Chapter 773 The first test day by day, powerful intelligent assistance!

Out of the new urban area of ​​Baoyu County, about 90 kilometers to the west, there is a tributary of the Longji River called the Guituo River.

It is rumored that there is an old tortoise living in this river. Whenever a person crossing the river falls into the water, the old tortoise will float up to lift the person who falls into the water to cross the river.

Hence the name.

Looking down from a high altitude, the overall shape of the Guituo River is like a sharp long sword, branching straight from the Longji River and heading into the distance.

Due to the terrain, the river here is fast and fast, so the fishermen pay no attention to it.

But with this river as the dividing line, it just separated the Tianyuan territory from the surrounding Changsheng Villa.

Going to the east of the river is Baoyu County in Tianyuan Territory.

To the west of the river is the wealthy city of Changsheng Villa.

As a rare neutral territory, the scale of Changsheng Villa is not large, and it can only be regarded as a small and medium-sized territory.

Because its owner Ji Chang has always been hospitable and does not monitor the identities of foreign guests, he has always been sought after by all kinds of traders and adventurers, and has become a natural refuge.

At this time, in the wilderness leading to the Guituo River in Baoyu County, a black human-powered energy car was driving straight past.

Speeding on the untreated road, the speed of the rickshaw is not slow, and it can reach about twenty yards.

Although in the process of driving, every time it encounters a pothole or stone on the road, the frame will make a sound of rumbling about to fall apart.

But the thin figure on the seat ignored the sound at all, and still stood on the seat like crazy.

At the same time, high beams of light were also continuously shot from behind him, and the warning sound was endless.

"Stowaways, stop the car and give up fearless resistance!"

"Stop and don't kill, if we go any further we'll shoot!"

"You are already surrounded by us. As long as you clarify your itinerary these days and pay the fine, we will not hurt you!"

"He passed in the direction of the Guituo River, hurry up!"

When each sound was heard, the figure of the person riding the bike would tremble slightly, and the sweat all over his body would fall like raindrops.

The micro energy machine in the human-powered energy vehicle can indeed replace most of the kinetic energy output, but the premise is that there must be a steady stream of inertia.

For example, in the current wilderness, the friction of the tires is extremely large, and once the output of human power is not enough, the machine will immediately enter a dormant state.

But even if his physical strength was about to reach the upper limit, Jiang Yong did not dare to stop and rest.

He clearly knew that he would only be caught by those patrolling behind him.

Can't afford to pay the 5,000 point fine.

What awaits him will be ten years of hard labor who is rumored to have completely lost his human rights and freedom, and has been hailed by adventurers as a "great terror"!

"And. There are still the last thirty kilometers!"

Suddenly it flew up from a small hillside, and then fell heavily on the ground, and the car made an overwhelmed roar again.

Jiang Yong firmly controlled the front of the car and glanced to the side, and saw the distance mark he made when he stepped out before.

At Nengche's current speed, he can completely escape from the Tianyuan territory in just one hour.

But it was such a distance, like a moat, that made him feel more and more desperate.

"Crazy, chase me a first-level adventurer and dispatch dozens of people, I have only joined the adventurer for less than a year, and I am not a god!"

"There are so many patrols in a place where birds don't shit, damn Su Youzong mistaken me!"

After chasing and escaping for more than half an hour, Jiang Yong could actually vaguely guess why there was such a patrol team in Baoyu County.


During the day, the Baoyu County Public Trial Conference executed many habitual corrupt criminals. According to the past development rhythm, these people will slowly spit out those who have swallowed them under the interrogation method.

The greedy Su Youzong was probably afraid that these people would take advantage of the night to escape the border and fly far away, so he applied for the patrol team to send dozens of people around Baoyu County to ensure that no one smuggled out.

But this point, he never thought of it before he acted.

The excitement that he was about to get the helmet had already overwhelmed his mind, so much so that he acted rashly without stepping on the spot carefully.

"I saw you, don't run, I'll shoot if you run!"

Suddenly, a strange roar came from the high slope that had just passed behind him, which startled Jiang Yong.

But before he turned around to discern the distance between himself and the other party.


A crisp buzzing sound suddenly exploded in the night, and the bullet shot out, hitting the rear box of the car, bringing out a bright spark.

"Grass, he really dared to shoot, begging like crazy!" Suddenly, he smelled the imminent danger of life and death, Jiang Yong's mind went numb, and he subconsciously increased the speed of pedaling a little bit.

However, his behavior seemed to anger the man who had just shot in the back.

In an instant, the thumping sound became denser.

"Come on, I just stole a helmet. Wait." Jiang Yong was almost scared to pee when he found a bullet flying past his scalp.

But in a hurry, his numb mind also thought of the helmet he got before.

If it is true as the artificial intelligence Kuafu said

Immediately, Jiang Yong lowered his head and touched it from his arms, sticking the small silver-white square to his head.

The water-like package struck again, and Kuafu's dull voice sounded again.

"Hello Jiang Yong, artificial intelligence praises the father"

"Don't say it, I'm being hunted down right now, turn on the combat assistance for me now"

"Combat assistance?" Kuafu hesitated for a second, and then the dull voice sounded again: "It is detected that the user is currently driving a vehicle and is surrounded by 19 enemies, and the difference in strength is huge."

"Kuafu recommends that you turn on driving assistance and defense assistance first, and quickly escape from the siege"

"What? Do you still have this recognition function?" Hearing the precise number of 19 people, Sun Yonggan's face filled with ecstasy: "Hurry up, turn on driving assistance and defense assistance for me, and let me escape."

"Okay, it's turning on for you!"

The moment the order was given, Jiang Yong suddenly felt a stinging pain from the top of his head, as if a needle had pierced his scalp.

But at this time, he couldn't care about so much, and only quickly got familiar with the new interface.

Just like those computer racing games in the era of civilization, after the driver assistance was activated, a green arrow appeared not far from the empty field of vision.

At the same time, the current speed data and the distance to the chasing soldiers are also posted on the side.

"Fortunately, looking at their speed, they should also be human-powered vehicles. I might be able to escape tonight!"

After checking the data with his peripheral vision, Jiang Yong's anxiety decreased slightly.

His current speed is 23 yards, the opponent's is 25 yards, only two yards difference is not much.

Moreover, there is still a distance gap of nearly 500 meters between the two sides, which is still safe for the time being.

Try to follow the snakeskin route planned by this arrow.

After a few seconds, Jiang Yongle opened his mouth.

The route calculated by the helmet seems to have predicted the shooting position of the rear chasers in advance, and every time it is dangerous and dangerous to avoid bullet shooting without affecting the forward speed.

And the most amazing thing is that the gravel and potholes on these routes are much less than the ones next to them. After the inertia comes up, it makes him save more energy than before.

After running for less than five minutes, the distance between the two sides was directly pulled by him to 700 meters!

"This helmet is really a good thing. With this baby, I will sell a hammer."

"This ability is simply amazing!"

In the process of moving forward, you don't need to watch the road yourself, you just need to follow the instructions without a brain.

After playing reality as a game, the pressure on Jiang Yong's heart suddenly decreased a lot.

At this time, he can even take time to continue to check other things displayed in the field of vision.

"Huh? Can I see directly behind? Can I see bullet trails?"

Looking at the small box in the upper right corner, there are more than a dozen objects emitting red light marking the data, and there are many flashing red trails drifting by.

Jiang Yong paused for a moment and then understood how to use this function.

The artificial intelligence Kuafu built into the helmet should have calculated the trajectory of these bullets and given the direction of the vehicle.

It's no wonder that these people in the back can't touch the car at all.

"I know about driving assistance, but what is defense assistance?"

After checking all the information on the interface, Jiang Yong muttered to himself.

But the weird thing is that before he could finish his sentence, there was a sudden explosion from the rear that was far more violent than before.

Subconsciously, Jiang Yong wanted to check the information behind him through the small window in the upper right corner.

But before his eyes drifted over, the helmet suddenly produced a falling force, causing him to lower his head forcibly.

"Detected that a large-caliber equipment rifle was aimed at the user's skull, and the defense assist has automatically helped you avoid it"

"Grass! Sniper rifle?" At the same time as Kuafu prompted, a small dirt pit was also hit by a large-caliber bullet on the road ahead, and countless dirt splashed and splattered on the car.

For a moment, Jiang Yong was covered in white sweat, and only felt a chill in his heart dangling from the gate of hell.

It is not difficult to imagine that without the assistance of this helmet, I am afraid that just now, his head would have to be blown to pieces in an instant like this pit.

"Why don't I surrender? As long as I can keep this helmet on my body, and ten years of hard labor doesn't make me die immediately, maybe I can really escape."

Jiang Yong had the intention to retreat, and the other party's sniper rifle was all on, as if he was planning to kill him.

Even if he could escape to the Guituo River, he would not be able to swim in the turbulent water, and he would most likely not be able to escape the follow-up shooting while sitting on a boat.


"Speed ​​up, grab him and take that helmet off his head!"

"This is a good thing, you must catch him for me!"

It was as if the other party could hear him muttering to himself, and only after he had just thought about it, there was a faint shouting sound immediately behind him.

After being amplified by Kuafu, it was clearly introduced into his ears, making the hesitation that had just risen disappear without a trace.

Without the helmet, you have to work hard, what is the difference between that and death?

Besides, these people have already seen the function of the helmet, and if they see money, they will kill him directly.

"It seems that there must be a winner tonight!"

Jiang Yong's heart sank, and he immediately started kicking as hard as he could.

After being highly concentrated, he chose to pin all his hopes on this helmet, and only focused on rushing to the destination.

And the facts also proved that his choice was right.

More than half an hour later, the distance from the Guituo River was only the last seven kilometers.

On the way, the firepower of the chasing troops in the rear became more and more ferocious and denser.

But with the defensive auxiliary protection of the helmet, any bullets shot at his head will be miraculously evaded by his shaking from side to side.

It's like playing Parisian dancers on a tightrope.

Discovering the power of the auxiliary system, Jiang Yong simply stretched out his head completely, in order to attract the firepower of the body parts.

However, in the lower left corner where he hadn't noticed, the sign marked with power was already glowing yellow.

"Mr. Jiang Yong, the remaining power of the helmet is less than 10%, and it is expected to maintain the dual-assist system for three minutes and thirty-five seconds."

When there were three kilometers left before the entry point of the Guituo River, Kuafu's voice sounded again.

Hearing this prompt clearly, Jiang Yong, who was still concentrating on pedaling, suffocated suddenly, as if someone had strangled his throat.

"Do you still have a battery limit?"

"Of course, my energy can maintain the operation of a single auxiliary system for an hour, a dual system stacking for 45 minutes, and a triple system stacking for 30 minutes. Please charge me in time~"

"Damn, why didn't you say it earlier!" The sound of the rushing water could already be faintly heard. Jiang Yong had just finished cursing, and then he asked: "How long can it last if you maintain a single defense support?"

"The current battery can run the defense assist for five minutes"

"Five minutes?" Jiang Yong shouted loudly: "Turn off assisted driving, I'll drive it myself"


A tricky bullet came, hit the tire of the car without any bias, and made a bang.

The car, which was still rushing 24 yards forward, shuddered suddenly, and then slid quickly on the ground, almost throwing Jiang Yong off.

Moreover, this exaggerated drift also caused the entire car to suddenly let out a strange roar, and at this critical moment, the front and rear were disconnected and disintegrated.


Even after jumping out of the car, Jiang Yong ran to the river without looking back.

To be able to live in the wasteland of the apocalypse until today, from the elderly to the children, has an exaggerated endurance several times that of human beings in the civilized era.

Just like organisms will selectively evolve under certain circumstances.

This endurance is the gene expression of the body's initiative of ordinary human beings in countless life and death crises.

It is no exaggeration to say that if the so-called "marathon" race is brought to the current wasteland, at least 95% of the people can easily complete it.


Jiang Yong ran while leaning on his helmet to dodge the bullets that came from behind.

Finally, when the distance was only the last kilometer, Kuafu made the final sound and quickly turned into the previous square shape.

At this time, the chasing soldiers in the rear were only less than 300 meters away from him.

When he turned his head, he seemed to be able to see the hideous and ugly faces of greed behind the dazzling headlights.

"Grab him, don't let him go into the water!"

"His helmet turned into little squares, don't let him run away"

"Find that helmet first, you must get the helmet!"

A few more shouts sounded. After Jiang Yong bit his lip and ran for a few steps, he threw the square he just put into his pocket at the back.

The silver-white bright block drew a graceful parabola in the air, gently landed on the wasteland, and stopped after rolling for a few laps.

At the moment of life and death, even if he knew in his heart that this helmet was of great value, he couldn't care so much.

It's here, and I have to live no matter what.

Only by surviving can we sneak into Tianyuan territory for the second time, sneak into Baoyu County, and steal another chance!

"Go after the helmet, go grab the helmet, leave me alone, leave me alone!"

Thinking silently in his heart, Jiang Yong could even see the boat parked at the mouth of the sea after running for a few steps.

It was a prepared evacuation tool that he had stepped on before, and he could quickly leave downstream through the turbulent water when he got on the boat.

Wait, how come there are four ships?

Before Jiang Yong could react, seven or eight strong men suddenly walked out from the blind corner of the nearby cliff, and they were looking at him.

"Oops, is there still a siege here?"

"My life is over!"

Vaguely seeing that there was a guy in the other's hand, Jiang Yong's mind went numb, and he almost knelt on the ground.

He held on and shouted loudly with his last desire to survive: "I am a close confidant of Su Youzong, the administrator of Baoyu County, and I have a secret mission explained by the mayor of Su, don't kill me, I will tell you a big secret! "