Among the eight planets in the solar system, Jupiter has the most satellites. Up to now, Jupiter has discovered 79 satellites.

Among so many satellites, Ganymede is the most special!

why is it special?

Because it is not only the largest planet, bigger than mercury, one of the eight major planets, but also has ocean and oxygen on it!

when you step on Ganymede, the surface of this planet is no different from that of Europa, with a low surface temperature of about minus 160C.

At a glance, the gray land surface is filled with all kinds of stones, ice, and gray dust, which looks very dirty.

However, when Ling Jiu crossed the land surface and came to the ocean below, he was stunned

in the dark ocean, there were many stars. At a glance, there were twinkling stars everywhere, and the dense light spots were intertwined, just like the Milky way in the sky, deep and vast, bright and mysterious.

"Is this really an underground ocean?"

Ling Jiu looks at everything in front of him in disbelief. Ganymede has an underground ocean, which is what he expected.

But the underground ocean, like the starry sky, was totally beyond his expectation.

"How beautiful!"

Bai Ya was also a little dazzled.

"These light spots are the creatures of Ganymede, just grab one!" leox's voice appeared in Ling Jiu's mind.

"OK! Grab one and have a look!"

Ling Jiulian nodded, and his figure flashed in front of a light spot, and then the void grabbed it, and the light spot was confined in the air.

Ling Jiu looked closer and found that it was a creature similar to a jellyfish.

It looks like a mushroom, transparent, and has a luminous organ, which not only lights up this jellyfish like creature, but also lights up the surrounding sea water.

"Why? There is something magical about this creature!

leoux suddenly wondered, "the luminous organ in his body is rich in dark bioenergy, and it's pure dark bioenergy!"

"rich in dark bioenergy?"

"Is it true or not? Isn't dark bioenergy in the Dark Universe? How can it be rich in dark bioenergy? "

"The specific reason is unknown!" said leoks. "But I can't detect it wrong. Its luminous organ is rich in dark energy!"

"I'll try it!"

Ling Jiuxin thought and sent the jellyfish into the internal world.

Under the burning of the flame, the jellyfish was burned into nothingness before long, and then transformed into two masses of energy, one of life energy and one of dark biological energy.

Ling Jiu absorbed these two masses of energy and clearly distinguished their properties. She was greatly surprised that "it's really dark bioenergy!"

seeing that Ling Jiu was suddenly shocked, Bai Ya asked, "honey, what's the matter?"

"We've met the baby!"

Ling Jiu said casually, grabbed another "jellyfish", and then grabbed the jellyfish's body and took off the luminous organ.

"Honey, you feel it carefully!" Ling Jiu takes the luminous organ to Bai Ya and says, "can you absorb the energy inside?"

"There's energy in it, too? I'll have a try!

Bai Ya's face was puzzled, but she tried to absorb it. A moment later, she suddenly opened her eyes and said inconceivably

"honey, there's really energy in it, and it's very similar to the mysterious energy created by the power tree! Is it the same kind of energy?"

"It should not be the same, because I can feel that this kind of energy is obviously more domineering and more powerful!"

Ling Jiu looked at the dense light spots around him and said slowly, "honey, we may be getting rich!"

he can absorb dark biological energy himself, and he has just got 10 dark biological energy crystals, which he certainly can't use in a short time Jellyfish life.

But Bai Ya, ling'er and parents can't do it. They can't even absorb the energy of dark creatures. These jellyfish are precious to them.

"More powerful energy than mysterious energy?"

Bai Ya's breath was getting short and her eyes were burning. "Honey, are we going to do something?"

"Of course!"

with a flash of body shape, Ling Jiu made 10 replicates, and decisively gave the order "go! Catch them all!"

"Ling Jiu, don't worry first!"

Leo said, "I have detected more intense life reactions in the depths of the ocean. No accident, they contain more dark creatures!"

"stronger life reactions?"

As soon as Ling Jiu's eyes brighten, he says, "go to the depths of the ocean and have a look!"

then Ling Jiu wraps Bai Ya with his powers and dives deeper into the ocean. With the deepening of his powers, his life has changed.

Jellyfish like creatures are becoming less and less, replaced by banded creatures like hairtail.

They are also transparent, about 3 meters long, and have a light-emitting organ on their head, but they are bigger than jellyfish and rich in dark organisms.With the further development, the life forms are constantly changing. The circular and banded life gradually evolved into strip life.

The strength level of these lives is also constantly improving. The first level fierce beasts are not, but gradually become the second level, the third level and the fourth level

When Ling Jiu and Bai Ya reached a depth of 50 kilometers, they turned into flat life, which is very similar to turtles and horseshoe crabs in the earth's oceans.

Not far away, there is a 60 meter long "giant horseshoe crab". The surface of the giant horseshoe crab is a thick crustacean, and its brain also has a giant luminous organ, just like a giant luminous crab, rushing about in the ocean.

"This guy's life intensity is comparable to the eighth order fierce beast on earth, and his energy response is also quite strong. The key is that the number is very considerable!"

leoux said, "detector response, more than one of the same creatures in a circle, is very suitable for catching!"

"more than three?"

Ling Jiu licked his lips and said, "go ahead!"

"yes, my Lord!"

the 10 replicates responded and went on their own.

"Come here!"

Ling Jiu grabs the giant horseshoe crab in front of him, and then throws it into the inner world.

After a burst of crazy burning, two considerable amounts of energy flow into the body, one is absorbed by the body, and the other is absorbed by the gene core.

Ling Jiu took a deep breath and said with a smile, "Leo, your suggestion is right. The dark energy contained in this giant horseshoe crab is really too huge!"

"that's nature!"

Leo smiles faintly. "If I tell you that there are more intense life reactions in the ocean of this planet, even beyond the scope of stellar life, what would you think?"

"Beyond stellar life? How is that possible? "

Ling Jiu was shocked all over. He couldn't believe it and said, "Leo, what did you detect?"

"Ling Jiu, Ganymede is a bit beyond my expectation!"

leoks said, "it has three oceans, each of which is about 4km deep, separated by a high-pressure ice layer, and the bottom layer of the ocean is directly in contact with the inner core of Ganymede's rock!"

"therefore, the depth of Ganymede's ocean is more than 1km, which contains a lot of information More than 15 billion cubic kilometers of water, the water content of which is more than 30 times that of your earth! "

" three layers of ocean? "

"Four kilometers per floor?"

"The total depth is more than a kilometer?"

Ling Jiu was stunned.

The deepest ocean of the earth is only 10 km. The ocean of Europa is about 1 km. The ocean of Ganymede is more than 1 km?

It's unbelievable!

"we are now in the first layer of the ocean of Ganymede, in which I have detected the life reaction comparable to that of the ninth order beast!"

leox road "and in the second layer, we have detected the life reaction comparable to that of stars; as for the third layer Life reaction of galactic life has been detected! "

" three layers of ocean, life reaction is more terrible than one layer! "

" so this planet is not an ordinary satellite, or even the most terrible planet in your solar system! "

Ling Jiu is full of excitement." isn't it very dangerous for us to stay here? "

"You can rest assured about that!"

leonks comforted that "the terrible life in the third layer of the ocean did not find us coming. I believe that as long as we do not enter the third layer of the ocean, there should be no life-threatening!"

"even if they attack, they are not afraid. As long as they hide in the leonks, they can not break the defense of the leonks Ling Jiu breathed a sigh of relief: "Leo, can you find out the specific information of life in the third layer of the ocean? I want to have a detailed understanding of them. Only when you know yourself and your enemy can you win a hundred battles! "

" it needs to be detected! "

leox road" leox is equipped with special detection robots, which can let them enter the third layer of the ocean for short-range detection! "

" what are you waiting for, detection! "

Ling Jiu urged.


leoks nodded slightly. After a while, Ling Jiu saw a wisp of black fog rising from his wrist and swimming down.

It's a miniature robot. Because of its huge number, it looks like a black fog.

"Next, just wait!"

leoks said, "before long, all the information in the second and third oceans will be fed back!"

"during this period, I'll catch more marine life! Leoks, help me detect marine life above level 8!" Ling Jiu ordered.

"I understand!"

so in the next few days, Ling Jiu, under the guidance of leoks, started a crazy arrest.

For a moment, the eighth and ninth level fierce beasts in the first layer of the ocean fell into bad luck. All those detected They all fall into Ling Jiu's clutches.In the twinkling of an eye, three days later, the detection robot has feedback information one after another. Leox sorts out the information and tells Ling Jiu.

"Ling nine as like as two peas, I found that the ocean is three layers deep and 4 kilometers deep,"


Ling Jiu asked.

"Stellar life is common in the second layer of ocean, the weakest is the eighth or ninth order beast, and the most powerful is the eighth order life of star!"

"the third layer of ocean is almost all stellar life, the weakest has the first order of star, and the most powerful life is as high as the fifth order of Galaxy!"

"the fifth order of galaxy?"

Ling Jiu took a breath of cold air and said, "Leo, why does a humble satellite give birth to such a powerful life?"

"The specific reason has been found out!"

reox replied, "it's all related to a wormhole in the interior of this planet!"
