Chapter 319

Name:My Twins' CEO Daddy Author:Wa Wa
Even if she is ill here and a doctor comes here, the doctor can't help her. The only way is to have a disease that must go to the hospital

Thinking in her mind, she walked into the table. The food on the table was very compact and she liked to eat.

But now she doesn't have much mood to eat, but she keeps moving her chopsticks to feed her mouth. No matter how others die, she will lose a lot if she starves to death.

Lu Mingyu's life and death are unknown now. She must live and live well.

Murongheng looked at her slowly, but he had been eating. He didn't say anything. He wasn't in a hurry. Now he has time to accompany her slowly. One day, she will change her mind.

After dinner was the real test. She was afraid to share the room and bed with him.

She wanted to go to the kitchen to find a self-defense knife, but the kitchen didn't allow her to go in.

Murong Heng is really thoughtful. There are too many things to use in the kitchen. She originally planned to

But the kitchen can't go in. How can she pretend to be ill and leave?

She walked slowly back to the living room. Murong Heng's face staring at the dark TV screen turned to look at her, "I want an independent room."

"This villa is independent and yours. You can sleep wherever you want." But he also sleeps wherever he wants.

Like her room.

"It's all mine. Can I kick you out?" It's her that he can say that.

"This is also my home. Of course you can't drive me away!" Murong Heng got up and walked towards her. Such a field has been fantasized in his mind for countless times.

They should have been together. After so many detours, they will still be together, just like now.

"Let me choose virtue first."

"Then you can stay away from me. Who do you use this little trick? It's not good. You use it on me!" She's in his hands now. Can't she follow him?

"I just want to know, how many people did you use when you tied me up?" She clearly received a message from grass.

After she got off work, grass sent her a message whether she had come or not. She returned immediately and was kidnapped by him not long after she went out.

If it's hemiao, she can understand, but how can Hemao

"What do you care so much about? You're enough in my hand now!" Murong Heng reached out and tried to pull her.

She jerked back with her hands behind her and looked at him warily. "If you really want to recover my heart, coercion will never work."

Murong Heng approached her step by step and looked down at her, "Yiyi, do you know what I regret most now?"

How did she know what he regretted most.

The inevitable step-by-step retreat, is it going to be a wall thump soon?

By Murong hengbi Dong?

She doesn't want to. She doesn't want to.

When she was close to the wall, she turned around and continued to step back, still watching him on guard.

Looking at her movements, he was not particularly angry. His body turned with her, but his hands tightened unnaturally. He looked at her clearly word by word, "what I regret most is that I didn't want you at the beginning."

If that happened, she would regret her death.

"Do you think love can be bound by that kind of thing? If so, is your love too rampant?" He has so many lovers that he is not qualified to say that.

"I believe in love over time."

"Hehe." She looked down at the tea table on the ground and picked up an apple, "I want to eat an apple and give me a knife!"

"Don't touch anything like a knife. I'll help you if you want!" He reached for another apple and weighed it in his hand. "Whether you want to cut yourself or me with a knife, you're dead."

"Do you think I'm Lin Weiwei? She's completely crazy because she doesn't have children, and I haven't reached that point yet. But..." she threw down the apple in her hand, a meaningless thing. "If people in the company find out I'm gone tomorrow, they'll find me. Even if you're hidden here, you'll be found sooner or later. You might as well let me go now!"

"Oh..." Murong Heng looked clear. "I just remembered that the video was sent in my email. Now there is another one. Do you want to see it?"

She had no mood to confront him for a moment. Her mind was full of the field of rollover explosion. Her whole heart was a little flustered, "want!"

"It depends on the price." He also threw the apple in his hand on the sofa, looked down at her vaguely, "do you want to change it with something?"

She subconsciously covered her chest, looked at him with beautiful eyes, and smiled faintly, "even if I don't need to change anything, you should make me believe that he is really dead and can't wait to show me, unless your video is actually meaningless."

"My Yiyi is really smart." He narrowed his eyes with a smile and turned to go upstairs. "Let's go! I'll satisfy you with what you want to see and let you... Completely give up on him."

Murong Heng left, but her steps were like lead, standing in place and unable to move.

Looking at his self-confidence, her heart seemed to sink into the deep sea suddenly.

It was as dark as night, with nothing to see but endless despair.

Until Murong Heng had reached the corner of the stairs, she moved her feet from the sofa and went upstairs.

The study is on the third floor. When she went, Murong Heng had opened the door. She looked carefully. The door lock is encrypted with fingerprints.

In other words, even if she got his fingerprint and didn't know the password, she couldn't open the only door with signal.

Murong Heng sat on the leather chair. The blue glass lamp on the desk glowed yellow. There was only one bright light in the huge study, which made his face more and more soft and white.

His steps were very light. In the quiet study, he heard the sound of turning on his laptop, and the screen was shining with a faint blue light.

He moved the mouse, and soon a video appeared on the screen, still in a fixed frame state.

She stared at Lu Xiang appearing on the screen. At the revolving door of the hotel, Lu Mingyu walked in a black suit in front. His face was cold and his dark eyes looked straight ahead.

Suddenly, the person on the screen moved.

Qi Shengtian opens the door of the back seat. He stoops and sits in. Qi Shengtian also sits in after him.

The black Rolls Royce drove away from the door of the hotel, and the license plate flashed clearly in front of her, which was the same as the license plate number Murong Heng showed her before.

The same

She stepped back unsteadily, staggered and almost fell.

How is that possible?

How could something happen to him? No!

But her heart was so painful that it was like someone kept stirring with a knife and gouging it out.


Murong Heng covered his notebook and turned to look at her. "Yiyi, Lu Mingyu's identity is special. The news of his accident can't be published directly like this. I'm telling you now, it's like I want you to have a psychological preparation. He's gone!"