Chapter 668 play your cards, your real strength!

Late at night, the temperature fell again.

The goose feather like snow has completely condensed into substance, flying everywhere along the roaring north wind.

Standing on the ground made of thick snow, looking at Su Mo holding a gun in the distance, sun Bahu took off his big coat with fear, revealing the bronze muscles under his clothes.

In civilized times, he was just an ordinary barbecue chef.

After coming to the wasteland, he only learned some superficial leg and foot skills, and had never seen or heard the so-called "martial arts skills".

In his opinion.

With the rapid changes of the times, those old things should have disappeared in the long river of the past with the passage of time. No one in today's mankind can still!

But at this time, looking at the enemy's posture in front of him, sun Bahu was slightly guilty and counselled.

"Brother, since you can stand here, there is room for maneuver between us."

"Up to now, although you have lost my two vehicles, as long as you are willing to surrender, no, as long as you are willing to be brothers with me, we will do great things together."

"It doesn't matter!"

"We are all human beings, and we are all Chinese. We can share the opportunities we get and become stronger together!"

Although at this time, his right hand was still wearing a glove full of spikes, although there was no injury on his body.

However, with Su Mo holding the barrel of the gun invisibly, when the momentum came, sun Bahu swallowed his saliva and persuaded him to surrender again.


"Can you share with me the ruins of Yan country?"

Suddenly, sumo took a step forward.

The oncoming momentum instantly made sun Bahu pale, subconsciously shrinking back and bumping into the spike, sending out a buzzing sound.

Obviously, the experience of several months of waste land and the strong physical quality after obtaining the relics cannot change his essence in a short time.

When facing the weak, he is a powerful "beast" and can attack wantonly.

But in the face of the strong, the earth's memory of more than 30 years can't help rushing up, so that he subconsciously brought it into the perspective of ordinary people.

"Yes, absolutely!"

"As long as we become brothers and family members, mine is yours, yours is mine, where can we divide each other!"

"I know you have"

Suddenly, before the voice fell, sun Bahu's face changed, and the confusion on his face disappeared in an instant.

His muscles suddenly twisted and deformed as if they had been squeezed, and began to bulge one by one, rushing forward with extremely terrifying force.

On the way, even if a snowflake fell on him, it was evaporated by the suddenly rising high temperature, emitting bursts of white gas.

It looks like a fierce humanoid beast. In the process of rushing forward, sun Bahu can bring up the visible airflow with every breath.

But the most terrifying thing is the bowl shaped deep hole left in the hard snow every time he steps on it.

There is no doubt that his physical fitness has exceeded the imagination limit of most ordinary people.

If we have to use an example to illustrate, it is probably bolt in peak condition plus the top three Hercules in the world.

It has not only the speed beyond the limits of human beings, but also the immeasurable terrifying force.

In only twoorthree seconds, sun Bahu had crossed the distance of nearly thirty meters and waved his hands wildly.

Brush, brush!

In an instant, the silver boxer outlined a fine net in front of sun Bahu, as if six or even eight hands attacked together, dazzling people.

This is an illusion caused by too fast punching speed.

But unfortunately.

Su Mo's speed is not slow at all. Although his overall body is retreating, no shadow of a fist can wipe him.

Dong Boom!

Sun Bahu's son of a bitch kicked up and refused to recognize his relatives. As the two moved forward and backward, he hit an iron pole supporting a tent, which suddenly bent in half, and the whole tent collapsed.

For a time, dust rose everywhere and my sight was blocked.

After losing Su Mo's position, sun Bahu suddenly stopped and began to hold his fist carefully and vigilantly in front of his chest, making a defensive posture.

But he hasn't finished his defense yet.


In an instant, a little silver light rushed out of the dust, smashed on sun Bahu's chest, and burst into a sound of gold and iron.

At this point, the end is force.

Even if sun Bahu had been prepared psychologically, he was still stumbling with this heavy force, and his center of gravity began to drift left and right.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, the silver dragon in the dust began to work hard, constantly from a tricky angle, and began to "peck" at all parts of sun's body.



Sparks burst out. Although sun Bahu had transformed his skin into a special alloy texture, he still couldn't support the scattered gun heads.

After only being hit for more than ten times, he took the initiative to stare at his feet, and his whole body slammed into a tent like a shell, temporarily distancing himself.

All this happened in less than ten seconds.

"Are you kidding? Brother Hu was beaten like this?"

"No, brother Hu doesn't have the strength to fight back at all. How can this be possible!"

"Grass, this man can't stand the transformation of third gear, can he? Is it still a man who steps on a horse?"

"So strong, he can shoot!"

Sitting in the spike, four or five young people with flat heads look at me and I look at you, all with a confused face.

They are the most clear group of people who have been transformed by the mysterious machine of the ruins.

As long as you can survive the pain brought by the first gear of the instrument, you can basically obtain about five times the physical quality of ordinary people, and you can also be invulnerable to a certain extent, and get tough skin like cow leather.

As long as it can hold the pain of the second gear of the instrument.

Like sun Bahu now, you can obtain physical fitness ten times stronger than ordinary people, and obtain skin with sufficient alloy strength and almost inexhaustible physical strength.


"Brother Ze, let's go out to help brother Hu!"

Seeing the dust, Su Mo, holding a big gun, rushed out at a terrifying speed and continued to go to sun Bahu's position to beat the water dog.

All the young people in the car turned their eyes to the young man who had previously driven the vehicle.

Wang Ze, sun Bahu's absolute confidant, although he didn't join for a long time, he won sun Bahu's trust as soon as he entered, so he can act as the driver of the spike.

"Help? Go out and help?"

"We don't have guns."

"Gun?" Wang Zeqi laughed, "you said if you didn't hit this man, what would you do if you hit brother Hu?"


Being blocked by Wang Ze, looking at sun Bahu who was beaten like a rag doll not far away, everyone looked at each other, but in the end, none of them dared to volunteer to help.

Sun Bahu just transformed two gears, and he already has many unimaginable abilities.

The stranger in front of him must have opened a higher gear if he could hit sun Bahu like this.

And if he finally wins this battle, those who go out to help now will inevitably not be settled by him in the autumn.

With this in mind, everyone simply sat down and began to observe the fierce battle in the field.

After being whipped by a big gun for more than a minute, taking advantage of an opportunity to distance again, sun Bahu also ran back for more than ten steps before stopping.

At this time, most of his skin above and below his body was suffused with terrifying blood red, which had long lost its bronze appearance.

And in his chest ribs, there are two places that have collapsed. He was pierced by a big gun into the protected lung lobes in the rear, causing a large amount of blood to flow in and began to affect his breathing.

Looking at Su Mo, who was panting opposite, sun Bahu subconsciously raised his left and right fists, but was stunned to find that there were few spikes left on his boxer.

In the previous defense process, this big gun can break the metal and iron directly, which is really terrible.

After thinking for a while, sun Bahu stood where he was.

A real contact has made him fully understand how terrible the time gap between them is.

In short, compared with the other side, I'm like a three-year-old child who suddenly got a weapon. I only have strength in vain, and I don't know how to release it at all.

The other side, however, is in the prime of life, and almost 12% of his strength can be played.

If he continues to fight in this way, even if his physical quality is strong, he will be slowly ground to death by the other party.

"You won!"

Finally, looking at Su Mo's panting interval began to grow longer and straighter.

Sun Bahu simply pulled down the glove of his left fist, wiped the blood on his face with his hand, spat out a mouthful of blood, and slowly opened his mouth.

"Although our physical quality can only be regarded as the beginning of the armed forces level, this gun technique makes your strength enough to reach the same level."

"If I don't accept the third transformation, I'm definitely not your opponent!"

Su Mo, who was slowly moving forward, paused.

"Armed generals? Is this the division of strength by the people of Yanguo?"

"Yes!" It was clear that Su Mo's power did not come from transformation. Sun Bahu was calm on the surface, but in fact he took two steps back secretly before stopping to continue.

"Yanguo is a great country. They are the pioneers and great predecessors of mankind. By integrating mechanical forces into the human body, they completely complement the greatest congenital disadvantage of mankind!"

"As long as we continue to transform, we can not only have the same strong physique as other aliens, but also retain the ability to develop and use tools. The deeper the transformation, the more we can load all magical abilities on ourselves, including transforming our body into a mobile Arsenal, launching missiles anytime and anywhere, having the power to upload consciousness and remotely control machinery, one person is enough to control thousands of troops, and so on."

"Even after the transformation, when our consciousness is more and more integrated into the machinery, even if our body is completely damaged, close to the remaining consciousness, we can complete the resurrection!"


Watching his "nonsense" cause Su Mo's pace to accelerate, sun Bahu's complexion instantly turned white for two points, retreated repeatedly, and began to talk straight to the point.

"If strength is differentiated only by physical quality, the first transformation is at the level of weapon man, five times the physical quality of ordinary people, the second transformation is at the level of weapon man, ten times the physical quality of ordinary people, the third transformation is at the level of weapon general, and fifteen times the physical quality of ordinary people."

"But from the fourth transformation, the physical fitness will reach the upper limit, and start to load other abilities and develop different ability branches."

"What's the score?" Su Moben wanted to ask more questions when he heard the news he was interested in.

Suddenly he flashed to the left.


The gunshot came first, leaving bullet holes in the place where he had been.

After dodging, look up.

This shot came from sun Bahu's left hand after he took off his fist.

This bullet, shot from his cracked ring finger, was obviously prepared for it.

"Turning flowers in the waves!"

Be so sneaky attack.

With a low roar, Su Mo concentrated all his strength, and the whole person rushed out like a top, supported by a huge centripetal force.

Sun Bahu hurriedly dodged, and his right fist with a glove also danced up and down.

But it's OK not to dance, but a dance makes him more vulnerable.

In front of it, the small black gray gun tip suddenly became larger, and the point was hard on his face.

Facing the deadly killing move, sun Bahu wanted to dodge, but it was too late, so he had to throw his left hand up like a bodyguard and grasp the tip of the gun.

"Oh, my hand!"


Just once, the head of the big gun passed directly through his palm, and was suddenly pulled out by Su Mo, bringing a touch of gorgeous blood in the air.

"Let go, let me go, or... Die together!"

Suffering from great pain, sun Bahu suddenly fell to the ground, crawled and rolled again to avoid a shot and roared.

"I can't help you, but your strength now, don't try to kill me!"

"To tell you the truth, I have commanded the strategic forces long before we fight. Once I receive my order or my signal is triggered, all strategic short-range missiles will be launched at any time!"

"You know, only one missile is needed. Don't say that we are only armed now. Even armed generals are absolutely impossible to survive!"

"In addition, the origin camp at the foot of the mountain will also be bombarded indiscriminately. If you are willing to drag these 30000 people to be buried, you can come up and try!"

Licked his lips and spit out a mouthful of blood again. Sun Bahu's eyes seemed to flash madly.

When all the cards are played and the opponent cannot win.

Now he has completely entered a fighting state.


Looking at sun Bahu, who was close at hand, was seriously injured and could be solved with only the last few moves, Su Mo frowned and stopped the attack.

"If you can have the current strength, you are not stupid, and you certainly don't want to die with me."

"Let me go, I'm willing to quit the origin camp. All 30000 people belong to you and all supplies belong to you!"

"Let me go!"

Looking at Su Mo's feet constantly pressing forward in circles, sun Bahu roared, involuntarily sitting on the ground with his hands supporting and retreating.

At the same time, he kept shouting crazy words such as "come up and die", "go to hell together".

"Alas, it's a pity"

It seems to be a pity and a sigh.

With a bright lightning flash in the sky, Su Mo shook his head slowly, and the big gun in his hand was also put down, which seemed to give up pursuing.

But as he turned around, sun Bahu seemed to feel something and suddenly rolled on the ground with a lazy donkey.

For a moment, thunder rumbled in the sky.

When he looked again, the place where he had been sitting had turned into a scorched black, with an undisguised scorching smell.

In the distance, under an iron pillar that had just been erected, a one person tall dog was sitting with a human pity on his face.


Seeing that the thunder couldn't directly solve sun Bahu, Su Mo sighed in his heart.

Before sun Bahu's strategic bombing troops were solved, one blow was necessary to take him down.

But now, sun Bahu has the ability similar to the sixth sense. He must have the strength to completely crush it in order to achieve melee seconds.

If you can't do it, just have three or five seconds to let Sun Bahu react and send a signal.

At that time, the missiles will attack. Whether Su Mo can survive or not, there must be no 30000 people at the foot of the mountain.

Su Mo can't afford to gamble!

However, fortunately, before the fight, Su Mo qualitative the battle as a test, just want to know their own strength in the end, as well as the specific situation of sun Bahu.

So now that the stalemate happened, he was not angry. He just shook his head and began to retreat carefully.

"Sun Bahu, I'm just an ordinary martial artist in our Tianyuan territory."

"If you don't repent of all the crimes you have committed against your compatriots, our territory will immediately send stronger soldiers to take your life."

"What to do and what the consequences are, take your time!"

Before retreating, looking at sun Bahu, who was already frightened, Su Mo simply turned his head and said two more words.

Although I don't know whether this can buy me some valuable time, I watched sun Bahu nodding repeatedly, and my mouth kept spitting out the appearance of repentance.

Until the whole body entered a dead corner, sumo turned around and began to stride to the place that had been prepared in the distance.

On the way, Oreo also flashed out of another corner, and a man and a dog finally joined together.

"It's all right. Sooner or later, we can deal with him. Now let's save his life!"

At the edge of the cliff, jump on the magic carpet that can be used for two minutes after injecting points, and control its rapid lift off.

Sumo lowered his head and looked down at the brightly lit origin territory.

This battle has completely made him understand his biggest weakness now, or the territory now.

Waste soil is not a harmonious and loving farming game.

In this chaotic new continent, there is no powerful weapon to protect themselves, even if the high-rise buildings that have been developed have sprung up, hundreds of thousands of acres of fertile farmland, light and light industries are blooming everywhere, and everyone is rich enough to have nothing to worry about.

As long as the other side takes out long-range strategic weapons to engage in force blackmail.

In the end, all these efforts can only make wedding clothes for others.

"Later, there will be changes. If I go back to the territory and start development now, it will take at least a year and a half until I have a weapon that can deal with sun Bahu."

"But at that time, if he could open the lower ruins or obtain more powerful weapons, many variables would arise."

"It seems that I can only rely on myself for the time being!"

After identifying the location and finding out the direction of the mysterious ruins mentioned by fengmengyue before, the magic carpet began to fly quickly.

In less than a minute, it became a black spot and completely disappeared into the night.

At the bottom, it took more than ten minutes until the deep sense of threat at the bottom of my heart completely disappeared.

After confirming that Su Mo had left, sun Bahu, who was sitting on the ground, collapsed weakly, and the corners of his mouth kept oozing blood foam.

"Brother Hu, brother Hu, how are you? Come and help brother Hu quickly!"

When the door of the spike opened, Wang Ze ran out and rushed up with a loud roar.

"I'm fine. Help me get on the bus first and hurry back to the ruins!"

For these useless lackeys, sun Bahu was not angry, but raised a strong sense of security.

At this time, he was seriously injured, and his strength was already nine out of ten.

If his subordinates are really strong, now he has to worry about whether the other party will kill him and inherit all his previous efforts.

"By the way, let someone go out of the mountain to find my brother. Hurry up and tell him."

After being picked up and spitting out a mouthful of thick blood again, sun Bahu tilted his head and thought for a long time, and finally jumped out four words:

"Tian Yuan territory!"

"Don't let him offend this territory!"

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