The border of Tianyuan Territory.

The construction cement machine obtained from the red spider caravan is rumbling.

This large telescopic machine occupies a large area and is divided into three parts.

The first part is a hole-shaped feed processing port, the second part is a square mixer, and the third part is a pipe-shaped discharge port.

At this time, there are villagers pushing small carts waiting for transportation in front of the huge discharge port.

With a roar, the pipe began to spit out fluffy matter as fine and dense as foam, and fell into the first trolley.

"Hey, this thing is really useful!"

Man-made Empire, the owner of the Empire Building Materials Factory, stood beside the cement machine and couldn't help but sigh.

It is said that technology is the primary productive force.

Since this thing started to operate, his building materials factory's cement orders have dropped a lot in an instant.

Especially for the recent big project of "territorial security wall", the quotation given by the Imperial Building Materials Factory cannot be compared with this machine at all.

In production, the cement foam machine only needs less than ten people.

Six of them are responsible for feeding materials, two are responsible for maintaining order, and the remaining two are responsible for discharging materials.

If it is fully fired, this machine can produce about five tons of cement every day.

Although the output is not high enough, it has an automatic separator integrated inside it.

The construction waste recovered from the territory, and the skeleton remains transported from the western suburbs.

Just pour it into the mixing bin, turn on the power, and then just wait for the cement to be produced.

"Boss, didn't the lord say that we can exchange shares for machines?"

"As long as this machine is taken down, not only will the efficiency be improved, but a competitor will also be eliminated by the way!"

About 170cm in height, Bao Dafu, the "deputy director" of the building materials factory who looked honest, suggested beside him.

On Earth, he is a seasoned construction worker who has spent almost half his life on construction sites.

Bao Dafu is very proficient in the common processes on the construction site, whether it is measurement, steel reinforcement, muddy water, electric welding, or erection.

But what's a little weird is that at the beginning, the deputy factory director was not his position, but his custom nickname.

At first, he just wanted to change a note to the real deputy factory director in the small channel of the Imperial Building Materials Factory.

But for older middle-aged people, even if the game panel is already very foolish, it is still not something that middle-aged people of this age are good at.

After going back and forth, Bao Dafu changed his nickname to deputy factory director instead.

Because everyone in the channel communicates directly with nicknames.

After being misunderstood many times, Man-made Empire simply promoted Bao Dafu to the position of deputy factory director, in charge of specific material construction, which is now considered justified.

"That's true, but this thing requires 90% of our shares, it's bleeding."

The man-made empire was somewhat hesitant.

At this time, when the deputy factory manager said this, his heart became more and more wavering.

At this stage, relying on the remaining infrastructure projects in the territory and providing other building materials, the income of the Empire Building Materials Factory is not low.

Give 90% of the proceeds to others, even if it is the lord of the territory, and put it under the name of Tianyuan Dungeon.

It was also a difficult decision to make.

"Boss, 90% of the shares doesn't mean that there is only this one machine. Didn't the lord say that if there are other construction machines of the same type in the future, they will be handed over to our building materials factory for operation."

"Think about it, if more people join the territory in the future and come to a few building material factories, if our industry does not have moat technology, how much revenue and market will be lost!"

The deputy factory manager was still seductive by the side. Although his clumsy eloquence was not very alluring, it was even more touching at this time.

In terms of benefits, the industry of building materials factories is more competitive than the supply chain's ability to keep prices down.

If you want to maintain it for a long time, it is extremely necessary to find and build more moats.

Abandoning this construction foam machine now will not affect the income of the building materials factory, but what about in the future?

If there is another brick machine and a steel machine, will the Imperial Building Materials Factory not be able to open?

"Hey, the lord is back!"

While the man-made empire was still contemplating, there were bursts of exclamations in the distance.

Somo, who was wearing the Daybreaker Armor, returned from Qinggang City, and was standing by the built-up security wall and looking at it.


The speed of construction is really not slow.

It has only been a week since the beginning, and hundreds of meters of walls have been built, with a width of one meter and a height of two meters.

Although it still can't be compared with the Lightning Wall in the Clear Harbor Sanctuary, it is perfect for demonstrating sovereignty.

It can block some radiation creatures who want to sneak over from Qinggang City in daily life, and it can become a defensive front in wartime.

If the height can be increased to three meters, and the rear is surrounded, and the sixth item in the upgrade conditions of the Bronze Age can be met, it can be said to serve multiple purposes!

And not just territorial borders.

After watching the battle of the homeless attacking the industrial area, Sumo planned to use the buffer zone from Hope Village to Qinggang City.

With a strategic depth of nearly 100 kilometers, as long as there are enough defensive facilities and traps, it is absolutely difficult for the opponent to invade.

And if you want to attack in other directions around the territory, there is a natural terrain that can be used as a cover.

Compared with active offense, it is the wisest choice to do a good job of defense first.

After all, although most villagers do not lack the courage to go to the battlefield, no one can tell what will happen when they go up.

It is naturally much better to have more time to adapt than to start a contact war right now.

However, just as Su Mo was admiring the villagers' construction of the fence, the game interface suddenly popped up and automatically jumped to the private chat channel.

It was Feng Long's message.

"Director, there is a big trouble here in the southern suburbs."

"We were accidentally ambushed by radioactive creatures when we entered the southern suburbs. In order to escape, everyone had to disperse and evacuate."

"About one-tenth of the people have come back now, and the rest don't know where to go. Moreover, the outskirts of the southern suburbs are full of radiation creatures. It is very difficult for us to go in and find people."


Staring at the three lines of information, Su Mo pondered for a while, but he was not as flustered as Feng Long.

To be honest, since the decision to give the villagers a certain degree of freedom, this kind of unexpected and dangerous situation has long been deduced by No. 0.

The danger in the city is not less than that in the wasteland, especially now that the disaster is breaking out.

Encountering uncontrollable dangers is only a matter of time.

As for how to deal with

Several suitable methods were listed before No. 0, with high and low success rates.

The best thing is that Su Mo personally leads people into the rescue. Depending on the length of time, the success rate can be around 70%.

The lowest is to leave it alone, let the scavengers play freely, and the success rate is about 10%.

But can artificial intelligence really predict everything?

Su Mo couldn't deny it, but this time he really wanted to try it and chose to believe it.

If you can't even deal with some radiation creatures with low IQ, then deal with gophers and predators later.

Can't let him, the lord, run out to wipe his ass every time?

"All Tianyuan troops are dispatched, bring weapons and supplies."

Switching to the channel, Sumo issued an order.

"Clear the retreat intersection, do not go deep into the rescue."

"Create a way to get them back, trust our scavengers, trust them to come back."

Route selection has brought infinite possibilities to players on Earth, and it is no longer realistic to control them like before.

Recently, Su Mo felt more and more that he had less and less time and needed to deal with more and more complicated affairs.

Especially if you go out for half a day, there will be a thick stack of documents in the office in the dungeon.

In a situation like this one, it's best to work out a suitable response.

Otherwise, if he had to take the lead to rescue every time something happened, then the lord would be too aggrieved.

"By the way, send another hundred scavengers to the southern suburbs. Anyway, one missing is missing, and so is a hundred missing."

"The routes they chose were inherently suitable for exploration, and now this is exactly the case!"

It was not bad as expected, after being suddenly notified that he could go to the southern suburbs of Qinggang City to explore.

The scavengers ranked between 100-200 went crazy instantly!


If it doesn't exist, do you have weapons, information, food and drink, and the bonuses given by the route?

Will it be more dangerous than when you traveled to the wasteland poor and white at the beginning?

As for encountering radiation creatures, maybe encountering predators, wanderers, and even gophers?

This is even more wonderful. Scavengers can pick up things, and they can also pick up heads.

Just recently, a message was sent out in the warehouse to buy meat, as long as the meat of the irradiated creature is sure to be edible.

The scavengers are 100% sure that the southern suburbs of Qinggang City will become the surrounding "Holy Land".

And those predators, they must have a stronghold, right?

As long as you can follow the vine to enter, wouldn't it mean that you will be soft when you pick something up, and your level will rise rapidly?

Coincidentally, the three-person team who was at the fifth ring road in the southern suburbs thought so too.

After a short period of hesitation, the three of them, led by the male gun brother, took out the crossbow and touched it quietly.

If it is sunny, the difference in the number of people may be a big disadvantage.

But now the sight blocked by the heavy fog is simply Lao Yinbi's paradise!

Hiding on the ground and slowly crawling forward, the old man had a perverted smile on his face.

Even though the blue star has developed two hundred years longer than the earth, the manhole cover still remains.

From the upturned manhole cover, more than 20 people have come out at this time, and they are vigilantly checking the surrounding situation.

They wear pocket coats made of animal skins, with primitive and mysterious animal teeth hanging on their bodies, and they make ding-dong ding-dong sounds when they walk.

Perhaps because they were afraid of alarming the radiation creatures around them, guns were not standard equipment for this group of people.

The short knives and crossbows stained with various unknown liquids looked more threatening.

Without rushing to do it, he moved to a distance of more than ten meters, and the dream hunter signaled the three of them to hide behind a piece of building ruins.

The advantage of the shadows is not only that it can launch a surprise attack, but also that it can collect a lot of intelligence.

"Listen to what they are saying first."

From his backpack, he took out a small radio earphone and lightly threw it in the direction of the figure.

The stone-sized earphones whirled on the ground and finally stopped very close to the crowd.

Picking up the palm-sized device on the ground, the dreamer adjusted it a little, and a faint voice came from it.

"Old man, listen well."

Among the three, the male gun brother is purely illiterate, and Blue Star is the worst at learning Chinese, and even basic communication is difficult.

Meng Tao Zhe can communicate by himself, but it is still a bit difficult to hear the other party's slang with an accent.

Only seasoned, full of language talent.

Except for the strange accent, he can already communicate normally with the people in the deserted bone village.

"There are more and more radiation beasts mutating around. It must be caused by the radiation of tactical nuclear weapons"

"Damn Sunny Harbor Sanctuary, take away...brothers, friends, relatives, we must...revenge!"

"Find a way to seduce the Radiation Beast. Go find them. Trouble."

After listening patiently for a while, the old man successfully summed up the key points in countless nonsense.

They say the enemy of an enemy is a friend.

Hearing that these people were going to trouble the gopher guy, the old man's eyes lit up immediately.

But before he could express his opinion, he immediately heard news that made people frown.

"Except for Sunny Harbor, the other gophers can't be let go. Let them know the same as we do. Painfully displaced."

"Leading the Radiation Beast to the past...Pingtan blames them. It's because they provoked the war that this disaster happened."

"Western Suburbs... Pingtan and the new Tianyuan Refuge, these... gophers."

"Everyone must die!"

Do you want to lure the Radiation Beast to the western suburbs, and also want to lure it into the territory to wreak havoc?

After hearing this information, the old Daoist almost turned his nose in anger.

Good fellow, it is said that there is a grievance and a debtor.

The Tianyuan Territory didn't provoke you half a point, did it have to open this kind of AOE map cannon?

Everyone just saw the horror of the Radiation Beast a while ago, if they go to the territory and lie in ambush, attacking the working villagers.

The old man lowered his head with murderous intent on his face, lowered his voice and said slowly: "Damn it, these raider cowboys are really tired of their work. Before we even start, they want to lure radiation creatures into the territory to wreak havoc."

"Be the first to act first, give them a vote?"

"I'll go first, you guys support me depending on the situation."

I was already ready to make a move, so there was no extra nonsense.

The male gun brother's eyes turned cold, and his erratic eyes instantly focused, like a cheetah.

I saw him hunched over and rolled forward, the bow and crossbow in his hand suddenly "spitting out a letter" like a poisonous snake.

A crossbow arrow coated with the juice of paralyzing grass flew out, and accurately hit the predator standing behind.

There was no warning.

With a muffled sound of falling to the ground, Huan Zhi Na Huan slumped.

"Enemy attack!!"

A sharp roaring warning sounded.

Living in such a complicated area, every predator has already had a lot of combat experience.

In an instant, those live targets that were originally standing on the ground disappeared from the field of vision, and fell to the ground at the fastest speed.



A fragmentation grenade flew from nowhere and landed in the middle of the lying down crowd.

Exploded with a bang!