Chapter 656 points Click to break, reverse thinking!

The cold and dark barrel of the gun, like the whisper of death, although it exudes a strong fatal threat, but people have to focus all their attention on it.

Rough and thick questions, like the pace of the devil friction, only in people's hearts back and forth, there is an unspeakable strange uncomfortable.

Being pointed so straight, the M-1 rifle is extremely smooth and beautiful.

Hou Tielong almost hesitated for less than a second, and calmly took back his hand under the table and simply put it on his head.

"Brother, if you are looking for Hou Tielong, the night assassin of the bounty team, then I am"

"If you want money, I have just prepared a large number of supplies here, which are placed at the back of the room, and there is a secret road directly leading to the outside of the origin territory below. You can take them all without effort if you want."

"If you need information, I know a lot here. I won't hide anything from you as long as you want to know the reasons for the surface and the secret, and even the strange looks in the territory these two days."

"If you need someone to rush in front, although Hou Tielong hasn't touched the gun many times, there are many brothers under my command. I can give you a horse before and after the saddle, and you are satisfied with the custody arrangement."

"If you seek revenge, please let me die to understand!"

He said five sentences continuously, and Hou Tielong's voice was slightly low and panting.

For him, who spent such a long time in the Eschatology and offended many people in the territory of origin because of the bounty.

At this moment, it's meaningless to think about who you've offended and which boss you've made unhappy.

The gun is in the other party's hand. If the attitude is not good, the other party only needs to gently pull the trigger, so no matter how the story develops, it has nothing to do with Hou Tielong.

And if the other party does not come for revenge, but for the interests of other aspects.

Then he explained the value so clearly. As long as the other party can let him die, there is still a chance to start again and make a comeback.


Facing his posture, the man opposite didn't let go at all. Instead, he took off the ancient tea colored scarf on his face, revealing his angular face below.

"Hmm? It's really strange that you old boy should be so sensible?"

"I thought I would give you a few methods in our village before you would cooperate!"

This should have been in a surprised tone.

But when he finally heard Hou Tielong's ears, there was an undisguised regret.

It's as if the fierce man opposite regretted that he didn't have a hard mouth and didn't use the means he called, which only made people feel cold.

"Come on, I'm not here to revenge you, but my adult wants to invite you to come over and ask a few things clearly."

"These materials and intelligence are neither seen nor needed by us."

Bared his white teeth, the man smiled and waved at the back.

In a flash, more than a dozen armed soldiers suddenly walked into the open stone gate.

They still held the same rifle as the man in their hands. At a glance, they knew it was from the same place and was by no means a mob.

"Elder brother, I don't know your eldest brother."

Seeing his brothers sent to Sanyuan Hotel and the secret outposts distributed outside, all of them were wrist tied and escorted into the room.

Hou Tielong stood up and smiled.

Just a while ago, several figures of offending people flashed in his mind.

Among them, there is no lack of Marshal Wang, who is the Lord of a mountain.

But I wanted to go. Even a person of Marshal Wang's position is unlikely to have such a ruthless subordinate, let alone such sophisticated equipment.

"Oh, if you should know, you will know. If you shouldn't know, don't ask."

Pretending not to know the meaning of Hou Tielong's words, the man hissed. Naturally, soldiers in the rear came forward and began to tie them up.

The knot is solid and full of two finger thick hemp rope, which is also wrapped with several steel wires.

After finding that he had no chance to escape from this bondage, Hou Tielong simply sat down and looked at his tortured subordinates who had been caught back and meditated.

The time turned to nineo'clock, and the traffic in the territory of origin was completely paralyzed.

Because of the sudden surge in traffic, Huang Bing previously guarded the east gate.

This gate, which used to be frequented by few locals, is now completely blocked, and the people in line are even crowded with the place where the guards stand guard.

In desperation, the guard of the east gate and the maintenance of order in the gathering place also announced their paralysis, which was a holiday for all staff and joined the team of looting supplies.

However, before Huang Bing began to queue up, Du Shi, who was late, found him and proposed the need to secretly control the city gate and guard forces.

"Boss Du, you said you wanted to take the city defense. If we can fight directly, it's better to say."

"If you want to infiltrate with a gentle means, I Huang Bing really don't have that ability!"

Holding a handful of origin coins in his pocket and looking at the crazy queue in the gathering area, Huang Bing said so, but his heart was anxious and tight.

Since yesterday morning, Huang Ya has been directly sent home for a holiday and replaced by Lord Sun Bahu.

He knew that the materials in the city had been stolen.

Taken together, it's hard not to think that if you don't exchange these original coins into materials as soon as possible, I'm afraid there's only one end to wait.

"Don't go. The maximum exchange rate of the materials in the city is only a few percent. When you go, you will rob them all."

"Besides, one person can exchange up to ten yuan of materials at a time. That's enough for what!"

"Ah? Only ten coins?" I just followed the crowd and didn't get specific information.

At this time, Huang Bing was dumbfounded when he suddenly heard Du Shi say that one person can only exchange materials for ten yuan coins.

"What do you think? So many people are waiting in line. It's good to exchange ten coins for you. If you still want to change, just continue to line up."

"But there are so many people. You can't always line up when it's dark once. How can you line up for the second time?"

Shaking his head, Du Shi's face was full of emotion and sigh.

He had never seen this scene at all.

Living in their own Tianyuan territory, everyone eats enough, sleeps well and works well every day.

Basically, there is no need to worry about how to spend the next disaster. The top management and directors worry about everything.

But when he arrived at the origin camp, he was dumbfounded.

Although it has formed a scale ten times larger than its own territory, there are great differences in management methods and attitudes towards ordinary people.

People here have to do a lot of work and pay miscellaneous taxes every day. The most important thing is to find a way to spend the disaster by themselves.

Like the magnificent scene of queuing for supplies in front of him, Du Shi dared to guarantee that even if his territory really expanded to so many people, there would never be such a deformed scene.

"So, follow me quickly. There's no need for you to do anything, as long as you bring us into the guard office."

"You can help me with the rest. We can operate everything!"

A group of ten people, Du Shi has been followed by a full thirty soldiers.

Such a force, if it is not the strict order of sumo, can't directly conflict, otherwise the guard department can't support a decent round of attack, it will collapse.

"OK, I'll go with you!"

After taking another look at the long line behind him, a deep fear flashed in Huang Bing's eyes, and then it turned into firmness.

Obviously, he also knows that if the materials cannot be exchanged in time.

What crazy things these crazy ordinary people will do in the next 48 hours!

Origin territory, main peak, dense forest under the mountain.

Feng Tianmin's team, already disguised, patiently climbed on the branches, and from time to time took out a telescope to look at the distance.

Among the four tasks assigned by SUMO, the most dangerous one naturally belongs to the surveillance of Lord Sun Bahu.

This is also the main reason for the allocation to Feng Tianmin.

Among all the people, only he is the most stable. He knows when and what to do, and will not kill himself and his team members because of impulse.

However, this is the simplest of the four tasks.

Just like now, when there is no movement on the main peak, people can even take time to stay in a daze, thinking about the scene of having a good rest and a big meal after returning to the territory.

A long time.

As the sun gradually goes towards the middle of the sky, the damp and cold mountains also begin to usher in the hottest time of the day.

At 12:00 noon, the temperature here can reach up to three degrees above zero. In the cold winter, it can be said to be as warm as a greenhouse.

However, it was at this time that Feng Tianmin's attention reached the peak.

It was not that he had sensed in advance that the other party might be out, but that Su Mo had deliberately taken him aside and gave him a few sincere instructions before leaving.

"Tianmin, you can't treat sun Bahu as an ordinary person. His brain may be a little different from ordinary people."

"If there is no accident, when you think he is the most unlikely to come out, he may come out directly, but when you think he comes out, he doesn't say a word."

"You want to. Substitute, you know, is to substitute yourself into the position of Lord, all of whom are betrayers, and then put yourself in a position to think about how you will break the game!"

At that time, Su Mo's expression was slightly strange when he said these words, but the words of instruction forced Feng Tianmin to take them to heart.

If the materials stored on the main peak want to be transported away, the best transportation time is either near the afternoon or directly at night.

At 12:00 noon, in his view, this group of people is the most unlikely time to appear.

After all, in the sun, as long as a small car of supplies is transported down, it may be seen by passing villagers, causing looting and chaos.

But with Su Mo's instructions, he kept ringing in his heart. After staying in the tree and observing for more than ten minutes, Feng Tianmin suddenly flashed a trace of complexity on his face. He quickly hid in the fork of the tree, picked up his waist and shouted:

"Harrier eagle, harrier eagle, go and bring me two people to catch the man who just went out directly. Be careful that he has weapons in his hands!"

"Pay attention to discretion. If you can solve it close, don't scare me with a gun!"


After the beeper sounded bursts of harsh frequency, a slightly low "understand" sounded from the receiver, and then turned into a noise.

Monitoring sun Bahu, almost all the people selected are the elite of the 100 person escort team.

These people can defeat five with one, and their Kung Fu is quite extraordinary.

Sending three people to deal with one person at a time, Feng Tianmin admitted that he had done the highest treatment.

However, as more than ten minutes passed, when the pager rang again, his face changed dramatically.

"Eagle's nest, eagle's nest, has determined that there is a problem with the other party. Its storage space is full of two cubic meters of materials, and the quantity is not bad. It is basically certain that it is the material transportation members sent out by the mountain."

"However, in the process of arrest and interrogation, the other party suddenly rebelled, causing one of our members to be seriously injured, so we had to fight in a firefight. Fortunately, he has been forcibly killed and asked for further instructions!"

Three elites, an ordinary man who had been lame before, were also seriously injured.

Don't think about the war like this. You also know that the other side is also a disguise, not a refugee who normally goes down the mountain to exchange supplies.

Considering the storage space of the other party, he carries a full grid of materials with him.

Under several pieces of evidence, the identity of this person is ready to come out!

"Harrier eagle, how are our members injured? Can we make an emergency dressing!"

If you don't hear the gunshot, it means that the two sides have adopted close combat.

Compared with opening a big hole in a gun, it is difficult to rescue without complete surgical conditions. Most injuries caused by close combat can be urgently bandaged and left for subsequent treatment.

"Our members have five knife wounds, one of which is in the kidney. At present, the massive bleeding has been successfully stopped with Youneng water, which can be delayed for a period of time."

"Eagle nest, we are in emergency rescue and request to leave the battlefield temporarily!"

Two voices rang out from the pager, and Feng Tianmin almost didn't think about it, so he replied with approval.

You know, from the establishment of Hope Village and Tianyuan territory to now.

All villagers, including the management, have suffered the most serious injuries, but also some minor injuries caused by careless labor.

It's the first time that I've been cut five times and another one in the kidney.

"I was careless. The director guessed right. These people are really conspicuous with their cars, but we all forgot that there is storage space!"

"They can use the disguise of ordinary people to carry them secretly at this time, and naturally they can escape everyone's ears and eyes."

"High, worthy of being high!"

Recalling Su Mo's instructions again, Feng Tianmin's heart suddenly flashed a trace of fear that was difficult to hide.

If it weren't for this reminder, in the face of pretending to be an ordinary person, it was actually a spy transporting goods. Everyone was definitely waiting on the fork of the tree for the other party's grain convoy to come out.

From day to night, maybe the other party has moved out of the territory, and others may stay here foolishly.

However, there are still a lot of materials left from the original materials, and it is not too late to react from now on.

Seeing another lame refugee in his sight, Feng Tianmin flashed a cold light in his eyes, and directly ordered him in the pager.

This time, he sent neither three nor five people.

But a whole team of ten!

"In terms of tactics, we have some good information to break the first chance!"

"In terms of strength, our team is not bad. Whoever dares to transport grain out today will step on the horse and give me an eternal account here!"