The rumbling sound was covered by the continuous burst of muffled thunder in the sky.

Occasionally a flash of lightning flashed.

The entire Qinggang City seemed to be resonating, and the buildings on the ground creaked under the weight.

Several thick smoke rose from a distance against the pouring of rain, and the boiling flame seemed to be burning hot in the sky.

For this city that has been occupied for a long time after the war, such a movement seems a bit strange.

But at this time, not many people cared anymore.

Because right in the depths of the seemingly unreachable dense fog, black lines are rapidly condensing and enlarging until...

"what is that!?"

A few Qinggang soldiers who were resting on the front guard tower stood up curiously, picked up the biological scanning detection eyepiece hanging around their necks, and looked at the black lines.


Although there is a slight heat reaction, it is not obvious, and the value has not reached the level of living creatures at all.

After reading it, it is basically certain that some mutated insects came out of the cracks due to the rain and are marching quickly in the cracks of the city.

This has happened more than once or twice over the past few decades.

Almost every time when a wave of mutant beasts breaks out, these poor little guys will leave their hometowns to live in a safer place, and only quietly return after the wave of beasts is over, bringing advance notice and warning to the people in this city... .


Several guards lowered their eyepieces, and their faces suddenly became solemn.

The last outbreak of mutated damp was four years ago, and the scale was level three.

According to the classification of this thing by the new alliance, there are five levels in total.

Among them, the fifth level is the weakest, the first level is the strongest, and the level three is already a big disaster for Qinggang City. At that time, there were four old gopher shelters that failed to persist in the past and fell helplessly, resulting in nearly 100,000 people. killed.

Afterwards, according to the calculations made by the experts of the foundation, the next beast tide will be separated by at least eight years.

Why did it suddenly explode now?

Confused, the man who obviously looked like the captain patted his head, and decided to go back and report to the captain behind.

But before he took off his equipment, he slipped down from the ladder of the sentry tower.

A soldier who picked up the eyepiece curiously suddenly said in surprise: "Captain, something is wrong, why are these thermal reaction values ​​getting higher and higher, as if they are getting closer to us?"


The captain who was raising his foot was taken aback, quickly picked up the eyepiece, and looked at the black lines again.

In the hazy, dreamlike mist, human beings cannot directly penetrate the occlusion of vision and see the real mask of black lines.

But just like what the soldier said, the value on the biological scanning detection eyepiece is indeed getting higher and higher, it has already exceeded the upper limit of mutant insects, and is about to reach the level of mutant winged mice...

"Not good, send the warning bell!

! "

In an instant, the captain just glanced at the gap in the fog opened by the rain, and cold sweat rolled down his back in an instant.

In that mist, where are the insects and radiant beings running...

That's obviously...


A human being limping along!




A low warning sound sounded, and instantly connected in front of the Lightning Wall.

Apparently, more than one team had a distant mutation and pressed the only warning tool in their hands.

Because of the wave of attacks just a few days ago, there are still many troops behind the Lightning Wall.

In barely thirty seconds, two teams of thirty soldiers wearing exoskeleton armor sped out and accelerated towards the black line.

"what happens?"

"What's going on, is someone coming to attack the Clear Harbor Sanctuary again?"

"Look there, it seems that someone is coming."

"No way, they came so obviously, do they want to go head-to-head with Sunny Harbor Refuge?"

"Damn it, this group of people won't anger Qinggang again, blame us for the crime."

"Move back quickly, another soldier is coming out."


It is not clear what happened in the distance, and more and more homeless people who came out of the Lightning Wall talked a lot.

Maybe it's because I don't have any expectations for life.

With the sudden crackling of guns and rumbling explosions in the distance, these people not only did not run, but stopped and watched, gloating on their faces.

Someone called again?

This Qinggang Refuge is really a street mouse, everyone shouts and beats it.

It's a pity that if you want to defeat them, this city may not be enough even if all the gophers are added together.

The best result is that the attacks of these people can divert the attention of the Clear Harbor Sanctuary, and no longer take pleasure in torturing them, the homeless.

As for more, no one dares to ask for extravagance.

While the mechanical exoskeleton soldiers were fighting, five helicopters also circled up from behind the lightning wall, and their blades brought a huge storm sound and interspersed in the direction where the battle broke out.

Because it was flying almost close to the ground, the scattered rain fell more and more violently, hitting the homeless below with crackling, causing a lot of painful muffled groans.


The flames of the explosion ignited the entire ground, and the rolled up air waves instantly engulfed the surrounding fog.

Worthy of the ace air power of the entire Qinggang City, the addition of combat helicopters instantly changed the situation.

The most obvious thing is that a large part of the whole black line suddenly broke in the middle, which was probably cleared by a few shells.

"Unfortunately, they are here to die."

"So many people were killed at one time, I'm afraid it's time to run away?"

"It doesn't seem to run, my God, are these people so brave?"

"Could it be that someone came to rescue us, those other wanderers who escaped..."

"You can pull it down, who will come back to save you, a bad old man?"

The battlefield is not a fight in a tavern. Even if you have a bruised nose and a swollen face, you can get away with just pretending to be drunk.

This is a real mill of flesh and blood, one step into it, and it is very likely to become one of the elements whose sacrifices are not worthwhile.

For elite soldiers, when the general casualty rate is around 10%, there will be a more serious low morale.

Once the casualty rate exceeds 20%, a large-scale collapse will immediately erupt.

For a group like homeless people who have never been trained at all, 10% is the highest limit.

Especially when the 10% is suddenly lost, the impact will be even greater.

However, it is strange.

Even though the black line in the distance was suddenly emptied for a large part, the remaining black line still did not flee.

They are still taking a "steady" pace and moving forward firmly and persistently.


The commander standing on the lightning wall got a little angry, picked up the communicator in his hand and cursed:

"Kevin, what's going on, release all your weapons and let them see how powerful we are."

"If these people enter within 500 meters of our resident, Lord Hades will definitely peel off your skin!"

"Yes.. yes...but...they...they are not afraid of death!"

Intermittent voices came from the communicator. The fireman in charge of firing the machine gun swallowed his saliva, and there was a slight tremor in the middle of the voice.

"The wanderers are back, they... are back!"

"What? The wanderer is back!?"

A look of joy flashed across the commander's face, and he quickly turned up the volume of the communicator.

"Be careful, don't scare them, I will send someone to support you."

"Attention, if someone is holding an industrial... ahem, if someone is holding a box-shaped device, give me some eyes, so don't break it!"

After searching for the industrial center for nearly a week, there is still no news.

The wanderer who took that thing away seemed to have evaporated from the world, disappearing completely overnight.

Many homeless people captured from the escape route have been interrogated several times, and no one has seen anyone with an industrial core.

The commander had already given up hope of getting it back, and only wanted to avoid punishment after Lord Hades got angry when he came out of the research room.

But now, the opportunity was so lucky to come to him.

These wanderers who have made a comeback have a great probability of getting the industrial core back from them!

"No, Lord Edmund, no...not them!"

"It's not them, what do you mean?"

"It's the homeless, it's them, they..."

"Damn it."

"They jumped on our plane, how is that possible..."

"Quick, get off, get off for me!"

"Da da... da da da da da..."

The roar of machine guns suddenly erupted, completely covering up the intermittent communication in the communicator.

Commander Edmund raised his head and looked not far away.

Although I couldn't see what happened specifically, in the fog, there was actually a black line rising along the ground, entangled with a black spot of a helicopter flying at a low altitude.

Intense flames erupted from the black dot, trying to break free from the shackles of the black thread.

But before this one was released, three more jumped up from nearby in an instant.

buzz buzz...

The propeller spun and fell down suddenly.


A bright flame erupted less than one kilometer away, and the roaring air wave instantly swept away the surrounding three hundred meters of mist.

The invincible helicopter formation was shot down? is this possible?

At this moment, not only Edmund was dumbfounded, but even the homeless slaves who were watching the theater and watching the battle below stared.

If the helicopter is compared to a big devil with invincible magic power, the black line below is like a weak warrior with faith.

When did the Rangers have the means to control the air?

Against the firepower of the Clear Harbor Refuge, they killed one of the opponent's helicopters forcefully, scaring the other four to run away, fearing that if they stayed for a second, the current situation would be repeated.

In this situation, dreams are not so exaggerated, right?


At this moment, all of this happened in reality, and there was a deviation from everyone's perception.

Especially the Qinggang soldiers who had just suffered a defeat, they were completely silent at this moment, their eyes were dull, and they were afraid that the commander's anger would fall on them in the next second.

Standing on the high wall, the commander of the city defense, Edmund himself, was a little dazed.

When he came back to his senses for a moment, he quickly grabbed the communicator in his hand and turned on the full channel, spitting and yelling filial piety.

"Attack! Give me an attack!"

"All soldiers put on your equipment now, and use the fiercest firepower to show them fear!"

"These damned homeless, these damned rats, I want them to die, to die!"

"As for our artillery, lift them out, start all the helicopter formations, and wipe them out for me."

Once again, he was fucked to the door by the homeless, and the other party also took down a combat helicopter.

For Sunshine Harbor Sanctuary, this was no longer a simple provocation.

There is no doubt that the face is slapped, the kind that slaps.

These vagrants, they actually want to use their flesh and blood to create a new era for this Qinggang City?

Don't they think they can really succeed!

Under Edmund's almost roaring orders, pairs of soldiers wearing exoskeleton armor began to line up and run out of the gap.

More than a dozen tanks equipped with artillery also galloped out, rushing towards the black line.

Another eight helicopters took off, and this time they just flew over the city wall, when sixteen missiles flew through the thick fog and landed on the black line position in an instant.

Under the sound of violent explosions, once again, the horn of war sounded here again.

The black lines turned into a sea of ​​flames in an instant, and countless figures were burned to black charcoal without even being able to fight back, and fell staggeringly to the ground.

It's a bit like the group of homeless people who slaughtered the city a few days ago, these people even regarded death as home.

However, even if the disparity in strength between the two parties reached this point, they still moved forward firmly.

A ten captain in armor rushed to the front line, slammed the safety switch on his left and right hands, and shot wildly at the staggering figure more than a hundred meters away.

Although he was a little surprised, these people in front of him were like fools, and they didn't even fight back.

But watching a figure fall, the pleasure of mowing the grass still made him roar loudly.

"Wuhu, it's so cool!"

The combat value on the digital eyepiece has been increasing, which means that the number of kills is increasing rapidly.

Already fantasizing about the rewards he might receive when he went back, the ten commander emptied the bullets in both guns on his left and right arms, and quickly took them from the ammunition magazine tied to his legs.

But when he emptied the magazine, changed the bullet and re-entered the shooting state.

Not far away, the grass that was shot down by him stood up tenaciously.

Although the posture is very ridiculous, it seems that the waist has been twisted sixty or seventy degrees, and the forward speed is slower.

But their goal seems to be in the direction of the Lightning Wall!

"What the hell?"

"Aren't they afraid of death... no, don't they feel pain?"

As a weapon user, the Ten Commander is very aware of what kind of damage an 11.43 caliber bullet will cause to the human body.

It is no exaggeration to say that as long as one is hit even if it is not a critical point, human beings will definitely lose their fighting power at the speed of light.

"Captain, what should we do now?"

The team members next to him also noticed the strange image and took a step back in horror.

They have no fear when fighting humans, because they know the equipment gap between the two sides.

They don't panic when fighting with radiated animals, because as long as the impact of that thing is not a beast swarm, they can definitely deal with it.

But fighting with a group of wooden stakes who are not afraid of death, hundreds of soldiers wearing mechanical exoskeletons have some fear from the bottom of their hearts.

This is very strange, as if a point of fear that is close to the limit is suddenly pierced.

Seeing those figures staggering forward, the Commander opened his mouth and took a deep breath of the bloody smell in the air.

"What are you afraid of, as long as they can't be resurrected, our bullets will definitely..."


A flash of lightning illuminated the black line in the distance.

In a glimpse, he saw a face in the figure that was not familiar but could be found in his memory.

The ten commander's whole body went limp, and the crotch of his trousers was suddenly wet.


Absolutely impossible.

Not mistaken, the man...

Three days ago, he threw out the body of a homeless person with his own hands!
