrade, anyway, I have to find a way to recover it, or save enough for the next upgrade!"

"Power on and restore productivity must be fully implemented as soon as possible!"

Driving the Land Rover galloping on the snow, sumo kept calculating while controlling the balance of the vehicle.

Fortunately, sumo breathed a sigh of relief when the newly built mining camp and the fenced mining area appeared in front of him.

Well, Lu Kuan's face is not ugly, which means that the ore has not developed in a bad place!

Stop in a hurry and open the door.

As Su Mo got off the bus, dozens of people still sitting in the snow also found his figure.

Immediately, Lu Kuan and AI Jianfeng came up excitedly.

"Sumo, have you made adjustments to the hot stone mine?"

"Yes, how is the situation now!"

The fence of the closed mine is limited only by simple wooden strips, which belongs to the prevention of gentlemen rather than villains.

After striding inside, Su Mo took the new ore in Lu Kuan's hand and looked carefully.

This piece in hand belongs to the raw ore that has just been mined and has not absorbed energy.

Holding it in your hand, you can obviously feel that the temperature will overflow into the ore involuntarily, like a snowball, with a cold feeling.

Judging from the color, compared with the previous hot stone ore, the ore is now more pure black, and the purple has faded a lot.

Under the refraction of sunlight, you can vaguely see that the interior is changing slightly.

Without talking immediately, Su Mo raised his head in surprise after feeling it silently for more than ten seconds:

"Now the energy absorption speed is faster than before!"

"Yes, although I haven't had time to do further experiments, I feel that I have at least improved."

"Two thirds!"

Spit out an exciting data, Lu Kuan's face is full of enthusiasm.

"And most importantly, different from the reaction data we measured before, the large-area reaction is obviously much stronger now. For example, just now, we dug up such a big guy with our hands."

Pointed to the stone body about half a person high in the distance, and then pointed to the small fragment on Su Mo's hand.

AI Jianfeng also rushed up and reported the latest progress.

Before that, although they had made the most ideal plan, they both had a similar value for the gain brought by SUMO to the hot stone mine.

5% is very good, 10% is unexpected, 15% is a great success, and 20% is a miracle.

As for more than 20%, although they are busy, they can't help imagining when lying down and drinking wine.

But in the bottom of their hearts, they are well aware that this possibility is very small, almost zero!

Now, two thirds of them represent that the energy efficiency ratio of ore has been directly increased by more than 60%.

This kind of promotion, even in other fields, is also a leap across the times!

"Go and have a look!"

The fact that the game doesn't identify the properties of the new vein doesn't mean that the system that just upgraded it doesn't work.

With the distance close, standing at the place where the people had just mined the ore, Su Mo's eyes slightly coagulated, and a green light scattered from the void, and began to conduct inspection and analysis.

Two or three seconds later, the green light retracted, and a detailed panel slowly emerged.

[unnamed vein (1.69% stellar level)]

[description]: according to the classification of civilization level, the first-class cosmic civilization is also called "planetary civilization". This civilization has the ability to mine and utilize almost all the energy and energy on the planet, but it cannot store and apply energy perfectly. And whether it can be perfectly applied is also the key to measure the upgrading of civilization. This is a new vein with secondary civilization potential. The mass and energy factors contained in each ore can store common energy perfectly and release it under certain conditions. However, due to the small amount of storage and slow release speed, it cannot become a factor to measure the level of civilization for the time being.

[vein capacity]: 30 tons

[vein distribution]: 130000 ㎡ (area); 1-334m (depth)

[ore purity]: 2.36%

[maximum absorbed energy of ore]: 25kW · h/500g

[energy absorption rate of ore]: 100g/0.28kw · h/24h (solar energy); 100g/1.69kw/24h (thermal energy); 100g/5kw · h/24h (electric energy);

[ore energy release rate]: regulate and change according to energy absorption facilities; Adjust and control changes according to ore purity

[special ability]:

Fragile (due to the purity, the ore is very vulnerable to external damage. Once it is damaged, the energy will quickly overflow, resulting in unknown consequences)

Extension (when the content of ore in the object exceeds 35%, the object can have the same effect, but the effect will be appropriately weakened according to the content and purity)

Energy affinity (the life and purity of the ore depend on the number of times of use. In unit time, the more times of repeated use, the higher the purity of the ore, the longer the life, the less times of use, the lower the purity, and the shorter the life)

[evaluation]: maybe you can try an umbrella made of ore on rainy days?

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