Not only Sid is lamenting the speed of the infrastructure in front of him.

The assistant Pine beside him was in a trance, and felt a little unbelievable about what he saw outside.

Although it is not difficult to build such a road in half a year.

As long as the construction team of Sunshine Harbor Refuge receives the task, it will be repaired very quickly.

But the key point is that the built refuge is a place where they still use primitive names to mock.

This is a bit uncomfortable.

An inexplicable feeling appeared in Pine's heart.

Not to mention being slapped in the face, nor jealousy.

As a person who has witnessed the step-by-step development and reconstruction of Qinggang New City, he always feels that the construction of this Tianyuan Territory is more practical than using homeless people to build houses indiscriminately.

"Yes. We have built so many residences in our new city, but in the end, they are only useful for homeless people to have a place to live. There is no economic development at all, and they are still limited to a small area."

Sid's Adam's apple moved, and he continued in a slightly unwilling tone.

"I once suggested to Commander Edmund that he would send someone to sort out a road connecting every refuge in the city, but in the end it failed."

"It's not your fault, my lord."

Pine shook his head, looking through the curtain at the Moth who was sitting outside and driving the car.

"It's not like us here, is it?"

It is indeed different.

Who would have thought that the place known as primitive people would have the means to threaten the Clear Harbor Sanctuary?

And who would have thought that their shelter was not built underground, but on the opposite side of the ground?

And that manager.

He seems a lot more reliable than the stubborn old guy in Clear Harbor Refuge.

Recalling the scene of communicating with that manager, Pine and Sid fell silent at the same time.

In comparison, the other members of the mission in the rear did not have so many feelings.

For all that they see now, they are only full of novelty!

"I didn't expect that the outside of the city has become such a vast plain, it looks really great!"

"It took a lot of manpower and material resources to build a straight concrete road, right?"

"Look, there is a legendary farmland over there. My God, is their farmland so big?"

"There is also a small river, which they opened up?"

There wasn't much to see in the wilderness that had just entered the territory, except for the small river that had recently been repaired from the Murloc Village, and some farmland with only a foundation.

For people who live in urban agglomerations surrounded by swamps all year round, all this is undoubtedly very new.

Especially with this cement road going towards the center.

Larger and larger plantations began to appear in sight, not far from both sides of the road.

It's a pity that the cold winter is coming, and everything is bleak.

Under the influence of the cooling down, the previous scene of thriving and thriving things has become a bit withered and yellow.

However, just these, the impact on people living underground is still extremely exaggerated.

Approaching the surrounding area of ​​Hope Village, someone suddenly remembered Tang En's explanation before leaving, hurriedly discarded other thoughts, and began to focus on recording everything they saw with their eyes.

Compared with half a year ago, the surrounding area of ​​Hope Village has undergone earth-shaking changes.

As the cement road suddenly widened into six roads going in different directions, the vision suddenly opened up.

At the end of the main road, a group of buildings with an extremely large area appeared.

At a glance, there are no less than 300 houses, neatly arranged row upon row on the ground.

And behind these houses, there is an endless construction site.

The scale here has developed into this?

Sid could no longer suppress the shock in his heart, and his whole head stuck out of the car window.

Before leaving, he had imagined as much as possible how fast the development here would be, which was enough to make Tang En, the deputy manager, show that troubled expression.

But seeing it in person now is a completely different feeling.

When I came here before, I hope that the surrounding area of ​​the village is still a piece of gravel land that has been simply trimmed.

It coincided with the heavy rain, and the residents could only struggle back and forth in the mud, and some people accidentally fell down from time to time.

But now?

Not only was the entire interior of the village hardened with cement, but the surrounding area of ​​two kilometers was also paved with cement.

It can be clearly seen that the heavy rain for several days has not affected this place, because the drainage grooves carved on the ground have already drained all the accumulated water into the surrounding small river!

And the most surprising thing is that this group of 'primitives' used asphalt extravagantly!

Several black roads extend from the village all the way to the west.

Where did they get the asphalt?

Where does this road lead to?

The shock on Sid's face intensified.

If it wasn't for the signboard he saw last time hanging on the gate at the entrance of the village, he would have doubted that he had never been here before, and that it was the moth that took him to a new place.

Is this really Hope Village?

Looking at the square at the entrance of the village, there should be the market I saw last time.

It's just that the scale of the market has expanded several times now, there are hundreds of small stalls gathered there, and the flow of people between the stalls is bustling, crowded, and it is estimated that there are at least a thousand people.

It's too lively here, and the economy here is too free!

Even in Qinggang New City, there is no open and free trade in the full sense, and all shops still need to be operated under control.

Not to mention the underground, the distribution system has been implemented for more than two hundred years.

Everyone will not receive any currency, only three meals a day and daily necessities.

There is no trade, how to prosper the economy?

"Here we are! Hope Village is ahead!"

Near the vehicle parking spot at the gate of the village, the flapping moth hurriedly ordered all the lizards to stop.

Two guards who were on patrol saw this and walked over routinely and began to check.

"Is it the mission team from the Clear Harbor Refuge?"

Checked the procedures.

After confirming that there was no problem, the guards on duty quickly pulled away the car and refused the horse.

In the past, except for the vehicles pulling goods that could enter the village, the vehicles soliciting passengers had to stop here and then enter on foot.

But obviously, the Clear Harbor Mission is an exception.

As a guest, and also as the most powerful refuge in the surrounding cities, we still have to give him the respect we can.

Otherwise, it would be rumored that Tianyuan Territory is a place that likes to make things difficult for people, and the reputation will be lost in vain.

However, what is surprising is that the 'guest' himself stepped down first.

"Mr. Wang Yang, can we walk in, I want to take a closer look at the development of Hope Village in the past six months!"

Sid jumped out of the car and pointed to the square road at the gate of the village.

The other people behind him also seemed to have received the order, and filed out of the carriage in an unusually synchronized manner.

Talking about cooperation in this trip is a trivial matter, but coming to investigate is a major matter.

Compared with sitting in a lizard car and watching the flowers, the actual face-to-face communication is obviously more rewarding.

"Of course you can."

After exchanging glances with the guard next to him, the fluttering moth nodded resolutely.

"However, I have to remind you. The fare for your trip here, the fare for the return trip, and the food during today's visit are all covered by the village's diplomatic office, which has been paid to us in advance. But if you go to the market You have to pay for the expenses yourself!"

"Of course, we will pay for all expenses!"

Pine next to him nodded in affirmation, and took out a small piece of gold from his pocket, at least fifty grams.

Whether it's on Earth, Blue Star, or Wasteland.

As a precious metal with multiple uses, gold has always been a stable intermediate transaction.

Even if you go to those gathering places that are basically isolated from the outside world, gold still has enough purchasing power.

"Okay, do you need me to help you go to the logistics office to exchange?"

"Our territory currently uses Tianyuan copper coins and Tianyuan iron coins. These gold should be able to exchange for fifty copper coins!"

Of course more than fifty.

If it is exchanged by one's own people, it can be exchanged for at least two hundred and fifty pieces.

But this price is not because the moths want to embezzle themselves, because the foreign exchange is indeed this price.

One is to protect internal price stability, and the other is to prevent malicious hoarding from hitting the market.

"Then trouble Mr. Wang Yang."

Payne nodded with a smile, watching the moths walking towards the village with the gold.

Because it was still early, they were not in a hurry to enter right now, but turned their attention to the two guards.

Compared with the security guards in Qinggang New City who maintain order, the guards in this Tianyuan territory do not seem to be inferior.

The blue and black cotton coat with uniform style wraps everything tightly from top to bottom to ensure good thermal performance in low temperature weather. At the same time, the waist and legs are specially designed, even for strenuous activities It doesn't affect flexibility either.

The guns made of special materials are attached to the waist, and the caliber does not seem to be large, but after all, they are used to maintain law and order, and they are not.



Suddenly realizing the difference from the Clear Harbor guards, Sid couldn't help being startled.

Noticing the change in his face, the special soldier captain Sam who stood beside him nodded slightly.

"It's really supposed to be made of strong plastic."

"Can it work?"

"It can be used, but it does not guarantee that it will still be accurate after multiple shots. In addition, don't look at them stupidly, but in fact these people have very strong physical fitness, and they can be ranked even in our special team."


Sid gasped, suddenly feeling that he was really lonely before.

He never believed that the other party had developed all this in only half a year.

There is a high probability that it was the last time I took a quick look at the flowers, coupled with contempt, that led to not seeing all this.

"Be optimistic about our people, don't conflict with them."


Whispering a few words with Sam, Sid put on a kind smile and walked up.

As the director of Xincheng External Liaison Department, he relies on his mouth and brain to make a living.

He can tell at a glance who can deal with and who resists communication.

The two guards in front of him looked very serious, but in fact Sid had already noticed that they were quietly looking at his group, and he was obviously also very curious.

"Two guard friends, you are still on duty outside in such cold weather, you have worked hard!"

Sid's speech was very slow, and he had predicted in advance that this group of wasteland natives might not be able to understand him.

But what surprised him was that he had just finished speaking, and he replied in proficient Blue Star language:

"You're welcome, this is our duty."

"Oh? I heard that everyone in Tianyuan Territory can get paid from their work. Could it be that the guards can too?"

"Of course." The guard on the left looked at him with surprise eyes, and asked doubtfully, "Don't the guards in Qinggang Sanctuary have no salary?"


Sid was at a loss for words for a while, and some didn't know how to answer the other party's confident question.

The guards of Clear Harbor are unpaid like the residents of the underground.

But as long as you can complete the tasks explained above, you can get more material rewards and richer meals.

From another angle, Sid tried to ask.

"Can your salary be enough to eat?"

"Of course." The guard's face showed a trace of displeasure: "Don't say it's us, in our territory, as long as you don't do any work, you can have enough food, and you can save a sum of money to buy other daily necessities , or improve lives."

"Any work?"

Sid repeatedly 'chewed' these four words, and silently remembered them in his heart.

A big piece of news, the economy here seems to be healthier than expected.

You must know that in the new city, some homeless people who work on leftovers do not have enough salary to eat. Most people can only eat two meals a day, let alone save money to buy other daily necessities.

But that's enough to make those wanderers ecstatic!

Grasping the point, Sid began to inquire about work and other related matters.

The two guards didn't hide, and answered some common questions very simply.

It's just that, in their opinion, it is very common, even a matter of common sense.

It fell into the ear of the other party, but it was no less than thunder.

It is no exaggeration to say that the current Qinggang Refuge and this Tianyuan Refuge are implementing completely different systems.

Until the fluttering moths who exchanged copper coins left and returned, Sid and other people who followed were still immersed in the many news they had just received and couldn't extricate themselves.

"Come on, I'll take you in?"

"It just so happens that there is nothing to do today, and being idle is also idle."

Handing over the money bag containing fifty copper coins, the fluttering moth said politely.

Just now, because of the extremely high purity of this piece of gold, the logistics department rewarded him with three additional copper coins.

It was enough to pay his salary for a day.

However, what is surprising is that Sid did not take it for granted as last time, but shook his head very politely and said: "How about it, Mr. Wang Yang, what is your salary? We will pay you according to a reasonable price." paid as compensation."

"No, no, you are too polite!"

The two were courteous for a while, and finally they confiscated the reward at the insistence of the moth.

the reason is simple.

Just now, many cooks have contacted him in private and offered an attractive price.

Just bring this group of 'fat sheep' to them for consumption, and pay him an introduction fee.

Of course, the moths will definitely not accept this kind of malicious competition that destroys the market.

But it doesn't prevent this group of people from wanting to.

As long as they spend at the stalls, the moths will receive a rebate that excludes the cost.

It's a big profit!