

Seven times!!!

After using it for seven times, the keeper finally domesticated the ancestor blood worm and turned it into his own pet.

At this time, Chen Gou finally knew the specific level of the ancestor blood bug, which was as high as level 31!

This made him secretly glad that if Quinlan hadn't been here, he and Dongli would have sent vegetables even if they tried hard.

"Dizang, what are you... What are you doing?"

Black face saw Chen Gou bring the strange ancestor blood bug and the box to his face, and immediately shouted and struggled.

Chen Gou ignored the black face, pinched his neck with his left hand and forced him to open his mouth, while his right hand poured the ancestor blood worm in the lead box.


The blood worm began to lose when it entered the body. The ancestor blood worm was much stronger than the ordinary white blood worm. It didn't take a few days to transform.

The black face was eroded by the creepy fear and howled.

The breeder's face flashed an unbearable color, but it was just a flash.

More than ten minutes later, the transformation was completed. The ancestor blood bug swallowed up all the consciousness of black face and recovered his injuries with his own strength.

Xuezu took this opportunity to regain his body. As soon as he opened his eyes, he stared at Chen Gou and the breeder with sinister eyes.

As a blood ancestor, he was domesticated into a pet when he was weak!

"Is there anything you want him to do that he can't refuse?" Chen Gou glanced at Xuezu obliquely. He didn't like the eyes with strong threat.

This moment and that moment, it seems that Xuezu has not recognized the reality.

The keeper nodded and said, "yes, he is bound by the law and order. There is no way to violate it."

"That's good." Chen Gou smiled and said, "let him kneel down and lick my vamp."

This is the highest etiquette for subordinates or slaves to their masters in the western world.

The blood ancestor was furious and stared at Chen Gou: "humble mole ants, how dare you insult the blood ancestor like this?!"

Chen Gou replied calmly, "the gods are overlooking in the sky. Who on the earth is not a mole ant? Now I'm looking at you."


Xuezu's knee hit the ground. Although he resisted violently in his heart and the green veins on his face burst out, he couldn't disobey the instructions from his soul and couldn't control his behavior.

The only thing Xuezu could do was to close his eyes and not look at Chen Gou in front of him.

When he kissed the vamp and finished the whole ceremony, Chen Gou said to the breeder, "I don't know your name yet."

"My name hasn't been called for more than ten years. I've long forgotten. Isn't blood umbrella called by code? Just call me breeder."

"That's OK," Chen Gou said with a smile. "According to the rules, I should call you uncle."

There is no denying that Chen Gou has always been very lonely after crossing the world alone.

There is no one to talk about, even a fellow race... The yellow people in canglan world are just similar in appearance.

Although the breeder is only a Yanhuang man in the abyss world, he can still feel an instinctive kindness.

"How old are you this year?"

Chen Gou wears a mask, and the breeder can't see his age.

"It should be seventeen." What Chen Gou said is naturally the age of the world's young Chen Gou.

The breeder murmured, "Seventeen... If my son is still alive, he is six years older than you."

Before returning to the dormitory building again, Angelique and others were surprised to see that Chen Gou had brought back the black face completely.

"Captain, black faced him..."

"Don't ask, asking is that he has been completely convinced by my temperament and talent."

Chen Gou wore a mask on his face. No one knew what expression he had when he said this.

People: "

But the more so, the more mysterious Chen Gou is in their eyes.

The frightening young captain always looks plain and light, but he can always defuse any danger or difficulty he encounters.

Several members of the field fire team suddenly understood that Chen gouneng had passed the abyss examination and became an abyss Knight trained by the Holy See. It was definitely an extraordinary place.

Kelly broke the calm, pointed to a pile of equipment on the ground and said, "Captain, these are things picked from the broken tail and traitor."

Chen Gou looked carefully. There were only three pieces of bronze equipment and some low-level recovery potions, all of which he couldn't use.

The only valuable one is the silver level corpse fungus skill spar previously assigned.

"I'll take this skill spar, and you can do the rest."

Chen Gou still took the big head impolitely, and others didn't have any opinions, but took it for granted.

After a night of tossing and turning, Chen Gou had no idea of continuing to hunt zombies outside.

What he wants to do most now is to return to the final base of blood umbrella and transform Dr. andRich.

In this way, he can realize his plan as soon as possible - combine the angel gene with the ancestor virus to create a real heavenly virus.

As the armored vehicles have been scrapped, they can only walk forward.

Fortunately, people from blood umbrella organization often clean up along the main road, so they rarely encounter zombie attacks.

On the way, the breeder also met Chen Gou's wishes and let him experience the feeling of being a "rolling" knight.

Despite the fat head and ears, the zombies transformed by T virus are very fierce.

Take the bear cub for example. The awakening level is 19. There are three law skills in total.

The first is the corpse virus common to all zombies, grade bronze.

The second is called walking day and night, grade gold.

During the day, it can enter a dormant state. By sleeping, it can absorb the power of the free law in the void and improve its level;

At night, you can fully integrate into the darkness at night, even your mind can be shielded, and your recovery ability is greatly enhanced.

Unless the level or attribute is much higher than it, it can hardly be found at night.

The third skill is called iron eating real bear, grade platinum!

It can improve basic attributes and body strength by swallowing metal!

The panda with this skill is definitely a real bear rather than a cat.

However, it needs special and powerful metals to devour, and it can devour one every ten levels, and each metal can only devour once.

In addition, the metal swallowed each time must be stronger or unique than the last time, otherwise the effect of phagocytosis will be greatly reduced.

Bear cub is now level 19 and can only devour metal once.

Since the breeder had no access to the high-grade metal, he swallowed only the aviation alloy found on a crashed fighter.

Even so, that phagocytosis still greatly strengthened its bones, became like a King Kong iron bone, and had strong anti Strike ability.

In terms of hardness, the highest grade aviation alloy is no worse than most bronze or even silver weapons, but it doesn't have the power of law.

"Sleeping and eating iron can become stronger... This is the life of a national treasure? Is there any reason!"

Chen Gou only has envy, jealousy and hatred in his heart. Zombie pandas must be epic creatures.

If it is not weak in the early stage, and the number is rare, and it follows the master who is not good at fighting and management, it will definitely have the potential to become a overlord.

Just sleep and upgrade. After all, it's not difficult to upgrade most of the time.

The difficulty is that precious items such as blood potions must be consumed at each level in order to move forward.

The skill of edible iron real bear really made Chen Gou greedy. He even didn't suppress the magic of greed at a moment and gave birth to the idea of killing the baby bear.