"It's so comfortable, it's so cool! Especially after pressing the float, I even thought I went to heaven!"

"Floating is really buggy. I never thought that such a small room would become bigger like a balloon!"

"That's right, I think ten people can use this floating function without any problem, but it's more lively."

"The washing can only be done, no matter how thick the ash is, it will be kept and taken away in one minute."

"It's terrible, this bathroom is too advanced, it's a product of the future."

"I suggest that when newcomers join the territory in the future, we can directly bring them here to experience it for a while. Safekeeping is more useful than any coercion or temptation!"

"I agree, this is much more straightforward than the temptation of delicious food!"

In the restaurant, a group of nearly naked people chatted wantonly, with cups of fragrant coffee in front of them.

Some have proposed bathrooms as a public good for citizens.

The cost is not much, but the effect is great. It only takes half an hour to take a bath to eliminate the fatigue of several days and a half months.

Others suggested using the bathrooms as a means of taking captives.

The so-called 'coercion and temptation'.

Now there is a territorial threat, but the lure is still limited to simple food.

For players on Earth, this may still be attractive to a certain extent, but for the blue star wanderers or gophers whose lives are already poor, the effect is really limited.

What they need more is a stable living environment and a vision of future development that they can see.

And the bathroom does just that.

It not only greatly improves the experience, but also reveals the high technology it contains.

Of course, it is impossible for this group of management to explain the technology of the bathroom.

Facing all kinds of unknowns, these guys only need to say "the lord's super power" to comfort themselves easily.

"Okay, enjoy the rest, now it's time to go out to work!"

Holding the last cup of coffee, he came out of the back kitchen and handed it to the guard who delivered the clothes. Su Mo knocked on the table, suddenly feeling like those unscrupulous capitalists on the earth.


But to be honest, it is impossible to expect these guys to leave voluntarily, and the dizziness will come up after taking a comfortable bath.

Not to mention them, even Su Mo couldn't control himself.

"The B6 floor still needs some renovations before it can be opened to the public. It's a pity that the big square outside is so empty. I plan to make this floor the core activity floor of our dungeon. You don't have to keep your mouth shut after you go out." , you can give other people a wave of notice first, and I will notify you when the opportunity is right."

"In addition, according to the news from Bao Lei, the wave of migration is about to sweep into the interior of the New World. This is a very important opportunity for the development of the territory. We must make plans for the reception and training of new players as soon as possible to prevent An accident occurred during the process that affected the subsequent arrangement."

"There is also the military camp. Didn't it be planned that every new player who enters the territory must enter the new military camp for a month of training to cultivate the rhythm of adapting to the new continent? So before the winter comes, the new military camp must be built as soon as possible , and it needs to ensure the quality and quantity of the construction, and the phenomenon of cutting corners and materials cannot appear.”

"The canteen, the canteen is also one of the facilities that needs to be paid attention to. We have to provide all the food and lodging during the training of the recruits. It is necessary to make their physique keep up with the minimum level of the territory. Don't those cooks complain every day that they have no place to gain experience. Okay, since these big households want to contribute some funds, we can’t be polite. The military canteen can provide them, but they need to prepare their own materials and be responsible for their own profits and losses. Once newcomers complain too much, they will directly withdraw their quota qualifications.”


Taking advantage of everyone's presence, Su Mo simply arranged the work for the next month.

The migration wave has been shouting with great fanfare for almost two months, but the players who really came to the territory are only one of the Harvest Tribe.

The reason.

Still, a large number of human beings who have already arrived in the New World have not really entered. These people are almost all gathered on the coastline, waiting for the courageous early birds to send back news through the world channel.

In addition, some people are waiting for the end of the Metal Sigh disaster, waiting for the properties of the metal to return to normal, and recreating weapons that can protect themselves before making plans.

But winter is coming, staying near the coastline will only increase the difficulty of entering the hinterland of the New World.

Not surprisingly, as short as a week, as long as half a month.

There must be some people who can't stand the temper and set off to avoid being forced to land after the arrival of the real severe winter.

As a territory in the middle of the New World, the first wave of people arriving in the territory will not be too many.

But it will definitely not be less than the number of people in the current territory.

And the more people there are, the more trivial things there will be.

Su Mo thought he didn't have the energy to supervise and handle everything by himself.

Simply take advantage of this opportunity and directly throw a mess of things to the people below to deal with. At that time, he only needs to be responsible for acceptance.


These things ordered are not difficult, at best they can only be said to be trivial.

A group of people stood up, agreed in unison, put on their clothes and left.

After simply tidying up the sanitation of the lower B6 floor, I handed over to No. 0 Design 10th Edition about the layout of the large square.

When Su Mo returned to the office, he found that Lu Kuan had come over at some time, and was pacing back and forth at the door.

Seeing him coming, Lu Kuan's eyes lit up with a frowning face, and he walked up immediately.

"Sumo, get that crazy woman away quickly, or we won't be able to stay in the lab!"


Su Mo was taken aback for a moment, then smiled and opened the door.

"What's the matter, I remember she just went to your place for a few days?"

"A few days, do you know how I live these few days!" Lu Kuan gritted his teeth angrily, and said bitterly: "This crazy woman is going to turn our research institute into a breeding farm. What do you think is wrong with her research? , I insisted on catching that coolie lizard for research, so now the research institute is full of lizard droppings, and there is no place to set foot!"

"So exaggerated?"

Su Mo raised his eyebrows, his face full of surprise.

Katerina had watched the video of the dwarves attacking the city with an army of lizards before, and knew the power of lizards on the battlefield.

As an expert in biology, it was only natural for Katerina to be interested in coolie lizards.

But can Lu Kuan be so angry?

It seems that there should be other reasons besides the pot of research direction.

"Yes, she also wants to disassemble our brain boxes to study how we survived with only one brain!"


How courageous.

After hearing Lu Kuan's words, Su Mo immediately understood the source of his anger.

The brain box is almost equivalent to the body of people like Lu Kuan.

Katerina wants to study this, which is equivalent to dissecting their bodies, which is too bold and offensive.

"Don't worry, I will arrange for her to go to another place for research, separate from the research institute."

"Well, arrange it as soon as possible."

The supposed sympathy between scientific researchers and scholars did not happen in the territory, but irreconcilable contradictions appeared instead.

Not surprising either.

There have been many scientists with contradictions in history.

Newton and Hooke fought every day, and Einstein and Bohr fell in love and killed each other.

Technological progress can only be brewed in a certain competitive environment, and it is not good for Su Mo to directly blame Katerina, after all, she has done nothing wrong.

After comforting Lu Kuan for a while, Su Mo rubbed his temples, so he had no choice but to pick up the radio and call Su Chan.

As the sole person in charge of breeding in the territory.

Because the cycle of raising ordinary livestock is too long and the rate of return is too low, there are still a lot of vacancies in the expanded farm.

Ordered to arrange a temporary location for Katerina, and asked her to arrange the research base directly behind the breeding farm.

Only then did Su Mo take a breath, and came to the research room next door through the secret door.

Now that most of the affairs have been arranged, the only thing left that needs to be dealt with as soon as possible is 'one million kilowatt-hours of electricity'.

As long as a suitable terrain can be created for power generation, or a cheap energy acquisition method can be found to start delivery.

Not to mention supporting the giant tree root sea area, it is not a problem to occupy the sub-base of that academy.

However, after studying for a while, such an idea inevitably popped up in Su Mo's mind.

"It would be great if the energy tower in Sunshine Harbor Refuge could still be used."

"Or if we can get the nuclear power generator that Peng Qiu, the captain of the previous foundation, said, it will be solved with one million kilowatt-hours of electricity."

Compared with high mountain power generation or deep valley power generation, using primary nuclear fusion to generate energy is simply not too convenient.

And the most important thing is that Blue Star's nuclear fusion has evolved and iterated for several generations, and it is completely usable.

It's a pity that as far as the current situation is concerned, the only ones who have this technology are the college sub-base and the company's Hulai City.

Do we have to go to the punishment base?

Looking at the blank paper in front of him, Su Mo couldn't help but fell into deep thought.

But what he didn't know was.

At the same time, Hades sighed similarly in front of the high tower of the Clear Harbor Sanctuary.

"Oh, if only this tower could still be used!"

It was raining at night.

Standing in front of the fusion energy tower that was about to collapse, Hades' face was full of sighs and sighs.

Two centuries have passed, and only a few people in Clear Harbor Refuge know that this tower has been erected since before the war, and it was originally intended to be the city's emergency energy center when the war broke out.

It's just that the war broke out too quickly and quickly spread to every corner of the world. As a result, the entire Qinggang City was torn apart before the energy tower could be used.

And as a relic of earlier days.

Although the maintenance manual is still there, the person responsible for the maintenance has long since passed away, and the descendants who left behind have not inherited much level.

This has led to the fact that once the tower is damaged, it is extremely difficult to repair it.

Either find someone who is familiar with the maintenance of the tower to lead the construction, or hire a company's maintenance workers at a high price to repair it.

Besides, keeping the interior from deteriorating is already the best effort of the engineers.

Of course, after losing this high tower, the Sunshine Harbor Refuge will not be exhausted.

Right now, there are still six nuclear power plants in operation inside the shelter, which can continuously output energy to supply underground.

And there are three spare nuclear power plants in the warehouse. According to the five-year lifespan of a single machine, at least in the short term, there is no need to worry about the availability of inorganic power plants.

But the problem is that these energies are not free, and need to be converted from fuel rods purchased by the foundation.

Now that the world has changed and the Foundation is nowhere to be seen, the fleet that would come twice a year must be hopeless.

Until a new source of fuel rods is found, the Sunshine Harbor Refuge must also live a tight life.


"Hasn't the industrial core that produces nuclear power been located yet?"

Looking at Commander Edmund, who was cowering beside him, Hades turned his head expressionlessly.

To say that the most important one of the industrial cores owned by Sunshine Harbor Refuge must be the core capable of producing nuclear power plants.

Old Hades, who was the mayor of Qinggang back then, used a lot of contacts and favors to get this thing.

It even alarmed the top management of the company for a time before it was approved and bought back with privileges.

The way to use this thing is extremely simple.

You only need to put in the materials needed for the core, and after a period of operation, a brand new nuclear motor will be automatically produced inside it.

It can be said to be the pillar core of a shelter!

However, this machine is still the least important industrial core in Sunshine Harbor Refuge.

In the past, when the tower could still operate normally, and the energy source was inexhaustible, who would pay attention to a core capable of manufacturing nuclear power plants?

It is okay to make a nuclear power plant and sell it, but the problem is that the replenishment of fuel rods requires the foundation to verify the code.

Only the nuclear power plants they recognize will give access to fuel rods.

So over time, this industrial core was put on the shelf, and it wasn't until the previous homeless unrest was turned over.

It's still the same reason.

The value of some things is only the highest when they are just obtained, and when they are lost.

When you have it, it is dispensable, and it will not affect it at all.

"I've already sent people to look for it, but now the core positioning is reflected in the western suburbs, we."

Edmund hesitated, not daring to raise his head to meet Hades' eyes directly.

western suburbs.

That was Hades' "forbidden zone" for the past two days. Those who dared to attack the western suburbs in the refuge were dealt with along with those old guys.

It can be seen that this manager who just woke up is determined to cooperate with Xijiao.

Now that the core of the nuclear power plant is in the hands of the other party, it is not so difficult to get it back by conventional means.

"Is it Pingtan? Or Jucheng? Or that Tianyuan?"

Hades didn't get angry, and still asked calmly.

"It's Tianyuan!"

After trembling, Edmund didn't forget to add: "The possibility of Tianyuan is more than 90%. The closer our signal receiver is to that side, the stronger the reaction. It's just that we can't be sure because we dare not enter. Is it in their hands?"


"Yes." Hearing Hades' voice, Tang En, who was still out of his mind, was startled.

"Didn't Tianyuan agree to let our people enter to discuss cooperation? You make arrangements and let the people who enter bring the detectors. I want to be 100% sure whether Tianyuan took our things."

"Okay, Master Manager, I will arrange it now."

After receiving the order, Tang En hurriedly slipped away, leaving only the bachelor Edmund standing beside him.

It's hard being around this moody manager, especially with the power of life and death in his hands.

In just a few days, the old guy who stayed in the previous refuge was probably eliminated by him for various reasons.

If he continued to stay, Tang En was not sure whether he would be pushed to the gallows like those people.

As for the cooperation that seemed difficult before, the progress has been extremely smooth.

At noon, I got the news from the other party, and I didn't make things difficult because of the conflict at the meeting.

"I hope you can get through this winter well."

Being drenched by the night rain on the neckline, Tang En shivered coldly, quickly tightened his outer coat and quickened his pace.

Speaking of which, this was the first day of 'winter' in his life.

In the past, no matter how low the temperature in Qinggang City was, it had never dropped below five degrees above zero.

The warmest clothes in his wardrobe are only a thick coat and a few sweaters that are about to mold.

Now that they are all put on their bodies, they can still feel the bone-chilling cold from the outside world.

All the way to Qinggang New City, the streets are already deserted, and the homeless who used to wander on the streets have also retreated to their rooms.

Pass by the door of the tavern.

Tang En bowed his head and walked hurriedly, almost bumping into two figures who were also walking quickly with their heads down.

He habitually wanted to get angry, but when he looked up and saw the other person's clothes, he couldn't help being taken aback.

"Huh? Where did your cotton coats come from?"