Chapter 133 Chasing after the School Beauty

This news was a huge bomb to me, and I couldn't figure out why Lv Xiang suddenly transferred to another school.

At this point, when the position of Qizhong boss was within easy reach, he wanted to transfer to another school. What the hell was going on?

I asked him what was going on and why he had to transfer.

He said something to me, because of the problems at home and his girlfriend breaking up with him, and he didn't want to stay here sad, but the most important thing was the problem at home. His family just had to move, not in this city, move to another city, and he just had to follow.

It was already a foregone conclusion, and nothing could change it. I could only respectfully send him out of school. However, what should we do about the next pattern of the seventh high school?

Lv Xiang's sudden transfer of schools would change the entire Qizhong situation. Guan Xin had already made it clear that he wanted to abdicate, and it was a very peaceful abdication, so there wouldn't be any disputes in the entire Qizhong, boss. When Lv Xiang graduated, I would be able to succeed, but now, it's not that simple.

When Lv Xiang left, all of our high school seniors went to see him off. There was no way to transfer. Lv Xiang's power in the second year of senior high school, if divided according to faction, I would like to inherit it directly. In this way, the power of the first and second year of senior high school will be gathered together, and we can fight against the third year of senior high school together, forcing Guan Xin to abdicate. However, it was very difficult for the sophomores to obey the orders of the first year.

After Lv Xiang left, there were quite a few of them in their second year of high school. The first one was Zhang Huaifu, who had the same surname as me. Logically speaking, we had some common language, but this person was the most headstrong. Why? Because he was short, known as the head of the seven dwarves, how to say, he was the kind of short, short, but big head, natural dwarves, but this did not hinder his growth in other aspects, his physical strength was not worse than others, no matter what ability was normal, only short. When Lv Xiang was around, he was following Lv Xiang's lead, but when Lv Xiang left, I went to look for him. He didn't care much about me, and he said to me:

"It's okay to merge, but I have to take over the position of boss. You guys are in the first year of senior high school, and you listen to our second year of senior high school. It's normal. Let's deal with the third year of senior high school together. How about that?"

I said, "I can't make a decision about this. Your sophomores are leaderless now. Can you make a decision?"

He said disdainfully, "I can! You can't decide?"

I said, "Yes, I want to ask my brothers what they mean!"

When I got back, I had a meeting with Lu Kaixin, Xie Xiongfeng, Wang Kai and Kai Qiang. Lu Kaixin was the first one to disagree and scolded:

"Fuck, he's such a little dwarf who still wants to be our boss. How can he be beautiful? Laozi is taller than the two of them. Why don't you listen to him? Are you ashamed?"


Everyone was laughing, but he was right. Lu Kaixin was nearly 1.9 meters away, and the guy stood in front of Lu Kaixin like his son and father.

I was also very unhappy with this Zhang Huaifu. When I talked to him, he was just pretending that he had to be the boss and rule our first year of high school before he was willing to give up. Even when I allied with him, he refused to let me treat him as well as Lv Xiang. Is he as popular and famous as Lv Xiang?

However, in less than a week, Guan Xin's side gave the entire school a reply. He did not retire for the time being and was still the boss, but he supported Zhang Huaifu to be the boss of grade one and grade two!

As soon as this rumor was released, the whole school became a sensation. The second year and the third year of senior high school joined forces to suppress our first year of senior high school.

Lu Kaixin, Kai Qiang, and my brothers were all very upset. They wanted to come with me to find justice with Guan Xin, but I didn't see Guan Xin's face. I saw his military advisor Liu Shu and Liu Shu.

"Zhang Feng, how did you get along? Everyone knows that Li Xunhuan and Tong Hao are still here. This boss is not in your shoes, is he?"

I didn't say anything. He's still stronger than me. I can only listen. He added,

"Lv Xiang is gone, and the situation has collapsed. You have seen the union between the second and third year of senior high school. If you know what's going on, you can cling to the blessing. Then the whole high school will be fine. If you don't know what's going on, two grades will beat one grade of you. You can do it yourself!"

After that, he left, leaving me with a face full of gnashing teeth. This, has already said so clearly, what else to say. When I got back and finished talking to my brothers, Lu Kaixin was the most furious:

"Go ahead, be afraid of him! I can't stand Liu Shu pretending to be a dog for a long time!"

Wang Kai shook his head and said,

"Sophomores and juniors are already more than us, plus they are older than us, and they know more scumbags outside the school. We are the ones who suffer from this fight. Aibin just left, and it was difficult for senior one to settle down. Then fight again. When they are sophomores and juniors of the same caliber, maybe Zhang Feng you will be forced to drop out of school!"

What he said was not unreasonable. Once the fight broke out, they would definitely identify me together. It was me who caused the trouble. Then the school leaders would definitely do the same thing as me.

What should we do?

Kai Qiang, on the other hand, thought about it for a long time and came up with a good idea. He said, "We can break it one by one, especially if we break Zhang Huaifu first, then Guan Xin and Liu Shu. We don't have to fight in groups. In that case, it's too big a deal, and getting fired is for sure!"

Hearing what he said, I asked, "How do we break it?"

"If he's lecherous, find him a girl. If he's good at wine, put something in his wine, just give it to him. Got it?"

Kai Qiang's words went to every one of us. Indeed, this method was well done. We spent a week and found a bright spot. This huaifu, he liked Zheng Yuting, the sophomore school flower, and he was always chasing after her. Although Zhang Huaifu was short, she also looked like 1.6 meters, and this school flower, just in the early 160s, could not say that their stature was completely unsuitable. If Zheng Yuting could take a fancy to him, it would be a ghost.

But before he had no strength, now he became the boss of the second year of senior high school, who dared not listen to his orders, who dared to steal Zheng Yuting from him. It was said that one of Zheng Yuting's suitors knelt down in the rain last week and begged Zheng Yuting for love. When Zhang Huaifu's people saw him, Zhang Huaifu took people directly to break the suitor's leg. Although it was not broken, it was enough for that person to stay in the hospital for a while. This was really cruel.

This Zheng Yuting, is Zhang Huaifu's lover, who touches who dies, but to deal with him, it has to start with this Zheng Yuting. In itself, we were going to deal with Guan Xin, but Guan Xin and Liu Shu were about to graduate. In the last six months of school, there were no good waves. They didn't bother us, and we were too lazy to care about them.

The only enemy, now, was Zhang Huaifu. As for this person, I've also contacted Lv Xiang. Lv Xiang said that he doesn't care about things here. We can fight as much as we want. It's normal. The boss's position is reserved for the capable.

Originally, I was worried about Lv Xiang, but with boss lu's words, I had nothing to say. All the senior brothers agreed with me, attacked Zhang Huaifu, and tried to overthrow him, then Guan Xin had nothing to say.

Just like the treacherous Liu Shu said, my position as the first boss of senior high school was entirely my turn to paddle, not my ability to get it.

Then, this battle with Zhang Huaifu became my real battle of fame. I must rely on my own strength to defeat him and successfully obtain the jurisdiction of the second year of high school.

I was completely unfamiliar with Zheng Yuting, or did Wang Kai, the gossipy loudspeaker, say that this person was amazing and could be said to be the campus flower of the entire Qizhong, impeccable. However, she was not a good student and did not like to study, but she was not a pure female gangster. Unlike Ao Xiaoxue before, she was a female student who was half a student and half a student, and she knew some gangsters. She also pretended to be a lady and sat in the classroom all day. Sometimes she was scary and sometimes she was cute. But the most important thing was her beauty. Wang Kai promised that I would never see anything special.

I thought to myself, is there any other beauty I haven't seen before? Is shen yuqing not bad looking? She was a bitch. Chen Zihan is my little sister. Isn't she pretty? Isn't Ao Xiaoxue pretty? These are all school beauties. It's funny to say I've never seen a beautiful woman.

However, when wang kai, with our wolf friends, went to the back gate of the school gate to guard and observe this Zheng Yuting, we were all confused, because this woman, is really a goddess, and Ao Xiaoxue and they belong to different styles.

But it was so beautiful that one could not breathe. How dare Zhang Huaifu keep such a goddess? Just the way he looks?

The only drawback was that she was not so tall as Ao Xiaoxue and the others. But her big, nimble eyes, flawless face, delicate nose, together, were indeed a little more beautiful than ao xiaoxue and the others.

How to put it, if it was just a face, this Zheng Yuting was better. This is exquisite beauty.

But if it's more than my figure, I think my woman Xiao Xue is better. At least her breasts are not as big as Zheng Yuting's wangzai steamed bun.

I was worried about a goddess like this. When we got back to the dormitory, we talked about it. Did we kidnap her, threaten Zhang Huaifu, and beat him up to make him abdicate?

I'm a little disdainful of this method, because this is Qiao Youliang's way of dealing with me, Aibin's way of dealing with me, and I'm disdainful of holding a woman hostage to threaten her.

Although I don't have much strength, I've seen this kind of method a few times and I've been disgusted, so when they said that, I didn't agree to use this method to kidnap Zheng Yuting, and I said:

"Didn't Zheng Yuting say that she had power outside? If we kidnap her, she'll call in a gangster outside. Isn't that causing trouble?"

After much thought, there was nothing we could do about it. Finally, Li Bin, this guy, came out of a corner and said,

"Before Zhang Huaifu got her in his hands, he pissed Zhang Huaifu off."

All of us, our eyes lit up!