Chapter 692 wonderful work in the end, the first formal job!

After the people who came to publicize Qiankun grain store got off the bus, the medium-sized car soon stopped in front of the town gate of Sangtian town.

Compared with Mingyue Town, there are obviously more people here, most of whom are immigrants wearing temporary identity badges.

However, in terms of specific town planning and architectural style, there is no big difference between the two towns. They are both mature commercial towns.

"Get off, get off, those who are willing to go to Qiankun grain store come to me to get a business card, which can increase the basic treatment by 1 point, and they are willing to go to another grain"

"Those who don't take business cards, get off the bus quickly and don't crowd at the door!"

Just after taking the business card and looking at the surging crowd, the driver paused the second half of the sentence.

Obviously, he also knows how one-sided the competition situation in the town is now after Qiankun grain bank sends out the killing tool of energy stone.

If anyone still goes to Ziliang square now, it's not that his brain is caught by the door, it's that he can't get along with money.

"Brother Zong, shall we take it?"

Finally, she squeezed out of the door with something in her hand, and looked after Orio after she got off the bus. Huang Xiaojuan wiped her hands with hot sweat and was quite moved.

After working in the field for three days, she knew very well how much help a good sickle could bring.

Compare the ordinary sickle with the stone sickle.

There is no qualitative difference between these two sickles when you are just having a full meal or when you are at full strength at work. The latter can only save a little energy and do more work.

But when the physical strength has reached the bottom and it is difficult to lift the arm, the difference between sickles can be reflected immediately.

Waving an ordinary sickle once is not only a test of physical strength, but also an impact on mentality.

The stone sickle can provide more help when the physical strength is at the bottom, affect the mentality, and produce the effect of 1+1 > 2.

If you really want to work, no matter for money or for yourself, no one will be stupid enough to choose an ordinary sickle.

"Well, don't worry, let's find a foothold first."

"There should be many such cards in the town."

Glancing at the crowded crowd at the door of the car, Su Mo shook his head and took the lead in picking up big and small bags and walking to the town.

It's not that he doesn't like this rebate.

It's because Huang Xiaojuan is a territorial worker and can't enter this private shop. He doesn't do ordinary harvesting work himself. It's useless to take this thing.

On the contrary, the key is to find a place to settle as soon as possible before the influx of immigrants.

"Su youzong, eh, got it!"

"Deposit two and pay one, charge you a deposit of 180 points, and the rent for the first month is 90 points, a total of 270 points"

In front of a slightly dilapidated courtyard, I looked at the extra 270 points on my account.

Zhang Meili, the middle-aged aunt, happily tore a note from the book, issued a simple receipt and handed it to Su mo.

Her house is in Sangtian town and does not belong to the central area.

On the contrary, it is also a little remote, surrounded by empty houses that are uninhabited, or some abandoned public buildings.

In previous years, although these three bungalows were attached with a small yard, they could only be rented at a maximum rent of 70 points.

Now, if you can rent it out at 90 o'clock, you will naturally make a lot of money.

"Well, I'm still that requirement. You can come here except when the rent is collected every month."

"I prefer quiet at other times. Please don't disturb me."

He took the receipt, wiped the sweat on his head, and Sumo put it in his pocket.

"Okay, okay, I'll never bother"

After charging 20 points more, Zhang Meili was extremely happy, shaking her head like a rattle.

However, before leaving, looking at their costumes, she thought for a while and took out another piece of paper from her book.

"Mr. Su, if you consider working in the grain bank, you can take this card to Ziliang Fang."

"This is our Zhangjia industry. You can get two rebates ~"

"Oh, good!"

Nodding and watching Zhang Meili leave at three times the speed since then, Su Mo moved his shoulders and pushed open the gate of the courtyard.

Three brick bungalows, with a courtyard, cover an area of about 200 square meters.

If this area is in the center of Sangtian Town, the rent can reach an exaggerated 300 points a month.

But in this remote place, it is a direct 30% discount, which is very cost-effective.

Besides, few people pass by here.

It can perfectly match sumo's idea of transforming one of the rooms into a studio.

"It's really fate"

"I didn't expect that my Lord would rent a house in his own territory one day!"

Seeing that Oreo had gone in ahead of schedule, Huang Xiaojuan was also curious to be silent here and have a look there.

Although Su Mo sighed, his heart was extremely happy.

In the next year, he will probably have to settle down here and carry out a lot of research and manufacturing.

In a sense, living here may be longer than underground shelters.

"Xiaojuan, you clean up preliminarily first, and I'll go out and have a look at my work."

"When dinner comes, I'll bring it back."

"OK, brother Zong!"

With a sweet smile, Huang Xiaojuan obviously has replaced herself as the hostess.

Accompanied by the decent strange cry of Oreo nearby.

Su Mo nodded, squatted down safely, took out his resume in his bag and walked to the center of the town.

Just came over, although it was a quick glance, he still saw the bustle of people in front of the Qiankun food store.

Roughly speaking, there should be no less than 500 people in line.

On the other side, Ziliang square is much more pitiful. Although there are queues in front of the door, the number is only more than a dozen.

When the two sides were compared, they immediately stood up and made a judgment.

Naturally, sumo set up the first destination in Qiankun food bank.

Through several streets and two alleys.

All the way to the front and back of Qiankun grain store, because of the different positions applied for, there was no need to line up behind the long line, which saved a lot of time.

But what people couldn't prevent was that they followed the staff at the door all the way into the interview waiting area of the store.

Su Mo found that there were more than a dozen electricians ahead of him.

"Dude, are you here to apply for development?"

Seeing Su Mo sitting down, a thin man with sharp nosed monkeys leaned over.

"My name is Sun Quan, hehe, the Sun Quan in the Three Kingdoms. What's the name?"

"Su youzong"

In the face of this person's enthusiasm, Su Mo couldn't refuse. He just spit out his name and stopped talking.

But unexpectedly, Sun Quan seemed to be a little too familiar.

Unexpectedly, he began to change the topic, trying to pry some information out of his mouth to understand the strength of his competitors.

Tired of being asked, Su Mo had to hand over his resume directly.

"Sleeping trough, are you an electrician in the free market?"

A cry of surprise immediately attracted the attention of others on the bench.

But before everyone stirred up, the door of the interview room was pushed open and walked into a middle-aged man with eyes.

"Cough, I'm the interviewer today. I'm also the only partner of Qiankun grain bank and the leader of the development team of No. 0 manufacturing."

"Just call me senior engineer"

Although the senior engineer was polite in tone, no one could see the undisguised disgust in his eyes.

Being treated like this, immediately, a prick stood up and began to look strange.

"Senior engineer, your shelf is really big. Let's wait here for two hours. Why, it's still here."

"Get out!"


"I said, get out of here, you've been passed!"

When the thorn head just made a noise, others were still thinking of schadenfreude and wanted to see how the senior engineer handled it.

But what I didn't expect was that before this man finished his words, the senior engineer who was clearly dressed and elegant roared directly, like an incompetent and furious old lion.

At the same time, after his voice fell, four security guards came in at the door, with a malicious face.

"Cao, just say it if you don't want to hire someone. It's a waste of Lao Tzu's time."

Swearing, looking at the electric stick in the security guard's hand, the prick didn't dare to jump down in the end, so he had to leave from the front door first.

And the rest of the people, frightened by this, had no idea of a chance in their hearts.

"I don't want to repeat the rule for the second time, nor do I want to repeat the problem for the second time"

"From you on, I'll only say every question once. I'll spend 30 seconds thinking. I'll stay when I answer it. If I can't answer it, I'll leave."

Pointing to the first row of dwarfs, Gao Gong announced the rules very quickly.

Seeing that there was no objection below this time, he smiled with satisfaction, took out the interview questions prepared on his chest, sat down at the table and began to ask questions.

"The first question is, why does the color change when I sprinkle water on my clothes?"

"Thirty seconds countdown!"

A simple but not simple question startled the dwarf.

Before that, he guessed that the other party might take an examination to teach some practical skills, or knowledge about mechanical maintenance and manufacturing, so he made a lot of preparations in this regard.

But now, the question immediately made him a little overwhelmed.

It was not until the end of thirty seconds that the dwarf bit his lips and said, "because the clothes are wet?"

"Get out!"

As soon as the sound of the senior engineer's slight reprimand fell, the security guard stepped forward again, so scared that the dwarf could only stand up and walk out of the interview room in a gloomy manner.

In an instant, the interview room was quiet again.

"You, continue to answer!"

"I don't know. I'm not good at this. I can be mechanical."

"Get out!"

It seemed that he had confirmed his problem. Before the second interviewer finished his explanation, he was coaxed and rushed out of the interview room by the senior engineer.

Such a scene is really unheard of and unheard of in ordinary interviews.

Visible to the naked eye, many people in the interview room turned pale.

"Fortunately, I am the last one. They are all eliminated. I should be able to choose."

Sitting in the last row, looking at just such a question, the directly screened interviewers walked out one after another.

Su Mo couldn't help shaking his head, and there were only two words left in his heart all the time:


But I can't help it. After all, it's someone else's home. Even if the other party asks how to cook tomatoes and scrambled eggs, they can only answer.

After a while, as the thirteenth man walked out, it was finally the turn of the previous Zilai familiar Sun Quan.

Unlike others, he stood up and said to himself, "Gao Gong, I know this because the relative refractive index affects reflection. When an object is in water, the relative refractive index is lower than that in air, so the diffuse reflection ratio is low in air, so it looks dark."


Glancing at Sun Quan in surprise, senior engineer seemed surprised.

But finally he nodded and cleared his throat, "well, that's the truth."

"But this is the first question. There are nine more questions. Listen carefully."

"How many forces do people have to bear when walking on the road?"

Compared with the first question, this question is obviously much simpler.

After thinking for five or six seconds, Sun Quan said confidently, "gravity, ground support, ground friction."

"Get out!"

"Huh? Me"

Ben was ready to listen to the third question, but after suddenly hearing the word "go out", Sun Quan was a little confused.

He instinctively wanted to question, but when he saw the security guard, he had to leave the scene in the same way as the previous interviewers.

For a time, there were only three people left in the field.

There was no accident. The two people in front of Su Mo couldn't answer the right answer and left one after another.

In less than ten minutes, only sumo was left of the seventeen people.

"Gravity, support, friction, and air resistance"

On the basis of Sun Quan, Su Mo stood up and answered softly.

From the beginning to now, he can see that this Qiankun food store is definitely not sincere.

Both the attitude of senior engineers and the wonderful degree of these problems reflect this fact.

Sure enough, hearing the answer, the senior engineer's face remained unchanged and continued to ask the third question:

"Without an umbrella, how can I take shelter from the rain?"

"Don't hide, because it's a meteor shower"

"What solidifies rapidly when heated?"



He deliberately didn't answer the questions according to the routine. As the problems were skillfully solved by Su Mo, the senior engineer's face became more and more ugly.

Until the end of question 9.

Staring at Su Mo, who is still as stable as Mount Tai, this time, he didn't read question 10, but picked up the resume on the table and looked at it for a long time.

It was not until more than ten seconds later that he breathed a sigh of relief.

"Su youzong, right? I've read your resume."

"According to the information described on your resume, you don't seem to have the ability to develop independently, do you?"

Pointing to the skill bar on the resume, the senior engineer smiled with undisguised contempt in his tone.

Smothering his anger, sumo took a deep breath and shook his head:

"I have the ability to develop independently, but the periodicity may be longer."

"Oh? How many days will it take you to develop a product similar to the stone sickle?" Senior engineer continued to ask.

"Can stone sickle, at least. A month?"

Add a micro energy machine to the ordinary sickle, with the function of adding energy stone.

If there are patent restrictions on this thing, it must be avoided, and it may take a little effort.

But for the now taboo free waste soil, this kind of thing has no technical content at all. Sumo wanted to say it directly for a week at most.

But thinking of the information collected before, the other party also spent a lot of time developing this product.

Before the export, Su Mo paused again, changing the week into a month, intending to save face for the other party.


"The shortest one month? That's all right!"

"Sorry, your development ability has not been recognized, please look for another high"

Afraid that Su Mo would be angry, the senior engineer walked away without leaving a chance.

This performance also directly explains from beginning to end.

This Qiankun food store doesn't have the slightest intention of recruiting people. It's just walking through the motions.

"Sir, here is your resume. Sorry, senior engineer, the leader of our scientific research team, has a bad temper. Please forgive me."

After being fooled like this, facing the security guard who handed over his resume again, Su Mo managed to suppress his anger and stood up and smiled to pick it up.

Without leaving any cruel words or showing other emotions, Su Mo only secretly remembered the name "senior engineer" in his heart, turned out of the door and went straight to Ziliang Fang at the end of the street.

Before that, he planned to visit more stores.

But now, Buddha is fighting for a incense stick, and people are fighting for a breath.

Without overthrowing the heaven and earth food store, Su Mo felt that he couldn't understand this idea in his heart.

"Wow, man, are you also eliminated?"

"This Qiankun food store is really an animal. They just play with us!"

"They just want to screen out people who can develop stone tools, and don't give free LiangFang a chance. As for other ordinary people, they are cannon fodder!"

There were not many people waiting in line in front of Ziliang square. As soon as Su Mo came, he met Sun Quan again.

But this time, after being disgusted by the senior engineer, he had lost his previous jump and looked a little sad.

"But fortunately, this free LiangFang is very generous. You see, they recruit a lot of people."

"It should be a desperate fight!"

Looking along the position pointed by Sun Quan, Su Mo also noticed the wooden sign with the employment notice.

"Hey, how did this number change from one person to fifteen?"

After taking out the small book in his pocket and confirming that the notice he saw yesterday was still recruiting a person, Su Mo was not surprised.

But then, after thinking about the current status of Qiankun grain bank, Su Mo was quickly relieved.

There is no stone sickle, and Ziliang Fang, which only uses traditional tools, is obviously no match.

In this case, if you want to fight back, you must bet all your money to develop similar tools to grab labor.

"But then again, this Ziliang workshop can actually provide a workshop for every electrician?"

"Can you provide some research and manufacturing tools according to your contribution?"

"If so, this treatment just meets my requirements!"

Read the recruitment notice completely.

Su Mo said secretly in his heart and couldn't help but cheer up.