Chapter 650 waiting, ruins in the cliff!

Hoo Hoo

The wind blew past my ears, and the snow was heavily trampled, flying up and falling to the ground.

The recorded maximum speed of mankind was set by the holder of the 100 meter world record, reaching an unprecedented 44 kilometers per hour.

Of course, this seems exaggerated. It is not that he keeps this speed all the way, but that he only records a moment.

If you really want to run at this speed for an hour, not to mention ordinary human beings on earth, but also higher level interstellar human beings, you may not be able to maintain it.

However, this small limitation is nothing to sumo, who has turned into a swift road lizard.

If it weren't for the dark night and the unfamiliar terrain nearby, he could even run 60 kilometers per hour in a short time, comparable to the speed of a car.


Running all the way, I felt the crazy secretion of adrenaline and the uncontrollable pleasure in my heart.

Su Mo breathed the cold air outside, and his eyes were like electric eyes, straight ahead.

Under the speed difference, it was only half an hour before and after, and he had caught up with the truck fleet transporting materials.

Slowing down and turning into a human again, Su Mo took out his flat plate and looked at it with fixed eyes.

At such a distance and speed, Feng long and Feng Tianmin, who only used their bodies to travel, had been left five kilometers away and completely lost their position lock.

According to the adventurous mechanical mapping attached to the truck chassis, the position of the team at this time has been more than seven kilometers away from the origin territory.

Counting the extra roads in the middle due to detours, the distance between the two is nearly ten kilometers.

But now in this posture, the team has no intention of stopping at all. Obviously, the destination is still far away.

"It's a snowy mountain ahead. Are they going to drive this truck to the snowy mountain?"

Where you can see.

There is already a mountain not much lower than the surrounding snow mountains, blocking the view.

At the speed of the team, if you don't change the route, you will arrive at the foot of the snow mountain in about five minutes at most.

Upward, it seems that there is nothing special about these. Only trucks with widened carriages are made, and there is basically no possibility of climbing snow mountains.

"It seems that there are other mysteries!"

In the dark wilderness.

Sumo flew up to a high place again and looked around at the anomaly.

Unfortunately, in the night, except for the light of the team, there was no abnormality at all.

There are only monotonous snow roads as before.

"I can only continue tracking!"

The longer the distance, the less likely it is to be supported by the soldiers.

However, Su Mo boasted that he had a lot of means in his hand. Even if the destination of these people was really dangerous, he could leave calmly.

As long as you can probe and clear the specific location of each other, nothing else matters.

Bowing his head, he turned into a swift road lizard again, and Sumo caught up again.

Five minutes later, the motorcade didn't stop at the foot of the snow mountain. Instead, it drove in from a long opened path and began to walk around the snow mountain.

Here, Su Mo made the first mark to remind Feng long and Feng Tianmin, who were chased by the rear, to continue their fast tracking.

Twenty minutes later, the motorcade circled around the snow mountain, driving in from the opened cave and out from the gap at the end.

In such a complex driving route, you can drive so smoothly.

Obviously, these people are already familiar with the road, and they have done many things to steal materials.

"Good guy, these guys are really careful enough. They are still detouring in this deep mountain!"

The turning route, under the cover of the dark night, naturally looks like the team has been moving forward.

However, it can be seen at a glance from the position movement trajectory outlined by the surveying and mapping of adventure mechanics.

In the past 20 minutes, at the initial starting point, the team has passed three times, and now it is even on the way to the fourth time.

The ruts rolled out of the snow have become a mess.

Even if Su Mo ran all the way, it was difficult to identify the real direction and purpose of the team without the guidance of the map of adventurous mechanics.

There was no way. After taking a look, it was only one o'clock at night. Su Mo could only sink his mind and continue to follow in circles.

Heaven is worthy of those who have a heart.

Finally, after the team completed the seventh circle, the crooked driving route was finally straightened up, and the speed of the team began to slow down slowly.

"Is it coming?"

Looking at the slower and slower trucks in the field of vision, the motorcade that has almost stopped.

Looking at the desolate scenery of nearby villages and shops, Su Mo stopped and began to look at the distance with a little surprise.

Here, it is still within the range of that snow mountain.

Just from the front of the snow mountain all the way around to the side, the distance did not advance much.

At the place where the motorcade is currently staying, there are no buildings at all, or caves hiding materials, and even a depression is extremely difficult to find.


Facing a 15 meter high cliff, I watched the first truck slowly hit it, and then disappeared into my field of vision.

And after the positioning of the No. 1 adventure mechanic on the tablet completely lost its response, Su Mo's face suddenly sank.

Once, in the depression, in order to fool the alien group of tree people, he once directed the use of virtual reality to create such a door in the mountain to deceive.

But now, the same scene, different places.

Su Mo is sure that these trucks can drive into this cliff, and they are definitely not affected by devices like virtual reality.

But this cliff, there is definitely a problem!

"Is this the entrance to the ruins?"

Staring at the field of vision, the third car with a locator disappeared in the cliff, and the flat plate in his hand suddenly lost position sensing.

Su Mo's heart sank again.

Two adventurous mechanics, one in front of the other, climbed to the bottom of the first truck and the sixth truck respectively.

The position locator in the flour bag is installed on the third car.

These three things lost contact after entering the cliff.

If the other party finds out and makes it aware that the location has been exposed, I'm afraid the consequences will be unimaginable.

"What should I do? Should I go in?"

Looking at the cliff covered with a little snow, Su Mo was stunned, and finally did not dare to make any action.

If the end of the cliff is a relic with shielding power.

In the absence of any information, if you rush in, no one knows whether the destination will be allocated immediately or directly fall into the other party's base camp.

In case you enter, go directly to the bottom of the other party's eyelids.

Even if you can run, you should peel off the skin.

Su Mo thought clearly about his own safety.

Not long after, with all the trucks disappearing into the field of vision and complete restoration of silence in the wilderness, Su Mo was still lying on the ground like a hard rock.

Dark night, white snow.

Su Mo is like an old hunter, hiding himself as much as possible to reduce the possibility of all exposure.

Ten minutes later, there was no reaction at the cliff.

Half an hour later, it was early two o'clock in the night, and there was still no creature coming out of the cliff, and there was no sound.

Two hours later, the positioning point in the tablet belonging to Feng long and Feng Tianmin was only about a kilometer away from Su Mo's lying position.

The accessible cliff in the field of vision is still normal.

After waiting for so long, squatting from time to time, his numb body and lying in the snow, Su Mo's inner anxiety has long disappeared, replaced by full expectations.

"Adventure mechanics have simple intelligent logical judgment. After losing contact for a long time, they will automatically return along the way they came."

"As long as there is a mechanic who can come out and bring me the information inside, and Feng long and Feng Tianmin set up a gun line to meet me outside, I dare to rush in and have a look!"

Su Mo thought so.

Not long.

Feng long and Feng Tianmin, with tired faces, finally stumbled through the more than 20 mile mountain road and rushed over from the origin territory.

The night rises and falls, adding unfamiliar terrain.

Seeing Su Mo in the distance, the two men radiated their last strength and quickly walked to Su Mo's side, and then fell down.

Looking like this, I'm obviously tired.

"Director, you don't know how sinister these people are. After their motorcade left, a group of people came behind to clean up the traces."

"At first, we didn't find out. We were almost caught by these people. It really scared me to death!"

As soon as he sat down, Feng long began to complain repeatedly.

"It's cautious, but they didn't follow?"

Feng long shook his head: "as soon as they arrived at the snow mountain, those people went back. It seems that the destination is in the snow mountain?"

"Yes, right here!"

Along the direction of Su Mo's fingers, they looked.

In addition to the ruts on the ground, where can I see any trace of human existence.

However, after finding that the ruts finally disappeared in front of the cliff, both of them opened their mouths and failed to make any sound.

"Wait until they come out, or the adventurous mechanic comes out, before we can know what's going on inside."

"It's too risky to rush in like this!"

After coming to the wasteland, human beings have seen too many supernatural phenomena.

For this accessible cliff, Feng long and Feng Tianmin were only amazed at first, but later they accepted it calmly.

It's already three o'clock in the night.

With two more people guarding, the burden on Su Mo suddenly decreased.

However, this place is desolate everywhere. Afraid of touching any mechanism, Su Mo didn't dare to go around, so he had to stay where he was and wait.

Before that, he saw with his own eyes that the two captains of the transportation materials followed the motorcade.

According to the rules of transporting goods in the city, the two must return to the territory of origin to prepare before the curfew ends.

Therefore, the remaining waiting time is not long.

half past three.

Due to the waiting all night and the lower and lower temperature outside, the self-protection mechanism of the human body has begun to frantically urge the three people to enter the sleep state to save heat.

There was no way, so Su Mo had to open the storage space and found a small bottle of Youneng water from it. The three took turns to drink it to keep their attention.

four o'clock.

Feel the limbs that have been frozen stiff, and the stomach that keeps protesting.

Feng long turned his eyes, took out a shovel from the storage space, and soon drilled a hole in a low-lying area behind.

Take out the dry firewood prepared before and defrost most of the chicken, and then put it on and bake it.

After a while, three delicious roast chickens were brought up by him, emitting an attractive fragrance.

"You are so versatile, you are really buried in the village!"

He took it with a smile. Su Mo first boasted, and then took a big bite.


The chicken roasted with firewood has completely stimulated the external fat into the meat.

At the first bite, the fresh juice mixed with the fragrance of oil directly encroached on all feelings.

Another bite, sprinkled on the skin of chili noodles a stimulus, with the already fragrant roast chicken is even more hot, making people warm all over.

This kind of roast chicken, which has little temptation on weekdays, makes people unable to pay attention when they eat it in the cold night.

In less than five minutes, the three ate the roast chicken in their hands and lay down again.

This time, there is food in the stomach to transfer heat continuously.

Looking at the cliff again, the last trace of anxiety in Su Mo's heart dissipated.

Yes, just gradually overflowing self-confidence.

half past four.

On the eve of the rising sun, sumo's attention has reached its peak, and he is always watching the changes of the cliff.

Finally, at four fifty-five.

With waves beginning to emerge on the cliff, the magical scene happened again.

See only.

The truck that drove in before has slowly pulled out again and stopped in front of the cliff.

The back bucket of the truck has been unloaded completely, and all the goods in it naturally remain inside the cliff.

From the front of the truck, three people jumped lightly.

At first glance, it was the two material captains who had entered before, as well as a gunman masked guard in black.


At first glance, Su Mo was disappointed to see that the trucks coming out were not the first and sixth of the previous team.

In my mind, I also began to plan whether to catch the two people violently and interrogate them at the risk of startling the snake.

But within a few seconds, I saw two green dots reappear on the tablet.

Su Mo couldn't resist his excitement and quickly lay on the ground to reconnect.

A few seconds later, as the green word "successful connection" floated, the three people breathed a long sigh of relief, and their tensed strength also relaxed.

"Fortunately, the built-in logic has emergency avoidance and path finding return, otherwise we will be in trouble tonight!"

Controlling the adventurous mechanic to return to the place where the three men hid, Su Mo secretly praised it in his heart.

A penny, a penny.

If you change to another upgraded mechanic tonight, there is a 99% probability that you will not get out of this cliff.

But the adventurous mechanic who spent a lot of survival points perfectly matched his word "adventure".

"Director, they are leaving. Do you want us to go down and take them?"

After sending the three out, after a few words of conversation, the truck has once again driven into the interior of the cliff.

The two captains and a guard, after identifying the direction, did not dare to whet haw, and began to return along the same road.

A trace of goodwill flashed in his eyes, and Feng Tianmin showed some eagerness to try.

"Let them go first. It's not too late for us to make a decision after we explore and clear what's going on here."

"Look at this. Anyway, they won't run away for a while!"

Su Mo waved his hand to interrupt their thoughts, staring at the closer and closer machinist on the plate.

Compared with the goal set before the departure tonight, the return of the mechanics is undoubtedly a perfect plan.

The discovery of this cliff relic is an unexpected harvest.

Wait until the adventurous mechanic Gulu rolls to his feet, Su Mo comes forward skillfully, pulls out the memory card directly above his head, and starts loading it into the tablet to check.

For a moment, the video image recorded by the mechanic began to emerge.

Just after seeing the inside of the cliff, Su Mo couldn't help clenching his fist and holding back his excitement.

There is no difference with what you guessed. The interior of the cliff is indeed a relic, and its scale seems to be larger than LiangFang town!