Blood umbrella organization finally base virus laboratory.

Chen Gou once again disguised as an Zhanyu through his deformation skills and came to the door of the experimental building alone. After body search, he entered smoothly behind the security captain and saw Andric.

"Mr. an, in such a short time, do you have any wonderful ideas to share with me?"

Andric looked very happy when he saw Chen Gou coming and took the initiative to the door to meet him.

Because others in the blood umbrella organization only regard him as an important tool, but Chen Gou has always affirmed his talents and research results, which makes him feel unprecedented respect.

"I have a little immature idea. In addition, I'm really bored. I want to spend time visiting the experimental process in the laboratory." Chen Gou naturally stretched out his right hand.

But when the two hands were friendly and held together, where no one saw, Chen Gou directly released a two centimeter long white worm from the storage space.

It is the second generation of blood worms born from the blood ancestor black face!

It is worth mentioning that general space storage props can not collect living creatures.

The storage space of the system is different. It can store some small creatures without conscious activities, such as blood worms.

When the ancestor blood worm does not parasitize into the host, it is also temporarily unconscious, which is equivalent to being frozen.

After the blood bug was released from the storage space, it immediately pierced andRich's palm skin, drilled in, and quickly hid into the flesh and blood along the blood vessels.

The whole process took less than two seconds, and there was a slight tingling for a moment, but Chen Gou naturally ignored it under the squeezing feeling of holding Andric's palm tightly.

The security captain standing behind didn't find anything unusual.

"It's OK to visit the experiment, but according to the rules, you have to wear props that imprison mana."

"OK." Chen Gou smiled and agreed.

Andric's eyes indicated that the security captain immediately took out a device similar to a wristwatch and put it on Chen Gou. A feeling of acupuncture came from his wrist, and most of Chen Gou's mana was immediately sealed.

After all this, andRich asked the security captain to close the door and leave.

The latter did not do much. Chen Gou, who was sealed with mana, did not have the ability to threaten the doctor.

We should know that although the doctor is not an awakened person, he has also been strengthened by a special virus. His physical quality is a little higher than that of ordinary people.

"Tell me what you think."

AndRich asked his assistant with beautiful golden Wavy long hair to bring Chen Gou a cup of coffee, and then smiled.

"Does the doctor think angels really exist?" Chen Gou took a sip of coffee and said thoughtfully.

"Angel?" Aderich frowned: "as a doctor of biology, I believe in scientific experiments rather than myths and legends."

"Even human beings have begun to have the power that only gods and demons can have in the legend. Why is it impossible to have angels?"

Chen gouqiao crossed his legs and said with a leisurely smile, "let me tell the doctor a story about angels... It is said that 5000 years ago, there were two heinous cities Sodom and Gomorrah on the dead sea. God sent three archangels: Azriel, Gabriel and Michael to destroy them.

In the city of sin, Azriel was seduced and degenerated by human sin and emotion. After completing the task, he attacked Michael and drank the silver blood of angels in an attempt to replace God and become king on the earth.

But then the other angels who came were fixed on the earth with light arrows, and were torn into seven pieces and scattered in all parties to suppress. They will never see the holy light again. "

"It's an interesting story, but it still can't prove its authenticity." AndRich shrugged and said indifferently.

Chen Gou was noncommittal: "if I can get the angel gene, can the doctor use it to create a real heavenly virus?"

"Angel gene!"

Andric's breath suddenly became short, his eyes lit up, like a lust ghost seeing Ban's naked peerless beauty: "do you have angel genes?"

Chen Gou stirred it gently in the coffee cup with a spoon, then smiled and said, "yes, it's in your body."

"In my body... What do you mean?"

"There is still the second half of the previous story."

Chen Gou youyou said, "after the archangel Azriel was divided into seven pieces and buried in the earth, after a long time, a kind of red insect gradually emerged in these pieces. I call it the ancestor blood insect.

After it enters the body to parasitize, it will evolve and master the power of angels! "

With that, Chen Gou took out a lead box and put it on the table in front of andrech. Although the wrist watch on his left hand sealed most of his law, it could not prevent him from opening the storage space.

After the lead box was opened, there was a cm long red ancestor blood worm body... Chen Gouqiang forced the blood ancestor to separate from his body.

It would hurt his strength, but he couldn't disobey the orders from the breeder.

"Just now, when I shook hands with you, I had put an ancestor blood bug into your body from the palm of my hand."

"That's ridiculous... Are you kidding me?" AndRich glanced at the seemingly insignificant half of the ancestor blood worm and shook his head.

Chen Gou glanced at the office and saw an ultraviolet disinfection lamp very common in the laboratory in the corner. He pulled Andric to the ultraviolet lamp, rolled up his sleeve and looked at the ultraviolet lamp

Under the skin immediately revealed a creeping lines, blood worms have been breeding in large numbers!

"What did you do to me?"

When adrich saw such a terrible situation on himself, he was frightened. He turned around quickly and had to run to his desk to press the alarm.

But with a flash of white light, Chen Gou was holding the sword of death in front of him.

The sword light on the blade, which originated from the power of the yellow spring, just touched it gently and cut the skin on his neck.

In fact, as a golden weapon, the sword of death is not just the skill of death gate.

Its additional attributes and its sharpness are also amazing. It's not too much to be called a magic weapon.

"Doctor, I don't mean to offend you. I just want you to start a great cause with me - to create a real and only belong to our heavenly virus."

Chen Gou said sincerely and seriously, "I don't need you to do anything, let alone betray the blood umbrella organization. As long as you stay quietly in this room, stay with me for two days, witness the process of becoming an angel, and then decide whether to believe me."

"Really just stay for two days?" AndRich's face softened.

"Yes, if everything goes well, it may not take two days." Chen Gou nodded his head gently.

"Well, I'll wait two days. I hope you don't lie to me."

Andric had no choice but to agree to Chen Gou's request in the face of death.

No one could have imagined that Chen Gou, who was severely searched and imprisoned by mana, could bring rule weapons in.

Two days later, Andric naturally can't become an angel, but a soul returning corpse!

The transformation of the host by blood worms is a subtle process, first the eyes, and then the internal organs

And in this process, after the blood bug invades the brain, human's own will will will gradually become weak, like a frog boiled in warm water, unconsciously replaced by the consciousness of the blood bug.

At that time, even if you realize it's wrong, you won't be able to return to heaven.

Chen Gou and Andric have been staying in the office. Naturally, someone will ask, but Chen Gou forces Andric to prevaricate with the ongoing experiment every time.

During this period, when the time of deformation skill arrived, Chen Gou changed back to his original appearance. Andrech was naturally surprised, but he didn't dare to ask more questions.

In the evening, andRich, who had been tossing all day, fell asleep tired.

That is, at this time, the blood ancestor in the small foreign building used his natural ability to remotely control the soul returning corpse to sense the blood bug in Andric's body and control his spiritual consciousness in advance.

The blood ancestor controlled ADRIC's body, stood up and said, "do you want to completely destroy his independent consciousness?"

"No, I want his wisdom and knowledge to help me study the virus," Chen Gou waved.

Adrich will become a high-level soul returning corpse that retains his consciousness like Exeter, the former servant of the blood ancestor.

Soon, the blood ancestor's consciousness retreated, and ADRIC slowly woke up.

At this time, his body had not been completely transformed into a soul returning corpse, but his soul had been completely obedient.

"Doctor, I didn't lie to you? Although you have become a new species, you are still you."

Chen Gou patted andRich's shoulder, who was adapting to his new identity, pointed to a small half of the red blood bug in the lead box on the table and said seriously: "moreover, this blood bug is indeed derived from the angel's body, which must contain the angel's gene!"

"If so, I will be able to develop an unprecedented evolutionary virus!"

Andrech showed enthusiasm in his eyes. Even if he had become a blood race, his love for virus research still did not decline.

"I'm waiting for your good news. I hope you can achieve results in two months."

Chen Gou nodded with satisfaction and said with a smile, "you should have all the virus and serum data in the laboratory on your computer. Open it and let me have a look."

This is also one of his purposes to transform ADRIC at any risk.

As the highest level laboratory of umbrella company, there are more than hundreds of virus agents studied here.

In addition to blood viruses, naturally there are other special reagents that can directly enhance attributes, or stimulate potential in a short time and greatly improve combat effectiveness.

Chen Gou has seen more than one kind of goods exchanged for merit awards before.

Now, after mastering the person in charge of the laboratory, he can take these directly from the laboratory without a merit point!