Chapter 102 Pursuit of Life

Sure enough, Kai Qiang didn't cover it. After I reminded him, he immediately reacted. After stuffing the other guy with a fist, he gave way, so the iron ball didn't hit his head.

This bullnose, I doubt if he has killed anyone, and he is a complete lunatic. How can he hit a spot like this? It is killing people at all! No matter who it was to, it was always the iron ball that hit someone's head. I have to say, this guy is good at practice, at least every time he can swing very accurately, if the other party does not have the strength to dodge, then it will suffer.

Even lu xin had been tricked. If Kai Qiang had also been tricked, that would not be possible.

After that bastard was knocked down, two or three more came up immediately, and they were pestering Kai Qiang. The bull's nose had already gone up.

No one cares about me at all. It should be because I don't have much fighting power, so I can deal with Aibin.

Kai Qiang picked three and had to deal with the iron ball with the bull's nose. How difficult it was.

If I don't help him, am I still human? Besides, I don't want to follow Brother Hao's footsteps. If I open my head, I will die!

However, there was another one of them running around. I couldn't get rid of him at once, so I used despicable means, grabbed a handful of sand on the ground, gave him a look, and he couldn't see anything clearly, and called me despicable and shameless.

I took out my switchblade and walked towards the cow's nose.

Before that, no matter when, I didn't dare to deal with a big shot like niu nose. Even brother hao was a little scared to deal with him, let alone me. But now, he wants my brother kai qiang's life! Kai Qiang, but I won't let anything happen to someone who's closer than my own brother.

Moreover, three of these people were not enough to beat kai qiang and one of them had to deal with him.

The bull's nose yelled as he cursed, "You little hairy kids are pretty good at fighting, and your fists are pretty tough. Let me see if your fists are tough or my iron balls are tough!"

The chains and balls that he tossed and swung were really terrifying. He probably practiced a lot, so he wouldn't hit anyone beside him.

Kai Qiang was about to give up.

I sprinted up.

I thought I was going to hold the cow's nose like Huazi did back then. Who knew, the cow's nose looked like it had eyes behind it, and suddenly turned around and hit it with a hard iron ball.

At that moment, I was stunned and dodged, but this iron ball was connected to the chain, so I couldn't escape, so when the chain came back, I just wanted to stab him, and this iron ball hit me in the back.

With a bang, my entire back felt like it was cracking, and it was in excruciating pain.

I also fell to the ground, completely powerless, and also wanted to stab the nose of a cow to avenge Brother Hao, then give him a knife to hold him, let him let my brother Kai Qiang go.

However, I was seriously injured myself.

The bull's nose came running over with a smile. Although he was smiling like that, his strength was obvious to all. Brother Hao and Lu Kaixin, as well as the big pockmarked face fighter, were all beaten down by him. One could imagine his strength.

When he came over, he even used the iron chain to hold my neck. With a little strength, my neck had red marks. My whole face was flushed red, and it was difficult to breathe.

"Little brat, with your strength, you still want to attack me? If it were him, it would be fine! You, too weak!"

He pointed at kai qiang, meaning that if he attacked, he might succeed, but I can't succeed, even from behind.

He was right, but I still gritted my teeth and insisted, shouting, "You despicable and shameless fellow, let us go. Aren't you afraid of going to jail if you beat Brother Hao up like this?"

He laughed heartily. "I've killed people before, and I'm afraid of going to jail?"

His voice was loud and controlled me. At this time, the battle of three or four hundred people was broken up, and many people ran away. They were just here to support the scene and gather numbers, not to fight. Of course, the wind blew and ran away.

And the sound of the bull's nose instantly overshadowed all the shouting and killing. Many people saw the scene here, and they were extremely frightened. Some people saw Brother Hao, Ma Zilian, the leader of the team, all fell down. Only the heads and faces on Tong Hao's side, all fell down. How could the boys fight? The hearts of those who had seen me were scattered, and many who had seen me saw that I was under control, and they dared not stay any longer. They ran and scattered, and this wave must have lost.

My brothers and even Kai Qiang, who saw my misery, tried desperately to break those people up and save me.

However, after he broke up, a few of them made up for it and couldn't finish it.

Even though Li Xunhuan was beaten to the ground and fainted, their mainstay, the bull's nose, was still there. At this moment, it was like the god of war, roaring loudly:

"Surrender or not, is it all him? Run away, get out!! Hahaha!"

"You spicy chickens are the only ones who have the nerve to play a spot with me. When Laozi played a spot, you were still wearing open-crotch pants!"

The harder he tried, the more suffocating I felt. Kai Qiang was surrounded again, and I lost my strength, and the knife in my hand fell to the ground.

"Let me go, let me go!"

I sent out my last cry for help. He wouldn't kill anyone. I looked at him with my pleading eyes. We were just fighting and fighting for the first year of senior high school. There was no need to kill anyone.

So when I looked at him, I could only beg for mercy. At this time, I could only admit defeat.

But this bull's nose, like a madman, killed his eyes and laughed loudly:

"You little brat, you want me to let you go, call daddy!"

I stopped.

He yelled, "No? Can I, him? Kill you!"

His chains added strength again, and I felt like my life was hanging by a thread. I even gave up resisting and asked me to call him dad. It's impossible. My dad killed people in prison, but it's for me. I call him dad, and he deserves it?

I squeezed out my last strength and spat on his face!

He was stunned. He didn't expect me to do this to him.

He wiped the saliva off his face and roared loudly:

"Okay! Okay! Okay! I was just trying to scare you. If you want to die, that's why I'm here!"

The iron chain instantly increased its strength again, and blood had already been rubbed out of my neck. Soon, I would suffocate to death, and I could only wait for the verdict of death.

I glanced at Kai Qiang. He was about to jump over and save me, but it was too late.

But at this moment, when I was about to give up, the strength of the chain became weaker. The bull's nose widened and looked at me. His body fell down on his stomach. After he fell down, he turned around and looked. It was Brother Hao. Brother Hao scrambled over, picked up the knife on the ground, and stabbed him in the belly of his thigh. The knife went into his body, and blood kept flowing out. The bull's nose was furious. Although he bent down, he still gave Brother Hao a kick.

"You, one by one, are looking for death. I'll do it for you!"

The next moment, the iron ball was thrown out and hit Brother Hao on the head.

After I was saved, before I could regain my senses, Brother Hao had been hit on the head and sprayed with blood. He fell flat on his face, completely unconscious.

I screamed in horror:

"Brother Hao!!"