Civilized era.

Four thousand kilometers may not be an exaggerated number. Even ordinary people can drive the entire distance in a few days.

But in the wasteland.

The straight-line distance between Tianyuan Territory and the Giant Tree Root Sea is a full 3,200 kilometers.

If you include the detours due to terrain, this number will increase by at least a thousand kilometers.

If you just hike there every day, it will take at least two months, or even longer due to some changes that happen along the way.

Even if you have an off-road vehicle for transportation, it will take at least half a month and almost a month to arrive.

This was also the reason why Bao Lei repeatedly asked for help, but the territory was unable to send anyone to support him.

The distance between the two sides is so far that it is impossible to control the accidents that may happen in the middle!

However, the Kyushu Great Rift Valley base is different.

According to what those who escaped and the captured institute guards said.

Starting from the Tianyuan territory, you only need to pass through an easy-to-walk plain, and then pass through three or five hills to reach the Great Rift Valley base in the center of the mountains.

The straight-line distance between the two sides is about 800 kilometers, and even if there is a detour, it will not exceed 1,000 kilometers.

And most importantly, there is still a route map they explored on the airship, which saves 80% of the trouble.

Even if Sumo considered all the accidents, he had to admit it.

That research institute is indeed within the reach of the territory.

If it hadn't been for the Metal Sigh disaster, it would have only taken a day and a half at most to get there by car.

Even if you get familiar with the route, it’s not impossible to compress the time into one day.

However, the distance is controllable.

But launching a war that spans a thousand kilometers is definitely not an easy task.

Let’s not talk about how to solve the logistics.

If there is a head-on firefight, even if you have a lot of intelligence.

Just relying on the combat effectiveness of the current Tianyuan Army and ordinary guards, there will definitely be heavy casualties.


"It seems that it depends on the quality of the veterans supported by the Hunting Tiger."

After collecting enough information, Sumo walked out of the farm yard and looked to the west.

Those veterans are the only mature combat forces currently available.

Even though the quality of individual soldiers has declined much compared to ten years ago, the hastily launched invasion war does not actually value individual combat effectiveness, but rather tests the collaborative ability of a group.

As long as it is commanded properly, it may not be able to exert its power compared to the past.

Of course, we have to wait until the Metal Sigh disaster is over.

Although it is a good opportunity to invade while all modern weapons are on strike.

But even if you think about it with your feet, this is the time when the other party is most vigilant.

Qinggang Shelter can use some special materials to make city cannons to defend against possible accidents.

A college research institute with stronger research capabilities will most likely have other alternative weapons.

Use cold weapons to invade?

Although the Pingtan Army is powerful in combat, it is only strong when using guns.

If you really switch to a big sword, you may not be able to defeat the Tianyuan Army with strong physical fitness due to attribute bonus.

Or use energy stone bombs to blast it directly?

This is obviously not the best choice. It is like gambling on the strength of the opponent's counterattack.

In order to avoid alerting the enemy, even if they know that after the Metal Sigh disaster is over, the opponent will quickly restore modern firepower.

Sumo also decided to wait until the disaster was over in half a month.

It just so happens that we can wait until Yehu borrows the person and get familiar with him for a period of time.

Wait until the factory reopens to produce enough equipment and ammunition.

As the saying goes, sharpening the knife will not waste time chopping firewood.

Even if the opponent's counterattack is extremely fierce, it can still test the opponent's bottom line through a steady stream of attrition wars.

Even if it is a loss of some supplies.

It's better than casualties.

It is February 7, Year 2 of the Wasteland Calendar, and there are only ten days left before the disaster ends.

Yehu's integration and selection of veterans is not slow, or it could be said that he has already prepared a list of optimized personnel.

It only took two days. Early in the morning, someone sent someone to deliver the news.

A total of two thousand people.

Already in the shelter, busy packing up belongings.

The departure this time is the same as the residents who were eliminated in the past.

They will permanently become volunteers stationed in Tianyuan's territory in Pingtan Sanctuary, obeying Tianyuan's orders.

It can be said that except that Pingtan is their hometown, all the remaining relationships are completely broken.

Dungeon Office.

"This hunting tiger is really generous. He said he was borrowing people, but he sent them over without any other thoughts and said, should we place these people in Hope Village?"

Su Deben had already rushed over, his face full of excitement.

The little fight with more than a hundred members of the Tianyuan Army was really not fun. Even arranging a basic military formation was a bit difficult.

Now that two thousand people have joined, the defense strength of the entire territory can be considered reasonable.

Moreover, these two thousand people are all Blue Star people and can be regarded as his fellow villagers.

Su Deben has absolute confidence in commanding and training these people, and it won't take long for Yehu to look at him with admiration.

"Let's put them in the empty room over at Longteng Village for the time being. Don't let them have too much contact with the villagers. We can wait until we have screened these people."

Although the hunting tiger sounds nice, who knows if there will be some thorns among them.

It just so happens that all the factories in Longteng Village are currently shut down, and the employee dormitories built in large areas are still empty.

Place these people and select a week for training that is just right.

Qualified people can naturally become the territory's external combat effectiveness, while those who are unqualified can only be sent to the guard force for training.

"That's okay, I will pick out those who can no longer go to the battlefield."

Full authority for contacting veterans was given to Sudben.

Sumo simply became the shopkeeper.

Obviously, when it comes to combat, he can also command through suppression of knowledge and breadth of thinking.

But when it comes to training and screening, this is far beyond the scope of his skill tree.

Professional matters should be left to professionals.

Are you worried that Su Deben will commit a crime, or that he will support himself?

Instead of worrying about this idle thought, it is better to turn your mind to more important things.

Not long after Sudben left, the team heading to the Pumpkin Bunker also sent good news.

The four fuel rods in Katarina's mouth were found!

It was placed in an inconspicuous warehouse in the bunker, covered with a thick layer of dust to camouflage it.

In addition, the territory does not need to worry about the energy supply problem of the bunker after taking away the fuel rods for the time being.

The running nuclear power plant cannot be stopped and cannot be moved.

The fuel rods inside can supply at least more than 100,000 kilowatt-hours of electricity, enough to sustain the bunker's consumption for a year.

This time is enough for the territory to send engineers to gradually replace the original energy system with the energy stone system.

"With two million kilowatt hours of electricity, it is still impossible to send people to the roots of giant trees on a large scale, but we finally have support methods."

"One hundred people at a time"

Sending only a hundred ordinary players there obviously cannot change the current predicament of Giant Tree Root.

What Bao Lei needs is immediate combat power and weapons that can allow him to maintain order.

Soma didn't intend to use both chances at the giant tree root, so whoever passed it the first time had to be able to make a difference.

It seems that we have to rely on those veterans.

Taking the list from Yehu on the table, Sumo flipped through it and couldn't help but smile.

It has to be said that these two thousand people came at the right time.

It not only solves the problem of attacking the research institute, but also alleviates the difficulties in the giant tree root sea area to a certain extent.

I just don’t know how much fighting power they have left.

The next day.

The time came to about ten o'clock in the morning.

West of the warning wall.

A group of 'veterans' dragging their scattered luggage finally appeared in a long line in sight of the patrolling guards.

It sounds a bit shabby.

As a veteran who has worked hard in the Pingtan shelter for half his life and shed a lot of blood.

They did not enjoy any special treatment when they left. The only thing they received was a gentle word from the deputy manager 'Jin Guqiao' that you will have a good trip.

As for compensation materials?

Sorry, Pingtan Shelter is currently in a state of emergency. We will definitely reissue it when we are richer in the future.

Furthermore, according to what Yehu said when selecting his personnel.

These people did not go to Tianyuan Territory to suffer.

On the contrary, compared to Pingtan Sanctuary, Tianyuan Territory has a better environment and can receive more generous treatment.

There are only truly elite Pingtan troops, those who truly contribute to the Pingtan refuge.

In order to have this opportunity to be selected, other young people don’t even have to go if they want to.


Do you really think we are fools?

'Yu Ran', who was pushing the cart and walking in the team, spat softly and looked up at the high wall in the distance.

Wow, it’s really majestic!

Compared with the descriptions from those who have been to this Tianyuan territory, it is more real and more spectacular!

The concrete brick wall, which is three meters high, is like a long dragon, stretching out on the ground.

Looking to both sides, you can't see the end at all, which proves that the wall is at least two or three kilometers long.

In addition, the sentry tower built on the high wall also looks quite extraordinary.

Yu Ran could already vaguely see the guard standing in the sentry tower, talking to the patrol officers below.

Not long after, the small door under the high wall opened.

Several people walked out and met with Wang Qian, who was in charge of the team, to complete the handover procedures for the volunteers.

"Brothers, I can only send you here, and you have to walk the rest of the way on your own."

"Believe me, this is definitely the beginning of your new life, and it is also an opportunity for you as humans to return to the ground and see this majestic world."

"Don't be confused. After you are forty years old, it's time for you to pursue your own future!"

"Don't be sad. If anyone is homesick, Pingtan Shelter welcomes you to come back and visit us at any time."

After the handover, Wang Qian took a loudspeaker and said a few words.

I saw the handover team starting to separate from the veteran team and heading back towards the Pingtan shelter.

Some emotional veterans wiped away tears on the spot.

Although the remaining ones tried to control their facial expressions, they also had mixed feelings in their hearts that could not be described in words.

More than forty years.

Speaking of which, life has indeed gone through most of it.

Among the two thousand people, there are fully 1,500 people who exceed this number, and the remaining 500 people are almost a year or two away.

They are all elites who grew up at the same time as Yehu.

It's a pity that the traces left by the years on them are too obvious.

Or because the wounds left after the battle were not treated in time, they eventually deteriorated into stubborn illnesses that were difficult to solve.

Or because they did not receive appropriate psychological counseling, they already have a deep-seated disgust when facing the battlefield.

Compared with the hunting tigers who are still in their prime, their bodies and mentality have become out-and-out senior citizens.

Will this strange Tianyuan territory need a group of elderly people?

With an uneasy feeling, the veteran team began to enter in order of the front and back of the team.

Yu Ran was also mixed in the group, moving forward with his head covered.

His mind was a little confused at the moment and his head was a little dizzy.

It wasn't because of the chicken soup Wang Qian had just eaten, but because he left too early in the morning and didn't eat. He suffered from hypoglycemia.

Of course, Pingtan Shelter did not lack the last nutritious meal for people like them.

But most people are afraid that they will miss something when packing their things. After getting up in the morning, they check again and miss the opening hours of the internal canteen.

There is no way, it is impossible to try to change the rules of the shelter, especially those of them who are about to leave.

Then we can only go on the road hungry.

After finally reaching the foot of the city wall, I was already a little dizzy from the dense flow of people.

As soon as he heard the guard standing at the door calling his name, he quickly rushed forward with his head covered.

"Yu Ran, male, age 39, serves as a scout. He once served as a squad leader under the reconnaissance brigade and participated in thirty-nine battles."

Some unfamiliar Blue Star language sounded in his ears, and he read out simple information.

"Yes, it's me!"

Yu Ran nodded quickly, took out a small card from his pocket and handed it over.

This is the identity card issued by the above before departure, and is used in Tianyuan Territory to identify everyone's identity.

The guard took it and took a look and nodded, with a smile on his face.

"No problem, Captain Yu Ran, welcome to join Tianyuan Territory."

"Please do not wander around after entering. We have set up corresponding signs for new recruits. Please follow the signs on the signs to go to the corresponding location."

"This is your temporary identity card. Please keep it. This card is required for all activities in the territory."

The small card passed over was swiped on the machine, a beeping sound was heard, and the guard handed it back.

Yu Ran was a little confused and was carried forward by the crowd.

He wanted to ask what the sign was, but he looked up after walking into the high wall.

A total of five huge signboards the size of small trucks have been erected on the ground, which are indeed extremely conspicuous.

Blue Star language is written from left to right.

Recruit canteen, recruit supplies department, central reminder, recruit registration area, recruit pick-up area.

"what is this?"

I have never seen such a battle before, and many veterans who entered first gathered around the sign to look at it.

Yu Ran pushed the wheelbarrow in a daze, holding the luggage with one hand and separating the crowd with the other hand, and barely squeezed in front of the most eye-catching central reminder.

But when he looked up, he became more and more confused.