Two hundred and seventy people, excluding the eleven people who were undecided.

Of the remaining 259 people, a full 85 chose the farmer with the lowest requirements and the lowest bonus.

Perhaps it has a lot to do with the "security" that veteran players call it.

Or maybe because of this year of hanging around in the wasteland, these poor survivors have become hungry and scared.

Even if they could choose routes that seemed to have a better future, in the end these people still resisted the urge to take action.

How good it is to farm, according to the experience summarized by players on the World Channel.

As long as the territory is safe and there are no special natural disasters that affect the maintenance of the territory, although the players of the farmer route will not be ahead of the players of other routes, they can definitely maintain the level of T1.

And if the land can be planted with a good harvest, or new plants can be developed.


The experience points given can even exceed that of first-line combat professions, firmly occupying the top position in the survival system.

Observing this scene, sitting in the audience, Sha Kang, the chairman of the "moderately prosperous agricultural company" who has successfully established a "moderately prosperous agricultural company", almost smiled crookedly.

If not for the fact that everyone around him was staring at the movements of those around him, he would have even wanted to stand up and laugh a few more times.

Although only twenty places were drawn from the General Administration of Work, there is no other place to accept these farmers route players?

Even if some people are now in the hands of others, their final destination must be Xiaokang Agricultural Company.

After all, unlike other companies, Xiaokang Company is the first national company in its territory.

Well, lead the company!

Excluding the eighty-five players on the farmer route, the number of players on the remaining routes appears to be relatively even.

The second largest number is the construction apprenticeship route, with a total of sixty-five people.

In modern times with perfect infrastructure, it may not be wise to choose a construction apprenticeship.

But in the wasteland where everything is waiting to be done, construction apprentices are a hot commodity.

As long as you can participate in the construction of those large facilities, the experience of profit sharing alone is a big number.

Especially seeing that the infrastructure in Tianyuan territory has become so abnormal, many people who are still hesitating will naturally stop hesitating and immediately determine the route and prepare to join those large and small construction companies.

In third place are handicraft enthusiasts, a total of fifty-nine people.

Most women choose this route, after all, it is the only one among all the routes that does not seem to require physical strength.

As the most compatible route, the advantages and disadvantages of manual enthusiasts are very obvious.

It is difficult to upgrade in the early stage. There are no specific route tasks to provide experience, and it is inferior to others in every aspect.

The strongest thing is the post-production effect. Anything big or small made by handicraft enthusiasts can produce unique effects just like a chef apprentice enchanting food.

Ranked fourth are the scavengers, with a total of twenty-six people.

A route that doesn’t require too much elaboration.

As a route with both combat and adventure bonuses, most of those who choose this route are lone wolves who are unwilling to be ordinary.

Although the migration was very tiring, they were still eager to see the outside world.

Ranking fifth are mechanical apprentices, with even fewer people, only nineteen.

Most of the people who choose this option are people with professional knowledge, and they belong to the earth and are related to machinery.

Before I came here and saw the job advertisements in those factories.

They may have different ideas in their minds like Cheng Fei.

But after confirming that this territory already has basic industrial configuration, there is no need to hesitate anymore.

Just choose.

As for the following, there are five lonely chef apprentices.

Three men and two women, all looking a little strange.

Lin Cheng was a short man, only 1.7 meters tall. His left arm was still wrapped in a bandage and hung around his neck.

Although the battle with the radiation beast only damaged the outer skin, it was a pity that the treatment was a little late.

According to the most optimistic judgment, the wound will leave a huge scar after healing, and the probability will also affect the flexibility.

However, compared to losing his life, an injured arm is already the smallest price to pay.

Just a chef with a crippled arm?

The bosses standing in the audience shook their heads secretly and continued to look at the remaining four people.

The two bald men looked like they were brothers. They had thick bones and were at least 1.85 meters tall.

Maybe when they first traveled through time, these two could still be regarded as vicious people that ordinary people wouldn't dare to mess with.

But now, skinny sums up their image.

The loose skin has hung on the surface of the bones, and it looks like it will fall if the wind blows.

The sunken eye sockets, even after a few days of rest, still have fatigue that won't dissipate.

Why are you so weak? Could it be that he had some serious illness with serious sequelae?

The bosses shook their heads again and looked at the two remaining women.

This time, his appearance was much more normal compared to other people around him. Both of them looked gentle and quiet.

When their eyes converged, one of them lowered his head shyly and held the corner of his clothes with his hands.

Although the other person was bolder, he did not dare to raise his head and look directly at the person above him, and looked around pretending to be relaxed.

Staring at the narrow arms and making some mental calculations, the ambitious bosses suddenly felt helpless.

As a chef, Wen Wen Jingjing is obviously not suitable for the profession.

At first glance, these two people don't look like they can cook, and they should be the masters of the earth who don't touch the sun.

Perhaps the biggest reason why I chose Chef Apprentice was that the attribute points met the standard and the bonuses were higher.

It is hoped that these two people can prop up the facade in a short time and compete with the old chefs in the territory who have been cooking for decades.

"Forget it, haven't the lord already told us to be more generous to the newcomers? It's hard to expect them to be the best among men."

"That's right. The people in our territory were all elites selected by the lords along the way. For example, the people who migrated from the origin camp were also the brave ones who dared to set foot on the New World for the first time. How can we expect these people to be the same? Elite, right?”

"Ahem, this group of people won't compete with you. Don't worry. It's not to reserve a spot for the next wave. It's purely because I don't want to hurt the harmony between everyone and make the newcomers laugh."

"My opponent, the Fire King wants people, doesn't he? In this way, my brother will give you face and you won't take them away."

"Damn it, you old yinbi are all talking about attribute points, right?"

Wu You couldn't help but look bitter when he saw all the bosses next to him looking at you.

To be honest, when he saw the five chefs below, he didn't want to waste his precious quota to choose.

But unfortunately, I had already said it in advance.

If he gives up like the others, the next wave of fierce snatching may be severely targeted.

What the fuck

Never expecting this, Wu You's expression changed slightly, and his eyes kept scanning the five people.

First of all, the one with the lame arm is definitely not available.

What he wants are talents who can lead the transformation of the store in a short period of time, big babies who will need a few months to recuperate from injuries.

The remaining two women didn't seem to fit the bill either.

Although you may be able to become a qualified chef through training, no one dares to take the risk of failure.

There are only two bald heads left!

While Wu You was struggling, the staff in the audience also announced the next recruitment details.

The method is very simple, screen first and then interview.

All bosses have already reported to the General Administration of Work the route they want to choose for new hires before coming here.

At this time, as the newcomers choose their route, their information will naturally be entered into the database for selection.

Except for chef apprentices with a small number of people (less than ten people) who can be designated for interviews, other routes are randomly drawn.

For example, Sha Kang, the chairman of the agricultural company, wants a farmer route player.

Then you can go to the lottery and randomly draw one from the farmer player's database.

After review by the staff, the two people can go to a separate room in the auditorium for an interview.

Of course, multiple people can be interviewed at the same time and contracts signed at the same time, depending on the number of places the bosses draw in the General Administration of Work.

"Now, when everyone hears me calling your name, you can follow the staff to the designated location for job interviews. I wish you good luck!"

Of course, there is no need to tell the newcomers about the specific salary restriction order. This is a matter for the boss.

The term of the contract is also a standard contract issued by the territory, and there will be no loopholes in the terms that can be exploited.

But no one dares to take advantage of it. After all, there is no fair court to handle disputes here.

Once the lord is angered, everyone knows what kind of miserable end he will get.

Soon, the largest number of Farmer route players were called first, and many people left the center of the auditorium in anxiety.

Facing the bosses in the audience, it would be a lie to say that you are not panicking.

Now that we are here, naturally no one wants to be worse than others, everyone wants to be selected in the first round.

Unfortunately, the quota is still strictly limited.

About five minutes later, the first twenty farmers who went out came back.

Some are happy and some are sad.

Fourteen of them were selected by Sha Kang and became the first batch of newcomers to join the 'Well-off Agricultural Company'.

Since it was winter, farmer players could not create much profit, so Shakan took the opportunity to suppress the price.

The daily salary is naturally calculated based on the minimum contract limit of 13 iron coins, and the monthly salary is calculated based on 24 days excluding six days of public holidays in the territory.

But even the lowest level still makes these newcomers sophisticated enough. After all, they can earn a full 312 iron coins every month.

And as soon as you join the company, you can enjoy the wonderful benefits of company-provided accommodation and half-day paid vacation per week.

Excluding the average 5 iron coins that you spend on eating every day, you can basically save 150 iron coins in a month, totaling 15 copper coins.

It will probably only take a little more than a year for them to repay their debt for being rescued from the snowy mountains.

What a win!

"Unfortunately, for those who were not selected just now, your information has already entered the second wave of candidates."

"Now you can choose to stay here or go outside to prepare for the second round of interviews."

The information that was pulled out and not selected will naturally not be put back for other bosses to choose again.

First, it is to protect the rights and interests of newcomers and prevent bosses from joining forces to lower wages.

Secondly, it is to maintain the balance of randomness and prevent a certain boss or company from taking away all the outstanding talents.

Thirdly, it also gives newcomers some freedom so that they can freely choose where they want to go.

Many people left disappointed.

In the audience.

Being stared at by dozens of pairs of eyes, Wu You stepped forward and pointed at the bald brother below.

"I choose them both."


The staff nodded, and the three of them were taken to a small room about ten square feet in the auditorium.

The interior has not been decorated yet, and there is still cement dust on the ground that has not been cleaned.

But at this time, no one obviously cares about the environment. Having a wooden chair to sit on and a wooden table across it is already considered a high-quality setting!

"Hello everyone, let me introduce myself. My name is Wu You, and my channel nickname is: Youyou Fire King."

"I have a shop in my territory. I used to make iron and wooden weapons. It's called the Fire Weapon Shop."

With staff supervising him, Wu You didn't dare to tell lies and quickly explained his situation.

After saying that, the bald brother opposite also introduced himself.

The boss is called Jia Duo, and the boss is called Jia Shao.

Before traveling through time, one of them was a street noodle cook, and the other was a street barbecue cook.

None of them were born with formal chef training. They are gourmet practitioners who rely on their strength to make a living.

He doesn't have any special skills. Whether the food he cooks is delicious or not depends solely on how much "hard work" he adds.

After hearing this, Wu You felt quite cold on the spot.

Fried noodles?

If this thing had been around half a year ago, it might have really made a name for itself in the territory.

But now that things are abundant, it is a bit difficult to occupy a place.

As for barbecue, it’s even more nonsense.

Even with the bonus of a chef apprentice, the taste cannot surpass the unique skills of the master chefs in the territory.

The price is low, there is no profit at all, and it takes up a large space.

The price is high, who will eat it?

However, before Wu You could ask a question, Jia Duo, who was sitting across from him, took the lead and asked curiously.

"Boss Wu, with all due respect, I'm afraid it's wrong for your weapons store to transform into cooking, right?"

"Oh? Tell me what's wrong?"

"It's very simple. We can only make money from our own people by cooking now, right? But if we continue to make weapons, many people outside the New World will be short of this thing, and this thing can make much more money than cooking!"


Do you think I don't know this?

Wu You sighed secretly in his heart, and suddenly felt a little discouraged.

If what he is making is a modern gun, he will continue to make it even if he loses his life.

As long as the market can be opened up, the profit will be ten times or a hundred times in return.

However, when it comes to cold weapons, the market seems somewhat limited.

Putting aside where the market is, how to transport weapons is a big problem.

"Just think that I don't want to do it anymore and stop."

Wu You waved his hand impatiently: "Join my store and help the store transform. The daily salary can give you the highest 22 iron coins currently limited, but the premise is that the contract must be signed for two years."

"What do you mean?" Mr. Jia's expression changed slightly and he looked at the staff next to him.

After receiving the explanation, the two looked at each other with some hesitation in their eyes.

"Why, you are not satisfied with 22 iron coins? Is this the highest treatment?"

"Are you hesitant about food and accommodation? Don't worry, you can just cook your own meals with the ingredients. Food is included. I can also help you with accommodation. It's free of charge."

Food and accommodation included?

The two were even more hesitant this time.

"Boss Wu, it's not about the salary, it's about this." Boss Jia Duo coughed slightly: "We don't want to sign a contract for such a long time. Do you think the minimum is half a year?"

"Half a year?"

Wu You was stunned, and his face suddenly turned ugly.

If it was for immediate combat, he might have hesitated in the past six months.

But this bald brother obviously still needs some time to cultivate.

how? After training, you go out and work alone, right?

"No, I don't accept negotiation on the deadline. The only option is two years."

"Then I'm sorry, I'm afraid I have to disappoint you."

The bald brother glanced at the staff member, and after receiving encouraging looks from the other party, he boldly refused.

It's obviously not a good idea for someone to spend two years joining a weapons shop as a chef.

Just now they saw the enthusiasm of the bosses for the chefs.

In addition, there are only five people eligible to choose, so it is only human nature to wait for the price.