What Lu Zijia didn't know was that because of her decision, people outside believed that [a shop] was a black shop and immediately confirmed that [a shop] was a real black shop.

Therefore, people are even more enthusiastic about [a shop] black shops.

And those few people who know it are a little angry with the Lu family.

After all, whether it's Ming Wen Lingqi or array plate, it's priceless in the market.

Maybe many people can't even afford to buy low-level Ming Wen spirit tools, but it doesn't prevent them from looking at them every day and trying to grasp the spirit stone, hoping to buy the dream Ming Wen spirit tools one day.

However, even though these people are extremely dissatisfied with the Lu family's practice, they dare not really go to the Lu family or fight with the Lu family.

However, it's OK to spread rumors about the Lu family.

Therefore, within a few days, rumors about the Lu family's power oppressing people and forcing [a shop] to close down circulated in zhuangjun city.

Lu Zijia, the owner of a shop, doesn't care about these rumors at all.

Because at this time, she is organizing a team to go to Huoyan forest to experience with the Liangs' sisters and brothers and a Cheng xiner.

It's not enough for practitioners to cultivate. They also need to improve their combat ability. Otherwise, if they have all kinds of accomplishments, they won't fight. They are still weak chickens.

Of course, while practicing, those who do not forget to look for cultivation resources are good practitioners.

"Bang -- squeak --"

Looking at the Liang family and Cheng xiner working together to solve a shield hamster with six layers of Qi, Lu Zijia, sitting on a big tree, looked bored.

"Look, Master Lu, we have another shield hamster. With the previous three, there are four in total. One shield hamster can sell twenty spirit stones!"

Liang yingyue picked up the shield hamster that had no breath on the ground and put it into the space storage symbol, full of joy to Lu Zijia.

Liang Junjun, who had never broken his smile, nodded, "we just came to Huoyan forest for less than an hour, and we harvested four shield gophers with five or six layers of Qi. It's good luck."

"Yes, yes, I didn't gain so much when I came with several guards!" Cheng xiner also said with a bright smile.

Looking at the three people who were extremely satisfied, Lu Zijia couldn't help pumping the corners of his mouth.

It's just four mice, which makes these three people so satisfied. It's really... It's hopeless!

Moreover, Liang Yingjun is also a practitioner of the ninth floor of Qi. The practitioner of the ninth floor of Qi dealt with several shield hamsters of the fifth and sixth floor of Qi. He was so happy. Really don't be too degenerate!

Seeing Lu Zijia shaking his head and sighing, Liang Yingjun couldn't help wondering, "Master Lu, aren't you happy?"

Lu Zijia jumped down from the tree, "what's so happy? Mice are not delicious."

Moreover, the cultivation of these shield gophers is not high. She has been in the fire rock forest for an hour. She hasn't met a spirit beast practicing her hand. It's like a pit father!

Moreover, the bastard of the Jinta is still trying to send her the message that the shield hamster meat is not delicious. It's enough!

Brother and sister of Liang family, "..." didn't they come to Huoyan forest to experience and find cultivation resources? How did it turn into looking for food?

Cheng xiner, "..." many people in Zhuang County said that Master Lu has a personality. She didn't believe it before, but now she believes it 100%.