Originally, Chen Gou just wanted to see the alien queen with his own eyes. It would be best if he could accept it.

If you can't, just kill it directly. At the same time, raise the level to level 25. It's better if you can drop several advanced law props.

But now, the iron warrior suddenly killed, which made him feel a strong crisis.

Last time I was on earth, I was just an ordinary iron warrior in my early twenties.

But now it's an iron blood ship that can sail in space. There must be elite iron blood soldiers above level 30, and even iron blood elders!

Moreover, the paradise star is desolate and withered, and everything is at a glance. It is very not conducive to escape. There is no choice but to fight.

In this situation where the enemy is strong without weakness, the combat power of the alien mother emperor has become extremely important to them.

This is a card that the iron blood family doesn't know yet. It can even be said to be the biggest opportunity to turn over

Without delay, Chen Gou and Andric quickened their pace to the place where the alien queen was imprisoned. In just over a minute, they crossed three metal doors and came to the outside of the freezer where the alien queen was imprisoned.

It is said that the transparent glass, which is harder than iron blood alloy, is strong. A tall black shadow with a height of more than three meters is bound by more than a dozen white rubber chains. The white fog in more than a dozen square rooms is all anesthetic gas.

At this time, the alien queen was covered with thick frost and did not move. She was obviously in a state of frozen sleep.

"Iron blood alien?" Chen Gou looked carefully and was stunned on the spot.

The alien queen has a signboard braid like an iron warrior on her head, the external skeleton also shows the appearance of an iron warrior, and a sharp serrated barb on her tail

The appearance of this obvious feature means that the alien queen must have been born with the iron warrior as the host!

Chen Gou opened the candle pupil through the glass and found that if so, his name was "iron blood alien Queen"!

However, due to the high level of abnormity and basic intelligence, CE Chen Gou sees limited information next, which is much less than when he sees an engineer.

[iron blood alien Queen: famous alien civilized creature]

[grade: lv38]

[ancestral home: iron engineer abyss]

[introduction: after the Queen's face Hugger was bred by engineers, the alien queen was born by parasitizing an iron warrior. Because she absorbed the excellent gene of iron warrior, she has great power, but the speed is relatively slow.]

[attribute: strength 140, agility 100, intelligence 90]

[skill 1: rapid growth (special talent) - passive and can't be upgraded. When aliens break out of the host, they are small and low-level, but they will directly absorb the power of laws in the air and grow rapidly in the next 24 hours until they reach the blood limit! Ordinary aliens can grow rapidly to levels 15-25 and alien Queens can grow rapidly to levels 30-40!]

[Note: after the extreme growth period, the alien can continue to grow stronger, but the speed will slow down.]

[skill 2: killing enhancement (special talent) - passive, can't be upgraded, aliens can make themselves stronger by killing...]

[skill 3: killing perception (talent) lv4 - passive. Aliens have no eyes, so they have strong sense of smell, hearing, touch and determination. This skill can greatly improve these four perception abilities.]

[skill 4: Alien queen (talent) lv4...]

[skill 5: minion evolution (Platinum) lv4...]

[evaluation: killing is the meaning of existence.]

"Rapid growth... That's why the alien can grow into a puppy like baby after breaking his chest from the host body?!"

Chen Gou couldn't help taking a deep breath. This skill completely violates the law of conservation of matter. It is absolutely one of the core advantages that aliens can become biological weapons.

It takes only 24 hours to grow up directly from the juvenile ecology!

In addition to aliens, what other creatures can do it?

The growth period of iron blood soldiers is more than 30 years.

Even human adulthood takes 18 years, while aliens only need 24 hours. During this period, they can even absorb energy directly from the air without consuming any substances.

This allows them to reproduce rapidly in a very short time and spread like a virus.

It must be admitted that this is a unique racial talent!

"The second skill killing enhancement should be similar to the killing evolution of iron blood soldiers, and the third skill killing perception..."

Chen Gou's eyes suddenly flashed strange light and showed murderous spirit.

The sense of smell, hearing and touch are just enough. The heart is determined... It is the legendary sixth sense!

This means that the alien mother emperor with killing perception has a strong sense of danger, and even more than 90% of the probability can be the same as the iron warrior on earth... Predict in advance!

If you kill this special-shaped queen and use its blood to condense a hunting soul, the combat effectiveness of the ghost monk can increase suddenly.

Think about it, a ghost monk who has powerful skills, is not afraid of death, is as ferocious, bloodthirsty and cunning as the alien queen, what kind of terrible murderer should he turn into?

At this time, the communication stone in the storage space is flashing again.

After Chen Gou took it out and activated, with the violent roar, the urgent voice of Fangcheng came.

"My Lord, the situation is critical. Two mecha have been destroyed..."

"Ammunition consumption is too fast. We can hold on for four or five minutes at most!"

"Coming soon!"

Chen Gou encouraged, cut off the communication, took his eyes back from the alien queen, looked at andrech and asked, "can this ship still take off?"

Although the Engineer in the movie plot started the spacecraft, Chen Gou still wanted to confirm.

"Yes, it was just a black water leak that killed most of the engineers, but the ship itself was intact," andreich said

Chen Gou's eyes flashed and continued to ask, "how soon can the alien queen wake up?"

Andric searched the engineer's memory and replied, "leave the anesthetic gas and wake up in ten seconds!"

"Ten seconds?!"

Chen Gou Deng frowned. He had planned to take the alien queen near the cabin door of the spacecraft and then drop it directly at the iron soldiers.

Now the strength of the iron blood clan is too strong. We must borrow the power of the alien queen to make up the gap.

Although the alien queen is not under his control now, after being awakened and thrown into the battlefield, the probability of attacking iron blood soldiers is the same as that of attacking humans.

But in the current situation, even if there is only 50% chance, you can only bet.

In addition, more importantly, Chen Gou firmly believes that as soon as the alien Queen appears, the first attack target of the iron blood warrior will certainly shift to it.

The iron warrior attacked Prometheus, not for treasure, nor mixed with hatred, just for hunting.

Therefore, the more powerful the prey, the more it will arouse their interest.

Besides, this is a special-shaped queen bred from the iron warrior. She has obvious characteristics of the iron blood family. What will the iron warrior think?

Isn't it worthy of the name "iron blood"?

But the problem now is that ten seconds is not enough for Chen Gou to take the alien queen from the freezer to the hatch and push it down.

If the alien queen wakes up early in the ship, he must be attacked first.

"If you can't take it away, then... Cut the ship floor and let the alien queen fall directly from the freezer?"

Thinking of this, Chen Gou began to look at the hard alloy like floor along the edge of the freezer to judge the feasibility of the plan.

At this time, Andric inferred his idea from Chen Gou's problems and behavior, pointed to the alien queen and said, "do you want to drop it? In fact, it doesn't have to be so troublesome. This freezer is equivalent to an ammunition depot, and the lower deck can be opened directly from the control room..."

Obviously, the alien queen was imprisoned here as a weapon by the engineers, which is equivalent to a bomb.

"What are you waiting for? Hurry!"

Chen Gou immediately took Andric to the spacecraft control room. He just wasted more than half a minute. The situation of Prometheus must be more dangerous.

In fact, Chen Gou has a means to enslave aliens, that is the golden feather snake staff of the mysterious Summoner of the feather snake hall.

This staff has a feather poison enslavement skill. If you inject the poison into the target organism, you will have a certain opportunity to forcibly enslave it.

The reason why Chen Gou wanted to see the alien queen with his own eyes when time was already tight was naturally the idea.

But the problem is that "feather snake slavery" can only work on creatures lower than itself!

The alien queen was obviously much higher than Chen Gou, so she had to give up the idea of slavery, retreat to the second place, and directly throw it as a "bomb" to the iron warrior.

Presumably, they would never have thought that there would be an alien mother emperor on this planet

"The level of the alien queen is too high to enslave. What if it is a newly born baby ecological alien?"

The alien queen who just broke the bear from the host can't exceed 20!

In this way, "feather snake slavery" will have a place to play.

While the alien queen is not yet an adult, accept it. When it enters the finished body through "rapid evolution" in 24 hours, it is still his favorite!

After the idea appeared, Chen Gou could no longer drive it out of his mind.

Not only once it is successful, the harvest will be amazing, which is likely to become the real card to reverse the situation, and the feasibility of the plan itself is also very high.

Chen Gou had been until the complete steps of the birth of aliens, and with Andric, who has the memory of engineers, the success rate was not 100%, but at least more than 90%.

Because of his familiarity with the road, he returned to the control room in half a minute.

Andric pressed several text switches on the floor at the edge of the central platform, and the patterned spiral floor immediately contracted to the side, raising a green light ball, like a model of a planet.

As he covered it with his palm, a huge seat spiraled out of the hole in the center of the platform, which is the driver's seat of the spacecraft!

After Andric sat on it, his face was covered by a trunk shaped helmet, and soon a vast starry sky appeared nearby, beautiful and amazing

PS: Chapter 3 late