Chapter 231 Department Handle

I didn't dare to look at it, and I didn't dare to rush up and stop it. My mind was blank, and I just felt sick and didn't want to look at it anymore. I didn't know how I could rush up to save Zhao Hang, because I was afraid that I would see that scene, and I was afraid that I wouldn't be able to eat every meal in the future, so I didn't dare to go up and stop it. Zhao Hang was fine, but he wouldn't die. All he could hear was his constant screams, not to mention his shrill voice.

Xie Xiongfeng smiled and asked me,

"Well, I didn't lie to you, did I? I told you, this ghost uncle is not 6?"

All I could say was, "Not six."

Yao Zi followed. He wanted to see it too. Brother Qiang came too, but I stopped him. The less people knew about this, the better. They wouldn't be able to eat if they saw it.

Not long after, Ghost Uncle was done. Xie Xiongfeng and Kong Xiaoming went to help them put on their clothes. None of this was involved. I was afraid to see their bodies, so I didn't dare to go up. It was disgusting. I wonder if those roommates were poisoned by Ghost Uncle. I didn't dare to think about it anyway.

On the way back, it was still uncle ghost's car. None of us got our driver's license and were too young to learn. Ghost Uncle's face was ruddy and he hummed along the way as if he was enjoying himself. I really didn't expect a character like Ghost Uncle to dislike women and like men.

Occasionally, I glanced at Ghost Uncle, and I didn't know if Ghost Uncle knew I was watching that scene, but Xie Xiongfeng and the others knew Ghost Uncle's hobbies, so they smiled at each other. I really admire Xie Xiongfeng and the others. They are web worms. I heard that web worms have seen all kinds of movies, so I can accept this. If it were me, I wouldn't accept it. They actually laughed.

Ghost Uncle saw me looking at him and nodded at me with a smile. When he smiled at me, I felt embarrassed and paralyzed. I quickly looked out the window.

The people in the back seat, including Zhao Hang, were all dressed, but they didn't tie them up, they didn't resist, and along the way, they didn't say anything, only heard Zhao Hang's roommate sobbing slightly.

I saw tears on Zhao Hang's face as well, but he didn't dare to let me see them. Instead, he lowered his head and buried his head in his knees, not knowing what he was thinking.

How to say, let a man like this, not convinced by us gangsters, actually shed tears. It is conceivable that this blow, more than killing him, will make him uncomfortable.

The car soon reached the downtown area. Before it reached our school, Ghost Uncle said he would return the car and let us take a taxi back. Xie Xiongfeng and Kong Xiaoming also said:

"Madman, we'll go back with Ghost Uncle. We have to take the train. We won't send you back."

Normally, he was going to play with me for two days. It's been a long time since he met his old classmates, but he knew the horror in my heart and said he was leaving. I didn't keep them because it was really hard for me to accept it.

In the past, when I was in high school, I was the boss. They were my little brothers and roommates. I'm sure they didn't dare to let this happen. But now, things have changed. Everyone has grown up. They're not kids anymore.

When we got back, Zhao Hang and the others were trembling. We took three taxis and pulled us back to school. When we reached the school gate, Zhao Hang and I separated. When Zhao Hang got out of the car, his legs were shaking. I pulled him and said to him apologetically:

"What about that, Zhao Hang? Actually, I didn't want to do this today. I didn't know it was like this."

I know, this is worse than beating him up.

Who knew, just as I finished this sentence, this Zhao Hang actually shed tears, cried out, and he cursed.

"How can you do this? You're a beast! Beast, go to hell!"

After that, his lips trembled and he walked forward alone. I saw his body shaking.

But he can still curse, which means that he is fine, but the psychological trauma is too great.

And his roommates, who did not know if they had suffered that kind of torture, also left without stopping.

Yao Zi and Brother Qiang, on the other hand, looked at each other. They didn't see the scene and asked me:

"Madman, what's going on? Why is that guy crying? Shit, is he crying? Did you see that there were so many people at the school gate and there were girls? He was crying, hahaha."

That's a relief, but I'm not going to say anything about Ghost Uncle. He's a gay man. I just said:

"Maybe it's because of that statue. That thing, when I look at it, is evil."

Yao Zi suddenly realized and slapped his thigh.

"That's right. It can't be a cult, can it? Don't be so scary. No wonder it's called Ghost Uncle. Did he drop his head or something?"

As soon as I mentioned this, I thought of that creepy statue. I didn't know what kind of evil god it was, and how did Ghost Uncle know about that place? All of this, I didn't ask, and I was too lazy to ask. When I thought about Ghost Uncle's treatment of Zhao Hang, I felt embarrassed and flustered.

However, after this incident, Zhao Hang didn't come to school for more than two weeks, let alone threaten Wu Jieling. When he came back, he was honest and didn't challenge us anymore. He just talked to Yao Zi:

"Let's not mess with him, and he won't mess with us anymore. If we like to be the boss of our class, we'll do it. He won't bother, just treat it like a stranger we don't know."

This is the best way. I don't know if he's afraid of us or Ghost Uncle, but after this incident, there's no longer any resistance in our class, and I, naturally, became the leader of the class.

After a while, with the help of the basketball team captain, Yao Zi and Mengzi, our entire department was within the reach of our faction.

The captain of the basketball team is a sophomore, all of them are tall and big, and he can basically replace all the sophomores who respect me, so, in the end, our entire garden department has become my world, in fact, college students, not as fierce as high school students, many people have lost their blood, falling in love has become a common meal, and occasionally playing basketball has also been moistened, not as in high school before the kind of fighting and killing..

Now that the whole department is backing us up, our dormitory building, our first floor, and the two floors, including a few people on the fourth floor, are all male dormitories of our department.

Although I haven't met all of these people, and they don't all know me, they've all heard of my name, the one on one instructor, the appointment point with the instructor.

They were all connected to Yao Zi. Yao Zi's public relations skills were very strong, it could be said that he was super strong, stronger than Wang Kai in high school. He contacted the captain of the basketball team, the seniors of the sophomores and juniors, and so on.

As for why in the end, sophomores, juniors and even seniors listen to me? This is the so-called "Strong people are respected," or rather, they have no blood, they are not willing to fight with me.

This way, he had the confidence to deal with the black fat man or other forces, and Zhao Hang also knew about this, knew that I was the shoulder of the whole department, and he didn't say anything, but just smiled coldly, as if he hadn't smiled since that incident. It was only after his sophomore year that he forgot about it and gradually relaxed his mood.

During this time, Chen Ying and I had dinner a few times. Miraculously, the black fat people seemed to know that I had done something to carry the burden, but they didn't bother me. But I knew that I would definitely trouble them, but if they didn't come, I couldn't find an excuse to go straight to him.

According to Yao Zi, "Just wait for them to come! We can do it with them anytime!"

And between Chen Ying and I, I don't know why. It's always like there's a layer of film between us. It's just that we're always in the so-called friend state.

In fact, I have a Xiao Xue in my heart. I want to hit her in the face. She hasn't contacted me for so long. Maybe she just hates me for being slapped by Zheng Yuting and the others. I want to prove to her that I'm not a man nobody wants. I can also find a good female ticket, such as Chen Ying.

Chen Ying's impression of me is getting better and better. Ever since I saved her, her foot burns have gotten better and better. I often help her check the information and hope that there are no scars. Then I can't wear sandals and high heels. That's a pity.

And in the meantime, something else happened that made her impression of me even better.

The thing is, that day, Chen Ying and her best friend went shopping outside school. I happened to run into them and asked them what to buy. How did I know that Chen Ying was so embarrassed that he shoved the plastic bag aside and refused to show it to me?

I figured it was a pad or something, so I kept asking if it was cosmetics or something, and then I asked:

"Did you buy a new phone and not show it to me? How stingy. How many times have I treated you to dinner?"

Her best friend couldn't help but roll her eyes and scold her.

"Take it, take it. Look at a woman's underwear too. Shameless, pervert. You're just like the thief who stole underwear, pervert!"

Her best friend actually threw the bag at me, but I didn't catch it. It happened that the colorful female underwear fell all over the floor. It was red, pink, black and covered. It made me blush. The one who wanted to help her pick it up was not the one who didn't pick it up. It happened to be near the school gate. Many people could see it. It was embarrassing.

Her best friend said,

"Pick it up, or your Chen Ying will ignore you. There's her bra inside."

Chen Ying walked away, her face was red and moving, and I was speechless. The two of them left me, a big man, picking up underwear on the ground, and the ground was dusty. I had to help pat it. Many passers-by looked at me with disdain.

"Hey, hey, sis, you guys don't want your covers anymore?"