Chapter 563 strategic plan, all villains!

In the dark night, the figures of three tree men ran vigorously in the dense forest.

Toss and turn, jump up and down.

Has a degree of flexibility that does not fit the body.

During the journey, birds from time to time jumped up from the branches and scattered into the sky, with bursts of chirping.

But suddenly, when they crossed a low-lying place again, they skillfully swung their bodies up the high slope with branches.

With a sudden blur in front of me, a new picture slowly emerged.

"Huo, this is Lord sumo waiting for you!"

It is about two kilometers away from the boundary of the depression. Under the night, several giants can be clearly seen standing.

Their backs are hung with two meters long huge bows and arrows, holding torches like huge columns in their hands, which look like ancient gods and demons.

For Zhu Chuan, who has already seen it, such a scene is acceptable, without much psychological fluctuation.

But for the other two tree people, compared with ordinary weak humans, such giants, even if they are fifth order, can hardly restrain their shivering all over!

"Don't be nervous, this is our own!"

"Haha, maybe the war on the other side has been stabilized, and our soldiers just pulled out their hands!"

You have to do a full set of plays.

According to the previously implied information, there is the camouflage help of virtual reality.

At the last moment of the whole plan, sun Di didn't fall off the chain. First, he comforted the other two tree people, and then stood up again with passion to start the final performance.

Hearing his intentional disclosure, Zhu Chuan immediately hit the snake with the stick: "war?"

"Yes, it's approaching winter recently. The enemies we have to face are not only the Empire of light, the demon soul clan, but also many hungry wolves from other directions."

"These hungry wolves have greedy appetites. If they don't pay attention, they will come up and bite down a few pieces of meat."

Pointing to the direction of the mountain, sun Di naturally showed a touch of fear on his face, and then forced himself to continue.

"Although the Shuren clan is protected by dense forests, it is inevitable to encounter a leaf blocking thing."

"Elder Zhu Chuan, I only tell you this. Remember, you must be prepared to fight at any time. Don't do that."

"Cannon fodder!"


Although I have been prepared in my heart, I suddenly heard sun Di's so solemn "warning", and I wish Sichuan a sudden chill.

"Is it so serious?"

"Yes, according to the information we have collected, this group of hungry wolves is not released by us in this batch. Presumably elder Zhu Chuan should know them."

Zhu Chuan was stunned when he heard the speech: "do you mean they are the ones left over from the past?"

"Yes, I don't know how they survived. Anyway, now that we get the news and see the situation, that's it."

"These people can survive in the last stage. They are much more ruthless than us in terms of means and temperament, especially some other incomprehensible forces they show. Once they are stared at, the consequences are unpredictable!"

Trying to cheat.

It's not good to tell all lies. The other party can find dozens of contradictions that contradict logic after a little thinking.

In addition, these tree people are not the first time to come. It is taboo to boast directly about them.

You can change the angle.

With six or seven points of truth, three or four points of falsehood, and then cheat, the success rate will be much higher than before.

Especially after matching the pictures shown by the virtual reality, even if Zhu Chuan still has some doubts in his heart, at this stage, he can only murmur:

"Is there no way for heaven to defeat them?"

"No way, their strength is not strong now. Facing the enemy head-on is certainly not our opponent, but they are not stupid, and they will not rush up with their heads covered."

"Moreover, they have all kinds of forces we can't understand in their hands, and we dare not rush up to collide with them. The reason must be that elder Zhu Chuan should understand."

"That is, we made preparations in advance and hid ourselves. If we spread out the stall directly like the tree people, he might have bitten a few pieces of meat for the previous attack!"

Despite the inner shock, Zhu Chuan and the two Shuren's footsteps were much slower than when they came just now.

But with the conversation, the two kilometer road came to an end.

Seeing Li Lishi nodding slightly, Zhu Chuan could only greet the other two tree people and bend down to put down the five people despite many questions in his heart.

"In short, this matter is not yet settled. We have not found out where the hungry wolves came from, and everything is highly confidential."

"The reason why we say it is because elder Zhu Chuan gave us convenience. Naturally, we know how to reciprocate and will not be a white eyed wolf."

"But if there are many, please keep it secret, otherwise there will be chaos in the future!"

Zhu Chuan nodded hurriedly, "I naturally know this. Lord sumo, Mr. Sun has a heart!"

Anxiously, he took out the packed plants and some ordinary seeds he bought, and watched lux easily pick them up and carry them behind him.

Zhu Chuan stepped back two steps in confusion, pretended to smile goodbye again, and hurried to Shuren camp.

If it is an ordinary day, with their six levels and two five levels of human strength, it is naturally an invasion of outsiders in their own territory.

But with sun Di's warning similar to "intimidation", Rao Shizhu Chuan, no matter how brave he was, couldn't help but feel cold and speed up his pace.

Compared with when they came, they are faster now.

In less than a minute, it had disappeared into the dense forest, which was astonishing.

"Hey, did I play too much and really scare them?"

Looking at Su Mo, who was already standing inside the territory and talking with lux, sun Di suddenly touched the back of his head and walked in with a silly smile on his face.

Step in, with a burst of illusory waves flashing, where is there any trace of lux on the ground.

Yes, just a fire still burning in the bucket of excavator King Kong, as well as the management and some militia with a look of ecstasy!

"Sun Di, good job. I think this grandson is scared!"

"Yes, you look at the runner. I guess I won't sleep well tonight. I'm laughing to death."

"Bai is such a big man. I didn't expect this courage. It's not as brave as half the children in our village!"

"Compared with what we are good at going deep into the tiger's den, these tree people are afraid of being like this in their own territory. I don't know if war is coming, and they dare to go up."

"Who is our director? Do you know this new continent?"

As the first official envoy of depression.

In the hearts of everyone, as long as five people in a party can return safely, it will be a great success.

All the people were very excited to express their feelings.

From the ridicule of Shuren, to the prospect of the future, and finally to the praise of Su mo.

Knowing these people's careful thinking, Su Mo didn't expose it, but coughed softly: "all right, all right, don't put it here. It's getting late. People all know to go home quickly, and let's not delay it."

"Hurry back. From tomorrow on, there is still a hard battle to fight!"


Seeing Su Mo's smile on his face, everyone was smart enough to stop.

The one who tidies up, the one who cleans up, the one who cleans up.

A moment later, all the plants brought back from the tree man finished loading and took the lead in dialing.

On the other side, as the Land Rover starts.

Sitting on the copilot, looking at the scenery that has gone backwards, Su Mo finally relaxed.

"Director, how is the city of the tree Terran, and how is it compared with the free city of the demon soul!"

On the land tiger, there are all confidants sitting.

Seeing Chen Shen turning his head and looking curious, Su Mo paused and didn't hide it from these people.

"The city of Shuren is called thousand tree King City, which is definitely not comparable to the free city of the demon soul family. After all, life forms are different."

"But I can say for sure that if the two sides meet, the tree man's chance of winning is definitely more than 90!"

Chen Shen wondered, "are they so strong?"

Su Mo shook his head: "no, it's not that people are strong, but their location. Naturally, they can have the right place!"

"This is a talent that belongs to tree people alone. You can't learn it!"

According to the memory in my mind, I mainly described the plants I saw, their unique functions, and the situation of the thousand tree King City and the surrounding areas.

From the magical growth of fertility of land flowers to the specific addition of Dahuang flowers to plants.

Su Mo also didn't hide about the fact that Shuren was recruiting humans.

Like immersive, all the people sitting on the Land Rover nodded excitedly for a while and thought thoughtfully for a while.

Until he finished, Li Hu, who was sitting in the back seat, tentatively asked, "director, in this way, we can try to bury some foreshadowing in hybrid plants. Once they use our plants and have dependence, then."

Pei Shao on one side also echoed: "yes, if they can suddenly paralyze their plants at the critical moment, these tree people are pigs and sheep to be slaughtered, and let us deal with them!"


Hearing that their thoughts coincided with their own, Su Mo smiled first, and then calmly spread his hand: "besides, if you really get there in the future, you must do this."

"But at present, how to induce these plants and how to make them work is a big problem."

Having said that, I realized that this words somewhat dampened the enthusiasm of everyone.

Su Mo hurriedly added:

"But don't worry, this long winter is not sure that we can work out one or two."

"If we can cultivate the two crops of landflower and Dahuang flower well, it only takes a period of time to accumulate. Where are the opportunities for these tree people to be arrogant? Relying on materials and economic operation, we can smash them to death!"

"In addition, as long as our food shortage crisis can be greatly alleviated, let alone one or two thousand people, three or five thousand people, even tens of thousands of people, we also have enough information for him to take orders!"


Hearing Su Mo's heroic words, everyone sitting in the car couldn't help but take a breath at the same time.

If you are not in charge of your family, you don't know how expensive daily necessities are.

At present, there are only more than 1000 people in the depression, and the material consumption in these days is astronomical.

If you multiply this number by ten times, the depression can be solved

"This is an opportunity. Whether we can grasp it or not depends on our later performance."

After interrupting the people's upcoming fantasy and making a summary, Su Mo's voice changed:

"Now that we have reached a cooperation with Shuren, tomorrow's Blackstone camp strategy must be done in place anyway."

"By the way, what's going on with the information I asked you to collect!"

After that, Li Hu hurriedly took out a piece of paper from his arms: "it's all done. We have figured out the dwarf's coal transportation route and their time."

"Very good!"

He took the paper handed over by Li Hu, turned on the light on the top of the front row of the Land Rover, and took advantage of the long road home, Su Mo didn't waste time, and directly began to observe carefully.

Raiding Blackstone camp, whether it is a strong attack or a plan, is not difficult for the current depression.

At most, if you pay some time and materials, you can easily achieve your goal and make dwarves turn around.

But this attack, there is a premise, can not have the participation of tree people!

Once they had this so-called "ally", in order to maintain the impression of a strong heaven in their hearts, they attacked Blackstone camp, and the depression was greatly constrained.

First of all, if you make a strong attack, you can win it without effort.

A little procrastination will arouse the suspicion of the other party.

Secondly, if you are wise, you also have to make the dwarves fall into the pit without any effort.

Otherwise, the alliance relationship that has just entered the honeymoon period is bound to produce a huge rift created by mistrust!

"The garrison in the dwarf camp is about 500, plus the urban defense force that does not know its power, so it is extremely difficult to attack."

Sweep up and down the defense force, and at the first time, Su Mo denied the idea of a strong attack.

Then, after changing his mind, sumo continued to observe another direction.

"Dwarves will transport coal mines to the territory twice a day."

"The time is around 12:00 noon and 4:00 pm respectively. There will be some differences, but it will not exceed half an hour."

"The transporters are two waves of people, a total of four team leaders, who come in rotation. At present, there is no specific rotation order, and the probability is random."

"The number of people transported each time is one captain, one vice captain and thirty members."

"There are two teams at a time. One team's car is loaded with stones and the other team is loaded with coal. Good guy, what kind of operation is this!"

It can be seen from various data.

After the last accidental interception, the dwarves' vigilance increased a lot.

In particular, the fact that two teams go in different directions at one time ensures that even if the depression wants to kill, it is difficult to do it at the same time.

Once they know that someone has invaded, it is easy to close the gate and replay the previous drama.

Looking at the data again thoughtfully, Su Mo asked softly, "how is the identity collection of the defenders in the city!"

Pei Shao: "because of that eye, we can't control the collection of dust and directly distribute it in the city, so we can only grab it when they leave the city."

"At present, all the coolies' information has been collected, but only one of the four captains has been collected because they move too fast on their mounts!"

It's not good news, but it's not bad news.

After hearing Pei Shao's description of the difficulty of collecting, Su Mo didn't make a sound again, but half lay down, closed his eyes and began to think.

If all the information of the four captains is collected, it only needs a small wave of camouflage, and the depression can seamlessly replace everyone and make a wave of darkness under the light.

But at present, if the captain can't block the transmission of attack information in time once he starts.

Then it is bound to cause a chain reaction.

"I can only try to fight. With the firepower attraction of tree people, the success rate should not be small!"

It's too difficult to do something without any risk in this eschatological wasteland.

For fear of damaging the population under his command, sumo wants to pursue perfection in everything to ensure that there will be no mistakes.

But often, under this mentality, there will be some unexpected situations.

Aware of some problems in his thinking, Su Mo breathed suddenly, and then quickly changed his mind!

At present, with all the information of dwarf coolie, you can form an empty template by simply importing it.

Then let the previously qualified villagers load it, and you can stage a wave of drama of civet cat changing the crown prince.

As for the remaining three captains who did not collect information, the problem is not big.

As long as we can subdue each other at the first time, or directly kill them, we can deal with this only worry.

"Chen Shen, go back and select 60 people from the last selection to ensure that I have high loyalty to the depression and can't have any problems!"

"This time, Li Hu is responsible for playing the captain, leading the team into the city to hide and ensure the follow-up of our actions."

"Others are responsible for external support. Remember, we must not let tree people know our abilities and plans clearly. I need them to see in a muddle that we can complete the task easily!"

"Do you understand?"

Everyone shouted in unison, "understand!"

Compared with the mission to tree people's territory, the plan to attack Blackstone camp is not difficult.

In addition, sudebon, the "old fox", has been secretly calculating for a long time, and the whole plan has encountered few major problems.

Yes, just some small details.

"Soon, as long as the start can be carried out smoothly, with the IQ of these dwarfs, we will certainly not find out what the problem is."

"And when they react, the depression already has enough coal for the winter!"

"As long as we can make it through this winter, with the current information, why don't we worry about big things at that time!"