Chapter 709 terrible hail, this is the way of the world!

After sitting on the ground for a long time, Zhang Min still couldn't accept the fact that happened in front of her.

Who would have thought that within five or six days after she left, Ziliang Fang actually relied on those useless people to make a food store no less than heaven and earth, or

Stronger than the opposite energy stone tool!

This impact is like recruiting a group of three-year-old children to study how to make an atomic bomb.

I didn't expect that these children were really made!

"Is it him?" The picture of Su Mo standing in the canteen arguing flashed through Zhang Min's mind.

All electricians, only this Su has the surname Su, which is worthy of a sentence, master su.

Only his identity is more mysterious than others.

But even so He How on earth did he do it.

Zhang Min was confused, and she kept remembering everything that happened from Su Mo to LiangFang to today.

But in the end, she sighed.

If you don't go to Yuren city and see Yu Chenghui, you don't know the specific situation of the next disaster, and you don't know who is behind Qiankun grain bank.

At this moment, she may be as ecstatic as Zhang Bowen, thinking that Ziliang Fang has the power to return to heaven.

But knowing this, and then looking at all this in front of her, Zhang Min only felt that fate made people.

Where can this mysterious stone tool save Ziliang Fang.

Even if we recruit 1000 people now, 10000 people.

It is not enough to snap up all the wheat within three days of the summer harvest.

And three days later, when the big hail that was enough to cover the whole continent came down, Qiankun grain bank, which had the support behind the territory, would not close down at all.

Only Ziliang square, and only those shops that contract land with trading points, will lose money and disappear in the process of history.

This is also the bloody first step to be taken in the reform and development of the territory.

It's just that Ziyou LiangFang happened to hit the muzzle of the gun first.

Thinking of this, Zhang Min staggered up and stumbled to the door of the store.

"Don't jump in the queue. Go back to the queue. Everyone has a share. Wait, say you."

"Shit, sister, why are you back? What's wrong with your head?" Seeing Zhang Min appear in the field of vision, Zhang Bowen thought for the first time that someone wanted to jump the queue, but when he found it was Zhang Min, he was suddenly surprised and rushed to meet him.

"I'm fine, you continue to do your business, I'll go and say a few words to my father first." seeing her excited brother, Zhang Min showed a wry smile and couldn't help but speed up her pace.

She really didn't have the heart to tell her brother that all you did was useless.

She also dared not say it clearly, because the threat of Yu Chenghui was still lingering in her mind. Only she knew all this, and only she knew it.

Walking through the crowded public area, Zhang Min breathed a sigh of relief until he entered the backyard of the store.

"Hey, min'er, you're finally back!"

"Oh, you left in such a hurry. You don't know that we picked up a treasure. It's the master you found for Bowen."

Seeing the dusty woman flash in from the door and sit in the courtyard with flower branches, Zhang Da, who was also excited, put down the big scissors in his hand.

Yesterday, he made a big show at the warm-up meeting, which reduced his depression by as much as 90% during this period.

Today, without the care of Zhang's mother Ju Yunxiang, Zhang Da can even get out of bed by herself and build the flowers and plants in the courtyard with great interest.

"Dad, did they really do it?" After listening for a while, Zhang Min sat down with a complicated complexion.

"Really, why did I lie to you? The 3000 pieces that Bowen ordered in advance have been delivered 2000. In addition, I asked him to sign 10000 orders yesterday."

"This time, we are going to occupy the land contracting industry of the whole Sangtian town in one fell swoop!"

Immersed in the dream of expanding the store, Zhang Da didn't find anything unusual about her daughter, and only talked about the future planning of LiangFang.

From the initial terrorist income estimated to be close to 2 million trading points in the summer harvest, to the subsequent expansion of three branches to the nearby towns.

From the establishment of their own OEM, contracting upstream and downstream chain supply, to the subsequent march into the whole grain processing industry.

At first, Zhang Min was still patiently listening to Zhang Da.

But when I heard that he was willing to hand over 30% or even 50% of the shares to "Su youzong", an electrician who had just come here, to take care of the expanded store.

Zhang Min immediately jumped up like a fried lion.

"Dad, are you crazy? You want to give our shop to a stranger who hasn't been here for many days?"

"What stranger, that is the teacher of Bowen. It will be your cough in the future. Anyway, he is his own!" Zhang Da waved her hand carelessly, and pulled the topic back in time on the edge of leaking.

"But what if the store can't get so much revenue in the summer."

"How can it be? We already have stone tools, and so many workers join in. Even if there is only ten days to harvest, it is completely enough."

Realizing that Zhang Min may not have seen the power of his stone sickle, Zhang Da immediately stopped explaining, rolling a wheelchair and wanted to go back to the house to get tools.

But before turning around, Zhang Min's next sentence made him suddenly cold.

"Dad, what if the summer harvest is only three days?"

"Three days?"

"I have seen Yu Chenghui, the second prince of the Merman clan. Although he can't interfere with our Sangtian town because of the distance, and can't find someone to forgive the liquidated damages, he told me the details of the next disaster in advance." walking behind Zhang Da, Zhang Min pushed his wheelchair, and the two quickly arrived at the house.

Get up and close the door until it is confirmed that there is no eavesdropping outside. Zhang Min carefully returns to the edge of the bed and sits down and continues:

"Now it's June 11. The official opening time of this summer harvest is June 16. Although it gives us ten days' harvest time, in fact"

"After 0:00 p.m. on June 17, we can see the next disaster information. After 0:00 p.m. on June 19, the disaster will come immediately."

"According to the information of the second prince, it was an unprecedented hail. He didn't say the specific scale."

"But since it is unprecedented, let alone the fragile Xinghuo 3 wheat, the houses we live in now, and the infrastructure in the territory may not be able to survive this hail."

"Dad, can you understand what this means?"

"Also, do you know why every time Qiankun grain bank was knocked down by us in the past, there would be an inexplicable capital injection? Do you know why they can develop stone tools this time?"

"Behind them is the city of hope! It is the Chen family! It is the mayor! We have been competing, but we are all competing with territory!"

After talking a lot in one breath, the excitement on Zhang Da's face finally disappeared and turned into deep fear.

Zhang Min then painfully closed his eyes: "Dad, you choose. If you are willing to believe in the territory, then we will use stone tools to fight to the death in the end. No matter what the outcome becomes, we will carry it together."

"But if you don't want to believe in territory, now is our last chance."

"Choose, how to choose. Now the inspection team will guard at the door of our store every day and monitor it all the time. Do you want to use the previous one?"

"No, I have a way to cheat the inspector team. The second prince gave it to me."

Zhang Min lowered her body and began to take it out, holding it tightly in her arms from the return journey to the present.

After a while, as more and more sundries were taken out by him.

Finally, two inconspicuous little things were put in front of Zhang Da.

"This is a miniature collapsible incendiary bomb given to me by the second prince. It can ignite a huge fire in one minute only by stimulating it in a specific way."

"We just need some small means to put it where we planned before."

"Design it. If a big fire goes on at that time, it will definitely help us reduce the pressure of summer harvest to a great extent."

"We can even collect some of the rest with energy stone tools to recover our accounting pressure."

Speaking of this, Zhang Min stopped talking.

Of course, it's not that she didn't make a detailed plan.

But Zhang Da, who was sitting opposite, obviously had some intention in his eyes.

"Who are you looking for this time? Su youzong?" Zhang Da pressed his mind and said in a deep voice.

In the market, there are only permanent interests, but no permanent friends.

After Zhang Min said this, he was not stupid. Naturally, he quickly chose his heart and chose the most beneficial way for LiangFang.

As for Su youzong.

It was only more than ten days since I came to LiangFang. I was originally an outsider. When I died, I just took back my shares.

As for his contribution, it's not bad for him to buy two or two thick coffins at that time.

Sure enough, Zhang Min's eyes turned, and the father and daughter were right again.

"Dad, it can only be su youzong. Now that he is in the limelight, it is most likely to find him to carry the pot without causing others' suspicion. In addition, it is not good to have him alone. We can start with the little brother next to him and push them out together."

"When the time comes, these two people will be distracted. After the hail, we will not stop doing nothing, but directly burn the shop. There is no proof of his death!"

"Even if the inspection team wants to investigate, it can't start!"

"Then, leave it to you?" Zhang Da's eyes flashed a trace of hesitation, and then firmly down: "we can't tell him the truth from your brother, so we can only let him stabilize Su youzong first. When the time is ripe, you can go in and get this east XZ up, can you?"

"OK, just as the blog has made achievements, I also have an excuse to consult Su youzong about this knowledge. When he teaches me, it is the time for him to die!" A fierce light flashed in her eyes. Zhang Min nodded and quickly hid the spread enrichment bomb again.

After settling down for a while, Zhang Da went to bed and lay down. Zhang Min returned the same way and came to the front yard of the store, hiding in the shadow.

By early 9 p.m., there was still a lot of noise at the door of the store, and hundreds of people were gathering to fill out formal employment contracts.

In previous years, even at the peak of Ziliang square, there were few such lively scenes.

As a shopkeeper at the beginning, Zhang Bowen's face is full of self-confidence, all of which are longing for a better life in the future.

Beside him, Su Mo and Sun Quan, who are helping to maintain order, are also smiling and full of full affinity.

Not afraid of not knowing the goods, but afraid of comparing the goods.

When I looked around, I saw other electricians who had been recruited to mix food and drink. At this time, I could only stand aside and smile awkwardly.

Under such a huge gap, Zhang Min suddenly flashed a trace of intolerance in her heart, and then she forced her down.

"Su youzong, Su youzong, don't blame me. If you want to blame me, blame this damn world!"

"There are more than a dozen people in Zhangjia, and we must continue to live here. As for you, there is only a sister who is not related by blood, which is also a lonely family."

"It's too hard to stay in this damn wasteland. We can help you get rid of it if you take a step earlier. Don't blame us!"

"Don't worry, after you leave, your sister, I will take care of you!"

Ten thirty in the evening.

The number of workers queuing in front of the door finally began to decrease. Seeing this, Zhang Bowen hurriedly announced that the store was off duty and would come back the next day to register.

Change your work clothes and wash away the sweat marks on your face.

When the three returned to the inner hall and sat down, Zhang Bowen's eyes turned, "teacher, let's go out and have a drink later?"

"No, after a busy day, go back to bed and continue to enter the contracts of these people tomorrow. Xiaojuan is still waiting for me." wiping his hands, Su mole shook his head and refused.

"Yes, shopkeeper, don't be busy. Xiaojuan must have prepared meals for my eldest brother." Sun Quan hehe smiled and added nearby.

Seeing this, Zhang Bowen had no choice but to get up and take them outside the store.

"Go back, let's go"

"Be careful all the way"

"Oh, you child, don't worry." patting Zhang Bowen on the shoulder, Su Mo reluctantly smiled, turned around and took Sun Quan to the other side of the street.

Strangely enough, Zhang Bowen seems to have become a character in the game and his experience has soared since he slapped Qiankun grain bank in the face at the summer harvest preheating conference.

Reflected in the outside, he grew up a lot overnight, and was completely enough to be in charge of the family.

Of course, due to personality limitations, compared with the scientific research field in which Zhang Bowen is gifted, he is still a lot worse in terms of human sophistication at present.

But it's not a big problem. It's enough to deal with the current situation.

Wait until the future, maybe

Squinting at Sun Quan who jumped around, Su Mo thought for a while, and finally said his thoughts that had been suppressed in his heart for several days.

"After these two days, will you move to my side?"

"Really?" It seemed that his attention was elsewhere, but as soon as Su Mo's voice fell, Sun Quan suddenly aroused his spirit.

"Can it be fake?"

Too lazy to expose Sun Quan's mind, Su Mo raised his hand and rubbed it slowly.

"Understand, brother Su, don't worry"

"In the future, if you let me go east, I will never dare to go west. If you let me go on the bench, I will never dare to climb the ladder!"

"You are my big brother."

Compared with his eloquence, Sun Quan was indeed not afraid of anyone.

At this time, as soon as he said it, Su Moben wanted to scold, but after listening to it for a while, he couldn't help laughing.

"Don't get excited. I guess I'll have a few days in the store by tomorrow at the latest."

"I want you to help me then"

He lowered his head and whispered a few words in Sun Quan's ear. Looking at the latter, he could understand it for a second and even draw inferences from one instance.

Su Mo nodded with satisfaction, and his heart was very happy.

It was less than a month, and he had stood firm in Tianyuan territory from nothing.

According to the current trend, until the end of the summer harvest to create a day-to-day armor self-protection, we will no longer have to be so afraid of hands and feet as we are now.

Through Ziliang square, as long as you can open a market.

The three-month buffer period between the next autumn harvest is enough to double the size of the store.

Not surprisingly, within six months at the latest, he will be able to return to the top of the territory as a "luxury businessman".

"Keep a low profile, or keep a low profile"

"I can't make any dangerous moves before the battle armor comes out, otherwise even if it's blocking the dragon, Pei Shao and them, they may not be able to protect me all day!"

At the familiar place of departure, I watched Sun Quan disappear in the alley.

Su Mo looked as usual and continued to walk towards Gutian third street.

In fact, just after leaving the store, before standing here, he had felt at least four straight eyes.

Not counting the people sent by Feng long, the remaining three stocks appeared after the summer harvest warm-up meeting.

These three shares.

One of them, Su Mo can roughly guess, is Pei Shao's subordinate inspection division team.

Especially the captain who met him face to face before, the breath was very familiar, even if he was far away from Su Mo, he could vaguely feel it.

The remaining two stocks are much more cunning.

They won't be close to their houses and shops at all, which makes it difficult to detect Orio.

In this regard, Su Mo is not good at startling the snake until he knows the real identity of the other party. He can only let these people surround him 24 hours a day.