No exceptions!

Silver Feather is like flying snow, which can be rotated and cut, just like lingchi.

Sometimes it is also like a flying knife. Under the flying shot, blood holes are pierced in an instant.

Even skeletons like the forgotten Knight were cut to pieces, and soon there was only a pile of broken bones.

At this time, the sun goddess opened the Jinwu divine body, so the silver moon was not revealed, but directly manifested as silver feathers on the surface of the wings.

All the light feathers that surround them fall from their wings.

Each piece has three passive skills: Yinshan armor, invincible and demon ghost immortal.

It's no use for Yinyu not to destroy the demon and ghost, because he can't get mana supplement after collapse.

Moreover, new silver feathers will be born all the time, and there is no need to condense again.

However, the sublimation of Yinshan armor and invincible skills to silver feather can only be described as terror.

You know, the Silver Feather falling from the wings of the Jinwu stele also has a small amount of heart sword heavy thunder sand!

This makes each feather have amazing weight, and the impact force can not be underestimated.

Coupled with the invincible defense breaking ability, each feather can still cause fatal damage to the monster even if it has only 40% of the attack power of the goddess itself.

Silver Feather opens the way, like entering a no man's land all the way.

Chen Gou doesn't care about the items falling on the ground... These are left to Wang Teng to clean up later. It's not too late to "share the stolen goods" after killing Diablo.

In only ten minutes, Chen Gou and Wang Teng followed the goddess through the stone bridge and pushed into front of the gate of the chaotic refuge.

The two metal gates carved with primitive patterns were closed tightly, and a fierce and extreme atmosphere came out from the inside.

Just as the goddess pressed her hands on the door, the messenger crystal in the storage space flickered.

Wang Teng took the lead in taking out his and activating it. Then he heard the solemn voice of the former monitor again.

"Report the progress of the mission again: the Knights Templar has killed most of the life of the destructive demon God bar without injury. No accident, the first kill will soon belong to them... Sure enough, unity is strength."

"The trial order Augustine has also reached the third level of hate prison. He fought alone against the demon God mephitos and has lost one third of his life... Judging the strong is so terrible!"

"Your Excellency, the pupil of the abyss of the abyss knights, is standing outside the gate where Diablo, the demon God of destruction, is imprisoned with his licking dog. I'm very optimistic that you can finish the killing in the second place... Come on, after all, you're a clever little genius."

Progress is still behind!

Chen Gou took a deep breath, turned his head to Wang Teng and said in a deep voice, "when you're here, don't hide and tuck in. Can you control the big pineapple for three seconds?"

He has a genius plan. As long as he can control the big pineapple for a few seconds, he will have the opportunity to kill it in a short time.

It's called second kill for short.

After hearing this, Wang Teng frowned, then took a deep breath and said coldly, "boss, who do you despise? At least I'm also the fifth in the abyss early sun list, at least 3.5 seconds!"

At this moment, this is not a joke.

You have to do what you say!

Otherwise, it will affect the whole plan. Will Chen Gou settle his accounts in the autumn? At least he will not hesitate to throw him out to bear the anger of the other seven wonderful flowers.

You know, Diablo's rank and rank means that he is likely to have very high resistance to negative states.

The effect of general control skills will certainly be greatly reduced, so stably controlling the big pineapple for more than 3 seconds is definitely not a simple and easy task for level 30 awakened people.

"Then do it!"

After getting a positive answer, Chen Gou thought a little. The sun goddess immediately opened the door and went in.


There are more than a dozen white lightning... There are groups of electric ghosts behind the door!

However, the goddess had the magic immunity from the Phoenix at this time, and was not afraid of these lightning that might have killed her in an instant.

Take a bath directly in the electric light, and all the way, sparks and lightning rush to the electric ghost dozens of meters away in the hall!

You don't have to do it yourself. As long as you involve these monsters in the realm of Silver Feather heaven, the roaring Silver Feather will automatically kill them.

Take death wherever you go.

Although there are many small monsters in the hall, they can't threaten her.

All long-range skills are immune. If you want to attack in close combat, you have just entered the realm of heaven and are dismembered by Silver Feather before you really get close.

It has to be said that after learning the sixth skill to summon the Phoenix, so that the Jinwu God body can obtain Spell Immunity, the combat power of the goddess will be improved much more than Chen Gou expected!

Even if there is magic immunity with duration and cooldown, it is already very strong.

Any skill, such as the sword storm of the swordsman, with this ability, is basically the bottom of the platinum grade.

What's more, the magic immunity of the goddess can always exist as long as the Jinwu God body is not dissolved!

This makes her the strongest choice to attack.

In the past, there were forgotten knights who were afraid of. At this time, after all curses could not work, they were no different from ordinary skeleton shelves.

Seeing this, Chen Gou felt that the skill of "Phoenix summoning" was a perfect match with the sun goddess.

However, it is worth mentioning that platinum skills are especially extreme after all.

Therefore, in a strict sense, you can be immune to spells below platinum level, including most platinum level spells, but if it is a spell above diamond level, the effect will begin to be discounted.

This is the innate law determined by the rule order. Diamond skill is basically a dimension reduction blow to platinum skill.

The monsters in the hall of chaos refuge are not only numerous, but also complete.

In the fourth act, some monsters almost appeared. In addition to those seen before, there are the mother of evil and the son of evil.

The former is thick skinned and difficult to destroy. The most annoying thing is that she will give birth to evil children from time to time to form a siege.

But in front of Yinyu heaven, all quantities are floating clouds.

The efficiency of the sun goddess is extremely high, because as long as you go to the monster group.

And these monsters, like those outside, only have the fighting instinct of attack and will not escape or detour at all, which saves a lot of things.

Otherwise, it would be a waste of time to catch up.

Therefore, in only two minutes, half of the huge number of monsters in the hall were cleaned up.

This made Wang Teng standing at the door look straight.

Be reasonable... Can he beat such a sun goddess?

I'm a little ashamed. The top ten in the early sun list of the great abyss can only be compared with one summoner.

It's really embarrassing

But at this time, Chen Gou's eyebrows suddenly wrinkled.

Because the strength of Silver Feather heaven is accompanied by the terrible mana consumption speed, and there is a sign that the sun goddess can't keep up with her mana.

The main reason is that after entering the room, you can't be directly irradiated by the sun of the world, so the speed of absorbing sunlight and converting it into mana instead of silver day is greatly reduced.

Although after opening the Jinwu divine body, a sun wheel that can illuminate all around will automatically appear behind the goddess's brain, it is too far from the real sun in terms of size and energy quality, and the sunlight that silver feather can absorb is very limited.

At this time, nearly half of the monsters were not destroyed.

Thinking of this, Chen Gou summoned the ghost phase Tathagata and began to show his skills when he entered the hall.

First, open the ghost phase golden body, and then a mysterious and unpredictable directly blinks to the center of the hall, and then the talisman gift is added to the body.

The purpose of this is to stack the layers of monk, Buddha and ghost as soon as possible.

Then he began to transform basic agility into basic strength. Finally, there were only ten points left to lay the foundation for agility, and all the rest were transformed.

Plus the 45 points of basic power increased by the five-level "attribute transformation" skill itself, the basic power of the ghost phase Tathagata suddenly increased by nearly 100 points!

This is much higher than Chen Gou's original basic strength.

With the increase of its basic power, the power blessing of each level of monk, Buddha and ghost phase also rises.

Therefore, when he opened the ghost gold body in a three-tier state, his power was strong enough to frighten Chen goudu.

The height also reached nearly 30 meters with the blessing of the fifth level mountain moon and the third level monk, Buddha and ghost phase!

At this time, when the ghost phase Tathagata raised his hand, he could almost touch the dome of the chaos refuge hall.

But Chen Gou was not satisfied. The left thumb nail cut the belly of the middle finger, a drop of black and white blood essence was leached, and then he shot it at the Tathagata golden body

Don't move the natural disaster!


With the law of blood essence flying into the body, the Tathagata ghost golden body doubled again in an instant, and will reach a terrible 60 meters!

This has exceeded the height in the hall, so the Tathagata raised his right arm and raised his big hand to the sky while his height soared.

A Buddha palm clapped on the top of the heavy stone hall with the sound of thunder, and after the huge earthquake of "boom"

The beam was broken, and the rubble was shot in all directions. A hole with a diameter of more than 100 meters appeared overhead. The dome of the whole hall was directly smashed by this palm.

Wang Teng was stunned at the door.

What power is this?

Let him involuntarily give birth to a feeling: if this palm is patted on the sky, it may even be broken through the sky!

The originally dim sunlight of the world shines in along the gap and falls on the Tathagata who reveals the Buddha's head from the gap in the main hall. It also becomes bright and reflects the golden light.

It's like the Buddha facing the dust!

Without the shelter of the temple top, the sun goddess can absorb the sun again, and the mana consumption problem can be solved in an instant.

With the Silver Feather exterminated, there were fewer and fewer, and the five pointed star array in the center of the hall suddenly twinkled with dazzling light.

Then a fierce and violent breath poured out like a flood opening the gate.

Chen Gou's face changed slightly: did Diablo want to unseal himself?

At the same time, the communication spar in the storage space flashes again.

After Wang Teng activated it, two bad news came out for them.

"With collective efforts, the Templar order has successfully killed Baal, the God of destruction, and is about to return to the transmission array of halogas in Act 5 and Rogge camp in Act 1!"

"Augustine of the trial Knights alone has reached less than a quarter of the life value of the hated demon God mephitos, and is about to complete the killing!"

At this time, even ye Qingshi and LAN Lin, who were guarding Durrell, could no longer be calm. They sent a message through the heart fire symbol of Ye Qingshu.

Ask Uncle Gou, a genius

Is it all right?!