Chapter 214 Big Gold Watch

I'm speechless, damn it. This woman is too cheap, and Zhang Yanyan is too cheap. Aren't they grinding tofu while I'm away? This is too heavy, too cheap, damn it, but thinking about me makes me hard, doesn't she want me to take them flying?

When I went out, I was thinking about this question, but I already had dinner with Chen Ying, so I didn't have to eat. I just asked them where they were, and after they told me where they were, I went. It was a small bar, really coquettish. Fortunately, I didn't think of her as my real girlfriend, or else I would have been covered in green hats. When I got there, I saw the two of them sitting at the bar counter. Zhang Yanyan was dressed in a very flashy and sexy outfit. Otherwise, I believe no one would like to look at her with her face, and Min Sue was a little more low-key.

Socks, short skirts, high heels, and a bit of makeup were all the same as usual, but she was already ten times better looking than Zhang Yanyan, so although she was dressed in a low-key but not revealing flesh, she was also much more attractive than Zhang Yanyan. Zhang Yanyan was mainly showing her breasts, and from behind, as long as she did not look at her ugly face, she looked good, but looking at her ugly face, many people were not interested in her.

I really don't understand why a girl like her would dare to look down on me. How can I say that ugly people do more mischief?

I said hello to Min Sue. When she saw me coming, she came over in surprise and hugged my shoulder and said with a smile:

"Ouba, you're here."

After that, a monkey stole a peach and fished it into my crotch. I was shocked and almost didn't have a cramp in my foot. I scolded him.

"What are you doing, grass? There are so many people here. Don't make a fool of me."

Because I sent Chen Ying back and was chased by the black fat man, it was already 8: 9 pm. At this time, it was the peak of the bar, bustling with people, inside and outside the bar, and the people dancing in the middle of the dance floor kept shaking their heads. Because Min Sue and Zhang Yanyan were sitting in front of each other, I could easily see them, but the same, Other men could easily see them too.

Min Sue, Zhang Yanyan, and I greeted this scene, was seen by many men with jealous eyes, because under the dim light, Min Sue is a real beauty, they are envious, I think it is really cool, if Ao Xiaoxue, Chen Zihan, such a beautiful woman, I don't know if you are directly spurting.

But even so, I am very proud. I am not afraid of these stupid eyes. In fact, I am also a loser. I have no money, but my mentality is not a loser.

Min Sue laughed and said,

"What's the matter, Ouba? Don't you want to go to me tonight? Don't you dare say you don't want to?"

I was speechless. I stared at her and whispered in her ear,

"Can you be serious and act like a girl? You're always so mean."

Min Sue giggled, while Zhang Yanyan said,

"That is to say, I was cheap with you. A few men just hooked up with ah' e. She didn't even pay attention to him, and there were a few handsome men."

When I heard this, I was unhappy again. I said,

"Then why don't you hook up with a handsome guy? Why are you sitting here waiting for me? Really."

I didn't expect that this bitch, Zhang Yanyan, would actually take the blame and say:

"Who's waiting for you? If you don't look at yourself, then ah' e will be able to catch up with you. If you dare to chase me, you won't be able to catch up for ten years!"

I forced myself to throw up and couldn't help but tell her:

"Then I would rather be single for ten years..."

"If you can't eat grapes, say sour!"

She cut and left. She was dressed much more seductively than Min Sue. Her high heels were almost 20 centimeters. She was not tall at all. After wearing this outfit, she attracted a lot of attention from her friends in the bar.

I shook my head, wondering why there are so many self-righteous women in the world, similar to sister feng, who feel good about themselves.

After she left, Min Sue must have drunk a lot and his face was flushed. He came over and put his arm around my neck and said,

"Ouba, you're not eating with me today, are you eating with another woman?"

I was shocked. Did she see it? I quickly said no.

She asked me, "Is it Wu Jieling? Say it!"

I sighed and said in a low voice,

"I already said no. If you say any more, I'll leave. It's so annoying."

She quickly said,

"Then I won't say it, Ouba. Don't be angry. I don't want to be a woman in charge. I'm just worried about you. Come on, have a drink."

In fact, I don't know what kind of wine it is. Anyway, when the bartender mixed it up, it was very strong. In the upper brain, I felt uncomfortable. After drinking it, I felt a little dizzy.

She wanted me to drink, I said,

"I don't want to drink anymore, and you don't want to drink anymore. The alcohol level is not something that our students can handle. Do you want to go back to school? Even though it's the weekend, I don't want to stay in a hotel anymore."

When I got up, I saw her staggering. I said,

"It's okay, it's okay. I'm leaving. I really don't understand what you like about me. You have to pester me."

I'm telling the truth. I don't know what attracted her to me. This bitch keeps pestering me and threatening me with Wu Jieling's secret, which makes me very unhappy.

"Is there any other reason for liking Ouba?"

She looked at me with her charming eyes.

"Do you need a reason to like someone? Do you need a reason?"

I figured she drank a lot too. She definitely drank more than I did. I shook my head and asked her.

"When are you leaving?"

When I asked her, I was looking right in the middle of the dance floor. Zhang Yanyan, this bitch, kept shaking her body in the middle of the dance floor. Although she had an ugly face, she could still find the right place and the right place for a woman, especially the pair of big apple-like butts. They could really hook up with a lot of men. There were a few guys I thought were gangsters who kept rubbing around her, touching, and touching. And danced with her.

This Zhang Yanyan was probably drunk, so she didn't notice anyone touching her. Maybe she knew that she was enjoying it on purpose. Anyway, she was so cheap, and there was a gangster who was very bold. He went straight into her dress and socks, put his hand in it, and put it in that place. When I saw it, I felt sick, so I told Min Sue,

"Look over there. Don't let your roommate get his turn here. I won't be able to do anything about it then."

Min Sue said,

"What's wrong?"

Then she looked at the place I was looking at. Although Min Sue was a little drunk and felt the same way as I did after that drink, she was not retarded. When she saw this scene, she shouted:

"Hey, hey, what are you doing?"

She stood up and almost fell because of the alcohol. I helped her up and she had already come down from the high stool.

He walked towards the dance floor.

I glanced at it, numb. Because Zhang Yanyan didn't respond, the bastard really stuffed it into her panties to touch it. The other guy also rubbed against the heat and blocked her from being seen by others.

I thought she didn't respond. It was only when I walked up to her that I realized that Zhang Yanyan was shouting. The sound was too loud here, so I couldn't hear it. Zhang Yanyan's mouth moved, and nothing else moved.

Because I have a prejudice against this woman, and I am too lazy to care about her. It annoys me to death. Who made her dress like a chicken?

But Min Sue also went up. I rolled my eyes speechless and took another sip of wine. I didn't like to cause trouble. I told Min Sue to leave it alone, but she ignored me, she said.

"That's my roommate. I brought her out. She's with me. I don't care who cares about her. She's still my best friend."

That last sentence left me speechless. She had such a close friend, no wonder she was not a good person.

I'm too lazy to cause trouble. Today, I had a fight with the black fat man and the others. It was very disturbing. This whole bar could not have been without the gangsters watching the place. What if they were besieged? Running away again? Don't worry about it.

I had to go up and find the right opportunity to take Min Sue away, but seeing her like this, I wanted to save her best friend, Zhang Yanyan. I was sick of Zhang Yanyan, and I wanted to save her.

I followed in a bad mood.

At this moment, Zhang Yanyan's top was almost taken off, and her bra was still on her body. This bitch actually wore a transparent bra. No wonder she was touched and died.

Min Sue went up and pulled out the hand of the bastard who put his hand into Zhang Yanyan's underwear. Then, he shook his hand and gave him a mouthful.

"Do you want to go back and touch your own wife, or do you want to be shameless?"

And the other gangster, she went over and gave him a kick.

Just then, when we got closer, we realized that Zhang Yanyan was grabbed by a gangster in front of her. She wasn't dancing, she was struggling.

That bastard, about 1.75 meters tall, wasn't very tanned and wore a big gold watch. Next to him was his cousin, who also wore a big gold watch. His cousin might be younger than me. Just call him the big gold watch.

Min Sue went over and gave the big gold watch a kick in the crotch. The big gold watch was not a bad idea. When he saw his foot coming, he quickly dodged, or else he would suffer.

Min Sue lost his balance and almost fell because he didn't hit her. I quickly held her up and I said, "Hurry up and take her away. It's not good to stay here for long."

I also pulled yanyan, because I was very strong, I pulled her out immediately. I found that, with the big gold watch, there were at least three thugs touching Zhang Yanyan together.

Because I pulled too hard, the cousin of the big gold watch, the kid who also had the big gold watch, was about in high school and junior high school. His watch fell off, and the gold watch should be of good quality, but this time, the needle on the watch fell out and broke.

We used to play with this watch when we were young. It had both an hour hand and a minute hand, which could be used to adjust the time. The others weren't broken. Only these two things fell out. They must be broken.

The child, the cousin of the big gold watch, Xiaojinbiao, burst into tears and said,

"Cousin, my watch, my watch, the watch I bought last year! It's broken! It's him. He pulled this woman and made me fall!"

At this moment, a stone caused a thousand waves, and everyone looked over to me. Min Sue was still scolding, and Zhang Yanyan was scolding too. Her eyes were red and she said, "Color ratio, it's all color ratio. Why do you touch me? Touch your own mother!"

I thought to myself, he has become the target of public criticism, still scolding here, wait to see people let you go, stop writing.

I sighed. I was the only one who could do it. There was no way. I couldn't do it with a dead woman like this.

The big gold watch seemed to be one of the big brothers here. I don't know if it was the big brother who was watching the show or not. In any case, he was immediately surrounded by four or five gangsters, including the one who touched Zhang Yanyan's underwear, and surrounded us together.

The gold watch cursed.

"Fuck, the people who beat us and broke the gold watch. If you want to leave like this, is there a way?"