An hour.

Two hours.

Four hours

Six hours later, there was no movement from the evening to the early morning of the night.

Most villagers have been unable to sleep. In the past month, they are almost in fear and under unimaginable pressure mentally.

This night, there were abyss Knights guarding aside. Many people instinctively felt at ease and slept more stably than ever before.

"What are you thinking?" Dongli saw that Chen Gou was distracted, so he put away the strange devil book in his hand and asked.

The strange devil book is not thick, but it records almost all the evil demons that have appeared in canglan continent. He had tried to find clues from it, but naturally there was no result.

"I wonder how this evil devil exists."

Chen Gougang just searched his mind for the movies and TV dramas he had seen. He vaguely felt that this mysterious evil should exist in his memory.

I've just seen too many film and television dramas, in which there have been countless demons and ghosts, and they are a little old. I really can't figure out the clue for a time.

"No matter what way it is, as long as it appears, it will leave a trace!"

Dongli Leng snorted, "in short, no matter how much it costs, I will find him and kill him."

This is the first task for him and Chen Gou to join the abyss knights. The reward is small and the face is big.

The failure of the first task will have a very adverse impact on their position in the minds of the leaders of the Department.

Chen Gou didn't speak. He was afraid of death and cherished his life. He didn't stick to things like face as much as Dongli.

I don't know how long it took

"Ah... Don't come here!"

"Go away!"

Suddenly, a sleeping villager in the East screamed bitterly.

Chen Gou looked in this direction from the beginning.

The middle-aged villager suddenly sat up from the ground, grabbed and pulled his hands desperately in front of his chest and neck, and tore his skin without stopping.

Soon it was a blur of flesh and blood.

And always close your eyes, like sleepwalking.

Chen Gou hurriedly summoned the goddess of dawn, and a solar flare almost instantly fell on the villagers.

But the villagers didn't wake up. They screamed wildly and tore hard. On the contrary, there were scars burned by sunburn on the body surface.

"Light forces cannot be expelled?"

Chen Gou's heart sank. The solar flare didn't play any role.

This means that the mysterious demon is either powerful enough to ignore the solar flare, or its body is not nearby.

Or, it is not strong enough to ignore the law skills, but the attack method of solar flare can't hurt it.

Chen Gou prefers the last


The villagers suddenly shot two blood arrows.

One is the mouth of the heart, where there is a big hole with thick arms, and the heart bursts directly for no reason.

One is the throat. The carotid artery and trachea were torn alive by the villagers themselves!

In the blink of an eye, in less than a minute, a living adult man died strangely on the spot.

Silence like death!

Everyone looked ugly and looked at the corpse quietly lying in a pool of blood in fear.

The air was filled with a creepy smell, and the villagers were terrified.

"It's definitely mental bewitchment, otherwise why would he commit suicide?" A member of the wildfire team affirmed.

"Shut up! If it's bewitching suicide, how do you explain the hole in his heart?"

Dongli's tone was cold. He was in a bad mood. He felt a deep provocation and contempt. The other party was unscrupulous!

"It's a mirage!"

Chen Gou affirmed, and then asked Dongli to hook his neck with his arm from behind and make a look of oppression and suffocation.

"If someone attacks from behind like this, the reaction of ordinary people can only be to tear like this. The longer they suffocate, the more crazy they tear, and that person can pierce their heart from behind."

Chen Gou turned over the body. Sure enough, there was a blood hole in his heart behind him.

"That's still the question... How does fantasy cause scars in reality?"

"Then someone needs to experience this illusion, wake up alive and tell us what happened!"

Chen Gou narrowed his eyes and looked at the five members of the wildfire team... Only the awakened ones can survive that kind of fantasy attack.

A demon hunter wandering on the edge of life and death, who doesn't have an instinctive perception of danger.

Feel his eyes and immediately step back.

But one exception is their young female captain.

"My talent skill is soul link. I can connect my soul with another person and perceive what he has experienced, but my soul will suffer the same attack as him."

"What do you want?" Chen Gou said in a deep voice.

"I want the promise of the two knights!"

The female captain looked at Chen Gou: "the wildfire team will become the subordinates of the two adults and be sheltered in the name of the abyss knight."

"No! It's too dangerous. Didn't you see the terrible scene just now? It's too late for you!"

"Yes, Angelique, even if we succeed, these two knights are too young... I'm afraid they can't give us what we want."

The team members were shocked and quickly advised the captain not to be impulsive, and even accidentally said what they shouldn't have said in front of the abyss knight.

"Don't worry, it's done. As long as you don't kill yourself, we can promote you to the golden demon hunting group within five years."

Dongli activated his mana, and suddenly a golden lion appeared behind him.

"People of the Azlan family!"

The people of the wildfire team exclaimed that subtle changes had taken place in their attitudes.

A young abyss knight and a young abyss knight with Azlan family background are completely different concepts.

"Needless to say, I've decided."

Angelique said decisively, "please make an oath between the two knights, and Angelique will bet her life."

"Don't be so tragic. The situation is not as dangerous as you think. The awakened person's body is much stronger than ordinary people. We have enough time to save you."

For the refuge of the wildfire team, it doesn't mean that you can ignore it after you make a vow and accept it.

Knight oath is duty!

In the future, the wildfire team will help him and Dongli perform their tasks or become stronger, but they also need to help solve the crisis when the wildfire team encounters a crisis.

In short, it is equivalent to the existence of knights and squires.

Almost any abyss knight is surrounded by such a crowd.

Next, after the body was carried away and cleaned up, the people waited again.

The villagers have just experienced a terrible change. For a time, they are sleepless, and their hearts become more frightened and even desperate.

Even the abyss knight can't seem to protect them. Is there really no way to live in Baishi Village?

The villagers stared vigilantly around.

Three or four hours later, no one fell asleep, and the devil did not come again.

It was almost dawn, and it was still quiet in front of the church.

Chen Gou gradually had some clues in his mind.

"At least two people died a few days ago. It's impossible to suddenly reduce tonight, but the attack did not happen again, so... Evil spirits come and kill people must meet some conditions, which have not been met yet!"

"What would this condition be?"

Chen Gou glanced at the villagers' faces. The villagers did not dare to look at each other. This was a very impolite behavior, and they bowed their heads to avoid.

An aura flashed in Chen Gou's mind.

"It's sleep! The condition for evil spirits to appear is not night, but sleep. Only sleeping people will be attacked!"

Thinking of this, a name that once left a terrible memory in his childhood suddenly emerged.

He had probably guessed what the strange devil was.

But just then, a slightly childish scream sounded.

It turned out that a teenager couldn't support himself. He sat on the ground and fell asleep, and the evil devil came along