Chapter 244 Accounting Department Versus Landscape Department

"Give it a try."

It was just these three words that made me a little confused. I only got the result after questioning.

She agreed and wanted to try it with me. The deadline was one month. I want to see if I can find the feeling of heartache. If there is no feeling of heartache together, then there is no meaning. To be together for gratitude, and to repay, it is meaningless, not love.

She said, to be honest, when we were together, we were really touched, angry, everything, everything. I did a lot for her, and it was impossible to say that I wasn't touched at all, but if I couldn't find the feeling, it wouldn't make any sense to force us to be together.

For this answer, I felt a little uncomfortable. If she really liked me, she wouldn't say that, but directly agreed to me.

I felt a little frustrated. That night, I didn't sleep much. I didn't talk to anyone about this. I was afraid that something embarrassing would be known. However, since she also said that the one-month deadline, then I will try my best to do well.

During this period, I did my best to be a temporary boyfriend, and she gave me the opportunity. This month, I did a good job, and she had a good time. Both boys and girls were like this, and they needed the nourishment of love. Although we haven't officially become boyfriend and girlfriend, she should have spent so many lonely nights and felt how I felt about her.

During this period, the black fat man and his gang often came to harass us, but I was already the boss of the Garden department, and I was not afraid of him. Every time, he would be defeated. There was no big struggle between us, nor did we attract the attention of the school. At most, his people wanted to shadow me occasionally, but they were not my opponents who were beaten back, or occasionally met them in the cafeteria. After a big fight, neither side could get much benefit.

The only thing that was worth noting was that the black fat group also gathered most of the boys in the Accounting department together, but no matter how much they gathered, there were not as many people in our department as there were in our department, and they had fewer boys in the Accounting department.

In this way, both sides came and went, there was damage. The main trigger, I know, is Chen Ying. These people think of Chen Ying as the goddess of the Accounting department. I flirted with their goddess. Of course, they have to protect her. To be honest, the hatred between us is not as great as the hatred between me and instructor Wang Zhan. It's all about women.

However, it didn't affect my date with Chen Ying. Just like that, my relationship with Chen Ying grew deeper and deeper. Even in the end, I was happy that in a short time, there might be rice cooked between us. At that time, even if she wanted to back off, there was no other way. She was about to surrender after being bombarded by my sugar-coated shells.

Yao Zi and the rest of them often helped me out and had dinner dates with Chen Ying's best friend. They also thought her best friend looked good. They asked me to introduce her to them. As soon as they got to know each other, the relationship between Chen Ying and I became more and more stable. A month passed, and I didn't mention the "Change of status." I was afraid that I would put too much pressure on her, so I continued as a "Temporary boyfriend." It's good, too.

I was afraid that if I pointed it out and applied for a new boyfriend, it would be too much pressure on her and might backfire. That's not what I wanted to see.

But the people around me felt that I had gotten into the Accounting department department flower, not to mention how cool, jealous and hateful.

Miraculously, during this period of time, it was not known whether Shen Yuqing had come home early for the new year or something. It had never happened before, and only occasionally saw Li Xinyi, the department flower, still in school.

In fact, it was only later that I realized that this was normal. In college, one month, even one and a half months before the exam, almost all of them were free. There were no classes. They were just playing around in school.

I was a little confused that Shen Yuqing had gone away and disappeared after I slapped him, but I knew she would come back and let me go. I didn't believe it.

During this time, my class, including Wu Jieling, including Min Sue and Ding Chun, met me on the university campus. When they saw me walking with Chen Ying, some of them might think that Chen Ying was blind to be with me, some thought that I was lucky to be walking, some thought that I was the girlfriend of a goddess who begged for nothing, but no matter what, I raised my eyebrows and puffed up..

The only way to get cocky is to find a goddess who can blow up her "Ex" regardless of her physique, temperament and appearance.

Although money was the only way to go against an attack in this world, the simplest and most direct way was to find a better one to piss off your ex.

And the black fat man and his gang who had been in hibernation for so long and hadn't touched me had found their way to the door two weeks before the exam, and they were here to fight.

We had a lot of big and small battles before, and it was the first time he came to deliver the invitation himself. Moreover, at this time, even the supervision of the school was much less intense. Several times when we went downstairs to check when the lights were off at night, we found that the dormitory management did not lock the door.

Because there were a lot of people going back to their hometown during this period, most of the students stopped classes, either there were no classes, or there were no classes at all. The teacher was also very free to delay classes for a few days, or two weeks of classes and do a week's supply to the students, or simply focus on the students to pass the exam. We also met a teacher who focused on english and morality. It was almost exactly the same. It was all the required questions. We laughed at that time. The university teacher really took care of us.

When the black fat man came to post the battle invitation, the people in our dormitory all laughed, not only in our dormitory, but also in the short and fat dormitory next door. To say that before, we were afraid of them, that was true. The black fat man and his group could fight, and they had practiced kung fu, ordinary people couldn't beat them.

But it wasn't too late for the Garden department to post until we were all on the same front and they all recognized me as their boss.

However, I came up with the possibility that many students have gone home. There are very few Garden department students who can stay in the school, which is 30 or 40 % less than usual!

However, no matter what, we can't be afraid of the black fat man and his Accounting department. How can such a feminine army be our opponent?

When the black fat man and the others walked out, even little sun xiaojia taunted and scolded them.

"We're really here to die. We still dare to make a pact. Let's die, Brother Feng. We'll go too. We'll have to avenge ourselves!"

I laughed at them and said,

"It's not a feud that happened many years ago, it's a feud that happened not long after school started. Just this year's feud. How dare you do it then?"

They all said,

"Dare, don't worry, after so many trials and tribulations, you can be considered as brother feng. Brother Qiang, you have been together for so long. If we are still so weak, then we are not men!"

Seeing them like this, Yao Zi also recorded and said:

"Okay, I'll record it on my cell phone. If you don't do anything, I'll beat your ass!"

Xiaojia patted his chest and said,

"Steady, don't worry, I'll beat them up. I've been training a lot this semester. This month, I've been doing 100 push-ups and pull-ups every day. There's absolutely no problem dealing with them!"

That's what Xiaosun meant, and we all thought it was funny.

This battle, because it was about the honor and disgrace of our department, as well as my personal honor and disgrace, I specifically asked Yao Zi. The next day, he contacted the members of the basketball team's first to fourth year Garden department. Most of them were there, rarely leaving school to go home, and the other classes who could fight, who could get along, who were clamoring to join the fight.

This time, I felt safe in my heart. On the second and third day, we arranged this matter and invited them to a meal. We invited the leaders of every class and grade to a meal. My right and left hands, Yao Zi and Ming Ming, accompanied the meal. It was basically easy to catch. Everyone promised to be stable. They would definitely come and not stand up. It was related to the honor and disgrace of our Garden department. There's no way he won't come.

And I also feel that this time, they will definitely be defeated by the Accounting department, but this matter, I kept it from Chen Ying, she did not know about this matter, but I know that if she finally found out about this matter, she would definitely be angry, but, this battle is determined to do, the battle invitation is also theirs, if Chen Ying gets angry, I will also shift the responsibility to the black fat man and the others.

The time for the invitation was sunday, and as the days went by, I was almost sure that Yao Zi had asked about it. The black fat man did work with the Department of art. The handsome Zhong Yingshan from the Department of art did call a lot of punks in the company, but no matter what, he was a girl. In the last class we had a friendship with, 90 % of them were women. So the men who can fight, I'm sure, can't compete with us in any way. And my fighting capacity, from half a year ago, slowly improved. I believe that if I were to fight with the instructors again, we would never lose so badly.

I have learned the cannon thump, and I have almost mastered it. I will not, I will not, but I remember the essence of it, I really did practice well, I am much stronger than the normal tai chi people. Even if I fight old man yang an in the future, I think I can fight him for a while and not lose so early.

This time, everything was ready only when the time came.

These days, when I was dating Chen Ying, she asked me,

"Why are you so happy? Is there anything good?"

I coughed and said,

"I'm not happy that you're with me. We're so close now. I'm sure I'm happy."

She was stunned for a moment, but she didn't say anything, just continued to drink milk tea, and at this time, a few figures appeared in the opposite milk tea shop. They were black, fat, yellow, and tall.

There are many milk tea shops in Four canteens, and this row is almost full, so there's nothing strange about it.

When she saw them, she even greeted them.

"Zhang Jiji, do you drink milk tea too?"

She didn't know that our relationship was about to break out in a fixed war. She thought we were just unhappy in the past, but now we haven't crossed paths.

Hearing her call, the black fat man and the yellow-haired man grinned and walked over with milk tea. They sat across from us and didn't care about me at all. They asked Chen Ying:

"What's wrong, Yingzi? Drinking milk tea alone?"

Chen Ying said,

"No, I'm with him."

The black fat man pretended not to see me and said,

"Who and where? I don't see anyone. Are you drinking milk tea with me?"

Then, the yellow hair and the tall and skinny men burst out laughing.

Chen Ying coughed awkwardly.

"We're still drinking milk tea. Let's talk about such vulgar things. Zhang Jiji, you can go. Don't get tired of it."

"The goddess opened her mouth. Of course we have to go. I wish you a good drink, but where is this fart I farted? It smells terrible. The goddess should leave this fart earlier! Otherwise, I don't know if this fart will last until graduation."

Then, he left with a big laugh. I knew he was talking about me. I was secretly angry. At that moment, I had the Qizhong to make him lie down for two seconds, but I endured it for Chen Ying.

Chen Ying cursed.

"Really, this guy, what are you talking about?"

Then she looked at me and said in surprise,

"What's wrong with you, Zhang Feng? Your veins are popping out. What's the matter? I know they are a little vulgar. Don't mind. For my sake, don't make things difficult for them, okay? The adults don't remember the little people, okay?"

She shook my arm and looked like a little woman. She was rarely like this. She used to be a cold goddess. All of a sudden, I was not used to doing this to me, but I nodded.

"Well, I promise you, I won't argue with those vulgar people who just fart. Don't worry!"

She said yes and asked me,

"Are you free tonight? Let's go to the pond. It's said that it's beautiful to see the lake at night."

I remembered what happened with Shen Yuqing that day, but I still promised her:

"That's great. We'll be there after dinner."

Since we had the chance to be alone, we might be able to get our first kiss. No matter what, we have progressed a step further, thanks to the black fat man.

But the revenge he had for calling me a fart had to be avenged. I wrote it down.