Chapter 757 Difficult choices, balance of power!


Hearing Ning Chao's blunt and blunt words, the laughter of more than a dozen people in the audience increased a bit.

For Chinese people, this term that is almost rooted in blood is indeed not unfamiliar.

Whether it is the time of mourning, all of you are dead, the princes and generals have a seed, or the famous Cangtian has died, and the yellow sky should stand.

If you look through history books, you can basically see the stories of the people rising up and resisting in all dynasties and dynasties.


For a small dragon and phoenix territory, these two words are still too heavy, or exaggerated.

"Where are we rebelling? We want Longgou to fulfill its promise and lead the refugees to a better life!"

Ge Jian'an cleared his throat and said in a relaxed tone the purpose of everyone gathering here.

"When Long Zhengchu chose to establish the Dragon-Phoenix Territory and recruited the first generation of territorial citizens who made up the number of us, he personally made a promise that he would definitely put the living conditions of the territorial citizens in the first place no matter what time it came. If you violate this promise, you are willing to automatically relinquish the position of lord.”

"But what about now"

"He reached an agreement with Wuyafu to build the Dragon Phoenix Territory into a trade fortress stuck on the neck of the Tianyuan Territory, so as to achieve an ulterior strategic purpose. When the agreement is completed, he can indeed do Shi Shiran. He slaps his butt and leaves, but we are miserable, not only will we be forced to work here by such high-handed means, but we will also have to bear the name of helping the tyrants in the future."

"Besides, in this process, the Tianyuan territory is not a good thing. Once they find out and use countermeasures, those of us will surely die!"

After Ge Jianan finished speaking, he took out a steel knife with a little rust from the shelf with the weapon inserted on one side of the cave and threw it directly in front of Ning Chao.

"They are Dragon Dog's minions and our enemies"

"You have two choices now, either choose to go up and prove that you are still a Chinese, and there is still a bit of anger in your chest, or."

Before Ge Jianan finished speaking, he stopped with satisfaction.

Can last until the wasteland for eight years, except that there may be some virgins in the crowd who have been protected from the beginning, the people struggling at the bottom are almost all licking blood.

When humans and aliens fought in the Great Showdown, the entire New World was filled with battlefields almost everywhere.

Everyone used a steel knife and cut them out of the Shura field with all their courage, so that they could live to this day.

Like Ning Chao, although he looked at Wen Wen weakly, his face was sallow.

But in fact, when Ge Jian'an just said two choices, he was sitting on the ground and already held the handle of the knife, obviously he had a decision in his heart.

"No, no, don't kill me, I'm Hu Hu, the squad leader of the third defense team!"

"Kill me, Lord Longlong will never let you go!"

The man in the middle who was tied to the pillar was still struggling to ask for help, but he could see Ning Chao walking step by step with a steel knife.

His cry for help came to an abrupt end, replaced by tears of fear.

But it was too late.

"Don't blame me, even if I don't kill you, you guys can't get out of this cave." Standing up straight, Ning Chao swallowed a mouthful of saliva and forcibly calmed down.

"When you chose to follow Long Zhengchu to oppress us, you should have thought of the consequences."

"No, we still have something to talk about, I can help you. Ah!!!"


Before Hu Hu's words were completely finished, Ning Chao slashed directly on the chest, spattering a fountain of black-red blood.

The blood stinks a bit, but when it was sprayed on Ning Chao's face, he suddenly showed a kind of perverted intoxication.


Another knife.

It's just that this knife is not Ning Chao's knife, but Ge Dabao, who is on the side, stepped forward and slashed neatly on Hu Hu's neck, ending his pain and screaming.

"Ning Chao, welcome to join"

"Thank you, Dabao!" Throwing the knife to the ground, Ning Chao stretched out his blood-stained right hand and held it tightly with Ge Dabao.

The other onlookers also nodded and quickly stepped forward to help deal with the bloody scene.

The whole scene looks weird and harmonious.

No one panicked, no one shouted, and none of the women onlookers had any emotional changes, and they were still preparing everyone's dinner while talking and laughing.

In the eyes of these people, it seems that the people who died just now were not of the same kind, but of a different race with a bloody feud.

"Dabao, I have to confess something to you, a very important thing"


The two wiped their hands and came to one side.

As soon as he sat down, Ning Chao turned his head firmly as if he had decided something.

"It's no problem for you to overthrow the rule of Long Laogou. Even if we only have a dozen people, it is not impossible for us to succeed. This kind of resistance has been staged too many times in the New World, and even now we can still buy those in bookstores. Successful cases, learn and imitate"

"But Long Zhengchu, no, the Dragon Phoenix Territory is definitely not as simple as you think."


Ning Chao pondered for a while, and waited until Ge Jianan also came over, and then he organized the next words to say.

"The people from Wuyafu have come, they are by Long Zhengchu's side, waiting for the big fish to take the bait!"

"What!" Ge Jian's anxiety suddenly poured out.

In his mind, the information and information discovered by everyone in the past few days, as well as the structural defense map of Longyin Town, flashed repeatedly in his mind.

This place is not as mysterious as Tianyuan Territory.

The town is not big and the structure is very simple.

As long as there are outsiders, people living inside can detect clues through subsequent changes, even if they cannot find it immediately.

But after this week's investigation, there is no problem at all.

It is absolutely impossible for Wuyafu to send someone to sneak in silently!

"Uncle Ge, I don't know how much information you have probed, but I can be sure that this time is definitely a trap"

"It's the way it is."

Ning Chao began to bow his head to recall.

"Eight days ago, the third day after the hail disaster ended."

"It was probably after two o'clock at night. Because of the confiscated supplies, I lay on the bed at night and was hungry and couldn't sleep. I got up and searched the whole house and couldn't find any food to satisfy my stomach."

"But just as I was going to bed, I heard some movement outside"

After straightening the folds on his clothes and following Ning Chao's story, Ge Jian'an seemed to see that night before his eyes.

"It was a foreign caravan with nearly a hundred people. It was surrounded by the guards, and it was rushed to the market like a livestock."

"At that time, many people like me who didn't fall asleep or woke up were still lying on the wall and gloating on the wall, thinking that they were also unlucky and just happened to encounter Long Laogou and went mad, and now they will be robbed of all the delivered materials."

"But what I never imagined is." Ning Chao scratched his head: "At four o'clock at night, my brain suddenly became hot, and I wanted to take advantage of the sleepiest time for everyone before dawn to see Let's see if these people will resist, and if I can take chestnuts out of the fire."

"You mean there's something wrong with the detained caravan?" Ge Jian'an frowned, and the previously ignored information flashed through his mind.

As Ning Chao said, there was indeed a lot of movement when the caravan entered the city that night.

Not to mention that he saw it, almost half of the people in the entire Dragon Phoenix Territory were awakened and saw the whole process.

It's just people's subconscious sympathy, so most people don't suspect the true origin of this group of caravans, they just think that they are passing caravans as usual.

It was passed on, and when Ge Jianan collected this piece of information, he didn't care much, and subconsciously ignored it.

"Uncle Ge, there's nothing wrong with them. They dug a hole and waited for the prey to jump in."

"That night, I quietly went out the door and touched the tail of this caravan all the way against the familiar terrain, and took advantage of the few minutes when the defense team changed defenses, and finally touched the last car on this transport cargo. When I quietly cut open a little tarp to steal some food, guess what I touched."

Desperately spending ten points, Ning Chao stretched out his hand to fish in the air, and took out a steel ball the size of a fist.

Storage space is a real luxury at this stage.

Not to mention the points that are consumed when opening it, every time you store something in, you have to pay a little point every day as a price.

And the main reason why Ning Chao paid such a price to save it is.

"Fen Hailei!" Ge Jian'an's pupils opened slightly, and he quickly took the ball from Ning Chao's hand and placed it in front of his eyes.

Sure enough, a line of numbers was brightly engraved on the bottom of the ball.


"Uncle Ge, that car is full of these things. You said that ordinary caravans have the courage to transport this thing. This is equivalent to selling a large amount of weapons. We can't afford small territories, and we can't afford large territories. No need!"

"What's more, just going out with this sea-burning thunderbolt, the level of the people in our territory's defense team will probably be at least half dead. How can they capture the caravan so easily?" Ning Chao knew that if he didn't say anything at the moment To be clear, Ge Jianan acted impulsive with the team, and this Fen Hailei would probably have to touch them.

"I suspect that the person they are waiting for is Tianyuan Territory. Once Tianyuan Territory sends people to obstruct the construction of commercial fortresses, even using force, they will not only be caught by them and destroy the principle of not attacking each other. You will be caught off guard by these weapons, and the casualties will be heavy.”

"I think we should not get involved in this muddy water. The Wuyafu and Tianyuan territories have great business, even if a thousand people die, it doesn't matter, but we only have one bad life and no combat experience, so we won't be ambushed by these people. People who notice it can sneak away, but if they notice it.”

Ning Chao didn't go further, but looked at Fen Hailei and the cave space, the meaning was self-evident.

The small sea-burning thunder is not a high-tech weapon, and any territory with an industrial base can be manufactured according to the blueprint.

But it is precisely because it is simple to manufacture, easy to use, and powerful.

In the war between human beings and alien races, it can play a god-like effect many times, causing heavy losses to alien races.

And according to the "private goods" added by the major territories, the detonation range of the sea-burning mines made by Wuyafu is much larger than that of other territories.

It can reach about three times the range of ordinary sea-burning thunder, and its lethality is enough to easily kill any creature within ten meters of the explosion center, and severely damage other living creatures within thirty meters.

Ge Dabao, who was beside "Fen Hailei's disguised target Tianyuan Territory", trembled in his heart.

When Ge Jianan said that he wanted to overthrow the rule of the dragon dog, he was so excited that he couldn't sleep all night, wishing to get rid of the previous hard days immediately.

But now, hearing Ning Chao say this, a trace of fear suddenly appeared in his heart.

If ordinary people want to survive in the new continent, the first big taboo to abide by is that they must not interfere in the disputes of large territories.

Because of the restrictions of the agreement not to attack each other, large-scale territories are often secretly calculated.

And it is in the dark that they will take off the camouflage on the bright side and expose their true nature to the fullest.

Once involved, the consequences may be unimaginable.

"Dad, if this is what Ning Chao said, our plan will probably be"

"No, don't worry, let me think about it." Interrupting his son's words, Ge Jianan clenched Fen Hailei firmly and sat aside.

His brows furrowed, his face solemn, as if he was calculating the consequences of different decisions.

Even after a while, Guan Taohua shouted three times to eat.

Ge Jian'an also kept his head down, talking back and forth as if he was obsessed.

Not everyone has an innate strategic mindset, and not everyone can synthesize information to calculate the probability of success.

If the one standing behind him was not the Hero Club, but the Tianyuan Territory, Ge Jianan would never hesitate.

Compared with the vote of overthrowing the Dragon Phoenix Territory, it is obviously more sincere and precious to be able to destroy the secret hand of Wuyafu.

But a pity.

The adult behind him is just a private shop owner in a small town in Tianyuan territory.

Even if he passed the agreement token, the Soviet Union leader had already told him that a strong support force would arrive soon.

But with this support, can there be An Ziqiang who is lurking in Wuyafu?

Can it survive the continuous bombardment of a carload of burning sea mines?

"Is it really necessary to give up?"

As soon as he thought that he had not thoroughly investigated it four days ago, he accepted the agreement with the leader of Nasu.

With deep eyes, Ge Jianan stood up and walked towards the dining table.

Compared to the Tianyuan Territory, where the people live a rich life, everyone's dinner is very simple.

Almost twenty people only have four dishes and one soup.

But for Ning Chao, who has been hungry for a few days, even if these four dishes are some wild vegetables from Yanba, there is basically no meat residue in the broth, which makes his drink extremely sweet and delicious. Incredibly fun.

"Jian'an, what's the matter, come over to eat quickly"

Guan Taohua's brother, Guan Zhe, squeezed to the side, making way for a seat large enough for Ge Jianan to sit down.

"Okay, okay." Ge Jian sat down absentmindedly, forced himself to squeeze out a smile, picked up his rice bowl and started eating.

After a short while, when the bowl was empty, Ge Jianan remembered that he ate rice the whole time and completely forgot to add vegetables.

But when he raised his head, he was surprised to find that everyone in the cave had put down their bowls and turned their attention.

"Okay, I have to tell you something." Putting down his job, Ge Jianan raised his sleeves and wiped the corners of his mouth.

He didn't choose to hide it, instead he recited Ning Chao's words very candidly, and handed Fen Hailei to each other to read.

"That is to say, there is a hidden Wuyafu army hidden in the city? Are they also carrying a lot of weapons?" Guan Zhe was the last to take Fen Hailei, and he said cautiously after observing with a dignified expression.

"There is a high probability that we subconsciously skipped these detained caravans during the investigation process, and even thought to see if we could mobilize these people to cause more chaos. Fortunately, we did not act rashly, otherwise the consequences may be Unbelievable." Ge Jianan said solemnly.

He seemed to see what Guan Zhe was thinking.

"Now we have two choices. One is that we simply choose to give up the mission. I have some survival points, which are enough to support everyone to buy a minimum-level status in another territory, but everyone is responsible for the ticket money."

"Secondly, choose to continue to execute the plan, formulate and implement a bolder plan, the so-called wealth and risk seek, and when the support sent by the adult is in place, I will try to bridge the line through them. Managers get on the line”

He never thought that he would take such a risk, and Ge Jianan was also taken aback when he finished speaking.


It's almost the same as what he got when he thought about it.

After listening to the results of the two routes, everyone present except Guan Taohua and Guan Zhe hesitated.

The men who followed him to investigate during the day were all excited, obviously not planning to just give up running.

"Jian'an, it's not an easy thing for us people to influence the balance of power." Guan Zhe smiled bitterly: "Besides, didn't we also collect information about the adult you mentioned in the past two days? I only joined the Tianyuan Territory a month ago, how could I have a relationship with the big figures in the territory, not to mention that even if we send support, it will be good if we don’t drag us down, you still count on them.”

"I know, but there's always a chance isn't it?"

"Escape, okay, let's start from scratch. We used to be able to take our children around when they were little. Now that they are grown up, the pressure on our shoulders will only be less."

"It's okay to fight. The advantage now is that the enemy is in the open, and I am in the dark. We still have a lot of time to investigate, we can make plans, and compared with the vicious alien races we faced before, they seem to be able to The docile lambs who use human weapons, if only we can "destroy" their weapons, or even take their weapons and arm ourselves"

His eyes were fixed on Fen Hailei who was on the table.

This time, after Ge Jianan finished speaking, the cave fell silent for a while.

Including Guan Zhe, he didn't refute any more, but lowered his head and thought deeply, all kinds of consequences and future flashed in his mind.