Chapter 684 fight, duel from different time and space!

In the room.

Feng long gave himself two choices, then turned his eyes and stopped talking. He just leaned back on the chair and continued to boil water and make tea.

Although there was uncontrollable surprise on the face of the king sitting opposite, he ignored it, as if he had completely focused on the second bubble of Yunwu Tea.

This time, he did it slowly and slowly.

After the water boils, with the hot water entering the cup, Yunwu Tea is stirred and erupts into a strange fragrance.

"If you don't know how to choose, you can go back and think about it."

"It's still a day and a half's drive from the territory. Before that, you can come to me anytime you want!"

Divide the second cup of tea evenly into the cups of three people.

Seeing that Su Mo was still sitting opposite with the old God, he had no direct choice, and his appreciation in sealing longan was rising by one point.

It is easier to fight than to defend.

When the wasteland is just opened and the world is uncertain, the talents needed by the territory must be those who are determined to forge ahead, and those who use courage and force to break out in difficult situations.

However, as time goes on, after the human situation is stable, the talents needed by the territory will naturally change.

For example, Tianyuan territory now needs people who are stable, will not make mistakes, and can accurately execute the orders of their superiors.

Only this kind of person, the territory will confidently hand over the task without worrying about any mistakes.

However, to Feng long's surprise, Su Mo, who had been meditating all the time, suddenly opened his mouth before he picked up the tea cup.

"Commander Feng, can I ask a question first?"

"Yes, by the way, in fact, you don't have to be so restrained and polite. As long as you join Tianyuan territory, we will be a family."

Pondering for a moment, Feng long nodded slowly.

"No matter now or in the future, most people in our territory don't care about these false rites. As long as it doesn't involve territory secrets or other secret information, you can ask as far as I know."

Once again, give a preferential treatment that ordinary people can't envy. Looking at Feng long's intimacy, he is a newcomer who hasn't yet learned his roots.

The king, who had been drinking tea, suddenly had an illusion in a trance.

I don't know why. Obviously, his identity is much higher than that of the newcomer, but sitting here, I'm stunned to have the illusion that both of them are their superiors.

Especially in the face of this new man, he always has a feeling of facing the territory boss.

Unable to find the source of this illusion, watching the two people begin to communicate, the king had to pull the corners of his mouth, continue to drink tea and listen.

"First question. Can I ask how many armed men there are in our territory?"

There was already an abdominal manuscript in his heart. Looking at the "mature" form of the seal dragon, Su Mo didn't dare to ask directly, but slowly explored it.

Sure enough, Feng long didn't have any doubts, and directly said, "it's no secret. Our territory now has a total permanent population of 370000, including 60000 full-time combat armed personnel and 40000 non military armed personnel. An armed force of more than 100000 people can be pulled out at any time."

"At the same time, we have three peacekeeping teams outside. Each team is equipped with a standard of 5000 people. You don't have to worry about combat effectiveness. Even if the strongest alien comes, it will never break our defense!"

"What is the current direction of operations?"

Feng long thought about this question a little, but in the end it seemed that he had figured something out. He didn't hide it and said directly:

"At present, there are three main directions"

"First, due to the friction between us and the dwarves in the north, we have been fighting since the first year of the wasteland, so the resentment between us has long become a deep blood feud. In the future, as long as there is no particularly serious natural disaster, we must decide a victory or a death."

"If you want to join me, I will probably assign you to the battlefield with the dwarves of all nations. You can focus on it first."

"Second, the remnant gods in the southeast, you don't need to know these people in detail, just know that they hide in the mountains and have become a group of mad dogs."

"Third, the sea people in the west, I believe you also know this. Every year between March and September in the new world, a large number of crazy sea people want to try to land, so we have to garrison troops in our territories near the sea on the border line to prevent them from being encircled from the tail."

"So, are all foreign operations in our territory defensive counterattacks?"

"Yes!" Hearing that Su Mo had passed the battle direction, he roughly analyzed the situation facing the territory.

Feng long didn't hide anything and answered very simply.

"The larger the population and the larger the territory, the greater the logistical pressure on the materials we need to launch a battle."

"If there were no natural disasters, perhaps we humans would be able to completely wipe out all the alien races in this wasteland in a short time."

"But under the regular natural disaster, no territory dare to put all its eggs in one basket and bring the battle to the table. After all, such a risk is entirely a gamble, which is not fair to its people."

"Of course, this doesn't mean we don't have the ability to fight a real war, but the time is not ripe yet and we need to wait."

State the pros and cons clearly, and when Feng long's voice changed, it was obvious that he did not intend to continue to answer specific questions in the future.

In this case, Su Mo stopped asking questions and finally began to slowly ask questions that he was really interested in.

"Commander Feng, you should have seen the madman that day?"

"Huh?" Don't understand why Su Mo asked so, Feng long nodded and continued to wait patiently for the next half sentence.

"I want to know, if this kind of madman is the target of combat, how much can we face at the same time when all the armed personnel in our territory are mobilized?"

"In their units?"

"I have to think about it"

Making a meditative, Feng long thought carefully for a moment before giving a specific number to five digits.

"Is onemillion the limit?"

"Well, if we don't use unconventional strategic weapons, we can only cope with about onemillion with our guns, ammunition and tank artillery."

"Of course, if they rush from all directions of the territory, the number may be even less."

With that, Feng long paused and asked uncertainly, "do you know any news?"

"No, no, no, I'm just curious!"

Su Mo got a much more than expected number, but there was no surprise in his heart, and subconsciously waved his hand.

Take Tianyuan territory as an example, if you can deal with nearly one million zombies without using restricted weapons.

Then it should not be a problem to deal with tens of millions of zombies only by conventional means in all human territories, plus alien territories.

And if we add those restrictive measures, this "disaster level" corpse tide will attack, I'm afraid it will soon become a joke.

It is estimated that it will be completely wiped out in less than ten days and a half months.

"Is it difficult that this disaster will come with other disasters?"

Think of the disaster that Gong Liang said before that the physical properties of iron and copper changed, human beings lost their guns, and alien nations attacked wantonly.

Su Mo's heart was cold, and he immediately realized several terrible possibilities.

Among them, if the human weapons really become a scrap when the corpse tide strikes, the next scene to face may really deserve the word "disaster level".

"Commander Feng, I decide"

Having thoroughly figured out the dilemma to be faced at present, Su Mo raised his head and just wanted to choose the second way directly and clearly.

But I didn't expect that Feng long, who was sitting opposite, was like falling into a nightmare at this time, looking at himself with dull eyes.

"Seal the commander?"

"Ah, I'm fine. What did you say?"

Looking at Su Mo stretching out his hand and waving it in front of his eyes, Feng long suddenly aroused his spirit, but he subconsciously stood up directly.

In an instant, a powerful momentum erupted from him, and the king who was still sitting in the chair suddenly choked and coughed.

"I mean, I've decided, I choose"

"The second way!"

"Well, you can choose the first one, and I will arrange one for you as soon as possible."

Although the two were still looking at each other, Feng long, who was standing, was still thinking about something, so that Su Mo's words simply went in the left ear and out the right ear.

It was not until a few seconds later, watching Su Mo's face rise with a touch of helplessness that he suddenly reacted again.

"Are you sure you want to choose the second way?"

"If you can't make me recognize your strength, maybe even the first way I can take back, you have to think about it?"

One by one, there was no conflict, quarrel or unhappiness.

But in the eyes of the king, Feng long's expression suddenly became serious, and his previous giggle and contempt were all taken back.

In a flash, his attitude changed dramatically, which made people confused.

"I'm sure!"

Nodding, Su Mo also stood up. The two seemed to be "tit for tat".

But unfortunately, Su youzong's original height was only about 179. At this time, although his physical fitness was transformed, he was not long at all.

As a result, Su Mo seems to be at a great disadvantage just now.

"Well, since you decide, I won't have any water."

"But if you can really make me recognize."

Before he finished speaking, Feng long made a sign of invitation and walked to the gate first.

One by one, after a short time, they came to the tail of the train, a freight carriage that was much longer than the ordinary carriage.

"Give me everything and clear it first. I'll be useful!"

With a noble identity, as soon as Feng long finished speaking, the Tianyuan railway staff who stayed next to him rushed up.

In less than ten minutes, the whole carriage was immediately empty, leaving enough space for two people to move.

"What weapons are you used to?"

"Swords have no eyes. Let's fight with fists and feet."

Knowing that Feng long may be so serious because he feels that he is now opposite Su Shen in his memory.

Su Mo shook his head and his mind quickly became pure.

For eight years, although he left in this space-time, the hidden energy wells left to the territory were constantly producing, helping the territory add more details.

As the commander of the third army, with the status of sealing the dragon, he has naturally been assigned a lot of quiet energy water.

Relying on these, although his physical quality has not yet entered the category of interstellar humans, it has basically stood at the top of human beings on earth, with the top 0.1%.

Compared with Su youzong's body strengthened by the game, it must be much stronger.

In this case, taking weapons again is equivalent to widening the gap, but it is not conducive to boxing and foot.

"Well, you can warm up first, and I can give you a chance to fight first!"

Hearing that there was no weapon, Feng long nodded and began to take off his black armor one by one.

Watching and listening to Feng long, the ugly armor component, each of which fell to the ground and made a loud buzzing sound.

Su Mo's expression was more cautious, and his muscles began to tense rapidly, with the spontaneous rapid flow of blood.

Courage is human Qi.

Force is the root of man.

As Feng long took off all his armor and returned to his normal clothes, Su Mo also put on a good posture and focused his attention on a point to comprehensively command his courage.

This time, after their momentum collided, Feng long, who was not fully prepared, was obviously suppressed by a point.


Looking at the familiar start, Feng long was slightly stunned.

But it was at this moment that Su Mo suddenly rushed up like a tiger in his vision.

The difference between life and death is a slight miscalculation between masters.

At this time, Su Mo suddenly broke out. Even if his physical quality fell a few points, Feng long was also in a hurry, and fell into a disadvantage at the beginning.

Bang! Bang!

Successive fists and feet.

After being robbed of the first opportunity, I felt the huge force pouring out of Su Mo's fist. Where can Feng long fight back? I can only keep retreating with the trend, which is considered to stabilize my body.

But the next second, before he resumed the fight, Su Mo, who had originally launched the attack, rushed up again, so that he could only fall into the defensive situation again and was forced to look for opportunities to counterattack.



As in forging iron, the two men made every effort in the field.

There were more and more onlookers on one side, and the voice of discussion slowly increased.

Among them, there are also some people who have some combat effectiveness and can roughly understand the situation in the field.

"This new man is so strong that he can even suppress the leader of Feng long. His physical quality is extraordinary."

"Yes, this man took the lead, and with all his strength, ordinary people really couldn't resist him."

"Unfortunately, if he could be stronger and faster, Lord Feng long might really fall into a bitter battle."

"Yes, although the newcomer has been attacking fiercely, he can't really play an advantage. On the contrary, Lord Feng long has been defending and retaining his strength until a long time."

"This new man will lose!"

With your words and mine, all the people who watched the war outside had a heated discussion.

With physical exertion, the speed of fighting in the field began to slow down.

Feng long, who hit with another punch, stepped back and nearly fell to the ground. Su Mo stopped his attack and began to stand on the ground and breathe quickly.

Just a minute later, the two have been fighting 30 or 40 moves in succession, with a very high frequency.

According to the physical strength of ordinary people, even Wang baquan has already reached the limit.

However, as a defender, Feng long dodged most of the time, and only occasionally fought hard. On the contrary, he retained a lot of physical strength.

However, to the surprise of all those watching the war.

At this time, Su Mo stopped as if he was exhausted, but Feng long didn't rush up directly. Instead, he stood in the center of the scene with a surprised face and made a sound:

"Su youzong, your way is wrong. You use the original Su family gun?"

"Where did you know Su's gun with Su!"

Although there is a slight gap in the number of ways between the two people.

However, it is obvious that Feng long, eight years later, learned the Su family gun, and it is still an improved version.

At the same time, it is the similarity in these ways that leads Su Mo to seize the opportunity, but it is not too late to end the whole battle.

"Want to know? Beat me! I'll tell you where to learn!"

"That's what you said!"

Hearing Su Mo's slightly provocative words, the doubts in the seal longan were suddenly removed, and replaced by the fighting spirit like Yuanru prison.

Under the intense gaze of everyone.

He took the initiative to attack directly, and just at the beginning, he suddenly roared and broke out with all his strength!