Chapter 608 secret in the mountain, strange man attack!

Su Mo's interest did not surprise the Liu brothers.

Wealth moves people.

Not to mention whether this is the real Su God, but to say that there are many treasures that are inextricably linked with secrets, anyone who sees them will be fascinated.

At the same time.

The most valuable things to come to this ten thousand mile mountain are, of course, the topographic map here, as well as many secrets and relics in the mountain.

Throw these, unless the other party is eating the weight iron heart, otherwise in other cases, both of them have a lot of confidence to get out.

"Susu God, let my two brothers organize the language first, and then report to you?"

Knowing didn't dare to ask for anything. Seeing Su Mo nodding slightly, both of them were relieved, took two steps back and began to chatter.

If it's an ordinary person, it's certainly impossible to hear clearly at such a distance.

But for sumo, these distances were enough for him to hear clearly.


During the discussion between the two brothers of the Liu family, it was all about small things like Chen sesame and rotten millet. For a long time, they choked out a meaningful sentence, which made people bored.

After listening attentively for a while, sumo took his attention back and waited patiently for the two people to finish discussing the details.

A long time.

Brother Liu canthus walked out, bowed 90 degrees first, then raised his head and began to report respectfully:

"Hello, Su Shen, in a hurry, our two brothers just said many secrets, which we will tell you for free, but please listen to me together."

"You must be from outside the mountain, right?"

For Liu canthus' question.

Su Mo didn't make a sound, just tilted his head, leaned his hand on his chin, and gently moved up and down.

There is no need to fake this point, and there is no need to fake it.

Now being pinched by others, with the minds of the Liu brothers, they must know how miserable it will be if they tell lies.

What's more, Oreo, who has been hidden in the corner, is constantly monitoring their expressions and movements, relying on the sixth sense to constantly detect.

Once there is a lie, Su Mo can know it at the first time.

"You must have guessed that our two brothers did not come here from the outside to settle down, but came out of the center of the mountain and stopped all the way here."

"Since you are from outside the mountain, first of all, please allow me to explain to you the current situation in the mountain, as well as several relatively powerful lords and territories."

Walking forward, Liu canthus first blew himself up, then found a stone on the ground and began to paint on the wall.

After a few cursory strokes, I first outlined a general topographic map of the mountain range, and then separated the general shape and distribution of the mountain with a few strokes.

And the map provided by Marshal Wang before, there is almost no big difference between the two.

Yes, it's just that there are a little more corners of the mountain and a little less difference, which doesn't matter.

"From the center of the mountain, radiating outward, the mountain under US belongs to the second mountain close to the outside world."

"Walking towards the center, we still need to climb eight mountains connected together, three Daojian mountains with extremely steep slopes up and down, two fragile mountains that often collapse, and four ordinary earth and stone mountains that are no different from our feet."

"Among them, Daojian mountain is the most dangerous. The slowest slope on the mountain road is more than 45 degrees, and the most shaking slope is about 80 degrees, which is extremely terrifying."

"Every time we climb this mountain, many people will fall on the hillside, unfortunately fall and die at the foot of the mountain. It is the biggest natural moat from our feet to the center!"

"The crisp mountain in the future sounds dangerous, but as long as you are careful, there will be no big problem."

Like a professional tour guide and geography teacher, Liu canthus' professional level is good.

With just a few sketches and simple explanations, the danger between donglongshan and the origin camp will be clear.

These are not mentioned in the map by Marshal Wang.

At this time, hearing Liu canthus mention, Su Mo nodded silently and recorded all the information in his mind.

At the same time, the soldiers hidden in the corner also calmly use a pen to quickly record beside them, and try to record Liu canthus' introduction into words and save it first.

Form first-hand information about entering the mountain.

In the future, as the territory comes back to the Dashan center more and more times, after adding, this note alone can reduce the risk by 90%.

"On the way to the center, as far as I know, there are 17 human gathering places."

"Most of these people are distributed on the Bapan mountain and the four ordinary mountains behind, of which the largest number is more than 400, and the smallest number is only 50."

"However, most of these are hearsay, specific, because we haven't explored them in depth, and we don't know their details for the time being. Maybe these territories were annexed and occupied by other territories long before the disaster."

On Bapan mountain, Liu canthus beat eleven small ones with ten pieces in a row ×, It means there are eleven human gathering places here.

Six more were hit on the four upper bodies in the rear ×, There are also six representatives here.

"Of course, these 17 territories, including mine, must be no better than the large human gathering place in the middle of the ten thousand mile mountain."

"Their name is the territory of origin, which was previously formed by 20 or 30 small gathering places, with a total number of more than 20000 people. Later, because many people joined, if it can develop smoothly to the present, it is estimated that there are 50000 or 80000 people."

Speaking of the center of Wanli mountain, Liu canthus came to his strength and began to describe it carefully.

Unfortunately, what he said was not as clear as what Marshal Wang had previously revealed, and he even brought a lot of storytelling personal exaggeration.

For a while, there are 36 lords of Tiangang in the territory of origin, each of whom has 500 soldiers. They can recruit and be good at fighting. Even if the alien comes, they can't get any benefit.

After a while, the industrial facilities are perfect, and guns and ammunition can be produced in batches. When the winter passes, it may start a formal attack outside the mountain.

In short.

After talking for a long time, it can be summed up in two words:


"All right, don't say this first, just pick the key point for me!"

It's a long night, considering that I haven't eaten dinner yet.

Su Mo frowned and slammed one finger on the table with a bang.

On the other side, Liu canthus, who was originally said to be beaming, was so frightened that he immediately realized that he was saying hi, showing a chatty expression, and quickly stopped talking.

"Don't worry, Su Shen. The territory of origin was very strong before, but now they have separated and collapsed, and it's completely out of climate."

"Because of a sudden riot, it has become a Shura field for fighting. It is estimated that it will be difficult in winter!"

Hearing the topic of interest, Su Mo frowned and loosened, and said softly, "riot?"

Liu canthus nodded, "yes, we escaped from there because of the riot. We stumbled all the way to the current mountain and stopped when we saw this excellent disaster relief. Otherwise, we must still be mixed in the origin territory."

Su Mo said softly, "continue"

Starting from here, it is right at the end of Marshal Wang's previous narration.

Because of the riot, marshal Wang was forced to leave the mountain. When he returned, he found that his relatives had been kidnapped. Finally, he had to leave and go to the outside world for help.

For the riot, because he was in the ruins and injured, his mind was blank, he didn't know the cause and effect, and he didn't know what happened later.

At this time, there are two Liu brothers, which can just fill this gap.


Seeing Su Mo's undisguised urging, Liu canthus turned his head and glanced at his brother Liu jai.

Su Mo obviously cares more about this matter than many previous information.

And the key to getting away naturally lies in whether these words can be said beautifully at the moment.

Well said, Su Mo is happy, so even if they suffer a meal of flesh and blood, they can still leave their lives behind.

That's not good. Su Mo was angry. Let alone where they went after that. Tonight alone, it was a sleepless night.

After careful consideration, he finally nodded silently to Liu jai.

Liu canthus swallowed his saliva, cleared all the miscellaneous thoughts in his brain, and carefully spit out two words:


"Because of the ruins, it led to this riot. If it weren't for that day, that night, the ruins and the territory of origin would never have such a disaster!"

It seemed that he remembered some terrible scene, and Liu Jai's face was full of fear.

Just after looking at Su Mo Gu and Xie, he hurriedly continued to talk.

"Our two brothers are scavengers under the command of Zhang Lu, the fourth Lord of the origin camp. We shouldn't have known such a secret thing because of that day."

"It was an ordinary morning. Early in the morning, our brothers found that Zhang Lu was preparing equipment with many confidants."

"In the eyes of others, Zhang Lu took his men out of the mountain to hunt, or found something valuable. He took people to seize it first. But in our eyes, Zhang Lu was very abnormal this time, and his men were also very abnormal. Although they forcibly suppressed their inner emotions, we could also explore this excitement from the inside out. At the same time, they also took all the guns and ammunition they had accumulated previously and made it clear that they wanted to do it A tough battle "

"Naturally, my brothers would not sit by and watch this opportunity to turn over. Immediately, after Zhang Lu set out, we followed him and quietly hung behind the team."

"But to our surprise, after that, we saw other lords!"

Recalling the grand scene, Liu canthus flashed a trace of confusion in his eyes. He didn't seem to know how to tell the story that happened later, as well as the shock in their hearts at that time.

We can only continue to narrate in a straight line without rules:

"There are more and more people, followed by more and more scavengers. It is reasonable to say that we should have been found and cleared out long ago, but paradoxically, they did not drive us away. Instead, they indulged in some indulgence, leaving us hanging behind the team wantonly."

"From here, we felt a trace of something wrong, and we didn't dare to stay and follow. Even if we left the team, we found a path to explore higher, and wanted to see what the purpose of these people was!"

"And then, we did see everyone's destination!"

"It's a huge dangerous relic that can't hold a mountain and spans tens of miles!"

Opening his arms, Liu Jai gestured. From the shock on his face, he could slightly think how shocked they could be at the first sight.

"We have never entered or explored this kind of relics before. We guess that armed force teams with live guns will be unlucky to enter, and naturally we dare not have any idea of interfering."

"But the two of us don't want to miss this opportunity in vain. If we live such a precarious life, we can only wait on the mountain for a while to see how the situation inside is before making subsequent judgments."

"This wait, really didn't expect, let us wait for a big fish, a big fish enough to eat everyone!"

Speaking of this, I'm afraid I've missed the following details.

Liu Jai specially ran to Liu canthus again. After a while of chattering and discussion, they stood back in front of the map.

And from here on, as soon as he opened his mouth, even sumo, who had been leaning against him, began to sit up slowly, with a dignified look.

"This is a group of humans we have never seen before. Their appearance is not the slightest difference from ours. There is only a small gear pattern on their forehead."

"This gear pattern can also emit faint fluorescence in the night, which is enough to distinguish us from ourselves, and also distinguish ourselves from the enemy in the chaotic battlefield."

"Their weapons are very advanced. There is a rifle that can emit red light. Once the human body touches it, it will be instantly printed with a big hole, and the skin outside the internal organs will turn into ash."

"Their vehicles are very powerful. There are not only ordinary bulletproof infantry vehicles, but also small tanks that can emit red light. In the crowd, they are simply human eating monsters. They run over and over like nobody."

"Their only drawback is that there are probably few people. According to my observation, these monsters only have about 50 or 60 people at most, and their bodies are almost as fragile as ours. Once they are hit head-on by our bullets, they will also fall to the ground and die."

"But even with such a number of crushing advantages, we still lost. We lost completely and failed to make a splash!"

Sixteen territories, not counting the ordinary scavengers without weapons in the back, are calculated according to the combat power of 150 people in each territory.

There are also a full 2400 people, 40 times the number of the other party.

In the age of cold weapons, even if the other party has natural dangers to defend, it is extremely difficult to prevent the impact of dozens of times the number of people. After success, it is a great event that will go down in history.

However, in the era of science and technology, it seems to be extremely relaxed, without the slightest difficulty.

"Weapons that can emit red light are either derivatives of old technology or advanced levels of laser technology tree, which have been applied to small arms."

"Although this thing is somewhat beyond the outline, it is not as hopeless as expected and can be accepted!"

Far away, Su Mo didn't expect the Liu brothers to have any exact description of the specific battle details.

After all, with their insights, the highest understanding of weapons is probably cannons and rifles.

"How did you get these illustrations?"

Liu canthus answered honestly, "after this battle, these monsters didn't stop on the battlefield to clean up their trophies. Instead, they hurriedly grabbed a few prisoners and went towards our origin camp. It seems that they have something urgent to do."

"Except on the way back, they picked up a few runaways. They didn't care about those lying on the ground pretending to be dead, and they disappeared in a few minutes."

"At first, we wanted to run, but finally we found many people groping the corpses below, so we ran down quickly, relying on our brothers and followed them for a while."

"However, they have the first mover advantage. In the end, we only got three illustrations that no one wanted, two notebooks recording ghost symbols, a ragged remote control, a native shotgun, a pistol, and!"

With that, Liu Jai and Liu canthus looked at each other, intending to open the storage space and take a picture from it.


The first time the object appeared, the rapid sound came from sumo's waist and was connected to the object in their hands.

Take a close look.

It's the adventurous mechanic No. 2 that disappeared on Donglong mountain before!