"I've noticed that after going up to the city wall, first pretend to surrender, wait for about 20 people to go up, and you will attack immediately. As long as you hold on for a while, my people will continue to help you."

"Take this city, in addition to giving you a thousand gold reward, official promotion of three levels, you are authorized to select three women as the first reward among the captives."

According to HELLES's command, the subordinate officers made arrangements and promised high official positions and women as rewards to stimulate the soldiers' enthusiasm in fighting.

On hearing this, the soldiers of the elite troops were able to not only get promotion and money, but also send women. Their morale was greatly boosted, and they all expressed their desperate service.

See morale, hailes satisfaction, immediately ordered troops to advance under the new town.

Of course, feint is also necessary in order not to be seen through by the enemy.

After paying some casualties, under the leadership of the officers, the elite soldiers pretended to collapse and then climbed the ladder.

On this side of the new town, Chen Fang felt something was wrong earlier. After seeing the poor performance of the other side's soldiers, he naturally saw through the other side's intention.

Anyway, before Chen Fang had doubts, charming also made arrangements, he was also happy to cooperate with each other, continue to let the soldiers not attack the area of the ladder, put it up.

However, the other side used his own intention again and tried his best again. In addition, he deliberately let himself send his elite soldiers to the tiger's mouth to complete a set of games.

Let his scheme fail, but also in vain with nearly 3000 elite soldiers.

Let the intelligence quotient crush, give to play, HELLES gloomy face can twist water.

"What shall we do now, my lord? Are you still fighting? " Asked an officer.

Hayes said in a cold voice, "tell me what to fight and how to fight."

Of course, the officers didn't know, so they quickly stepped back behind their colleagues.

After a moment's reflection, he said, "the whole army will go back to the camp. After a little rest, we will retreat. This city will not fight."


The officers were surprised.

Lose so many people, don't fight?

Go back and blame the Lord

HELLES said in a cold voice, "ah, what? I will shoulder all the responsibilities for the return of the retired soldiers."

Saying that Wan hailes was going to order the withdrawal, a soldier came in a hurry.

"My Lord, we have been attacked by enemy cavalry in the rear."

Hayes was stiff.