"Is it your Highness the second prince who put the guiding grass?" Liang Zongxing looked a little ugly.

"Basically sure."

Lu Zi said again, "if you think you need to be cautious and don't want to wrong the second prince, you can lead the snake out of the cave."

Liang Zongxing didn't speak, but looked at Duan Muheng, obviously letting him decide for himself.

After all, the second prince is always duanmuheng's brother, and his relationship is OK at ordinary times.

Duanmu Heng was silent for a moment and finally made a decision, "I believe Jia'er, but what he just said is not enough.

The father will not believe it without conclusive evidence. "

The main reason is that his simple and honest image of brother Erwang is too deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. It is difficult to be believed before there is conclusive evidence.

Liang Zongxing nodded in agreement, "yes, and we don't know how far the second prince's power has developed.

I'm afraid it's inappropriate to rush to scare the snake. "

"Lead the snake out of the cave. I suggest the soldiers divide into two ways." Mu Tianyan suddenly said.

People's eyes were immediately attracted by him, waiting for his next words.

"On the surface, my uncle doesn't go to the imperial city for an excuse. In fact, he goes alone and secretly to explore the situation. If he finds something wrong, he can save people first."

The person Mu Tianyan wants to save is undoubtedly Liang Wenmei, who is imprisoned in the cold palace, that is, duanmuheng's mother imperial concubine Xian imperial concubine.

"The rest walked with the second prince.

If the second prince is really ambitious, he will find a way to get rid of the fourth prince. The key is whether to get rid of him on the way or not after returning to the imperial city.

Once the uncle confirms the safety of the virtuous imperial concubine, we can boldly test the second prince.

If he really has ambitions for that son, he will certainly do something. "

Hearing the speech, the people present nodded one after another. Obviously, they all agreed with Mu Tianyan's method.

Lu Zijia smiled Mimi and gave his man a thumbs up. What he said today is half more than yesterday!

After discussion, Lu Zijia took out a lot of pills, Fu Lu and other things to Liang Zongxing, which could help him speed up his arrival at the imperial city.

The third day was the day when duanmuge agreed to leave for the imperial city.

As Lu Zijia and others expected, duanmuge didn't see Liang Zongxing and asked why Liang Zongxing didn't go to the imperial city.

"My father has not been promoted to the golden elixir for a long time, and his cultivation has not been stable, so let me go to the imperial city with my brother on his behalf. I hope the second prince will understand."

Liang yingyue stepped forward and said to Duanmu Ge.

Duanmu Ge looked at Duanmu Heng when he heard the speech. Seeing Duanmu Heng nodded normally, he smiled and said, "Miss Liang is worried too much.

As fellow practitioners, I naturally know how important it is for practitioners to consolidate their accomplishments.

If my father knew, he would understand. "

Duanmuge said so, but he left a doubt in his heart.

Just because Liang Zongxing's closing time was too coincidental.

However, for the reason of consolidating cultivation, he could not catch the wrong place.

So duanmuge went to the imperial city with Lu Zijia and others with a doubt.

It was calm all the way.

Until half a month later.

Duanmuge took advantage of the time to stop and rest, found an excuse to leave, and quietly came to the secret forest.

"What's up?"

Duanmuge frowned and looked at the escort Wang Jiu who also quietly left the team and met with him.

Aware of duanmuge's obvious displeasure, Wang Jiu quickly announced, "Your Highness, there is a message from the imperial city. The king is dying. Let you go back quickly."