Chapter 633 they are not human! Who are they?

The night on the plain is unusually cold.

By one o'clock in the morning, the outside temperature had plummeted to more than ten degrees below zero.

Lying on the snow, Chen Shen should have felt cold.

Not only did he not feel the slightest cold, but a burning sense of anxiety gathered in his heart.

"How long will captain Li Hu bring someone here?"

Hearing Chen's interrogation, the soldier who had just contacted him hurriedly said, "village head, there are about ten minutes left."


As soon as he heard that there were ten minutes left, Chen Shen could only press his mind for the time being and force himself to calm down.

During the period of calling people back to get the telescope, he has confirmed a fact with the simple telescope in his hand.


There are people in this mysterious building complex.

And there are many people!

The confirmation of these three points is almost certain.

This is probably one of the most difficult situations that everyone has encountered since coming to the new world!

Waiting so anxiously, four or five minutes passed.

The soldiers who had gone to the rear vehicle to get the binoculars finally came back with a half man high box, PA TA PA TA.

What is inside is the treasure of hope village.

A prize won by a lucky man from a lucky bag, with an ultra long-range telescope with a physical magnification of up to 15 times.

Under the large light inlet of this telescope, even though there is very little light on the wilderness at night, it is far from enough for observation.

But it is also far more than the optical zoom blown out by those manufacturers when promoting mobile phones in the civilized era.

In twos and threes, set up the tripod of the telescope and quickly assemble the tube.

Chen Shen couldn't wait to raise his head, put his eyes on the observation port, and began to observe this mysterious building complex from the sky for the first time.


Looking from the outside to the inside, Chen Shen just glanced slightly, and then took a breath.

Previous vague observation can only confirm that the building structure of the other party must be much higher than that of the village, at least equal to that of the earth in the civilized era.

At present, I'm afraid it's not only flat, but also

Go beyond some!

The outermost gate in the village uses ready-made stones as the foundation, cast steel as the skeleton, and a wooden sign on the top as the sign of the village.

And the gate of this mysterious building complex is actually made of unknown materials. The whole door looks like a whole, and there is no trace of splicing.

Especially at its signboard, there are many decorations with strange shapes.

"It's strange. This architectural style looks like human handwriting."

"But why is this subtle part so kesulu?"

Staring at several air dried tentacles on the sign, looking at various biological crustaceans hanging next to them, Chen Shen murmured and shivered all over.

The practice of hanging a sign on the gate to show your identity is widely used in human gathering places, and it is difficult to see other races follow suit.


Hanging some prey heads or biological corpses on the gate is an alien style. Few fools in human colonies will be so ostentatious.

However, few people have ever seen such a combination of signs and heads.

After all, so far, there is no human being who can truly integrate with other races, and there is no alien group that can let humans occupy half the sky.

I didn't find what I wanted in the place where I could get the most information.

Chen Shen pursed his lips, swallowed saliva to wet his dry throat, and continued to look at the most prominent place in the building complex at present.

Central bonfire!

In the light of the fire here, before Chen Shen used his portable telescope, he could probably see a figure flashing in it, but he could not see the specific appearance and appearance of the figure.

Nowadays, with a large telescope, it still looks vague in the distance because of light.

But it's much better than before!

Chasing one of the figures who just appeared, Chen Shen stared carefully without blinking and waited patiently for him to pass by the fire.

About ten seconds later.

The figure flashed past.

Seeing this, Chen Shen immediately felt relieved.

Then, I looked forward to it with inexplicable nervousness.

"Chen Yu, tell captain Li Hu not to scare the snake first."

"Let him park his car three kilometers away and come on foot like us."

"There are people in this group of buildings, and probably we humans."

"Their strength looks good. If we have weapons in our hands, we are not rivals in a hurry!"

It is clear that what shuttles through this mysterious building group is really human.

Walk on two legs.

Two arms embrace supplies.

Chen Shen turned his head, thought for a while, and carefully arranged a few sentences.

As long as it's not alien, it's human, no matter what the other party's identity is.

As a family, there is always a chance to talk.

At that time, if the other side is not willing to negotiate, there is no problem with these buffer time and home court advantage.

But if the other side is willing to negotiate

"This is an opportunity!"

"If the other party is willing to join our territory and become an affiliated village."

"I'm afraid the director must be very happy when he comes back!"

Thinking of this, Chen Shen clenched his fist secretly, and his heart was more firm.

As the village head, Chen Shen knows clearly.

What exactly did Su Mo do when he entered the mountain this time.

For other management, Su Mo is to go in and explore the details of the mysterious enemy, and incidentally find the missing Marshal Wang and others.

Those words said to the villagers in order to rescue more survivors are just an excuse to comfort everyone.

It can't be true.

After all, it is too difficult to bring hundreds of people back from the mountains all the way. Just thinking about it is a headache.

But only Chen Shen knows that these words to the villagers are probably the real purpose of Su Mo!

There are too few people in the village to support the recovery of science and technology in the civilized era and the further improvement of productivity!

Population, if we don't rob now.

After waiting for two or three months, human beings are more dispersed and hide deeper.

After waiting for three disasters and five disasters, the number of human beings in the new world continues to decline sharply under natural disasters.

At that time, I'm afraid if you want to find it, it will really become looking for a needle in a haystack!

"Village head, Captain Li Hu has been notified, and they will arrive soon."

Chen Shen nodded quickly, "Cheng, go and pick it up. Be sure to make them careful and don't expose our whereabouts!"

That's it.

Arrange properly.

Looking at the soldiers who reported the news, Chen Shen turned his head and continued to pay attention to the direction of the buildings.

Different from the anxious mood before, Chen Shen's state of mind suddenly calmed down a lot after knowing that the other party was human.

Even when observing, his mind also remembered the script of how to communicate and negotiate with each other.

"First of all, we must not expose the identity of our director and the location of our territory. This is our last card, and we must take it well."

"Secondly, if you really can't reach an agreement, you can delay it. Finally, wait until the director comes back and talk again. You must not easily break out conflict with them."

"At present, the most important thing is to understand their identity. It is best to know where they come from, whether they are human, where they are human, and what their purpose is."

After being placed in a suitable position by Su Mo and developing its potential, Chen Shen's code of conduct began to more and more conform to his position.

He lost a lot and gained a lot.

Once those impetuous, hot-blooded, rash can no longer see the slightest bit.

Instead, caution, alertness, and shrewdness fill the body.

In the wasteland, Chen Shen obtained a wonderful life that may be difficult to have on earth for a lifetime.

On the other side, Li Hu, who was originally just an ordinary retired soldier, also began to gain his second spring in the position of minister of the armed forces.

"Stop there!"

Driving the truck captured from Zeus' refuge, Li Hu frowned and commanded after seeing the location of the Land Rover parked far away.

On the way here, he had known the identity of the other party through the platform.

After hearing that another group of humans is coming.

Unlike Chen Shen, who tried to talk to each other, Li Hu had only one idea in his mind.

Take it!

Subdue by force!

In peacetime, Chen Shen was just a legal top student who had just left university.

Even though the waste soil has changed him a lot, the gentleness still accounts for the majority in his mind.

But Li Hu is different.

He clearly knew that the other party fell into his own territory, leaving only two choices.

First, kill each other.

Territorial integrity is firmly inviolable, even if the opposite side makes it clear that it can't just take advantage of local development.

First, the distance between the two sides is too close. Once the other side changes its mind, it suddenly launches a surprise attack.

Hope village is easy to be caught off guard and end up in a regiment without any preparation.

Second, there are many secrets and resources in the village.

If the other party gains an inch, he is like uncle Liu in the romance of the Three Kingdoms.

First borrow places, then borrow resources.

In the end, if you can't accept it, this behavior is tantamount to the enemy's capital, raising the tiger as a danger!

Second, accept it completely.

Like the first point, the second choice can only survive in the end.

But the difference is that it is not one of the two villages that survived, but the sovereignty of the territory.

If the other party is willing to hand over all weapons and unconditionally disclose their secrets, then for the people of hope village.

Their identity is no different from that of ordinary survivors. They can be separated by means and slowly subdued.

This is what Li hu wants to do.

To this end, when the truck stopped, he clenched his rifle in his hand, with an unprecedented firmness of vision.

Open the door and get off the truck.

Forty five soldiers pulled in the rear truck also began to jump out of the vehicle to check their weapons and equipment.

About a minute later, when everyone has finished the inspection and assembled according to the formation.

Li Hu strode to the middle, clenched his right fist, and thumped at his heart.

This action made everyone nervous immediately.

You know, Li Hu didn't make this gesture when he attacked the mysterious building previously.

Now, Minister Li Hu made this action, which represents only one meaning.

Everyone should be ready for the next battle:

For all villagers, for hope village, for Director Su mo

Give your life!

"Everyone, follow my instructions"

"Current combat readiness level: Red Level 1"

"Current enemy, all creatures except our own, including strange humans, including strange aliens"

"I have only one request. Once a conflict breaks out, other creatures are our enemies except ourselves. What you have to do is to reduce their number as much as possible!"

When Su Mo travels to Shuren territory, the combat readiness level set by the village is light yellow level 4.

It means that the possibility of conflict is about 5% - 10%, and the possibility of village regiment destruction is 0%.

Before the heavy snowfall, when the village attacked the dwarf Blackstone camp, the combat readiness level was bright yellow Level 3.

It means that the possibility of conflict outbreak is more than 20%, less than 50%, and the possibility of village group destruction is still 0%.

But now, the red level is the combat readiness level.

It means that the possibility of conflict is as high as 90%, and the possibility of the destruction of the village regiment is as high as 50%.


Similarly, raise one fist and hit it at the heart, and everyone responded to their attitude with action.

At this time, they also understand that the village is likely to reach a critical moment of life and death.

This kind of moment cowers, and you can live for a while, but you can't live for a lifetime.

Only fearless charge, with a steel gun in his hand to tell the enemy his attitude.

In order to win that chance of life!

"The intelligence team goes first, leaving ten people in a team. Follow me silently!"

Of 45.

The five were scouts. After receiving Li Hu's order, they first dodged from the flank and aimed at the light point.

The remaining 40 people, divided into four teams, quickly went to Chen Shen's hiding place under the leadership of the soldiers at the joint.

It took six minutes and forty seconds for the two teams to finally meet.

"Let's talk to each other, if they."

"I'll take someone in first and see if I can."

As soon as they met, Li Hu and Chen Shen almost unanimously wanted to say what they thought.

But just after half the words, the two people stopped talking tacitly, looked at each other, and motioned for each other to speak first.

Paused, looking at Chen Shen's slightly young face.

Li Hu couldn't resist the war in his heart, and thought of a compromise to speak first:

"Village head, no matter whether these people are enemies or allies, we always greet each other and let them know that their current position belongs to our territory."

"In this way, no matter whether the other party is willing to talk or tough, let's get out, and we can come back to discuss it in the future."

Just finished speaking.

The so-called "hello" in Li Hu's mind still used his own force to sneak in first and catch a person talking.

In this way, if you have the first opportunity, you can at least ensure that you get enough information on your side, so as not to fall into passivity.

But in the next half minute.

Led by Chen Shen, Li Hu quickly dismissed his idea after observing each other's buildings in the telescope for a while.

"Since the other side's force may be higher than ours, it's really abrupt to advance so rashly."

"Well, the village head, you take three people to call the door, and 40 of us will cover you in the rear."

"Once the other party launches an attack, get down quickly and we will fight back directly!"

It's OK to go to the other party's territory rashly, forcibly abduct its members, and crush them by force.

But if it's equal, or the other party is higher than yourself.

It's easy to tear your face directly and start fighting directly.

This is not what Chen shen wants to see, nor is it what Li hu wants.

"Well, brother Hu, don't be nervous. Maybe the other party is not as bad as we thought!"

Smile and comfort Li Hu.

Chen Shen adjusted his collar and patted the snowflakes on his body.

If the two armies fight, they will not cut off the envoys.

This is an unspoken rule in the age of civilization, and it will not work in the end of the world.

In this industry, knowing that he was holding great risks, Chen Shen was magical in his heart, but he calmed down.

Casually point up three people, a line of four people in everyone's eyes, began to move forward slowly.

On the way, I'm afraid the other party can't see me.

Chen Shen also took out a torch that had been abandoned for a long time in the village, lit it and held it high on his right hand.

One kilometer later, the four person team like fireflies in the night was undetected by the people inside.

At 800 meters, the figure inside was still flashing, but he still turned a blind eye to Chen Shen, who came slowly outside.

With such anxious temptation, Chen Shen was ok, but Li Hu and his party, who had been following Chen Shen for 200 meters, were nervous and sweating in their hands.

Keep going.

Always close.

As Chen Shen and the four finally approached the mysterious building group within 500 meters.

The figure inside finally found the trace of the four people.

And this time, it was like poking a hornet's nest, and bursts of sound came out.

"No, they are not human at all. They still have guns in their hands!"

"Hurry, be ready for battle at any time, and be ready to rescue the village head!"

At this distance, in just a moment, Li Hu used his portable telescope to see the real appearance of people flashing in each other's buildings.

Where is the human in Chen Shen's mouth? It's obviously a group of aliens!

Although they are like humans, they walk on their feet and hold weapons in their hands.

But just like the first wave of aliens that fell on the waste soil before, they are all mutated animals.

And this group of animals

"It's a fish man!"

Looking at the fins on the other side's head that have not completely degenerated, Li Hu's nervous body has begun to tremble, and his right hand holding a rifle can't help shaking up and down.

When facing the alien race, human beings rely on these modern scientific and technological weapons in their hands.


With it.

Human beings can completely make up for the weakness of their bodies, and the enemy will die invisible hundreds of meters away.

A single person can play dozens of times the fighting power of an individual, enough to block dozens of people, hundreds of people with the power of one person!

Even if you fight against a powerful alien, with a gun, you can also have a way to kill it.

This is the greatest confidence of mankind in the face of the unknown, and it is also the spiritual pillar of having confidence to live to the end in the wasteland.

But now, Li Hu's heart is crazy.

Because at the first time, he saw clearly the weapons in the hands of these fishermen.

"No, the guns in their hands look more advanced than ours."

The fish man rushed out of the mysterious buildings at a fast speed. In a flash, hundreds of people surrounded Chen Shen in the past.

At the same time, their tactical quality is also terrible. Compared with most trained soldiers, they are even better than the first line.

Not only did the fishman come forward to contact Chen Shen, but also the fishman lay down on the spot and set up the gun line.

Stuck at an awkward distance of 200 meters.

Li Hu can only ask everyone to lie on the ground as soon as possible to reduce their actions and reduce the risk of being found.

"Don't take the first shot before the last moment."

"Tell the village quickly, get on alert and be ready for battle at any time."

"This time, we are in big trouble!"

Looking at Chen Shen's dilemma in the middle, Li Hu silently opened the rifle insurance while giving orders.

Fighting, almost a touch!