Lin Shiyin woke up an hour and a half later with a heart attack. Because the doctor rescued her in time, her life was fine. However, she looked very haggard, and she was very thin in a few days.

Gu Zhishen knew that she was awake and went into the room to see him.

When Lin Shiyin saw him, the tide filled her eyes quickly. She bit her pale lip and choked: "brother Zhishen, if I didn't have you, I would have died."

Gu Zhishen sat down beside the bed and gently wiped away the tears on her cheek. In a low voice, he said, "you will not die."

Lin Shiyin nodded, "well, you know, brother Shen is here, I won't die!"

She bit her lip, but her tears couldn't be controlled. She fell more fiercely. She was more excited and rushed into his arms. Her slender arm tightly held his waist and cried: "brother Zhishen, I'm so scared. I'm really scared Don't you leave me and stay with me all the time

Gu Zhishen didn't push her away. His warm palm fell on her head and stroked her. Her voice was very soft, "what is Yinyin afraid of? Do you have nightmares again? Can you tell me what you dream of? "

Lin Shiyin was buried in his words, so he only heard his gentle voice, but could not see his cold eyes at the moment.

Hearing his words, my heart was warm but afraid. Those nightmares were all about Gu Wei. She could never tell Gu Zhishen.


Lin Shiyin took a deep breath and calmed her mood. She looked up at him with tears in her eyes. Gu Zhishen's eyes had returned to the original dark and calm.

She hesitated for a while and said, "I dreamt of grandma. She blamed me for not saving her early. Brother Zhishen, it's all my fault. If I could go earlier, maybe grandma would not... "

With that, tears will fall again.

"Silly girl, how can I blame you?" Gu Zhishen thin lips light pursed, voice warm, "you don't have to blame yourself, I helped you find a psychologist, you and she have a good chat!"


"No rejection!" Before he finished, he interrupted, "your body can't stand such a fright."

Lin Shiyin bit her lip. She did not know what Gu Zhishen said.

She has a very serious heart disease, can not do strenuous exercise, can not be any shock, even if the mood is too excited, because at any time will affect her heart, can not load, at any time will die of disease!

Gu Zhishen gets up and turns to walk out of the room.

Step in the door to stop, look back at her, eyes soft, serious way: "Yinyin, alive will have hope!"

Lin Shiyin was stunned for a moment.


Only alive can there be hope. Only alive can she have a chance to be with Zhishen brother!

Cheng Yufei arranged the psychologist is a middle-aged man, general appearance, wearing glasses, looking gentle.

As soon as he sat down, Lin Shiyin said, "must we do hypnotherapy?"

"Miss Lin, you don't want to tell me the content of the nightmare or accept my hypnosis treatment. If you don't cooperate, it's really difficult for me to help you!" The psychiatrist shrugged helplessly.

Lin Shiyin looked down, worried and thought for a long time, and then asked, "will you tell Mr. Gu about my nightmare and what I said after I was hypnotized?"

As for my professional ethics, Mr. Lin and I have been told a lot about my professional ethics. You and I will only repeat my psychological assessment

Lin Shiyin put her hand on the quilt and could not help grabbing the quilt tightly and taking a deep breath several times.

After a long silence, she looked up to the psychiatrist and said, "OK, I can accept hypnosis information, but you must sign an agreement with me, and you will never disclose my nightmares and what I said after hypnosis, otherwise I will not let you go! "

"Yes, Miss Lin!" The psychiatrist agreed without hesitation.

After signing the confidentiality agreement, Lin Shiyin is about to receive psychotherapy. , the fastest update of the webnovel!