Chapter 892

Name:My Twins' CEO Daddy Author:Wa Wa
I was the last in the whole grade and dared to say that my grades were good.

"If I didn't get a score of 79 in the Chinese test, I wouldn't even get a score of 79 in the Chinese test!" She bowed her head.

I knew that my grades would hinder her and Yangyang. She would study hard before!

"You mean the teacher doesn't teach well?" All the students in her class have good grades, only she is a crane tail.

"The teacher teaches well, but it's not suitable for me. Yangyang is my best teacher. All my examination papers have been redone under the supervision of Yangyang! I can do it right now! Teacher, and Yangyang and I have long been engaged. It's no use for you to stop us! It's a big deal. I'll change a school!" She's not here!

"How did you get into our school with such poor grades?" They are international bilingual schools, and the entrance examination questions are not simple.

"I'll go through the back door!" Qi honeymoon looked at Yang Yang with a smile, "right, Yang Yang, I came in by relationship?"

What's so proud of this?

Lu Nie Yang looked down at her little face. "Teacher, her grades will improve. I will teach her."

Mr. Li is also depressed. He can speak so naturally and feel at ease.

It seems that the identity of Qi honeymoon is not simple!

Also, the boy named "Yangyang" always feels a little familiar, a little... Like Lu Xing in the class. Now think about them, they still have a surname!

After all, there was no attention to change their ideas. Teacher Li had to let them leave first and let Qi honeymoon go back to class.

When they went out of the office, Qi honeymoon thought of the empty seat next to her, and her big eyes rolled, "Yang Yang, Lu Xing, didn't come to school today!"

"He owes money."

"Are you going to hit him?" Qi honeymoon immediately looked up at him, "do you want to have a look? Maybe he's coming!"

"Yes." He thinks so, too.

The two returned to the classroom together. In the penultimate row of the classroom, next to the empty position, there was a boy who looked very tired.

"Yang Yang, math class! The math teacher is so strict, I'm so afraid!" Qi honeymoon looked at the tall, thin and bespectacled math teacher through the window, so she didn't want to go to class!

"Go in! Don't be afraid." He reached out and touched her back. "Go back to class. I don't want to come to school next time because of your grades."

"What if I won the first place in the next exam? The teacher asked you to come to the school in order to praise me?" It's not that she doesn't understand, she just doesn't want to learn.

"Then I will come."

"I will not lose face to Yangyang! Yangyang has done well since childhood, and I want to do well!" She walked towards the door of the classroom in a hurry, but she came back gloomy again.

"Yang Yang, I still don't want to go in! Can I skip class? Just one class, just math, it's so rare, I can't understand..." her wronged flat mouth, she doesn't want to go to math!

Math doesn't like her either.

"No." Lu Nie Yang took her by the wrist, walked to the door of the classroom, knocked on the door and pushed it open.

Qi honeymoon immediately nestled in his arms and looked at the stopped math teacher with big eyes, "Yang Yang..."

"Teacher, Qi honeymoon goes back to class." Lu Nie Yang looked at the teacher and said, then bowed his head and took her inside.

The math teacher and other students were stunned and watched them walk in.

Lying on the table, Lu Xing felt that the classroom was suddenly quiet. In fact, he felt that the teacher's voice had a more hypnotic effect. He was not used to suddenly stopping like this.

Especially when he felt the sound of footsteps approaching him, he was even more unhappy, and a thick displeasure rose from the bottom of his eyes.

When he looked up at the coming Qi honeymoon and his tall brother, his deep displeasure immediately turned into a smile. His blue eyes were bent. After class, he was found sleeping.

Qi honeymoon sat down helplessly, took out her math book and stared at Lu Xing next to her.

Lu Nie Yang looked down at them and said calmly, "have a good class."

"Yes!" Qi honeymoon answered like a mosquito.

In fact, he said it to both of them. Lu Xing smiled at him before taking out his math book.

Lu Nie Yang just left the classroom and the two children went to school together. It's really not easy.

After he left, the mathematics teacher who stopped didn't have time to have class, and the classroom began to talk.

"Class! No noise!" The teacher's stern whip made the classroom silent immediately.

But he could still hear the voice. He turned his eyes to the direction of speaking. It was Qi honeymoon and Lu Xing who had just come in.

"Do you think Yang Yang is ill and seriously ill?" Qi honeymoon lowered her voice and asked in a low voice.

"Brother is not ill." Although Lu Xing is only ten years old, he already knows. There is no way. There are too many bad friends around him!

"Qi honeymoon, Lu Xing! You two stand in class!"

With the teacher's words, there was a burst of laughter in the classroom.

The two of them stood up, but they continued to talk.

"How can he not be ill? He is swollen and tall. He must be ill!" Qi honeymoon looked determined, "he's your brother. He won't listen to me. Tell him! Let him go to the hospital for examination! If you don't believe it, I'll take a picture of you!"

"My brother, he's fine!" Lu Xing answered helplessly, yawned and lifted his messy black hair.

"You two, go out and stand!"

Then they both went out obediently and were not unhappy at all.

It doesn't matter whether one doesn't want to listen or not.

They stood outside the classroom and leaned against the wall. She still didn't give up looking at him, "Why are you so determined, in case!"

"I've seen it! No disease!" Lu Xing is a little impatient.

Only once did I go back in the morning. I vaguely went to the wrong room, went to my brother's bed and fell directly on my brother, which made my brother cry.

He was wrong and almost abandoned his brother. It was the little girl next to him who had no happy life!

"Yang Yang is eccentric and won't show me." She muttered discontentedly.

Listening to her whisper, Lu Xing said carelessly, "when you see it."

"No! Yang Yang didn't show me. He said it was okay. He pretended to be strong!" Her body moved slowly, "I want to see Yang Yang. How do you usually get out of school? Take me to skip class!"

"No." He answered very quickly.

"You don't take me, I tell Yang Yang, you bully me!"

"No, I'm not interested in bullying you. I'll tell you that you can see it tomorrow morning!"

"Really?" She seems to have seen it this morning.

"I lied to you that you were a puppy!" He's not interested in being a dog.