Chapter 1012 The real world shows its power, the "enemy" who fell from the sky!

A bold idea that makes an otherwise boring and tasteless distraction task a little bit more interesting.

Steal the plane and drive away?

Rather than wrecking without pressure under the watchful eyes of two drunks, letting them crash while drunk.

Obviously it's more fun to find a way to open the hatch and get into this simulated neighborhood helicopter.


Controlling the golden eagle rose a little, and took a few clearer glances through the porthole.

This Fengniao A-4, which looks similar to the armed helicopter on Earth from the outside, is obviously more high-end inside.

Especially the sci-fi-like screens on the center console, and the enveloping cockpit like the interstellar battle in the movie.

It's hard to imagine that the virtual environment can be simulated to such a real degree.

The nuclear rifle turned its head in surprise, and cast an unexpected look: "Brother, this plane doesn't look like something we've seen from the outside, can you fly it?"

The gunman was eager to fight, and he didn't care.

"What are you afraid of? Anyway, it's a simulated plane. If you can't fly it, let's treat it as a rehearsal for our landing battle."

"makes sense."

It is fun to snatch a virtual helicopter, but it would be great if you can actually snatch a helicopter.

Thinking of the neighbors who are not far away, flying formations may be sent to harass them at any time because of a trivial matter.

The nuclear rifle settled down and began to look around the helicopter for an accessible gap.

In essence, the biggest difference between armed helicopters and fighter jets is here. The former has to open the hatch for air-to-ground combat most of the time, while the latter is fully enclosed air-to-air combat.

"Hey, the workmanship on the outside of this thing is awesome."

The veteran eyes on the other side were drawn to him at some point, and he expressed his sincere admiration.

For a heavy war vehicle, no one will use integrated molding technology.

Although that can greatly reduce the structural weight and improve the stability of the entire vehicle, it is an unimaginable disaster to maintain.

Just imagine the damage of a small part, which can be replaced without damage at a price of less than one percent of the cost.

But now, the entire vehicle needs to be rebuilt.

That is to say, the legendary sixth-generation fighter that surpasses the fifth-generation fighter, a tactical deterrent vehicle that stands at the cutting edge of force.

Human beings dare to shout the slogan of "integrated molding".

However, on this Fengniao A-4, Lao Dao has seen a welding technology that is almost comparable to one-piece molding.

On the outside of the body, the neat and beautiful solder joints are hidden in the cracks, almost imperceptible.

I don't know what special technology was used in several stitching places, and the seams have almost reached a negligible level.

Want to make this thing.

Even if the territory already has complete blueprints and corresponding manufacturing technology tutorials, the "raw" equipment in the Dream Iron and Steel Works will definitely not be able to meet the needs.

"Wait, their speed seems to be slowing down, and their altitude is also dropping."

The manipulator lowered his head and glanced at the ground. After having a reference for comparison, the male gun brother let out a slight exclamation.

I didn't expect the other party to cooperate so well.

If you want to open the hatch at an altitude of 800 meters, even if the bionic body you control will not be affected by the height and speed.

But there are still some difficulties.

Now the Fengniao A-4 kept descending, didn't stop until 500 meters, and also started to stop in place.

This almost door-to-door approach undoubtedly created an excellent offensive opportunity.

"Sure enough, it's a stupid Potter's Day joke that couldn't be more stupid."

"I've said it long ago, how could it be sunny a hundred kilometers away without us noticing it?"

"Haha, I can already imagine how the commander's face will turn black when he hears our report!"

"Yes, those damn bedbugs, they really should be hung up and educated hard!"

When he arrived at the destination, the resentment of Captain Spindle dissipated completely, and his words were full of joy.

Perhaps it was because he drank eight bottles of black raspberry beer in a row, and his blood was already filled with a lot of low-quality industrial alcohol.

Or maybe it was because of the thought that in the days to come, the commander would never issue such incompetent orders to let them go out to investigate information in such a dangerous foggy weather.

In short, hearing the sound mixed with the sound of electric currents, the captain Elliott on the other Phoenix Helicopter also heaved a sigh of relief.

He didn't have any complaints about coming here today.

After staying in those damp houses for a long time, flying a helicopter into the air has a different kind of joy.

What really worried him was the certain "news" from the commander's mouth.

If they really found this shelter more than 100 kilometers away, what if it was sunny where they were?

Will there be an attack on Sunny Harbor Refuge, and will the war that has been dormant for two months be rekindled on this land?

Having experienced the battle with the undead, Elliott is very clear about the current situation of the Clear Harbor Sanctuary.

In the case of internal and external discord, the manager, Mr. Hades, could not wait to come forward.

Clear Harbor Sanctuary can never afford another accident!

"Since there is no situation as the commander said, let's return after recording the information."

"Be careful, don't be discovered by the residents of the refuge below that we have entered their airspace without authorization, otherwise there will be a lot of conflicts."

Elliott reminded cautiously.

In other words, before these bad things happened before, let alone a refuge near Qinggang City.

Even the air flight formations in several cities around Qinggang City, they have never been afraid.

But things are different now.

A strange world, strange neighbors, strange and menacing natural disasters, and internal chaos.

Still the same sentence, no one wants to be the fuse of the war, the scapegoat for failure.

Apart from

"Oh, my dear partner, you won't forget. Sid, the director of the Outreach West Region, has said more than once that the coffee here is delicious. Don't you want to go down and taste it yourself?"

Spindle said vaguely, his mind was completely filled with the surging desire.

Since those bedbugs moved in, except for the necessary dealings, all the dignified managers of the new city basically escaped from that chaotic area for the rest of the time.

Even for meals, I often ran to the vicinity of the military camp to solve them.

After going back and forth, these idle pilots also came into contact with many new and interesting things that they would not have had access to before.

As a coffee connoisseur, Sid praised the coffee in Tianyuan Refuge so much.

Enough to make people fantasize boldly, what will the coffee taste like here?

Is it more intoxicating than fine wine?

"My God, Spindle, are you crazy?"

"Do you want to fly an aggressive and deterrent gunship to land in the neighbor's territory, and then tell the other party grandly: Don't get me wrong, I'm here just to taste your coffee?"

Just as the co-pilot on another Windbird helicopter showed absurd expressions, Elliott had already uttered angrily.

Whether it was a joke or not, he could still tell clearly.

Facing Spindle's suggestion that it doesn't matter.

he is very clear

My partner today is absolutely crazy.

If there is no way to dispel the other party's crazy thoughts and give him a sober mind that is usually filled with alcohol, then the risk of this almost impossible investigation mission will increase by a hundred times!

wait alcohol?

"No, Spindu, have you been secretly drinking?"

"No, no, how is it possible? You know that we can't drink that stuff even if we don't have a mission. Where can I find wine now that we have a mission?"

A slightly flustered voice floated out of the microphone, which was unconvincing no matter how you heard it.

Fortunately, what Spindu said next reassured him a lot.

"Brother, I'm just joking, of course we won't drive a gunship to provoke each other's territory."

"What's more, a shelter for primitive people, how could they have time to grow coffee beans, you know, the price of that stuff is ridiculously expensive, one bean can even be exchanged for fifty rounds of bullets!"

"Very well, you're right to think so." Elliott nodded: "Hurry up and start our exploration mission. After collecting the information the commander wants, we should return as soon as possible."


The microphones were cut, and the flight paths of the two helicopters began to diverge.

This is the plan that was fixed when we set off.

As we all know, there is definitely not much danger around every refuge and human gathering place.

If there is no special situation in the information in this land, then try to sort out and search the information around Qinggang City below if the Tianyuan Refuge cannot find it.

Watching the helicopter driven by Elliott go away, Spindle let out a sigh of relief, his back covered in cold sweat.

As for the co-pilot, he was almost scared to pee, and his mind was full of regrets about why he had to drink on the plane.

"Relax, relax, this little alcohol is nothing, it can't even confuse our minds."

"After checking the news, we will return to the voyage, and no one will find our sideshow."

"I wish."

The co-pilot was a little dazed just now, but now he almost woke up from the fright.

However, this kind of sobering caused by being frightened was followed by a severe headache caused by vasoconstriction.

Enduring the pain, the co-pilot began to control the helicopter to descend the altitude.

Spindu on the other side was not idle either, and kept reducing the speed, and clicked on the screen to adjust the helicopter's driving mode to hold.

If there is no fog to cover, the camera below the belly can be shot only by popping up the picture below.

But now, they need to open the hatch very troublesomely, and let out a composite rope that pulls the equipment.

The length of the rope body is 200 meters. As long as the height drops to about 400 meters, it is enough to take pictures of the general situation below at 200 meters.

Even the screen will still be affected, and it will be over after going back to the shelter to deal with it.

"We are descending from a height of 700 meters."

"Everything is normal for six hundred meters."

"The altitude of 500 meters is falling."

"Four hundred and fifty meters straight. Huh, it seems that something flew over?"

The value on the altimeter was dropping, and the co-pilot turned his head and glanced at the airborne radar next to him.

This thing uses the principle of electromagnetic reflection.

Since the heavy fog came, the fog can absorb electromagnetic waves, and it has basically been abolished. The detection radius is only a few tens of meters, and errors are often reported due to the complex environment.

But just now, a small red dot appeared on the radar.

The other party quickly approached, and quickly disappeared.

Very weird.

"Fly over?"

Spindu repeated, and turned to look at the radar recording information on the other side of him.

There is indeed an abnormal display above.

However, after scanning the densely packed other anomalies above, the "T" image constructed by the radar simulation this time is obviously more ghostly.

"It should be the height of descent, the passing birds, right?"

"Is there a bird that looks like this? It looks like a human with a hang glider!"

"Who's to say that's right? In the damn world, so many irrational things have happened."

"That's right, the radiation beasts in Qinggang City have become more and more strange recently."

Once the bottom line of the heart is broken, the speed of accepting these ghost things is quite fast.

After clicking on the error message, the helicopter continued to descend, and soon reached about 400 meters.

Here, you can basically see the looming land below through the thick fog.

"Come on, it's time to work."

Stepping off the bridge, Spindu said while pulling out a long black wire as thick as a forearm from the rear cabin of the helicopter.

The detection equipment was temporarily refitted, and it looked a little out of place.

The two struggled to find the head, and then staggered to the hatch.

After pulling out the fixed rope and binding his body firmly, Spindu pressed the open button on the cabin door.


The sound of pressure release sounded, and the hatch driven by the motor was slowly pushed open a crack, and then began to slide backward.

The sound of rumbling wind poured in from the surroundings, and the cold and humid air made people wake up instantly.

"Damn, this feels so bad!"

"Hurry up, I don't want to stay here for a second!"

The 100% humidity on flat ground is uncomfortable enough, not to mention the clammy feeling in the air.

The two gritted their teeth and pushed hard, the black rope was thrown out and began to fall under the influence of gravity.

After reaching the critical point, the retracting device at the rear made a creaking sound, and the rope lowering speed slowed down.

"You look at the equipment, I'll go and see what the hell this aborigine's territory looks like."

After calling the co-pilot to take care of the device, Spindu returned to the cockpit and began to tap the screen.

Soon, the lowered equipment transmitted the picture up through the link device inside the rope.


"Oh, it's a nasty beast, go away, go away!"

In the footage, a rather large bird is hovering around the device.

Although judging from its appearance, its golden body looks very stiff, and its two wings seem to be polio-like during flight, and occasionally there will be some incoordination that will cause its body to suddenly fall.

But I have seen a lot of radiation beasts, and this thing is still not as weird as some more weird radiation beasts.

Turning on the microphone, Spindu tried to scare the other party through the sound.

It's just that this big bird is very difficult to deal with. It's good that he didn't hear the sound, but when he heard it, he almost jumped up.

"Merke, fast, get the rope, this bastard is going to grab our video camera!"

"Don't let me catch you, or I'll definitely pluck your feathers alive."

Seeing that the lens of the camera was hit by the sharp claw of the big bird, Spindu hurriedly shouted with his scalp numb.

I didn't see the enemy. If the equipment is destroyed by this thing, then he is too useless.

Even if you go back, you will definitely be laughed at by other pilots.

However, the co-pilot Merck standing in front of the device seemed not to have heard him. It was the third time he had been caught, but the device still showed no sign of contraction.

"Damn, Merk, you're deaf"

Spindle turned around angrily, just about to get angry and throw the pot at the latter.

But the moment he turned his head, he was almost frightened and stood up from his seat.

Right at the hatch, a black-gray creature less than half a meter tall was lying on Merk's face and fiddled with something.

Seeing him looking over, he raised his head mechanically.

The first turn failed to reach Spindle's eye-level position, and it was not until the second turn that he adjusted the angle.

"Oh my God, what kind of monster is this!"

The face is reduced in proportion, and the details are all distorted within the size of a palm.

A numb face with no expression, and dark eyes without whites.

Coupled with that mechanical torso movement that can no longer be mechanical.

In an instant, the uncanny valley effect occurred, and Spindu could only feel the wetness in his crotch.

But what frightened him even more was the weapon raised in the monster's hand.

That is

The same scaled down gun? !