Blood, brains, corpses!

The smell of blood filled the whole "cabin" instantly, making people sick and silent!

The ferocity of the bearded man frightened everyone.

He tore open the cloth of his coat and exposed the armor with knife and axe marks inside, as well as a very obvious blood red umbrella mark on the left chest of the armor.

This is

"Blood umbrella tissue!"

All the hijacked passengers in the "cabin" immediately took a breath.

The notorious rebel organization in the zombie fog area, who doesn't know.

Chen Gou is also secretly complaining. If he is other bandits, he may have the opportunity to spend money to redeem his life.

But if it falls into the hands of blood umbrella tissue, the best result is to be pushed down directly and fall to death, otherwise it may become the experimental body of the experimental virus!

At this time, they were even more shocked to find that the power of law in their bodies had been sealed, and all the skills that needed to consume mana could not be used.

"Diamond level campaign props forbidden ball?!"

Chen Gou was surprised when he saw the pure white crystal ball held by another robber standing behind the Qiu bearded man.

This level of props can be called a treasure!

Usually, once used, it is possible to reverse the outcome of a battle. There are absolutely few pieces of the whole blood umbrella organization.

What on earth is there on this "plane" that they don't hesitate to fight like this?

In addition to the bearded man, five people were originally distributed in every corner of the cabin. At the first time, they sneaked on several only accompanying soldiers, successfully solved them all and controlled the situation.

At the same time, three people went straight to the "cab".

After the three removed their disguises, their momentum was extremely fierce.

In particular, the mysterious man in the middle wearing a hooded cloak has extremely strong spiritual ideas, and his eyes look at the past with a feeling of being suddenly bounced away.

The void beast can fly by itself and does not need a pilot.

But the biological intelligence of this law is not high, and someone needs to communicate with it to control direction and speed.

The cockpit was located in the front of the cabin. The three forced their way through the door. Fierce fighting broke out inside, but it ended soon.

In less than three minutes, one of the bandits who had entered came out and said to the bearded man, "second brother, the boss has controlled the void beast. Let's rush through the Great Wall from the air and enter the fog area."

"I don't have time to take care of you now. Give me obedience. Maybe I can give you a chance to live when I get there, or my brain will blossom!"

The bearded man walked forward coldly, his eyes searching among the men on the left.

All the people who were stared at by his hungry tigers couldn't help lowering their heads. They didn't know who he was looking for.

Finally, a man with a black animal skin cloak and an ordinary iron mask on his face was found by him.

The bearded man held the war hammer in his hands and turned his back on his shoulders. He looked down at him from a commanding position and joked: "young master an Zhanyu, is that you?"

"An Zhanyu?"

"Can't it be the ANN Zhan rain of common indignation in the holy city?"

"There is a white long sword on his cloak, which is the mark of the guard of the abyss... I just heard that an Zhanyu caused a terrible disaster in the holy city a month ago. He was deprived of all privileges by the trial court and sent to the guard of the Great Wall..."

Hearing the words "an Zhanyu", many of the hostages exclaimed.

An Zhanyu is synonymous with evil in the holy city, which is more disgusting than evil.

He has done a lot of big things.

For example, just because someone contradicted him in the street, he was cut off his limbs, made a human stick, and no one was allowed to treat him.

For example, during his study at the knight's college, four female students in the class were forced to hold an open meeting with him in the classroom.

Another example... A month ago, she used some kind of aphrodisiac to cure a high priest of the Holy See who was a good sister to her mother!

Although the high priest was not strong, she was of noble birth and high status in the Holy See. Many Knights of the three Knights respected her very much.

As a result, an Zhanyu broke into a terrible disaster and experienced no less than five assassinations in just one month.

"It's me. What do you want? I'm afraid I'll be disappointed if I want a ransom through kidnapping. I've been removed from my home. They won't care about my life and death."

The man lifted the mask on his face and revealed a face of only 17 or 18 years old. He was only half a teenager.

He smiled indifferently. He didn't worry about his situation at all. He raised his head and looked at the bearded man without dodging. His eyes exuded a kind of wild noise from his bones!

"It's OK. As for whether you can get the ransom, you don't need to worry about it, young master."

The bearded man smiled and motioned to the two men behind him to take an Zhanyu out and drag him aside.

Just then, a continuous severe warning sound came from the cab.

"Pay attention to flight 278, Panshi. You have reached the warning line. Land at the designated position immediately. Repeat, land at the designated position immediately!"

This is obviously because the guards in the castle below found that the flight trajectory of the void beast was different and talked through special rules and props.

"This is the blood umbrella organization blood spine team. We have hijacked Panshi No. 278 void beast. There are 35 hostages in the cabin, including an Zhanyu, the young master of Anlan holy family. Please send a letter to settle down..."

In the "cab", a quiet voice like stagnant water said: "five platinum equipment or skill spars for his life."

The voice fell and the cabin fell into silence.

Everyone's heart can't help lifting up. The next few seconds will determine everyone's life and death.

The worry is that the garrison below, like a fighting nation on earth, ignores the hostage threat and directly launches campaign level weapons to bombard the void beast, even killing the hostages and robbers!

Five seconds, ten seconds, fifteen seconds

The empty beast safely rushed through the defense line of the great wall and entered the fog area. It was not attacked by the Great Wall.

Everyone was relieved. It seems that an Zhanyu's identity still played a role.

Shouyuan people always behave like this. They haven't done this before.

"Shouyuan people didn't know that I had been removed from the family, so they didn't launch an attack, but you still couldn't get the ransom. You must know better than me how cruel those people in the family are once they are ruthless."

An Zhanyu smiled leisurely. It seems that seeing the robbers eat is more important than his own life.

"Little bastard, do you really think we have worked hard to help you just for a few pieces of equipment?"

The Qiu bearded man sneered, "what we want is an LAN purple blood on you!"

"The blood of Anlan! Do they want to extract the blood of Anlan nationality..."

Chen Gou was shocked when he heard the speech. The real purpose of blood umbrella organization was to plot Anlan holy blood.

The Holy See has a long tradition and existed before the fall of the abyss. Successive popes selected talents from archbishops.

However, since the fall of the abyss and the invasion of demons, the papacy has been monopolized by the three most powerful families, known as the three holy families.

The Anlan nationality has a much stronger blood inheritance than the Azlan nationality. With the improvement of their awakening level, their blood will gradually turn purple, containing extremely fierce and domineering power.

An Zhanyu was happy when he heard the truth and said with a smile, "so I don't have to die for the time being?"

"I can only guarantee that you won't die until the Z virus blood medicine is successfully developed."

The mysterious boss of the robber came out of the cockpit and said that his face was very pale. It was obvious that his mental strength was overdrawn. It can be seen that forcibly controlling a void beast had caused him a great burden.

"We are all evil people who are angry with God and man. Speak directly... How about I join you?"

"You want to join us?" Some of the bandits were stunned on the spot.

"Good!" An Zhanyu said seriously: "I promise to cooperate with you in the research of blood medicine. You let me join the blood umbrella organization. Didn't you find it... For people like me, the blood umbrella is heaven, ha ha ha!"

When they heard this, they really felt that this was the case. The villains who were angry with both man and God entered the devil's cave of common anger. They didn't slip into the mud and mingle with each other?!

"You're so fucking bad, but I like it!" Qiu beard shouted and couldn't help laughing.

Is this collusion?

Chen Gou secretly scolded an Zhanyu for being shameless, but he was more worried about his situation and how to get out of the current crisis.